The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 171: Xu Xianlin's functional strain (middle)

Cao Bao sent his troops out of the city and chased after Xu Zhongbu.

On the way to Liangcheng and Siwu, the scout in front came to report: Xu Zhong's troops have been discovered.

Although he said that he would compete with Xun Jun again, after all, Cao Bao was still quite cautious in his heart despite the new defeat. Hearing that Xu Zhongbu was right in front, he ordered the Xiapi soldiers assigned to him by Zherong to go first, bring his own troops and horses to follow, and ordered the department to prepare for the battle.

After walking for seven or eight miles, I saw the Xun army's position in the distance.

Although Xu Zhong used a trick to transfer Cao Bao out of the city, if he wanted to win, he still had to fight a battle with real swords and guns.

However, in the case of siege, the advantage lies with Cao Bao and others; in the field of battle, the advantage is on his side.

There are two advantages in the field, one is that Xu Zhong's generals are like clouds, and the other is that the choice of the battlefield can be decided by Xu Zhong.

The battlefield that Xu Zhong chose was flat and the area was open. Xu Zhong used Liu Bei's department as his left wing, Liu Deng's department as his right wing, and Jiang Hu's department as the rear of the palace, with his own troupe living among them.

Cao Bao stopped his army from a distance, and looked at Xu Zhong's formation. After watching for a long time, he ordered the cavalry and the selected five hundred fine armors to be on alert to prevent Xu Zhong from sending troops to attack.

Xu Zhongbu's formation is well-defined and can be attacked and defended. Cao Baobu's formation is purely defensive.

He did not divide too many positional areas, and arranged an outer circle and inner circle.

The front, back, left and right sides of the formation are all equipped with heavy armor in the front, spears and short soldiers in the back.

In the center of the formation were the bowmen and the reserve team he personally led.

When Cao Bao was setting up the formation, Xu Zhong sent a ranger to harass him, but was intercepted by Cao Bao's cavalry who had prepared in advance, and shot each other for a while. Although it did not play a role in harassment, he saw Cao Bao's strength and formation situation clearly, and reported to Xu Zhong: he looked at Cao's army of about 4,000, and the formation he had set up was dedicated to defending without attacking.

Xun You smiled and said, "Tanxian must be saved. Although Cao Bao sent his troops out, he just wanted to drag me here."

Le Jin smiled and said, "Since he has left the city, don't even think about going back!" He said to Xu Zhong, "Cao's army is clear, so the general can take advantage of the fact that his formation is not yet ready to attack him."

Xu Zhong said: "This is my intention." Seeing that Cao Bao's formation on the right was a little slower, he conveyed an order, ordering the 300 cavalry with the army to attack first, and after entangling the opponent's cavalry, Liu Bei on the left flank was ordered to attack.

Guan Yu had already returned to Liu Bei's army, and he was ordered to lead his army to strike first.

Cao Bao's cavalry had already been entangled by Xu Zhong's, and at this time only the five hundred armored soldiers, and the arrows and crossbows shot out of the formation, could come up. Guan Yu and the others faced the rain of arrows, rushed forward, and collided with the five hundred soldiers.

Judging from Xu Zhong's position, there are two armies of soldiers fighting against each other on the battlefield where the war has already started: one is the cavalry of the enemy and the other, either swimming and shooting at places that deviate from the main formation of the infantry on both sides, or galloping and attacking each other. A cloud of dust kicked up and the ground shook. One is Guan Yu's army and the enemy's five hundred soldiers shouting and fighting not far from the enemy's right front, without giving way to each other.

Liu Bei took the rest of his troops behind Guan Yu's troops, observed the battle, and waited for a fighter jet.

Not long after, the five hundred soldiers of the enemy were impelled by Guan Yu.

Knowing that the fighter plane had arrived, Liu Bei issued a military order and personally led the rest of the troops to join the battle. With his new force joining in, the enemy's five hundred fine armor could no longer resist, and they were defeated and fled. Guan Yu and Liu Bei joined forces and attacked the formation on the enemy's right.


Xu Zhong was in the formation.

Liu Deng watched the cavalry charge and Liu Bei's troops fight against the enemy.

Xu Zhong didn't allow it, keeping his eyes on the battle in front of him, and simply replied, "Wait."


Cao Bao's formation.

Although the five hundred soldiers bought some time for the formation of the formation on the right, when Guan Yu and Liu Bei arrived, the formation on the right had not been completely completed.

The officers who followed Cao Bao said: "The right formation is unstable. If the enemy is defeated, our army will be in danger! Please order the general, and I will lead the troops to help."

Cao Bao did not pay close attention to the battle situation, but focused most of his attention on Xu Zhong's main formation, and replied, "Xu Junqing's main force has not been moved, you can't rush to fight."

"But you can't watch the right formation be broken!"

Cao Bao glanced at the right formation and said, "Send a group of troops and horses to support. Military order: Those who retreated march!" He looked at the battlefield of the cavalry, and Xu Zhong's cavalry number was smaller than his, so he ordered again, "Play the drums, send orders to the cavalry, destroy the enemy cavalry as soon as possible, and return to the right formation."

After giving this order, he was suspicious: "In the battle outside the city, Zhang Fei's cavalry was nearly 1,000, but now there are only 300 enemy cavalry, where are the remaining enemy cavalry?"


Although Cao Bao's drums were loud, and the military orders were passed to the cavalry, Xu Zhong's cavalry was slightly smaller, but the fighting strength was strong, still fighting endlessly, unable to escape and help the right formation.

However, Liu Bei and Guan Yu became more and more brave as they fought, and they had broken through the heavily armored and shielded formation of Cao Jun's right front, and began to confront the spears and short soldiers behind. A group of soldiers sent by Cao Bao to support joined the battlefield in time, barely blocking Liu Guan's violent attack.


Xu Zhong was in the formation.

Liu Deng sent people to fight again.

Xun You smiled and said, "The enemy's right formation is in danger, so we can send Liu Deng to attack!"

Xu Zhong nodded and ordered Liu Deng to attack.

Liu Deng was overjoyed, carrying a short halberd and holding an iron spear, and ordered his guards to hold high his flag of "Shooting Thieves Colonel", and led his troops out, like a tiger going down the mountain and heading straight for the enemy's left formation.


Seeing Liu Deng fighting, Cao Baodun raised his heart, and issued a military order in a series of voices: "Let Zuo Zhensheng and Second Colonel Wang be sure to guard it. If Liu Deng can't be blocked, I will kill it with my own hands!"

There are many Xiapi soldiers and Xuzhou soldiers in the right, while the left formation is mainly composed of Danyang soldiers. In Cao Bao's view, the formation of the left formation is basically ready, and the soldiers in the formation are mostly capable. The Danyang soldiers in the battle, logically speaking, should be able to defend better than the right formation no matter what.

The result was beyond his expectations.

Seeing that Liu Deng's department rushed to the front of the left formation, and only charged twice, there was a commotion in the left formation.

Cao Bao was furious, causing him to rush to supervise the battle.

However, supervising the battle didn't work either. Liu Deng once again led his troops to charge, and he actually opened a crack in the left formation. Although it is just a "crack", on the battlefield, this "crack" is fatal.

Cao Bao originally wanted to wait for Xu Zhong's main formation to move, and then he sent the reserve team to block it, but he couldn't sit still. Go to the left team to see why Liu Deng was impulsive.

Soon, the people who went to the left formation galloped back, their faces pale, and said in awe: "As soon as Fang confronted, Liu Deng killed Wang Xiaowei!"

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