The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 167: The whole camp embraces Zhang Yide (Part 1)

Zhao Yun originally wanted to "move the tiger out of the mountain", destroy the defenders outside the city, and then make a siege plan, but because of Zhang Kai's arrogance, he won the prime minister in one fell swoop. The Xiaxiang gained, and they cleared the obstacles for Xu Zhongbu to attack Xiapi County from the north. Although there is still a Shu River between Xiaxiang and Xiapi counties, but compared with Huai River and Si River, the Shu River is not wide and the water is not turbulent. , it's a good ride.

After defeating the prime minister, Zhao Yun arranged the city defenses to prepare for the counterattack of the enemy reinforcements, while calming the city and preventing chaos in the county. At the same time, Zhao Yun sent people south to report the victory to Xu Zhong. Although Zhao Yun's troops and horses are now semi-independent, they are controlled by Xu Zhong, so he did not directly report the victory to Xun Zhen in Guangling, but to Xu Zhong. After all, Zhao Yun is familiar with the history of scriptures, and he is a person who observes the etiquette of superiors and inferiors.

Xu Zhong was besieging Xiaqiu when Zhao Yun's letter of victory arrived.

A lot of the Cheng army who guarded Huaibei earlier fled into Xiaqiu City, and some Huailing defenders also fled to this county. In addition, Xiaqiu's original defenders, at this time, the city was not strong and strong, but there were also many soldiers. There are many soldiers and horses, and because they are under a losing streak, the defenders are very cautious. They not only attack the city, but never go out of the city to fight. However, although it is not easy to attack, Xu Zhong is the main force, but he is not impatient or impatient, and the ants will attack.

After receiving the good news from Zhao Yun, Xu Zhong, who was on the watchtower in the camp, retracted his attention to the battle of the siege ahead.

Le Jin was quite pleasantly surprised and said, "Have you already made your next appearance? Zilong doesn't have a lot of troops. He thought it would take some time for him to capture the lower appearance, but now it seems that I was the one who fell behind him instead. It's over." With a worried look on his face, he said again, "It's less than a hundred miles away from Xiapi County, and it controls the Sishui Ferry. Now it's Zilong's attack, and Zherong will send troops to counterattack. Zilong's troops are few, and I'll take my share. Soldiers to help."

Xun You agreed and said, "Exactly."

Xu Zhong also agreed, he looked at the battle scene of the siege again, and said thoughtfully: "But who should be sent to help?"

Xun You thought about it for a while, and he had already won someone, and smiled: "The attack on Xiaqiu is purely a matter of infantry. I heard that Zhang Sima has long been impatient, so why not send him to help? , and it's fast."

Zhang Sima is Zhang Fei.

He is now Xin Ai's deputy in Xun Zhen's cavalry unit, the "Army Sima", because Xun You called him "Zhang Sima".

Xu Zhong thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Sishui Ferry is already in Zilong's hands. Although Yide's troops are all cavalry, crossing Si will be fine. Okay, I will send him to help." .

Zhang Fei was doing nothing in the headquarters camp. He was climbing up to a high place and watching the scene of the infantry attacking the city. He felt itchy on his hands. He wished he could also participate in the battle. Horses were not allowed in the camp, so he walked to meet Xu Zhong.

Seeing Zhang Fei coming, Xu Zhong motioned for him to go upstairs, first show him the news of Zhao Yun's victory, and then said to him: "Zhao Zhongjun has taken down the prime minister, I am concerned that he has few troops, so I intend to send you to lead his troops to the lower prime minister. Reinforcement, what do you think?"

Zhang Fei was overjoyed, and said with his palms: "Since entering the realm of Xiapi, I haven't had a battle yet. Watching all the elites, Fei's thirst has been fighting for a long time! The general is relieved. The heroic soldiers cross Si and arrive!"

Although Zhang Fei was a warrior, not from a noble family, he was fond of scholars, and he read a lot of books when he was young, so when he answered, his words were quite literary.

Xu Zhong glanced at him and said, "Where did you 'haven't fought a battle'?"

Although Zhang Fei has never been used as the main force to attack the enemy, his cavalry units have also participated in many battles, either driving away enemy cavalry, enemy scouts, or chasing the dead and chasing the north, with little success.

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "How can those little fights be considered 'war'?"

This is true. To put it into perspective, even Zhang Fei's Qu Jun Hou Chen has participated in a certain scale of battle, but Zhang Fei has indeed never fought a good battle.

Xu Zhong said in a deep voice: "Xiaxiang is close to Xiapi County, and it controls the Sishui Ferry. I expect that Zherong will send troops to counterattack. You go to Xiaxiang, and Zhao Zhongjun is the main force. You can't make your own decisions."

Zhang Fei responded with awe: "No!"

"You're ready, and leave the camp tomorrow."

It was already afternoon. When Zhang Fei was ready, it would be evening if soon, and it would be night at night, so he could only leave tomorrow.

Zhang Fei suppressed the joy in his heart and responded loudly: "Yes!"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was trying to suppress himself, but with a face full of joy that could not help but turn around and left, went down to the watchtower, and returned to the headquarters, Xun You smiled and said: "This Zhang Yide is happy to hear the battle... The cavalry army Sima is the right person."

As the commander of the cavalry unit, the first one is to dare to charge into battle. Zhang Fei "rejoices when he hears the battle" and is indeed suitable for this position.

Zhang Fei made preparations that day, but before dawn the next day, he led his troops out of the camp and left.

The troops of Xun's army, besieging the city, defending the city, or rushing to aid, were all in a tense state of war, and the troops of Tao Qian and Zhe Rong were not idle either.

The second batch of reinforcements sent by Tao Qian, led by Cao Bao, left the prefecture and went northwest to the territory of Xiapi. On the same day, they arrived at Liangcheng County, which is the northernmost county in Xiapi, which is close to the East China Sea. County borders. As soon as he reached the county boundary, Cao Bao received an urgent military message: the lower minister was captured by Zhao Yun, and Zhang Kai fled into Xiapi County.

Cao Bao and Zhang Kai are both natives of Tao Qian, and they are both generals of the Danyang Army today, so although the backgrounds of the two are different, Zhang Kai is from a light chivalrous person, while Cao Bao is from a local tyrant. Friendship is good.

Friendship is friendship, military situation is military situation.

At this time, seeing in the military article that "Xiaxiang was captured by the cloud, Captain Zhang will return to Xiapi", he could not help frowning, and said to the left and right: "What did Captain Zhang do, with four thousand troops, and the fortified city as the fortress? Defend, but was defeated by Zhao Yun in just one battle, so that the lower prime minister fell!"

Cao Bao and Zhang Kai were both senior generals in the Danyang army, and they knew that the two of them usually had a good relationship, so it was hard to say much about them.

Someone said: "The loss of Huailing and Xuxian is due to internal chaos. Maybe the lower minister is also lost because of this?"

The military newspaper only said the result of the fall of Xiaxiangcheng, but not the process, so this person has this guess.

It's good that this man didn't say so. When he heard him say so, Cao Bao became more dissatisfied, and threw the military report to the people next to him, saying: "Ze Rong is really useless! He worships Buddha, and I also go to Fang Bo. Exaggeration, but it is useless! It caused the resentment of the people in Xiapi County, the anger of the nobles, the clothes and the clothes, and the four cities were lost one after another as soon as the battle started, ... No, without adding the inferior minister, it is already five cities!"

"Five Cities", there is one lower minister, Huailing and Xuxian are two, plus Huaipu and Huaiyin captured by Xun Cheng's troops, they are the five cities.

The left and right said cautiously: "Zhe Xiang has gained Fang Bo's cronies. Although he worships Buddhism, he is better than being able to urge food. Fang Bo does not punish him, but it is understandable."

Cao Bao said fiercely: "I heard that there are hundreds of Buddha disciples in Zherong's mansion. When I arrive in Xiapi County, I will kill them all! The people are angry."

The left and right did not dare to reply, but they also knew that this was just an angry remark from Cao Bao. If he really dared to do this, Zhe Rong had to fight him desperately, and then there would be no need to fight the battle in Xiapi, and he handed it over to Xun Zhen. That is.

After a while, when Cao Bao's anger subsided, one of the left and right said: "General, UU Kanshu Xiaxiang is both in Xiapi County and Tan County, and now it is lost, it is related to the overall situation, it is impossible to do so. Ignore it. The following officials have a bad opinion, the general should take advantage of the opportunity that the lower minister has lost and Zhao Yuncheng's defense has not been solidified, and immediately send troops to counterattack the lower minister."

When it comes to military issues, Cao Bao suppressed his dissatisfaction with Zangrong, thought about it carefully, nodded and said: "Xiapi County is close to Xiapi County, it doesn't matter, the key is that it is not far from Tan County, and it is controlled by The ferry in Sishui, if this place is lost, the East China Sea is unstable. I should relieve Fang Bo's worries." After thinking about it, he said, "Order the whole army to change to the lower phase!"

After Liangcheng County, it was Xiapi County, but he didn't even go to Xiapi County. It has to be said that he is indeed a person who can make decisions, and it is no wonder that Tao Qian used him as the main general of the Danyang Army.

Cao Bao issued the military order, and said again: "Trust Xiapi County, and ask Zhe Rong to also send troops out of the city, and attack Xiaxiang with me."

Cao Bao's headquarters already had 2,000 troops from Danyang and 2,000 troops from Xuzhou, totaling 4,000. Let Zhe Rong also send troops, but they wanted to take advantage of Zhao Yun's unsettled defense, and use the momentum of Mount Tai to suppress the eggs to retake the lower prime minister in one fell swoop. .

The left and right agreed to the promise, and the official wrote the letter, and sent someone to Xiapi.

Cao Bao then turned his troops around and headed northeast.

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