The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 165: Changshan Zhongjun is really suave (below)

Before noon, the army had a meal, and after eating, let the troops digest their food. After noon, Zhao Yun passed a military order and ordered Huang Qian to lead his troops out of the camp.

Because it was to lure the enemy, Huang Qian went out of the camp without any cover, with a clear-cut stand, and made a lot of noise.

Soon, the city defender Zhang Kai received a military report.

"The Xun army split up and went to the Sishui ferry?"


"How many people are there?"

"It's about a thousand people up and down."

When Huang Qian left the camp, he not only made a loud noise, but also made a camouflage to lengthen the length of the normal march of the troops, and brought some civilians, so he misled the scouts in the city and made them think there were thousands of people.

Zhang Kai told the scout to step back, and said to the officers in the hall, "This Zhao Yun actually came to attack the Sishui Ferry!"

One of the officers said, "Yesterday, I went to the city from the commander to watch Xunbing's army, and saw that Zhao Yun's troops were at most 3,000 people. Excluding the civilians who transported military provisions and military supplies, the number of soldiers who could fight should be more than 2,000. With his 2,000 people, it would be difficult to take down the city of Xiaxiang, and he could only come here to capture the Sishui Ferry."

Another officer said: "The ferry must not be lost. Zhao Yun has already sent troops to attack the Sishui ferry, so the commander, our department should help him quickly."

Zhang Kai was not in a hurry, he closed his eyes, thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said, "The Sishui Ferry is sure to help, but how to help, you have to plan carefully."

"What does the captain mean?"

"Just think about it: After I send troops and horses to aid the Sishui Ferry, what will Zhao Yun do?"

"What else can he do? It's nothing more than sending troops to intercept."

"Exactly. The total of about 3,000 soldiers Zhao Yun brought, even if there are only more than 2,000 soldiers among them, he now has at least 1,000 soldiers in the battalion. Yu Zhan **** must be prepared to intercept my reinforcements."

"...So what? Although he has left more than a thousand soldiers in the camp, the number of soldiers and horses in and outside the city is far greater than his, so I can send troops to intercept him."

"That's what I call 'well-planned'."

"What does the captain mean?"

Zhang Kai said viciously: "I mean: we might as well take this opportunity to complete our efforts and destroy Zhao Yun!"

"How to knock it out?"

"Send reinforcements to the ferry port, wait for the rest of Zhao Yun's troops to leave the camp to intercept, and then start the main force, destroy the rest first, and then work together with the ferry port defenders and the reinforcements to annihilate the Xun army that attacked the ferry port. Lose."

After hearing Zhang Kai's words, the officers all thought carefully.

Zhang Kai's intention was very clear: he wanted to take advantage of Zhao Yun's opportunity to divide his troops, concentrate his superior forces, first destroy the part of Zhao Yun that remained in the battalion, and then destroy the part that attacked the Sishui Ferry, thus winning.

After the officers considered it, some agreed and some opposed.

Approvingly, he said, "Zhao Yun's troops are less than mine, and he is facing my strong city, but he divides his troops. This is a big taboo for the military family! The commander wants to take the opportunity to destroy this enemy, this is a high policy!"

The opponent said: "I have a strong city to rely on, why do I have to use my army to fight against Zhao Yun? Victory is a joy, but if it is defeated? The city is difficult to protect."

Zhang Kai said: "Even if it is unfavorable for a while, our army can return to the city. What's the worry of 'the city cannot be protected'?"

The fall of Huailing and Xuxian, as Xu Zhong said, was partly due to the merits of Xun’s soldiers and partly due to the internal response of Que Xuan. ——That is, Que Xuan’s influence has reached here, and the layout has internal response. After Zhang Kai learned that Huailing and Xu County had fallen, he had already imposed martial law on the city, not only replacing the soldiers guarding important areas with Danyang The soldiers were defended by his cronies, and all the powerful and powerful surnames in the city were closely monitored, so he had no worries about whether there would be civil strife in the city after his main force left the city.

Since there is no inner worry, even if the main force leaves the city, the city will not be lost because of it.

Therefore, the officers thought about it carefully, and felt that what Zhang Kai said was true. Anyway, the city was in their hands, so even if the field battle was unfavorable, they could completely return to the city and then rely on the city to defend.

Now there is only one question to consider: is it worth it.

As the opponents said: They have a strong city to rely on, Zhao Yun goes to the ferry, they send troops to rescue the ferry, why must they do their best to fight against Zhao Yun?

Zhang Kai said: "Xun's army has been in a row since its entry, and has won the half-county of Pi. Now our army urgently needs a victory to boost morale. Now Zhao Yun is in a coma, and he gave me this opportunity to wait. Why can't I wait? Catch it? If this battle is won, the reputation of the monarchs will be greatly displayed, and the gift of Fang Bo will also be rich! I heard it, 'Heaven and Futiao, but take the blame'. Gentlemen, what else is there doubt?"

Zhang Kai and Tao Qian are from the village, and they are both light chivalrous locals and have some reputations for bravery, so they are used by Tao Qian. Today, although he has assumed the post of commander of more than two thousand stones, he still retains his chivalrous spirit. Qingxia and most scholars have one thing in common, and that is "good name". Seeing that he has a good opportunity to become famous and can get a lot of rewards for it, how can Zhang Kai hold back?

When the officers heard his words, most of them were heartbroken, and they all said, "Just as the commander said!"

Zhang Kai immediately assigned people and tasks, but sent thousands of people from the city to aid the Sishui Ferry.

Some officers were puzzled and asked: "Why don't you transfer troops from outside the city, but instead transfer troops from the city?"

Zhang Kai smiled and said: "This is called 'surprise'. Zhao Yun camped in the east of the city and approached our army's barracks outside the city. I expected that this must be because he thought I would transfer troops outside the city to help the ferry, but I was partial to the inner city. The soldiers will come to help, and leave the city from the west of the city, so that he can't stop him!"

The place where Zhao Yun built his camp was not too far from the garrison barracks outside the city, but it was quite far from the west of the city. That is to say, if troops from outside the city were dispatched to help, the rest of Zhao Yun's camp would be able to intercept it soon, but If the soldiers in the city were dispatched to send aid from the west of the city, the rest of Zhao Yun's camp would have to chase a certain distance, so that they could buy a certain amount of time for the reinforcements, and make the advantage favor Zhang Kai's side.

Everyone said: "See you at the captain!"

After dispatching troops and horses to aid the ferry, Zhang Kai sent an order to the barracks outside the city: As soon as the rest of Zhao Yun's troops in Xun's barracks left the camp, they would intercept them.

After handing down these two military orders, Zhang Kai ordered a few more officers and said, "There are still more than 1,000 troops in Zhao Yun's camp, and only the 800 people outside the camp will be invincible. I also went out of the city to intercept the rest of Zhao Yun. I will watch your battle from the front of the city!"

The officers who were ordered responded: "No!"

When the assignment was completed, the officers who were ordered to aid the ferry immediately returned to the camp, mobilized their troops, and went out of the city to rush to the ferry. The rest of the officers who received the order also returned to their respective camps, deployed and mobilized, and only waited for the rest of Zhao Yun's camp to move before they went out of the city to attack.


Zhao Yun's camp.

It was reported that Zhang Kai did not dispatch troops from the camp outside the city, but instead dispatched a part of the defenders in the city to leave the city from the west gate of the city to assist the Sishui Ferry. Zhao Yun laughed and said, "Although Zhang Kai has no plans, he also Xiaoji also. He did not adjust the soldiers outside the city, but the soldiers inside the city. This must be because he knew that I would definitely intercept his reinforcements, and he was afraid that his soldiers outside the city would be intercepted by our army as soon as they left the camp, so he did this. "

Yan Meng asked: "Since he has not transferred soldiers from outside the city, what should our army do next?"

In this battle, Zhao Yun's goal was to pretend to attack the ferry, transfer the defenders outside the city out of the camp, and then destroy them.

Now, instead of mobilizing soldiers from outside the city, one of the soldiers and horses in the city has been mobilized. Next, should we continue to fight, or not?

Zhao Yun thought for a moment and said, "Although Zhang Kai did not send troops from outside the city to help, but as long as you leave the camp to intercept his reinforcements, I expect that his troops outside the city will not be able to sit still and will still come out. In order to intercept you and others in turn, no matter whether he adjusts the soldiers outside the city or not, the result is the same, but the time for his soldiers outside the city to leave the camp is a little different in the morning and evening. … Yan Junhou, He Sima , you two can lead the troops out of the camp!"

Yan Meng and He Yi received the order and immediately returned to their headquarters, took their soldiers, plus the soldiers and cavalry that Zhao Yun had assigned to them, and quickly left the camp, bypassing the south of the city, and hurried towards the ferry port, chasing the enemy reinforcements who had already left the city and went to the ferry port.


After receiving the military report, Zhang Kai stopped reading it and asked it to be passed to the left and right.

He smiled and said to the left and right: "Wait, wait and see, how? As I expected, Zhao Yun's soldiers in the camp were to intercept my reinforcements. Since the rest of the troops he stayed in the camp have already been dispatched, he can order outside the city. The sergeant is out of the camp, and the sergeant in the city can also attack it!"

"Although the rest of Zhao Yun will leave the camp, he will not leave the camp empty. There will definitely be people and horses left in his camp. Commander, we need to guard against his tricks."

"He just ordered a few troops. There were a thousand people going to the ferry, and at this time, there were a thousand people who went to intercept my reinforcements. At most, there are only a few hundred people left in his battalion. If there are two or three hundred people, what kind of waves can a mere hundreds of people make? Besides, you didn't see the military newspaper saying that the Xun army who went to intercept our reinforcements fought with the flag of the 'Zhongjun Lieutenant', the flag of Zhao Yun. Also. Even he has left the camp himself, not to mention that there are only a few hundred people in his camp, but there are still thousands of people, and there is no leader in command, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Both the left and right officers said, "Yes."

Soon, the military order came, and the defenders outside the city left the camp. At the same time, several soldiers from the city who had received the order earlier also opened the east gate. The two troops converged and chased Yan Meng and He Yi.

When it was reported that the defenders outside the city had left the camp, Zhao Yun ordered the drums of battle, and led the remaining 500 elite soldiers out of the camp, blocking the enemy's approach.

Zhang Kai climbed to the top of the city and watched the battle in person.


When Zhao Yun led his troops out of the camp, Huang Qian had already arrived at the Sishui ferry. The guards at the ferry had heard Zhang Kai's warning last night and had been on alert, so they responded quickly. Before Huang Qian's troops approached, they had already set up a defensive position. .

Although the ferry defenders had set up their defenses ahead of time, Huang Qian didn't care, because he didn't come to capture the ferry.

Therefore, he ignored the guards at the ferry at all, and stopped a few miles away from the ferry.

He ordered his troops to be divided into two groups, one facing the ferry and set up on the defensive, and the other facing the opposite side of the ferry and also set up the defensive, each with two hundred people. He brought his own 100 people in the middle, for this two teams of reserve teams.

The ferry guards didn't know what he was doing for a while, so they didn't attack rashly.

Just when the formation was being formed, the reinforcements from the Lower Xiangcheng had already arrived.

——Sishui Ferry is in the northwest direction of Xiaxiang County. This support army came out from the west gate of Xiaxiang City, which is relatively close to the ferry. Therefore, although they left behind, they arrived shortly after Huangqian arrived at the ferry.

This was somewhat beyond Huang Qian's expectations.

He looked up and saw that the main force of the enemy's reinforcements was still far away from the formation, but the cavalry in front was already approaching.

He looked closely and estimated that the main force of the enemy reinforcements was about a thousand people. Looking at the enemy cavalry that came to attack, there were only seventeen or eighteen cavalry. Although the number was small, they were aggressive.

Huang Qian knew in his heart that this must be the fact that the leader of the reinforcements found out that he was setting up the formation, so he sent the cavalry in the army to disturb him first, in order to delay or even prevent his formation.

Huang Qianmo counted the speed of these seventeen or eight riders, and found that when they rushed to the front of his formation, his formation could not be formed.

The infantry against the cavalry depends entirely on the formation. If the formation fails, they will really be disturbed by the seventeen or eighteen cavalry generals, and the main force of the enemy reinforcements follows the enemy cavalry. At that time, needless to say, the defenders of the Sishui Ferry at the back will definitely come out to attack when they see the advantage. In this way, the battle below will be impossible to fight, and there will be no doubt that they will lose.

Huang Qian said in his heart: "Thousands of enemy reinforcements, 500 defenders at Sishui Ferry, and only 500 of our troops. We are only outnumbered to attack the crowd. We must not let the enemy cavalry storm our troops." Officer, "Hurry up and set up the formation!" The squatters in the command department opened the crossbow, prepared the crossbow to shoot, and ordered the archers to prepare to shoot, and finally ordered more than 20 elite soldiers to go out with themselves, intercepting and riding.

More than 20 elite soldiers, all heavy armored warriors, holding large shields and iron spears, were divided into two rows and lined up in front of the main formation being formed, like a thick wall. Huang Qian picked up the iron spear and stood at the front of this small formation, keeping an eye on the horsemen, ready to meet the enemy's counterattack if the crossbow missed.

Soon, the enemy horses reached the range of the strong crossbow.

The large crossbows in the array were pulled one after another, and the thick arrows roared out.

Immediately, the archers began to shoot.

In the state of high-speed movement of enemy cavalry, due to the small number and not a dense charge formation, the shooting accuracy of the crossbow and arrows is not high. When the enemy cavalry approached, only seven or eight enemy cavalry were shot down. The remaining ten or so enemy cavalry.

Crossbows and arrows need time to shoot again, and the enemy is close.

Huang Qian ordered the heavily-armored soldiers behind him to raise their shields to meet the enemy, but he himself did not stand on the spot, but speared out, aiming at the cavalry that rushed forward, sideways dodging the oncoming force of the cavalry, and the iron spear in his hand thrust out. , in the middle of the right side neck of the enemy's horse under the crotch, pierced deeply into it, the war horse was injured, neighed, and took a few steps forward with an iron spear, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Huang Qian rubbed his body and threw himself on it, the ring-headed sword already in his hand, jumped over the body of the warhorse that fell to the ground, and threw himself on the body of the enemy cavalry.

Hearing the horse's hooves abruptly, Huang Qian looked at it, and saw that two enemy cavalry were galloping past him from the left and right. ——It’s not that the two enemy cavalry didn’t see Huang Qian kill their comrades, but the horses were too fast to kill Huang Qian, so they galloped over.

The two enemy cavalry did not have time to kill Huang Qian, but the cavalry behind them had time to adjust the speed and direction of their horses. Suddenly, the two cavalry left the route they were running into and turned to kill Huang Qian.

One of the horses was a little faster, and Huang Qian just stood up when he ran to the front. At the critical moment, Huang Qian dodged, dropped the ring knife in his hand, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the spear shaft. The enemy cavalry didn't expect Huang Qian to make this move, so he simply used the rushing force of the steed to snort, trying to provoke Huang Qian.

The impact of the galloping horse was great, and the enemy cavalry provoked it upwards with great force. Huang Qian couldn't stand firm, and could not help staggering back with the horse's whereabouts. Thanks to his long body, plus the armor, his own weight Not small, the enemy cavalry was unable to provoke him. After the strength was eased, he felt that the strength of the enemy cavalry from the spear shaft was getting smaller. Seizing the gap, Huang Qian shouted, and stepped on the ground with both feet. With the help of his waist strength, his arms exerted strength. Instead, he picked up the enemy cavalry from his horse.

The enemy rode off the horse and landed.

With a "bang", Huang Qian also fell to the ground on his back, but it was because the war horse was castrated too much. No matter how brave Huang Qian was, he couldn't compare to the power of the war horse. He was eventually brought down by the war horse. Waist pain, legs like broken.

At this moment, Huang Qian knew that he must not fall to the ground, or he would die, so he endured the pain, supported the ground with his hands, and stood up from the ground. Will you give him this chance? Immediately jumped over. At this time, Huang Qian had no weapons in his hands, he pressed on the enemy's cavalry, reached out his hand, pulled his pockets down, and smashed him in the face. Points, only smashed twice, the blood shot, the enemy cavalry stopped moving.

The smoke and dust were rolling, but another enemy rode over.

At this time, Huang Qian had no weapons in his hands, and his whole body was in severe pain. He could no longer fight, but he was barely able to stand up. He couldn't stand up straight. Come!" He threw the bag in his hand vigorously. Seeing that the enemy cavalry fell down immediately, Huang Qian was startled, looking at it, it turned out that the enemy cavalry was shot by the crossbow arrow in the formation.

Huang Qian greeted the cavalry with steps and killed two cavalry in a row.

Compared to Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and other tens of thousands of enemies, this record is nothing, but for ordinary military officials, it is extraordinary. Whether it was the twenty or so heavily-armored warriors, or the five hundred soldiers in the formation, they were all in high spirits for a while. Even if the enemy cavalry arrived, the heavily-armored warriors would not retreat, and the troops in the formation would not be in chaos. The shield and spear were raised together, and the crossbow/bow was fired again, just blocking the enemy's attack and repelling it.

The heavy armored warrior rushed to Huang Qian's place and rescued him back into the formation before the main force of the enemy reinforcements arrived.

There are disciples of Fan A in the ministry, and they are the military doctors, busy treating Huang Qian's injuries.

Huang Qian pushed it away, observed the main formation, saw that the formation was completed, and looked towards the ferry port. Seeing that the guards at the ferry port had not yet come out, he was relieved and said to the left and right: "Military order: Fight to the death, those who retreat, cut!"

First, Huang Qian recklessly boosted morale, and then there was a strict order to fight to the death without retreating. These five hundred soldiers are now facing thousands of enemies, not to mention two-front operations to deal with about 1,500 enemies. , even if it is surrounded, it is enough to fight.


When Huang Qian stabilized his position and faced the enemy on both sides, Zhao Yun led his troops to block the enemy outside the city and the enemy outside the city that were chasing Yan Meng and He Yi.

The enemy army outside the city was about 800 people, and the enemy outside the city was about 1,000 people, totaling about 1,800 people, of which 200 of the enemy army outside the city were cavalry.

With five hundred people blocking more than a thousand people, Huang Qian is not afraid, what about Zhao Yun?

He slowly ordered: "Raise my flag."


Seeing that Xun's army outside the city was also standing in an obstructive line, a flag of "Zhongjun Lieutenant" was also raised. Some people around Zhang Kai were surprised and said, "There is also Zhao Yun's flag there?"

Zhang Kai smiled and said, "That's why we set up an array of suspicions. Watching the crowd, there are no more than 500 people, even if the general flag of Xun Guangling is raised, it will not be able to stop our army's offensive." Hurry up and destroy this Xun army, and then go and destroy the main force of the two Xun army!" - "The main force of the two Xun army" naturally refers to Huang Qian, Yan Meng, and He Yi.

The left and right should promise, and someone will wave the flag and give orders.


When Zhang Kai's order arrived, the enemy troops outside the city immediately sped up their actions.

At first, they attacked tentatively, and separated hundreds of infantry, cooperated with more than 100 cavalry, and attacked Zhao Yun's formation.

Zhao Yun's military title is "Zhongjun Lieutenant", what is "Zhongjun", the position of the commander, who can be selected into the Chinese army are the elites of the elite, compared to Huang Qian and He Yi's Yellow Turbans. , Compared with most of Xu Zhong's subordinates, Zhao Yun's troops and horses are superior in combat, and can be compared with Zhao Yun's subordinates, and there are only a few troops such as Liu Deng in the entire Xun army.

The attack of hundreds of enemy cavalry did not play any role at all, and the formation of 500 people was still solid.

After a brief engagement, seeing that Zhao Yun's formation could not be beaten, the hundreds of enemy cavalry retreated.

There were no casualties on both sides.

But after the temptation, it was the enemy's massive attack.

Zhao Yun rode on his horse and watched the enemy from a high position.

Seeing that the enemy had divided the infantry into three formations, there were two formations in the front, on the left and right, and one at the back, in the front two formations and behind them. The enemy cavalry strayed to the left of the enemy infantry formation—the right side of the enemy infantry formation was the county seat of Xiaxiang.

As the enemy's flags fluttered and waved, the two infantry formations in front of the enemy began to move. The left formation was facing Zhao Yun's main formation, while the right formation was heading towards the left of Zhao Yun's main formation. The enemy cavalry also slowly moved. Started the action and came to the right of Zhao Yun's formation.

The situation is clear.

The enemy army wanted to attack Zhao Yun with the left formation, attack Zhao Yun's left flank with the right formation, and attack Zhao Yun's right flank with cavalry, but they tried to attack Zhao Yun in three ways by taking advantage of their superior numbers. Array break.

Although Zhao Yun handed over his cavalry to Yan Meng, his personal guards still had mounts. He said to the guards on the left and right: "The enemy wants to attack me in three ways, so we can't wait for their formation to form. If I want to go out, I will attack them first, and deploy them in disorder. Do you dare to follow me?"

Both left and right said: "Only the captain of the school will follow his lead!"

Zhao Yun immediately opened a gap in the formation and rushed out with more than ten guards.

To the right of Zhao Yun's main formation was the enemy's cavalry. He would not fight with the enemy's cavalry. Among the two infantry formations, the main attacking force of the enemy was coming towards his formation, so Zhao Yun went straight to the enemy's formation.

Just like Huang Qian's method of dealing with the enemy cavalry, the enemy lineup quickly shot the crossbow/bow, but it was also the same as Huang Qian's soldiers could not wipe out all the enemy cavalry in front of the line, these crossbows and arrows only hit two or three. One of Zhao Yun's personal guards, the reason why the enemy's crossbow/bow battle results are not as good as Huang Qian's troops, but for two reasons, one is because the enemy's crossbowmen are not as good as Huang Qian's bowmen, and the other is because Because Zhao Yun and his personal guards were far more skilled in combat than the enemy cavalry who attacked Huang Qian's formation.

Facing the crossbow arrows and arrows of the enemy line, Zhao Yun and others rushed into the enemy line.

The enemy formation was advancing, and there was no way to stop it immediately, which relieved the pressure of Zhao Yun and others breaking into it.


On the tower, Zhang Kai noticed this scene.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, but as Zhao Yun was in conflict in his formation, and he came out of the formation not long after, he couldn't help being attracted, and he couldn't help but say: "There is such a thing in Xun's army. Brave general?" As he spoke, his eyes moved with Zhao Yun.

He is far away from the place of battle, and those who cannot see the individual can only see a wave brought up by Zhao Yun. I see that wherever Zhao Yun is everywhere, the front of his formation will be split by him, like a battleship rushing through the tide, splitting The wind chops the waves and moves forward.

When Zhao Yun just ran through his left although it caught his attention, he still didn't pay much attention to it, but as Zhao Yun rushed from his left formation to the right formation, he was still ahead of his time. , no one could stop it, the right formation was penetrated by Zhao Yun, and then Zhao Yun turned back, once again broke through his right formation, and took advantage of the situation to attack his left formation again, and passed through the formation again, and finally, even greeted him. The cavalry troops that came to besieged, attacked more with less, were still able to fight and walk, and after successfully retreating unscathed, he had unknowingly left the seat and stood on the edge of the city tower, holding hands. Holding the guardrail, the body sticks out for a long time.

Watching Zhao Yun return to the formation, Zhang Kai was surprised and delighted, and said, "This person must be Zhao Yun!"

The surprise is that Zhao Yunzhi is heroic, and the happy one is that the flag of the "Lieutenant Colonel" here turned out to be true. Zhao Yun only brought 500 people here.

Zhang Kai said, "Although Zhao Yun has not been awarded the post of Zhonglang General, but his title of captain is 'Zhongjun', it shows that Xun Guangling relies heavily on him and loves him. If he is captured and killed by me, this is a great contribution!" , "Open the city gate, I will personally lead the troops to fight against him!" Announcement: Biquge APP Android, Apple special edition, bid farewell to all advertisements, enter to download and install appxsyd()

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