The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 149: Pan Wen? Negjiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (16)

Que Xuan was surprised, and looked in the direction of the person who spoke "Zhuang Sheng". He saw a person wearing a school captain's armor. He was about thirty years old. Xu Zhong introduced him to him, saying that this person was named Liu Mingbei, and the word was Xuande.

For Liu Bei, Que Xuan has been famous for a long time.

First, when Guo Jia and Que Xuan contacted earlier, Liu Bei was in Dongyang; second, since he had decided to take refuge in Xun Zhen, Que Xuan would naturally know more about the civil and military cronies under Xun Zhen’s account, knowing that Liu Bei knew a lot about it. Xun Zhen credited him, and Xun Zhen often called Liu Bei his "brother".

Xu Zhong was still waiting for him to answer, and the eyes of everyone in the tent also turned to him. Que Xuan didn't dare to delay any more time. His thoughts just turned around on Liu Bei, and immediately turned to Xu Zhong and replied: "Although Xu County is on the north bank of the Huai River, it is only more than a hundred miles away from Huai Ling. The heroes and gentry in the county are familiar with Xuan, and their voices communicate with each other. We have already contacted the Rebels for a long time, and now there are about a hundred strong men from each family who are stationed in the inner city, who can be the generals. More than 30 swordsmen have been deployed, who can lead and support the general at any time."

"The Huai River is wide, and I heard from the army newspaper: Zherong is fortified along the Huai River. Before entering Xiapi, I heard that Sima has a plan to cross the Huai River? I would like to hear more about it."

Before answering Xu Zhong's question, Que Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Xu Zhong's face, because Xu Zhong was wearing a face towel, of course he didn't see anything, and then he replied: "General, you should know, Xu County is adjacent to the lake in Huaihe, and there are many disabled people in Zherong, and the people in Xiapi are struggling to survive. In order to survive, some heroes of Xu County had no choice but to escape into the Huai River and the lakes, and seek a way of life among the waters. These are now haunting the waters. Xuan also knows a few heroes, and they are willing to help the general, but..."

Xu Zhong asked, "Just what?"

"It's just that they have an unkind request."


"They begged Marquis Xun to let them join the army after they captured Xu County; or if they were unwilling to join the army, Marquis Xun could let them return to their fields."

Both Guangling and Xiapi are rich in water.

The lake groups in Guangling include Baima Lake and Gaoyou Lake in later generations. The so-called "Gaoyou Lake in later generations" refers to the large lake area in the west of Gaoyou County. This lake area did not merge into one lake until nearly two thousand years later. , However, at the moment, it has not been connected together, but divided into dozens of smaller lakes. The lakes and lakes are connected. Although they are not connected, they are combined in one place, covering an area of ​​one million mu.

The main gathering place of lakes in Xiapi is in the area on both sides of the Huai River to the east of Xu County.

The area of ​​this lake group near Xuxian is wider than that of the lake group in the west of Gaoyou. This group of lakes spans the two counties of Xiapi and Guangling, and it is the famous "Hongze Lake" in later generations.

This group of lakes covers a wide area and faces the Huai River. In addition, today there is chaos in Xiapi, and Zarong in Xiapi worships Buddhism and abuses the people. Among the lakes, there are inevitably water thieves infested. Que Xuan said, "In order to survive, some heroes of Xu County had no choice but to escape into the Huai River and the lakes to find a way to survive." Water pirates.

In order to stabilize the rule in Guangling, Xun Zhen had previously rectified the water pirates and pirates in Guangling. The methods were quite cruel, and the reputation spread, it would inevitably make the Xiapi water thieves die, but although the rabbits died, look at the combat effectiveness of the Guangling army. , coupled with the pressure of Sun Jian's troops in the west of Xiapi, they would be horrified and uneasy, and they did not have the courage to fight against Xun Zhen, so in such a situation, they took the opportunity to help Xun Zhen seize Xu County, and made a request for "recruitment" or request. "Removing one's armour and returning to the field" is also reasonable.

Xu Zhong glanced at Xun You who was sitting beside him.

Xun You nodded slightly.

Xu Zhong said: "Ze Rong is tyrannical and rebellious. As long as he is willing to fight with our army, he is a righteous person. After taking down Xu County, you can learn from Sima's words: I hope that those who join the army will be treated as Kexu's heroes; I wish to return to the fields. , and give another reward."

Although Zhe Rong abused the people, the water thieves are not a good thing, but now the main enemy is Tao Qian, and the secondary enemy is Zhe Rong. Compared with Tao and Zhe, the water thieves are not worth mentioning at all. In order to capture Xu County, so that the Guangling Army can advance to the north bank of the Huai River as soon as possible, so as to gain a firm foothold in Xiapi, and then grasp the initiative of the Xiapi War Zone, it is not impossible to incorporate or release some water thieves .

Moreover, Que Xuan was able to "use the water thieves to make the Guangling army quietly cross the Huaihe River". In fact, when Que Xuan contacted Guo Jia, he told Guo Jia that he should treat these water thieves. Xun Zhen had already given instructions to Xu Zhong and others on how to deal with it. The reason why Xu Zhong asked Que Xuan again was, in fact, he was just confirming to Que Xuan that the matter had not changed.

Que Xuan said: "With the promise of a general, the hero of Mizuze will surely die for the general!" He asked, "I dare to ask the general, when do you plan to cross Huaihuai?"

Xu Zhong looked at the sky outside the tent, it was still afternoon.

He asked Xun You: "With the intention of joining the army, when is the best time for our army to cross Huaihuai?"

Xu Zhong and Xun You knew each other very well. In private, they both called each other by "Jun" and sometimes even with each other's "character". The official rank "joined the army captain" is commensurate.

Xun You replied, "The soldiers are precious and fast."

"What I said about joining the army is exactly what I want!" Xu Zhong said to the civil and military people in the account, "Although I have won Huailing today, in the Xiapi counties, only Xu is in Huaibei, and it is the most difficult to overcome. I'm afraid it will change. So I intend to cross Huaihuai and take Xu tonight!" He said to Que Xuan, "You can now contact those 'water heroes' you mentioned, and the strong men you arranged in Xu County, and tell them Tonight our army will cross Huai to attack Xu. "

Que Xuan complied with his promise, bowed to Xu Zhong, Xun You, and the people in the tent, and immediately turned around to leave the tent to do this.

Xu County is on the north bank of the Huai River. Now that Huai Ling has descended, it is not possible to give the Xiapi troops on the other side too much time to react. The more unfavorable.

Therefore, Xu Zhong and Xun You both believed that "the soldiers are expensive and fast."

When Xu Zhong and Que Xuan spoke, Liu Bei never spoke again.

At this time, seeing that Xu Zhong had set the time for crossing Huai, Que Xuan had also gone out to handle the matter, and Liu Bei asked for battle again because of his sword: "Please bring fifty soldiers to cross Huai tonight, and take Xu for the general!"

Xu Zhong pondered for a while, and said, "Although there is a response from Xu County and the help of 'Heroes on the Water', this matter is also dangerous. Xuande's residence, 'Yongnu School Captain', is a long part of it, and it should not be taken lightly."

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