The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 143: Pan Wen? Negative Jiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (10)


It gets dark early in the early spring, and at the end of the day, the sky is already dark.

At the beginning of You Shi, Liu Deng ordered the sergeants to withdraw from the formation and return to the camp.

——The barracks was temporarily set up by the soldiers in the field in the afternoon. The facilities are not very complete, but they are enough for the soldiers to temporarily rest.

The siege lasted for almost an hour, and apart from sending some arrows and stones, there was no concrete progress.

Seeing Liu Deng withdraw his troops, Colonel Wu at the head of the city heaved a sigh of relief, and his waist that was originally a cat also straightened up. When he looked around, he saw a mess: large and small stones shattered on the aisles on the city wall. In the middle, some thick and long crossbow arrows were inserted obliquely into the cracks of the walls and bricks, and some were scattered among the stones. Because one was defended by cowhide, and the second, the offensive of the Guangling soldiers in the afternoon was not particularly violent, so the guards suffered casualties. Not many, the dead fell to the ground, the wounded or tossing and moaning, or leaning on the battlements to stop the bleeding.

There is no need for Commander Wu's order, someone has already passed down an order to call for the civilians on the inner side of the wall to come up and carry the casualties down the city wall, bury them or treat them nearby, and at the same time pack up the stones and crossbow bolts. Gather in one place, waiting to be distributed to each song for backup.

The sun sets in the west, and the sky is full of red clouds.

I don't know when the wind picked up, and the wind blew from the top of the city, bringing the chill after the twilight.

Captain Wu looked out of the city again, and saw that the Guangling soldiers who had retreated to their camp were orderly and their flags were not chaotic. He settled down for a while, and ordered the soldiers to summon the military lords and Sima from the four sides of the city wall, and prepare to hold a short meeting.

In a short time, the military marquis of Qu and Sima all arrived.

During the battle in the afternoon, Captain Wu shouted and issued military orders to adjust the deployment in order to better meet the enemy and defend, so now his voice is a little hoarse.

He put down the water bowl in his hand, wiped off the water stains left on his mouth, coughed twice, motioned for the incoming military marquis and Sima to gather around, and said in a hoarse voice: "Liu Deng is famous, but that's all, I Looking at him attacking the city today, he is really weak and powerless. I really don't know how he got the title of "Sit on the Iron Room"! An offensive like his, let alone three days and five days, is three months and half a year, you and I will do your best. I can stop it!"

Liu Deng's attack this afternoon was not a real attack, one was tentative, to test the combat effectiveness of the guards, and the other was to attract the attention of the guards, so that Pan Zhang could make a sneak attack at night, so he attacked The situation is really not violent.

Hearing what Colonel Wu said, the military marquis and Sima who were guarding the pawns all echoed their voices. Some people would have to flatter Colonel Wu with a few words of valor and bravery, and some people would also have to brag about their fearlessness and daring to fight.

But there are those smart ones who saw that Liu Dengzhi's attack today is not a real attack, and more of a test, so he reminded Wu Xiaowei and said: "Xiaowei, Liu Deng Gulang has a false name, but Xun Guangling has a long time. The battle is so tricky, but I have to prevent Liu Deng from learning a few tricks from him."

Captain Wu asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I heard that there were night raids at Xun Guangling in the past, and it seems inevitable that Liu Deng would attack my city tonight."

Wu Xiaowei actually saw that Liu Deng's attack today was a test. What he said just now was just to boost morale. Hearing this person's suggestion, he agreed with it and said: "Qingyan is good, Xun Guangling uses a lot of troops. Tricks do have to be guarded a little bit....You gentlemen, work hard tonight and make adequate preparations for the defenses of each section of the city wall, lest Liu Deng really attack at night."

The military marquis and Sima around Wu Xiaowei agreed in unison.

Night fell.

In Liu Deng's camp, smoke curled up from the kitchen, and the soldiers started to eat dinner.

The people in the city carried their burdens to the top of the city, and also brought meals to the guards.

The fiery war scene in the afternoon was completely gone as the night approached.

Under the faint moonlight shrouded, there was quiet silence inside and outside the city of Huailing.

After dinner on both sides, there were more torches on the city head at night, but this was in response to the order of Colonel Wu, in order to prevent Liu Deng from attacking at night, so the officers on the four walls of Huailing were ordered to be included in this song. Most of the soldiers in the battalion fired torches, and the top of the city was brightly illuminated. In contrast, it was in Liu Deng's camp outside the city. Except for a few fires, most of the camp was plunged into darkness.

Liu Deng and Pan Zhang boarded the nest car again, this time along with Chen Ji.

As the night gets darker, the critical moment to decide whether the city can be successfully captured is approaching. As the foot and cavalry commanders of tonight's battle, the three of them need to observe the enemy's situation again before the battle, and at the same time hold another military meeting in a small area.

"The guards are clever, and they set off a lot of torches. This is obviously preventing me from waiting for a sneak attack."

"What the captain said is very true. However, our army has the right to declare the party's internal response, so what's the use of the guards just throwing some torches?"

Liu Deng looked at the night, then looked at the southern city wall, and said, "It's getting late, and the people from Que Xuan should be ready."

Pan Zhang has been watching the movement of the southern city wall from a distance since he boarded the nest car, and replied, "I haven't seen the signal sent yet."

As early as before the war, Guo Jia and Que Xuan agreed on the operation method of internal response.

There are two methods, one is for Huailing and the other is for Xu County.

The operation method for Huailing is:

First of all, the specific internal response location is set at the south city wall, and the specific internal response time is set at the second watch in the evening; secondly, the Guangling soldiers will arrive outside the city around noon; thirdly, when the Guangling soldiers arrive, the Que Xuan party members can Start to prepare; finally, when night falls, the party members of Que Xuan who are ready can use the firelight to send a signal to the Guangling soldiers. When the firelight is seen, the Guangling soldiers will sneak attack at night.

The reason why the firelight was used to transmit the signal was because when Huailing was about to be attacked, the city might be heavily guarded. for the number.

After looking at the southern city wall for a while, Liu Deng turned to look outside the northern city wall.

The northern city wall was brightly lit, and the field outside the moat was pitch black.

Liu Deng said to Chen Ji, "How are your soldiers resting?"

Chen Ji replied, "All people and horses have enough energy to fight at any time."

"Then you can take them to ambush outside the northern city wall now."

Chen agreed.

"Remember, when you go to ambush, you must wrap a horse's hoof in a cloth, and hold a piece and a horse's mouth, so as not to disturb the city."


Chen Yi gave a military salute and got off the nest car first.

The cavalry in his song had already assembled and was waiting for his order. When he came to the song, he checked the equipment of the soldiers, and then ordered: "Let's go."

Although there were not many torches and fires in the middle of the camp, Liu Deng lived in a high place, and through the moonlight, he could vaguely see the situation of Knight Chen Jiqu leaving the camp. Nearly 200 knights left the camp, although there was no sound, but it was precisely because there was no sound that it added to the chill.

At this moment, Pan Zhang whispered, "The fire is on!"

Liu Deng turned his eyes back and looked at the southern city wall again, and saw three fire lights next to the city at the same time, one bright and one extinguished, not long after, it was simultaneously one bright and one extinguished, This repeated, a total of three times.

This is the pre-agreed password.

Pan Zhang couldn't hide his excitement. He barely suppressed his voice and said, "Lieutenant, the signal from the city has been sent, I'll take the warriors over here!"


Pan Zhang gave a military salute and couldn't wait to get out of the nest car. The warriors he selected to attack the city with him gathered beside the nest car. More than a hundred warriors left the nest cart and went out to the southern city wall.

First, I watched Chen Ji leave the camp, and then watched Pan Zhang leave the camp. It was Liu Deng who had been on the battlefield for a long time, but now, he was alone in the high car, and his eyes sometimes chased after Chen Ji, Pan Zhang, and quiet. At the head of the city, he also clenched his fists unconsciously.

He thought in his heart: "Xiapi, Donghai are like Ke, Xuzhou will be in the lord's pocket, and if the war is defeated, Guangling may not be guaranteed. Just as Guo Sima said in the military discussion before the war: 'Victory It’s like the rise of a dragon, and if you lose, you will fall into the nine abyss. Today’s attack on Huailing is the first battle, whether it can be beaten quickly or not is of great importance.

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