The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 135: Pan Wen? Negative Jiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (2)


However, it was also according to the wishes of the people. Xun Zhen just made the decision not to wait for February to send troops, but to choose the next day to send troops this month. The next day, he got a military situation, but it was the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou that changed.

Seven years ago, the Yellow Turbans rose for the first time. After Zhang Jiao and others were annihilated by Huangfu Song, although the Yellow Turbans suffered a heavy blow and fell into a leaderless situation, they did not disappear completely because of this. There are many more. The believers of Taiping Tao temporarily hid, or hid in the mountains and forests, or joined forces with bandits to survive, or still maintained their establishment and persisted in fighting in the weak areas of the Han army.

In the fifth year of Zhongping, that is, in October three years ago, due to disasters, wars, etc., Qing and Xu were short of food, so the local Yellow Turbans rose to attack the counties and counties. It was at this time that Tao Qian was captured by the imperial court. Appointed as the prefect of Xuzhou, he came to Xuzhou to "fight the fire".

Tao Qian did a good job in Xuzhou. With the help of Taishan soldiers, Danyang soldiers and local scholars, he quickly drove the local Yellow Turban army out of Xuzhou -- not destroying them, but just driving them out. So, where did Tao Qian drive them to? Some went to Yanzhou, some went to other places, but more, or most of the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans went to Qingzhou.

Qingzhou prefect Jiaohe is a standard "clear talker". He has a great reputation, but he has only his name, but he has no inner reality, and he has no military and political talents. In the face of the Yellow Turbans all over the country, he is not a fierce soldier. Instead, they prayed for divination, the elders were often displayed in front of the banquet, and the Wu Zhu people stayed by their side, and the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans were able to develop and grow. Today, there are more than 300,000 people in total.

These more than 300,000 Qingzhou Yellow Turbans were scattered in various counties and regions of Qingzhou before, but just a few days ago, they began to gather and join forces.

The geographical location of Qingzhou is very sensitive. Jizhou is in the northwest and west, Yanzhou in the southwest, Xuzhou in the southeast, and you can go north to Youzhou by sea. Which direction are they going to go, or they are not going anywhere, they simply want to take the entire Qingzhou, which will pose a huge threat to Ji, Yan, Xu, and You will be.

Under such a background/context, it can be expected that Tao Qian will be very concerned when this news reaches Tan County, prefecture. The movement of Guangling is even more important.

To take the words of later generations: the contradiction between Tao Qian and Xun Zhen is "a contradiction within the ruling class", while the contradiction between Tao Qian, Xun Zhen and the Yellow Turbans is "a contradiction between the ruling class and the ruled class", two contradictions. In comparison, it is obvious that the latter is more at stake.

Tao Qian and Xun Zhen fought against each other and one side lost. If they surrendered happily, they might have saved their lives and even their wealth. But if the Yellow Turbans re-entered Xuzhou and won the battle, then Tao Qian and Xun Zhen would have escaped in addition to the deserted ones. , there is only one way of "martyrdom".

Therefore, after hearing the news, Xun Zhen immediately made a decision: "The change of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou will definitely attract the close attention of Tao Gongzu and Zhe Rong, ... the time for our army to send troops has come!"

People's energy is limited, and after paying attention to the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, Guangling will definitely relax. For Xun Zhen, this is indeed an excellent opportunity to send troops.

Xun Yu was a little worried and said: "There are more than 300,000 yellow scarves in Qingzhou, and now they are together and don't know where they are going... Junhou, they are coming to Xuzhou for me. At this moment, it seems that it is not appropriate to fight with Tao Gongzu rashly. "

Xun You and others also have this concern.

Xun Chen said: "Wen Ruo said it well, ... Junhou, do you want to wait a little longer? It's not too late to hit Xiapi when you know the movements of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans."

Xun Zhen said: "The Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou must not mean Xuzhou."

"Oh? What does the prince think they mean?"

"It must mean Jizhou."


"Xu and Qing were plagued by famines in the past few years. Although thanks to the strength of Chen/Yuanlong, Xuzhou is now rich in grain, but with Xuzhou's grain, it is difficult to break up 300,000 Qingzhou yellow scarves for a long time, and Jizhou is densely populated by people. Although there has been the Zhangjiao Rebellion, the foundation still exists, and there have been few famines in the past few years, and in terms of grain, it is far more than Xu and Yan, and this is one of them."

Xun You said in agreement: "Yes, in terms of food, Xu and Yan are indeed inferior to Jizhou."

"The land of Xu and Yan is narrow, either facing the sea, or without danger, and it is difficult to turn around. In terms of geographical advantages, it is not as good as Ji."

Xuzhou has only five counties. Although Yanzhou has more counties than Xuzhou, it is because Yanzhou is close to the hinterland of the Central Plains, with a developed economy and dense population, so there are more counties and counties. In fact, if you compare the size of the specific jurisdiction , Yanzhou and Xuzhou are actually similar, even a little smaller than Xuzhou. In terms of the area under their jurisdiction, these two prefectures are not large states, lacking strategic depth, and Xuzhou is close to the sea, while Yanzhou is located in Hebei, Henan, Xuzhou The states of Qingzhou and Qingzhou are actually the site of four battles, but there are no natural obstacles in the state. Therefore, Xun Zhen believes that from the geographical point of view, the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou would not choose Xu and Yan as their targets.

Xun You nodded and said yes.

"Compared with geographical advantages, Xuzhou is slightly better than Yan, but Xuzhou has Danyang soldiers, Taishan soldiers, and Zhou soldiers in the north, and our Guangling soldiers in the south. The total number of soldiers in the north and south is 50,000. With a little mobilization, there can be hundreds of thousands of people. Although the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou The number is more than 300,000, but there are only a lot of people, the armor is not as good as me, and the elite is not as good as me. From this point of view, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will not and will not dare to enter my Xuzhou."

Xuzhou has not much food, lacks geographical advantages, and the troops in the state are very effective. No matter how you look at it, it is not a good choice.

Xun Chen pondered and said, "Although my state's troops and horses are good at fighting, Jizhou's soldiers are also numerous, and Yuan Benchu ​​is there, and his tent is full of military forces. If the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans dare not enter my Xuzhou, will they dare to enter Jizhou?"

"Jizhou's soldiers are solid, and Yuan Benchu's tent is like a cloud of fierce generals, but brother, don't forget that Jizhou still has Montenegro!"

Xun Chen suddenly realized, and said, "Yes, there is a Black Mountain in Jizhou! I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of thieves in the Black Mountain now, and the Yellow Turbans from Qingzhou have entered Ji. A cold sweat broke out.

Xun Chen didn't finish his words, but everyone heard what he meant. If the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans really entered Hebei, once they joined forces with Heishan, the two would join forces, ranging from 500,000 to nearly a million. It will be a powerful force, and maybe Jizhou will "fall to the ground" and fall into the hands of the Yellow Turbans and Montenegro.

But once this situation occurs, Jizhou is rich in has a strategic depth, has enough troops, and has a strong folklore. It has a lot of grain, and produces iron and horses. It has a good strategic position and moves north. If you can get seclusion and harmony, go south to cover up the Central Plains, and go east to Yan and Xu in the grip. The Yellow Turbans and the Black Mountains may not be able to be controlled, and the situation in the entire north and even the whole world may change dramatically because of this.

But for this, Xun Zhen is not worried about whether there will be "this situation".

Because he came from a later generation, although I don't remember it clearly, I have an impression. I remember that it seemed that it was not Han Fu and Yuan Shao's turn to fight at all. Gongsun Zan directly defeated the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans that entered Ji.

Although Xun Zhen knew about this, she could not tell Xun Chen and others what she knew.

He said solemnly: "Yeah, if the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans join forces with Montenegro, the flames are bound to flourish, and Yan and Xu will be in danger! In order to avoid such a situation, our army has to capture the entire territory of Xuzhou as soon as possible, and do it as soon as possible. Deal with it, so as not to be helpless at that time.”

Xi Zhicai kept silent, because his judgment was the same as that of Xun Zhen, and he also believed that the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans would never enter Xu, and also believed that the purpose of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans suddenly gathering troops must be to enter Ji, listening to Xun at this time. After Zhen finished the analysis, she responded: "As the prince said, the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans have changed, and this is the opportunity for our army to send troops!"

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