The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 112: Tao Qian endured anger, and Cao Hong offered a robbery plan

After the discussion was over, Chen Deng and others left, and Tao Qian also returned to the back house.

Not long after he took his seat in the house, someone asked to see him outside the door.

It was Cao Hong who came to ask to see him.

In the current state capital, although Zhao Yu, Wang Lang, Chen Deng, Mi Zhu and others are in high positions, it is Cao Hong who really has Tao Qian's credit.

Seeing Cao Hong come in, Tao Qian put down the scroll in his hand and asked, "How?"

Cao Hong said: "After the officials dispersed, Zhao Zong and others went back to their respective homes, but Wang Jingxing did not catch up with Chen/Yuanlong. The two discussed secretly in Chen/Yuanlong's car for a long time."

"Have you ever been discovered by the two of you?"

"The one I sent to follow the two of them was an unfamiliar face, but they were hanging far behind. The two of them should not have noticed."

Tao Qian murmured, "'Secret discussion for a long time'."

Cao Hong glanced at Tao Qian's face, and said, "The front foot just finished the meeting in the prefecture, and the back foot Wang Jingxing had a secret discussion with Chen/Yuanlong in the car. Duke Ming, I think there must be a secret in this!"

Tao Qian said, "If you don't have any secrets, would you still use it to talk in the car? Do you need to talk more about this?"

Cao Hong smiled apologetically and said, "Yes, yes, Duke Ming is a god, so he knows this very well, and there is no need for a villain to say anything." Then he glanced at Tao Qian's expression, and he continued, "Ming Duke , Chen/Yuan Long oversees the agricultural affairs in the state, Wang Jingxing is engaged in the governance of the state, and the two of them know the fact that the state's soldiers and food are scarce. On this occasion, what if the two of them have different views? I am afraid that it will be harmful to the Duke of Ming Dynasty. . . . Duke Ming, from the point of view of a villain..."


Cao Hong used his hand as a knife, slashed down, and said viciously: "It's better to find a reason, arrest the two of them, and torture them! In this way, it can prevent the two of them from selling information to Guangling, and it can also take advantage of this. Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and shake the state sergeants and officials!"

Tao Qian shook his head and said, "No."

"Why not?"

"Chen and Wang are both well-known scholars in Xu, and their families are middle-right surnames in the prefecture. They have a lot of relatives and cronies, and they have a lot of wings. If I arrest them for no reason, I'm afraid it will backfire."

"Why is this for no reason?"

"Do you have any real evidence that the two of them secretly betrayed me?"

"This..., no."

"Since there isn't, isn't it for no reason?"

"But it's obvious! Qin Song went to Chen/Yuanlong's house a few days ago, and last night he went to Wang Jingxing's house again. Then today, Chen/Yuanlong and Wang Jingxing had a secret discussion in the car after the discussion. He The content of the secret discussion between the two must be related to Qin Song, Xun Zhen Shuzi, and Guangling!"

"Even if the two of them are discussing Guangling, they have no evidence. At this time, I can't just arrest them."

"Yes, yes." Cao Hong saw the anger looming on Tao Qian's face. He must have resented Chen Deng and Wang Lang, the Xuzhou scholars who "eat inside and out" because of Chen Deng and Wang Lang. Sir, there is one fact that the villain is puzzled by."

"What's the matter?"

"Xun Zhen Shuzi abolished the ministry a month ago. I heard that he only left more than 10,000 people, and the others were all dismissed from the army. Since he has cut himself off, Duke Ming now has tens of thousands of troops. Everyone, why don't you just take the opportunity to strike first?"

"You do not understand!"

"Dare to show it publicly."

"Although Xun Zhen abolished a lot of troops and horses, he didn't dismiss them, he just turned them into farms. Once needed, these soldiers and horses that he had converted into farms could be re-applied into battle. That is to say, he In fact, there is not much damage to the soldiers and horses, which is one of them."

"What about the second?"

"Xun Zhen beat Dong and won and regained Luoyang, in Xuzhou, and now he has a good reputation. I am like Tang suddenly raising troops, and I have the fear of destroying my reputation."

Tao Qian refused to attack Xun Zhen's first point first, he was telling the truth, but the second point was only half of the truth.

Xun Zhen's current reputation is very good, but if Zhe Rong was not represented by Tao Qian, but appointed by the court, he would not be in trouble. It is precisely because Chu Rong was not appointed by the imperial court, and as Sun Jian said in the table, that Chu Rong "greatly promoted Buddhist affairs and disregarded the sufferings of people's livelihood" in Xiapi, and his reputation in Xiapi and Xuzhou was indeed not good. Therefore, Tao Qian It has been difficult until now, and I have not taken the initiative to raise troops.

"Are there any other three?"

"You are my confidant, I will not hide it from you, to be honest, although this son Xun Zhen is domineering, he is really good at military strategy. Although there are many soldiers in the current state, there are many new soldiers, so he will fight against Xun Zhen. , I only have a half chance of winning."

"Are there any other four?"

Tao Qian glanced at Cao Hong and said, "No more."

Cao Hong said: "The villain is not as thoughtful as the Duke of Ming. However, from the villain's point of view, Xunzhen's ambitions for the wolf are not the one who can live in Guangling, and he must be able to take it sooner or later, but he doesn't know it. What is your response to this?"

Seeing Cao Hong's expression of "there seems to be a bamboo in his chest", Tao Qian asked him, "What's your plan?"

Cao Hong said: "Ming Gong, the villain does have a small plan, but I don't know whether to use it or not."

"Come on and let me listen."

"Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are allies, if Sun Jian is in a hurry?"

"You're thinking?"

"Duke Ming might as well send one person to sneak into Yuzhou. If he can provoke Yuzhou county and state against Sun, if he wants to come as a villain, Xun Zhen will definitely go to help. When that time comes, Duke Ming can send a group of elite soldiers to join forces with him. The Yuzhou prefecture and state are an alliance, attacking Xun and Sun together, and then ordering Zang Ba to lead Taishan troops to attack Guangling in the south, in this way, if the two go together, not only will Xunzhen be killed, but maybe Yuzhou will be taken advantage of the situation."

The plan that Cao Hong said looked good, but he couldn't bear to scrutinize it.

First of all, although there must be some dissatisfaction with Sun Jian as the prefect of Yuzhou among the county and state officials in Yuzhou, Sun Jian is a veteran of the battlefield. From a distance, he defeated the Yellow Turbans and quelled the rebellion in Changsha. After defeating Dong Zhuo, how could he ensure that the prefectures of Yuzhou would have the courage to oppose Sun Jian? Secondly, even if he really persuaded some Yuzhou prefectures to oppose Sun Jian, Xun and Sun were both good warriors and their subordinates were all elite, how could Tao Qian guarantee that he and the Yuzhou prefecture's combined forces would win?

Tao Qian said, "Your plan is not However, if it can be supplemented, it may be feasible."

"How to add it?"

"I have already formed an alliance with Yuan Gonggong. If you can persuade Yuan Gonggong to join him, there is a good chance of winning."

"Then how can I convince Yuan Gonggong?"

"It's easy to do, I'll allow him to share Yuzhou with him after he's done."

Cao Hong was overjoyed, and said: "Ming Gong is really good! ... Since Ming Gong thinks it is feasible, should we do it this way?"

"..., you go and call Cao Bao, and let's discuss it in detail."

Cao Bao is the commander of the Danyang Army. Like Cao Hong, he is the most trusted by Tao Qian.

Cao Hong responded to the order and went to find Cao Bao. The three of them discussed the matter behind closed doors, discussing whether it was feasible, and how to make specific arrangements and arrangements if this was the case.


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