The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 105: The first appearance of the country of Yukata-gun


Although Zhe Rong did not send troops to prevent Xun Zhen from entering the country, he could prevent Xun Zhen from "fake Taoism and destroy the country", but he also strictly ordered all the counties that Xun Zhen passed by to guard the city, and concentrated the elite of the county soldiers to the lower part of the city. Pi County, waiting for a response.

Xun Zhen's army came to the bank of the Huai River. It was almost dusk, and it was impossible to cross the river that day, so they camped on the bank.

When the soldiers were stationed in the camp, Xun Zhen took the left and right to patrol everywhere.

At this time, I heard someone saying: "The natural danger in Xiapi County is the Huai River, and Zhe Rong did not dare to form an array in Huai to prevent our troops from entering. Guo'?"

Xun Zhen looked and saw that it was Xun Chen who was speaking.

Xun Chen left Hanoi, and after reaching Xun Zhen's army, he stayed and did not leave.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "My brother only saw one, but not the other."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"Now that we have captured Pi, Tao Gongzu will definitely send troops to aid Churong. If the battle ends together, it may turn into a major war. Besides, our army has been fighting for a long time and marching for a long time, and it is exhausted. Fighting. It is easy to gain Xiapi, but it is difficult to defend Xiapi.”

"The state of Pei is adjacent to Xiapi, so you can borrow troops from Sun Houchu."

"I represent Wentai as the prefect of Yuzhou, and there are people who are dissatisfied with this matter. Therefore, those who have not been in chaos in Yuzhou are only Lai Wentai's soldiers and horses. In the battle of Xiapi, Yuzhou will be in chaos."

"But when you and I traveled to the various counties in Runan with Sun Hou, we were very respectful when we saw the governors of those counties and states."

"I and Wentai defeated Dong Zhuo and regained Luoyang. With this martial power, how dare the governors of the commanderies and states not be respectful to Wentai? Although they are respectful, what they think, you and I have no idea!"

The reason why the ministers of the Yuzhou prefecture and state were respectful to Sun Jian, and no one came forward to oppose it, at most, was like Li Yan and Yuan Zhong, who resigned with their seals on the seal. There were two reasons: one was as Xun Zhen said, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen The soldiers were strong and strong, with the might of a great victory. Leaving Yingchuan and traveling to the various counties and states in Yuzhou, there was simply no time for the governors of the commanderies and states to respond and connect. Because of these two reasons, so far, no one has dared to speak out against Sun Jian.

But as Tao Qian expected, over time, there may be a connection between the governors of the county and the state, and a connection between Yuzhou scholars, and even some of them will secretly communicate with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, or Zhang Miao, Liu Dai, etc. Qu, conspiracy to make trouble like this.

Therefore, although Sun Jian's prospects in Yuzhou seem to be smooth now, it is difficult to say in the future.

This is still the situation that Sun Jian has always been suppressed by troops and horses in Yuzhou. If Sun Jian is now involved in the battle with Tao Qian when his foothold is not stable and he is walking on thin ice, then you don’t need to think too much. Yuzhou will definitely take the opportunity to rise. Chaos.

Therefore, what Xun Chen said about "asking Sun Jian to borrow troops" is really not feasible.

Xun Chen has inherent talent, but his talent is not in military strategy, but in verbal debate, so it is not surprising that he would make this proposal.

There are quite a few members of the Xun clan who are with Xun Zhen, and among them, there are four people who are most used by Xun Zhen.

One is Xun You, the other is Xun Cheng, the other is Xun Yu, and the other is Xun Chen.

The so-called nine sons born to the dragon have different sons. Although Xun You and the other four are from the same family, they have received similar education, grew up in a similar environment, and are of similar age, but they are different in ability and good at different things. .

Xun You was good at military planning and strategy, and Xun Yu had the ability to govern. Xun Cheng has been in the army for a long time, and he has often received advice from Xun Zhen. Now he has matured. Although he has no outstanding talents of wisdom and courage, he is better than being steady, respecting talents, and being able to win the heart of scholars. He has become an indispensable general. As for Xun Chen, although he did not have the ability to strategize or manage politics, he could not manage the army. He might be good at speaking, but he was an excellent lobbyist and debater.

The Xun family has passed down poetry and books from generation to generation, and there are many famous and talented people in the clan, but in this chaotic world, there are not many who can play a role in the war, because what they usually study is Confucian classics, most of them are scholars. For example, Xun Yu and Xun Chen’s elder brother, Xun Yue, the son of Xun Jian, the boss of the Eight Dragons of the Xun family, is a very talented scholar. Xun Yu admires and respects him very much. Only in the history of literature, he can be called a political commentator and a thinker, but he has no talent in military battles.

In the turbulent times that have come, the people who can assist Xun Zhen in pacifying the chaos, in fact, are Xun You and the others.

After listening to Xun Zhen's words, Xun Chen thought about it for a while and agreed, and said no more.

However, because of Xun Chen's opening, Xun Zhen remembered the words "Yuan Shao seems to be jealous" that Xun Chen had said to him after seeing him a few days ago, as well as the few words of Cao Cao that he recited: "I am worried about the common people, and I want to help him. The Han family, help the world", he unconsciously said: "The later generations are all the traitors of Meng De, I have been with him for many years, but I have only seen his loyalty and never seen his traitors! ... Now I hear that Meng De's teaching is different from Yuan Benchu's. 'What he said, he and Yuan Benchu ​​seemed to be at odds with each other. According to the original history, he should have won Yanzhou, and then broke with Yuan Benchu. I have ambitions and achieve dominance through exhibitions, but I don't know... Now that with me in this era, what choices and exhibitions will Meng De make in the future?"

It can be seen from the fact that Cao Cao chose to break with Yuan Shao as soon as he had a territory Continue to be "loyal to the Han family" and still choose to "chasing the deer in the world". When things develop to this point, the confrontation between him and Xun Zhen is inevitable.

Xun Zhen remembered that after Yuan Shao's death, Cao Cao went to his tomb and wept bitterly. When one of Cao Cao and Cao Cao would be defeated, he couldn't help but understand Cao Cao's mood when he cried and paid homage to Yuan Shao.

For the sake of ambition and for the sake of the world, once a friend becomes an enemy, no matter how good a friend is, they cannot be sympathetic to him. When you win and your friend dies, you may feel the joy of victory, but I am afraid that at that time the most It will be loss and mourning.

Being hostile to Cao Cao, and one of Cao Cao's must be Even if he is alive, it will be a long time later.

Xun Zhen picked up her emotions and didn't think too much about it.

However, Xun Zhen thought of Liu Bei again because he thought of Cao Cao's inhumanity.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "This time, Xuande has done a lot of work in attacking Dong. After returning to the county, I want to reward the hero. How should I reward Xuande?"

There are only two things: either keep Liu Bei in the army and give him more military power, or send Liu Bei out and change him from military to civilian.

Xun Zhen is not as good as in the past, he has experienced more, his status and reputation are higher, and his self-confidence has also improved. He is not as "alert" to Liu Bei as he used to be, so he has a problem with "how to reward Liu Bei after returning to Guangling". , he just thought about it for a while, and that's it.

The next day, Xun Zhen crossed the river and crossed the Huai River smoothly. He traveled all the way east for one hundred and fifty or sixty li. After three days, he left the country of Xiapi and entered the border of Guangling. Not far ahead was Dongyang, and Chen Bao had already taken him with him. The soldiers were waiting at the county boundary. In addition to Chen Bao, Yao Sheng, Yuan Sui, and others in the county government were also waiting here early. To Xun Zhen's surprise, Zhang Hong was also in the team to greet him.


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