The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 94: Grateful for the past, reminiscing about the past

Zhao Yun knew that Xun Zhen attached great importance to Xu Rong, and after winning Xu Rong, he treated him with courtesy, and on the other hand, personally sent him to the Central Army and sent him to Xun Zhen.

Seeing Xu Rong coming, Xun Zhen personally came forward to welcome him.

But looking at Xu Rong, although he fought fiercely for more than a day, because of Zhao Yun's courtesy, he was fully armored, his hair was not messed up, and even his waist sword was still on his body. Dian Wei followed by Xun Zhen's side, saw his sword on his waist, hurried a few steps, wanted to grab Xun Zhen's sword first, but Xun Zhen stopped Dian Wei and said with a smile, "I and Xu The general is an old friend, although I haven't seen him for a long time, but the letters are always there, and the friendship has not changed!"

Xu Rong looked at Xun Zhen who was smiling, thinking about the countermeasures that he had used, and he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know how he felt.

He took off the sword himself and handed it to Zhao Yun next to him. He sighed and said, "Your Majesty has hurt me!"

Xun Zhen came to him, took his sword from Zhao Yun's hand, put it on Xu Rong himself, and then brought Xu Rong into the tent, invited him to his seat, and went to his seat and bowed to him.

Xu Rong was startled, but he never expected that Xun Zhen would give him a big gift as soon as they met, and subconsciously jumped up from the seat, stepped aside, stretched out his hand to support him, stretched his hand halfway and paused, after all, after all He and Xun Zhen are now in a "hostile" relationship. Xun Zhen bowed down to him in a condescending manner, and he seemed to have no reason to help him.

After Xun Zhen bowed down and bowed, she got up and said, "My general, does the general know why?"

"Sir, please speak."

"It is precisely because I know that I have hurt the general in the past, that's why I just bowed and apologized for the general!"

What is Xun Zhen's identity? Not to mention Yuan Shaobiao's "General Xingjianwei" that was not recognized by the court, he was also the dignified Marquis of Yingyin and the prefect of Guangling, and what was Xu Rong's identity? A middle-ranking general who is more than two thousand stone. Comparing the real power of Xun Zhen and Xu Rong, Xun Zhen was the leader of the army, with more than 20,000 tiger riders under his tent, while Xu Rong was only a general under Dong Zhuo's command, with only a few thousand people in his headquarters. In other words, in terms of identity and real power, Xun Zhen is far ahead of Xu Rong.

However, Xun Zhen, in front of the public and in the eyes of the public, actually gave a big gift in public and apologized to Xu Rong.

Even Xu Rong was still dissatisfied with Xun Zhen's previous "countermeasures", but now that Xun Zhen treats him like this, this dissatisfaction has long since disappeared.

At this time, Xun Zhen said sincerely: "The first is to fight against the plan, it is to win, and I have to do it. I am truly ashamed. Now because of Hu Zhen, the general is defeated, and the general is returning to Luoyang. I am deeply worried about the general. He might be killed by Dong Zhuo because of this, so he sent orders to the army again and again: 'You must find the general!'

Xu Rong felt Xun Zhen's sincerity and had nothing to say. He sighed again and said, "Today I am defeated, and it was captured by the lord and lord. I have nothing to say, I just want to die quickly."

Xun Zhen said, "I respect the general, and think that the general is someone who understands current affairs. Why does the general make such a foolish remark now?"

"I am an enemy of the lord and lord. Today, I am defeated and captured, and I should die. This is the duty of a defeated general, why is it faint?"

"My old friend and I, before we won the general, were deeply worried that the general might be harmed by Dong Zhuo. Now that we have the general, how can we kill him personally? This is one of them. The general was defeated this time, and Taigu is already me and Sun. What is in the marquis's bag, once Taigu, there will be no obstacle to Luoyang, only a hundred miles, within a day, I joined forces with Sun Marquis of more than 50,000 troops, Jizhou Yuan Benchu ​​sent 5,000 troops to cross the river, and the follow-up main force will not be long. The meeting will be approaching, and there is Luyang-Yuanlu Highway, which also has tens of thousands of troops. Zhang Mengzhuo will soon raise troops again, and we will take Luoyang together. With my hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, how can Dong Zhuo resist His defeat is imminent! The general has always been wise, and looking at the current situation, don't you know what to choose? Why should you ask for death? This is the second one. . .

Xu Rong was silent.

Xun Zhen took his hand and said sternly: "Fang now the Han Dynasty is declining, the world is in chaos, it is time for heroes to die! If the general is willing to fight the rebellion with me, help the Han family, with the ability of the general, how can the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households be in the future? !"

Xu Rong lowered his head and did not speak.

Xun Zhen asked, "What does the general mean?"

Xu Rong replied: "The prime minister has an old favor for me, and I can't betray him."

Xun Yu, who was close to Xun Zhen, said, "The general's statement is absurd."

Xun Zhen introduced to Xu Rong: "This is my brother Wen Ruo."

Xun Yu said: "Dong Zhuo is kind to the general, but the Han family has no kindness to the general? If there is no Han room, how can the general be today? Also. Why would anyone give up their country's favor for personal favor?"

Xun You also said: "If the general is willing to abandon the dark and follow the light, the world will only say that the general knows the righteousness, and will not say that the general is betrayed by Dong."

Xun You had been from Xun Zhen long ago, and Xu Rong knew him.

Hearing what Xun Yu and Xun You said, Xu Rongnai bowed down and said, "I would like to take Luoyang from the prince."

Dong Zhuo is kind to Xu Rong, but Xu Rong is not from Liangzhou. He has been excluded from the Liangzhou army for a long time, and he has been excluded for a long time. Dong Zhuo cannot treat him equally, so Dong Zhuo's "kindness" to him will inevitably slow down. The ground faded away, and when I looked back at Xun Zhen, I was deeply affectionate and sincere, which showed how sincere he was. Compared with Dong Zhuo, I didn’t know how much stronger. With the strength of Zhang Miao and the entire Shandong prefecture, Dong Zhuo is obviously unable to escape defeat. Moreover, as Xun You and Xun Yu said, Dong Zhuo is hated by the world's scholars, even if he betrayed Dong Zhuo, no one will scold him. There are three reasons. Combined, Xu Rong switched to Xun Zhen as a matter of course.

Xun Zhen was overjoyed, lifted him up, invited him to take a seat, and then returned to his seat and sat down, smiling: "The front came to report, if you can say Hu Zhen, even ten Hu Zhen can't compare to one of you!" asked Said, "How much does the general's headquarters still exist?"

Xu Rong didn't know either, so he could only answer an approximate number and said, "If you gather it together, you might get more than a thousand or two thousand."

"I made up three thousand for the general, and the general is still under the command of the general."

After being captured by Xun Zhen's generals, Xu Rong had expected that Xun Zhen would not kill him, but Xun Zhen offered him an apology in front of everyone, but this was something Xu Rong did not expect, and Xun Zhen offered to give him three more. Thousands of people are still handed over to him, which Xu Rong did not expect.

Recalling the days when he was excluded from the Liangzhou army for a long time, Xu Rong once again had mixed feelings, and he sighed involuntarily: "In the past, when the Yellow Turbans were attacked, I knew that there were like clouds of tigers under the lord's tent, and today, I began to understand why the lords and lords could have so many tiger men as their minions!"

After being ostracized under Dong Zhuo's command for a long time, Xu Rong will inevitably become "smart", or "prudent" or "smooth" in his dealings with the world. With the admiration of Zhencheng, he also praised the generals under Xun Zhen's tent without a trace.

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, the generals Jiang Qin, Gao Su, etc., who were around Xun Zhen, looked at Xu Rong, all of them softened a Although Xu Rong He was captured late, but because he knew that Xunzhen valued him, he was sent to Xunzhen earlier than Hu Zhen. After a while, Hu Zhen was also sent by Ling Cao.

Xun Zhen is not willing to surrender to anyone he sees, such as Hu Zhen, he has no interest. After Xu Rong confirmed that the captured person was indeed Hu Zhen, Xun Zhen even talked to him a little more. There is no interest in the sentence, and it is directly pushed out.

Hu Zhen's hair was disheveled, and his clothes and armor were disheveled. While he was staggering and being pushed out, he cried out in a pleading voice, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Don't you remember the feeling of attacking the Yellow Turbans together in the past?" Xu Xu General! General Xu! Since the Duke has already been a guest of honor, why would he bear to see me die?"

Xu Rong also has a temper. Hu Zhen was in the camp before and scolded him in front of everyone, saying that he "collaborated with the enemy". He couldn't have a seizure at that time, but now he is willing to intercede for Hu Zhen? Not a word was said.

Xun Zhen saw Xu Rong's expression, smiled and said to him: "Such a useless person, but he is above the general, Dong Zhuo is too ignorant to know people, how can he not be defeated? When Taigu is taken down tomorrow, I would like to join the general with the general. Hit Luo!"

Xu Rong left the table and bowed down, and said, "Shou Taigu is familiar with Rong, and Rong is willing to surrender for the monarch."

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