The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Xu Rong watched the cloud of suspicion for a long time, Xun Zhen waited for the a

After the battle was past noon, the first few soldiers from both the enemy and our side to be thrown into the battlefield, in addition to the casualties, the rest were also exhausted and lacking in strength. Lü Bu, Xu Rong, and Hu Zhen successively dispatched new troops to the battlefield one after another.

Hu Zhen is in formation.

Hu Zhen didn't pay much attention to the battle ahead, he paid more attention to Xun Zhen and Sun Jianying.

Standing on the top of the watchtower, he looked up at the sky, then turned his head to continue to look at Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and said to the left and right: "It's past noon, and the battle has been fought now, and Xun and Sun are still able to calm down. Hold your breath, no troops are sent to rescue Huang Gai and Sun Ben."

Someone in the school left and right replied: "Huang Gai and Sun Ben have been in danger and will not fall, so Xun and Sun Zi will be able to hold their breath."

Another person said: "The Lu Bu 'flying general' and the Gao Shunying 'in the battle', Xu Rong also claimed to be able to fight. It has been an hour or two since the beginning of the battle, but they still haven't been able to break through Huang. Gai and Sun Benying, from my point of view, their so-called bravery is nothing but a vain reputation."

Another person took this seriously and said, "Isn't it true? If they could have defeated Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp sooner, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian would have sent troops to help sooner rather than later? Sun Ying's line of defense is really incompetent!"

In fact, the results of Hu Zhen's attack on Huang Gai and Sun Jianying were not as good as Lu Bu and Xu Rong's. But in the eyes of Hu Zhen's generals, this was not because they couldn't fight, but because they couldn't fight. Because Hu Zhen didn't put his elite troops on the battlefield, although their progress was not as good as that of Lu Bu and Xu Rong, it did not prevent them from complaining and despising Lu Bu and Xu Rong.

Another person said: "General, I would like to bring the headquarters to attack Huang Gai and Sun Ben, and within half an hour, I will attack their hinterland to mobilize Xun and Sun to come to aid!"

Hu Zhen looked at it and saw that Hua Xiong was the one who invited him to fight. He shook his head and said, "You can't use a bull's knife to kill a chicken! Leave Huang Gai and Sun Ben to Lu Bu and Xu Rong. Xun and Sun are."


Xu Rong was in the formation.

As the war progressed, Xu Rong gradually felt that something was wrong.

He carefully watched the battle situation, and then looked at Xun Zhen and Sun Jianying from a distance, and said solemnly to the left and right: "This battle is a little wrong."

Left and right asked: "How do you say this?"

Xu Rong first pointed to the camps of Huang Gai and Sun Ben opposite, and said, "Huang and Sun's camps are rudimentary, and there are only a few thousand soldiers in the camp. By common sense, they should have been unable to hold the battle until now, but they have been shaking and not holding back. Fall, they are fighting to the death! The main force of Xun Hou and Sun Hou is tens of thousands of miles away, and with such a large number of reinforcements not far away, they have no reason to fight to the death."

After analyzing the anomalies of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp, Xu Rong pointed to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's formation from a distance, and then analyzed: "Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun are lined up a few miles away, if they rush to help Huang Gai and Sun Ben, they will arrive in a moment. But since the start of the war, the two of them have been holding their ground, just watching the battle... Xunhou didn't save Huang Gai and Sun Ben, I can barely understand, but Sun Hou didn't even save him? This is very unusual."

After talking about these two anomalies, Xu Rong paused for a while, then turned his eyes to look at the Hu Zhen formation in the distance, and said, "Not only Huang Gai and Sun Benying are strange, but also Xun Hou and Sun Hou formation are strange. The general formation is also very strange."

"General Hu? Why is it strange?"

"General Hu, I know very well. He has been fighting in the country for a long time. He is known for his swiftness. They all seem weak, and judging from his ability, he can't stop here!"

When Xu Rong said this, some of the people around him suddenly woke up, and immediately felt that Hu Zhenzhen was a little strange, and said: "What the general said is very true! General Hu is indeed a little strange, nothing else to say , only to say that the battle has reached this level, but Hua Xiong still does not appear in the battle, which is extremely abnormal."

Hua Xiong was an admiral/general in Hu Zhen's army, and he was also well-known in the entire Liangzhou army. Hua Xiong attacked, and today's battle, the battle has reached this level, the two sides are not deadlocked, but caught in a hard battle, but Hua Xiong has not shown up for a long time. It is indeed a strange thing.

Xu Rong pondered for a while, then said to the left and right: "Quickly go to the front, please come over to General Lu."

On the left and right, there was an officer Sima who led the order, rushed down to the watchtower, drove his horse to the front, and went to see Lv Bu.

After a while, Xu Rong saw this Sima galloping back, but he came back alone. When he dismounted and climbed to the watchtower, he asked, "Where's General Lu?"

The soldier Sima replied, "General Lu will not come."

"Didn't you tell him a few strange things about today's battle?"


"Then what did he say?"

"General Lu didn't take it seriously, said, said..."

"Say what?"

"Say: General is suspicious."

"General Hu's attack is slow, and Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun sit and watch without saving. These are all facts. How could I be suspicious?"

"General Lu said: The soldiers of General Hu's army are not as sharp as those in his army, and the offensive is slow, which is not surprising; Sun Houqian fought with him for half a day, and when he saw the bravery of the soldiers of Bingzhou, he must have lost his courage and dared not come to rescue. strange."

Xu Rong frowned and said, "General Lu is a little too embarrassed. ... Since he refuses to come to see me, I will go see him!"

Xu Rong went down from the watchtower, and with the generals on the left and right, he mounted his horse and ran to the front, found Lu Bu, and told Lu Bu his doubts again in person.

Lü Bu leaned on his mount, playing with the hilt of his sword. From time to time, he raised his head to look at the battle in front of him. At the same time, he was obviously following Xu Rong's words. After listening to him, he turned to look at him and asked. Said: "The general thinks what should you and I do now?"

"At this point in the battle, the soldiers are exhausted, and General Hu, Marquis Xun, and Marquis Sun are all suspicious. In my opinion, you and I might as well inform General Hu that we will fight here first today, and Ming Jin will withdraw his troops and return to their respective camps, and then see clearly. situation, make plans."

Lu Bu laughed.

Xu Rong was not happy and asked, "How much is the general laughing at?"

"The battle is going on now, and seeing that Huang Gai and Sun Ben are going to be unable to hold on, the general suggested that I wait for the moment to withdraw troops and return to the camp? General Xu..."


"I heard that 'Marquis Xun' sent you a letter last night? What was written in the letter?"

"what do you mean!"

"It doesn't make any sense, I just think..."

"What do you think?"

"I know you are on good terms with Xunhou, but you can't be so obvious to him!"

"I don't mean it! You stop bleeding!"

Lu Bu was not annoyed, he said with a smile: "If the general doesn't want to fight again, it's fine, but just stay behind and watch me break the yellow cover and Sun Ben's camp."

Xu Rong was But Lu Bu had already spoken to this level, and he had nothing to say, he could only walk away.

Returning to the main formation, he asked Xu Rong left and right: "General, what should I do now?"

Xu Rong was speechless for a while, and after a while, he said: "I think Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun must have a picture of it, and General Hu may have other thoughts, but since General Lu doesn't take it seriously, he can't care about him anymore. The order of our army goes: the battalion in the back must be vigilant and alert, and then the main formation and the right flank of our division will be on guard, just in case something goes wrong!"

Respond to orders from the left and right, and send people to the center of the camp, the right wing, and the main front again to pass orders.


Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were in formation.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian took a closer look at Hu Zhen and Lu Xu's two formations. They saw that the smoke and dust in their formations were raging, and the soldiers rushed forward. They should have already invested about half of their troops. The second danger was broken by Gao Shun, and it was at stake.

Xun Zhen then said to Sun Jian, "Wentai, you can strike!"

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