The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 83: The war has not yet begun to intrigue, let's say goodbye for a long time and

Hu Zhen's camp.

Hu Zhen was ashamed and angry, he turned around in the tent, and said angrily: "I am the lord of Liangzhou, but now I am humiliated by Bingzhou!"

"Langzhou lord" said, "Lord", relative to "little man", means a noble person. Hu Zhen's words mean that his family is famous and his family is a noble family in Liangzhou.

Someone around him said: "If the general wants to report this humiliation, it is also simple."

"How easy?"

Although Hu Zhen said that he wanted to behead "one or two green ribbons", it was only an angry remark. Although he was the "major protector" of this battle, he was above Lu Bu and Xu Rong and had the right to supervise the two of them. Two, one was the head of the Bingzhou army that Dong Zhuo relied on, and the other was a fierce general who had long been cast into Dong Zhuo's account, had great military exploits, and was also highly valued by Dong Zhuo. Xu Rong, it's not easy. With Lu Bu and Xu Rongzhiyong, maybe they will get some great exploits in this war, and they will be able to get revenge. Not only can they not get revenge, but Hu Zhen is asking for his own humiliation. For Dong Zhuo's army to laugh.

Therefore, as soon as he heard this person say "but it's simple", he eagerly asked how simple it was.

He said to the man around him, "The general's order has been issued, and we will attack Huang Gai and Sun Ben tomorrow. I expect that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian will not sit back and watch them, and will definitely go to help. If so, why don't the general pretend to attack tomorrow?"

"Fake attack?"

Hu Zhen immediately understood what this man meant.

What this person meant was: When attacking Huang Gai and Sun Ben tomorrow, Hu Zhen should not do anything and let Lu Bu and Xu Rong be attacked by Xun Zhen and Sun Jian.

Hu Zhen said hesitantly: "Xun Zhen and Sun Jian both know soldiers. They have more than 50,000 troops in total. They have many soldiers and will be brave. If I pretend to attack, Lv Bu and Xu Rong will be defeated."

"It is only when the two of them are defeated that the general can vent his anger!"

Hu Zhen still knew the seriousness of the matter. He said, "I was ordered by the prime minister to help Taigu. If I sit back and watch Lu Bu and Xu Rong fail, I will cut off my arm. What if I fail to save the customs?"

"I have a plan that can make the general not only vent his anger, but also protect Taigu."

"Oh? What's the plan?"

"When you attack Huang Gai and Sun Ben tomorrow, the general can pretend to attack them first, and wait for Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to come to help them. When they fight against Xu Rong and Lü Bu, the general will pick up his troops and leave the camp in a hurry to attack Xun Zhen and Sun's camp. In this way, the general will not only be able to let out such a bad breath and let Bingzhouzi suffer, but also take the opportunity to defeat Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and relieve Taichi. Gu Zhiwei, and Xiangguo will be overjoyed when he hears it, and this promotion and reward will definitely not be able to escape in the end."

Hu Zhen was overjoyed and said, "It's a good plan!"

Lv Bu and Xu Rong were fierce, even if Xun Zhen and Sun Jian attacked them, they would not be defeated for a while, but as long as there was this time difference, Hu Zhen would be able to raise his troops to attack and destroy the camps of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and then attack them again. The next formation was right at that time, with Lü Bu and Xu Rong in front and Hu Zhen in the back, and their own camp was lost.

After agreeing on this plan, Hu Zhen did not greet Xu Rong and Lü Bu, so he dispatched troops according to this plan, and sent people to peep into the camps of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, only to wait for tomorrow's battle.


Lu Bu and Xu Rong were in the camp.

Lü Bu was an outsider, and he was not welcomed by Hu Zhen and other direct descendants of the Liangzhou army. Although Xu Rong had long been cast under Dong Zhuo's account, he was not from Liangzhou, so he was sometimes ostracized by Hu Zhen and others. Dong Junli's life was unhappy. It is reasonable to say that the two of them should "sympathize with each other", and they have quite a common language between each other, but the fact is: the friendship between the two of them is only faint.

This is because >

On Xu Rong's side, he looked down on Lu Bu's character. He followed Dong Zhuo for many years, and he also fought in the north and south. The Qianghu and Bashu bandits, and even the Yellow Turbans, among these "rebellious and bandit armies" all rebelled against the Lord, but there were very few who rebelled against the Lord and killed the old Lord.

Lü Bu was known as a "flying general", and he was also a famous "hero" in Bingzhou. He was trusted by Ding Yuan as the "master book" of Ding Yuan. "Master book" is like the secretary of later generations, who is the most senior official. He was one of the close officials of his cronies, but he killed Ding Yuan and dedicated Ding Yuan's head to Dong Zhuo in order to gain fame and fortune. To be honest, Xu Rong hated Lu Bu's actions.

As for Lu Bu, he didn't think there was anything wrong with killing Ding Yuan and dedicating Ding Yuan's head to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo was in Beijing at that time, and he had almost controlled the imperial court. Didn't many of the officials and ministers in the court "follow" Dong Zhuo as well? So what was wrong with Lu Bu killing Ding Yuan and putting him under Dong Zhuo's account?

Besides, Lv Bu did not think that Ding Yuan was his "old master". Yes, Lv Bu was very trusted by Ding Yuan and was appointed as the "master book" by Ding Yuan. Before Commander Meng and Jinwu, Lü Bu had already held a high position in the Bingzhou army, and it was not Ding Yuan who promoted him from a low position. In Lü Bu's opinion, Ding Yuan was at most one of his superiors, but this one. The "superior" treats him well, and the reason why he treats him so well is only because he values ​​his bravery, that's all.

Besides, under Ding Yuan's subordinates, he was just a "master book", but after being transferred to Dong Zhuo's account, he is now a general of the middle class, and has been named Duke Duting Hou, and has also expanded Strength, some of the Bingzhou soldiers who originally belonged to Dingyuan were assigned to him by Dong Zhuo. Not only himself, but also the generals under his account were promoted to become rich and their strength increased greatly. Lu Bu asked himself: What is his fault?

Lv Bu didn't think it was wrong for him to kill Ding Yuan, so he couldn't understand the "prejudice" of people like Xu Rong against him, and Xu Rong was also capable. Although he was marginalized in Dong Zhuo's army, he is still one of them today. Zhonglang generals who are more than two thousand stone, because of their opinions on Lu Bu, will inevitably ignore Lu Bu's love and ignore it. This falls into the eyes of Lu Bu, and he thinks that Xu Rong is arrogant and arrogant.

When it comes to "courage", who did Lu Bu let?

Therefore, since Xu Rong didn't want to see Lu Bu, Lu Bu was too lazy to interact with him.

But he said: Since Lu Bu and Xu Rong didn't communicate much, why did Lu Bu still say "Hu Zhen has no guts" to Xu Rong? It stands to reason that such words should only be said among close people. If you talk to people you don't know well, and if the words spread out, isn't this offending Hu Zhen? This is because of Lu Bu's character. Lu Bu is not a delicate person, and he is not a shrewd person. Many times he will say whatever comes to his mind. For this reason, Gao Shun has persuaded him many times, saying that he "doesn't want to think carefully about his actions." It’s impossible to count the mistakes.” Lü Bu knew that Gao Shun was right, but his nature was such that it was hard to change, so he said “Hu Zhen has no guts” to Xu Rong.

Although the friendship between Xu Rong and Lu Bu was light, but now they are in the same camp, facing strong enemies like Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, but they also let go of their prejudices and won the order of Hu Zhen, "Fight Huang tomorrow." After Gai and Sun Ben issued the military order, they gathered to discuss military affairs.

Xu Rong said: "Shuguan Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camps are very heavily defended. When they attack tomorrow, Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun will definitely come to help. This battle will probably be a tough fight."

Lü Bu didn't care, and said, "Although Sun Jian is brave, I will fight against him with three thousand cavalry, and I will not be defeated. Now that General Hu arrives, my two troops will join forces of more than twenty thousand soldiers, all of whom are elites, so why should you be afraid of Xun and Sun? ?"

Xu Rong said, "You still have to be careful."

Lu Bu laughed.

Xu Rong was puzzled and asked, "Why is the general laughing?"

Lü Bu looked inside the tent, there were no outsiders, and then looked outside the tent, because they were in a military meeting, so there was not a single person outside the tent, so he asked with a smile, "Wen Xunzhen and the general are on good terms, Is this possible?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I heard that Xun Zhen met the general during the battle when Duke Huangfu attacked the Yellow Turban. Since then, the general and Xun Zhen have been friendly. This is an 'old friendship'! I heard that when the general was in Hulao, Xun Zhen became friendly. There are frequent correspondence with the general."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I just wanted to ask: since the general is so close to Xun Zhen, he should know who Xun Zhen is."

"Xunhou Qiren, what have you got to do with me?"

"Hey, 'Marquis Xun'."

Lv Bu, Hu Zhen and other generals who fought against Xun Zhen mostly called Xun Zhen by the name, but Xu Rong called Xun Zhen "Marquis Xun", and Lü Bu laughed again.


"Don't be angry, I asked about the character of 'Marquis Xun', not to spy on the general's **, but just to guess the tactics he might use tomorrow from the character of Xun Zhen."

"Tomorrow fight, you can know!"

Xu Rong got up and walked out, walked out of the tent, turned back, and said to Lu Bu with a cold face: "Tomorrow is going to be a fierce battle, and the general will not return to the camp to prepare for the battle?" But it turned out that this was Xu Rong's general tent, not Lu Bu's, he I didn't remember until I left the door, so I turned back again and issued a eviction order.

Lu Bu laughed and said: "Why should the general be angry, I just said it." After speaking, he stood up, gave Xu Rong a bow, and walked out of the tent.

Lu Bu and Xu Rong said these few words, Lu Bu was not implying anything, he just remembered it, so he said a few words like Xu Rong, but his words and attitude just hit Xu Rong's heart. 's concerns.

Who knew that the friendship formed when they were begging for the Yellow Turbans would become a hostile relationship within a few years? Xu Rong was already ostracized in Dong Bingzhong, and what he was most afraid of now was that someone would talk about it, but Lu Bu would say it if he didn't open the pot.

Watching Lu Bu leave the tent Xu Rong supported the desk table, sat back on the table, looked outside the tent, and sighed.

There were officials close to him in the tent, and he comforted him and said: "The general has been in the country for a long time, and he has always been in danger in battles, but he has always fought to the death. Loyalty and righteousness need not be expressed. General Lu just said a few words. Don't worry about it."

Xu Rong sighed: "Since ancient times, those who have led troops outside have always been afraid of the suspicion of the Lord. Although I have no shame in my heart, I can't predict the meaning of the state! ... Xunhou, Xunhou, you have hurt me."

While they were talking, someone from outside came to report: Xun Ying sent a letter.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

Needless to say, this letter must have been sent by Xun Zhen. Xu Rong didn't want to look at it, but if he didn't, it might make him more guilty.

Xu Rong had no choice but to take it over and start to look at it. He saw Xun Zhen's handwriting on it. It was written: Although I have an old friendship with the general, now each is the master, the king is Dong Zhuo, I am the emperor, the battle before the army, No mercy required. After we parted in Luoyang, I hadn’t had a good time with the general, and now we meet on the battlefield. Taking the camp as the case, with the crossbow as the support, the pride as the wine, and relying on the Guan soldiers to talk, it can be said to be a happy thing.

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