The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 80: Under the account, 4 Sima Dao's vacant waiter was appointed without merit.

There are several mountains in the east and west of Daguguan, with undulating peaks and ridges, criss-crossing ravines, and soldiers can be ambushed in the mountains. (www.VoDtw.coM)

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian thought: Hu Zhenzhi came to march fast and avoid being ambushed. He would definitely not choose the road in the valley, and eight/nine times out of ten, he would come along the official road.

The official road is unobstructed, and it is not easy to set an ambush.

In the end, the two chose a hill not too far from Linguan Road as the ambush.

Xun Zhen picked out three thousand elite soldiers, and just waited for Hu Zhen to arrive, so he ambush the three thousand elite soldiers on the mountain in advance, but these three thousand elite soldiers were not the main force to attack the enemy, the main force was cavalry.

The mountain is small, and there are not many people to ambush. Three thousand people are already in the sky, and it is obviously impossible to annihilate Hu Zhenbu by only these three thousand soldiers. Therefore, the three thousand people that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian prepared to ambush on the mountain are only 3,000 people. He planned to use them to entangle Hu Zhen, but in the end he had to use cavalry to fight Hu Zhen.

The cavalry is fast and can ambush a little farther. As long as the three thousand soldiers can hold Hu Zhen, it will not take too long. Half an hour or an hour is enough. With this time, the cavalry can gallop.

After choosing the ambush point, and deciding on the tactics of annihilating Hu Zhen, Xun and Sun waited for Hu Zhenzhi to come.

The information came from the direction of Yique and Guangcheng in an endless stream. First, Hu Zhen completed the deployment of troops, and then Hu Zhen personally led the troops out of the customs. After a day and a half, Hu Zhen's troops and horses had passed Guangcheng and passed Guangcheng. Not far from Taigu.

In order not to make Hu Zhen more suspicious, Sun Jian issued a special order, ordering that the branch of the division he sent to Yique and Guangcheng Pass earlier could not chase Hu Zhen too close, but he could not ignore it. If it is too tight, Hu Zhen will definitely be very careful, and if he ignores it completely, then Hu Zhen will definitely be suspicious, and maybe he will suspect that there is an ambush ahead, so it is the most appropriate to be close to Hu Zhen.

This afternoon, when it was reported that Hu Zhen's army had already passed through, Xun Zhen dispatched the three thousand soldiers who had been pre-selected out of the camp, and ordered them to go to the hill to ambush immediately. At the same time, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian once again Selected elite cavalry, still a total of three thousand cavalry, ready to leave the camp.

Xun Zhen sent to ambush the three thousand soldiers in the hills, and he chose Liu Deng as his general.

Ling Cao, who was kept in front of the tent by him as an official, heard the news that Liu Deng had received the military order and was about to leave the camp. , and hung the sword that Xun Zhen had given him earlier on his waist, picked up the spear, and hurriedly returned to Xun Zhen's tent, asking outside to see him.

The battle of Hu Zhen is very important. If it goes well, it will be much easier to attack Taigu Pass. Therefore, Xun Zhen's tent is now full of counselors Biji and generals Yunhui, and there are no less than twenty or thirty people in the tent.

Everyone was discussing and speculating about the outcome of the fight against Hu Zhen this time. Dian Wei came in from outside and reported, "Ling Cao asks to see you."

Everyone knew that Dian Wei was very trustworthy, so they all paused when Dian Wei came in. After listening to Dian Wei, seeing that it was a trivial matter, some people continued to discuss what he just said.

Xun Zhen was also talking to Xi Zhicai, Xun You and the others who were sitting around him, when she heard Ling Cao asking for advice, she thought, "When the battle is about to come, Ling Cao suddenly came to ask for advice, this must be a battle." "Call him in."

Ling Cao got permission and strode in from outside the account.

He is fully armored, with a sword in his waist and a spear, and when he walks, he is full of wind.

For example, Xi Zhicai, etc., it is common for him to dress up as a literate official, but it is rare to see him dressed as a warrior.

Cheng Jiatun, who was sitting on the lower left of Xun Zhen, couldn't help but praised: "What a tiger!"

Ling Cao put down his spear, bowed his head on the ground, and said loudly, "Cao heard that the master raises eagles to chase rabbits. Cao has been raised by the prince for a long time. Now the soldiers are besieging the pass, and Dong Jun is coming to help. When the master releases the eagle, Cao invites him From Xiaowei Liu to fight, to offer Hu Zhen's head to the prince!"

After obtaining the more than ten thousand soldiers and horses of Kong Yu, Xunzhen was appointed as a group of captain officers, and Liu Dengyin was also able to rank among the "council captains of the Ministry", and was called "chasing thieves".

Xun You smiled and said, "Ling Jun is ambitious!"

Ling Cao did not ask for battle once or twice, Xun Zhen knew that he was brave and brave, so he did not refuse, and immediately replied: "You are also an official in front of my account. Hit Hu!"

Ling Cao was overjoyed, and loudly agreed.

Before Ling Cao retreated, Dian Wei came to report again: "Gan Ning, Pan Zhang, Yao Ban ask to see you."

Needless to say, these three are also here to fight.

Xun Zhen ordered the three of them to come in, and when he looked up, he saw that the three of them, like Ling Cao, were all dressed in military uniforms with swords.

Xun Zhen agreed one by one. When Yao Ban and the three of them first arrived, Xun Zhen granted them the positions of Sima respectively, but at that time, most of them were "Sima of other departments". All replaced by "military Sima".

"Biebu Sima" and "Military Sima" have the same rank. They are both Biqianshi and both military positions, but there is a difference between these two positions, that is, "Biebu Sima", as the name suggests, is a Sima who only leads one department. The number of soldiers and horses under the account varies, and the military Sima is usually the adjutant of the "buxiaowei". Relatively speaking, "other department Sima" may be more precise in military command, while "military Sima" is a relatively fixed position level in the military system of "general, colonel, and Sima".

Xun Zhen asked Huangfu Song for the yellow turban in his early years, and he also served as the "Sima of other ministries".

When Gan Ning and a few talents arrived, Xun Zhen and them were not very familiar with each other, and they each had their own parts, so Xun Zhen appointed them as "Sima of the Other Departments", and now, their parts are already in the Central Military Academy. Under the supervision of Yu Zhaoyun, they had been practiced for a long time, and it was considered that they had already integrated into Xun Zhen's army. Therefore, Xun Zhen took this opportunity today and appointed them all as military commanders.

For Gan Ning and others, this is actually not a bad thing, but a good thing.

This shows that Xun Zhen has recognized them and has integrated them into the normal promotion order of his troops. As long as they can make enough military exploits, it may not be long before they can take another step and be successfully promoted to Bi 2,000 Stones. The "Lieutenant of the Ministry".

The people of Gan Ning rejoiced and thanked him, got up to bid farewell to the tent, went to Liu Deng, and followed him into battle.

Gan Ning and the others have their own chapters. Although their chapters have been practiced for a long time, they have been integrated into Xun Zhen's troops, but after all, they have not cooperated with Liu Deng and others' chapters, so in order not to affect the battle, Xun Zhen did not let them go with the trilogy, but let them each pick a dozen brave men to follow them as their escorts.

When Gan Ning and the others went out, Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "This generation is a fierce warrior. In the army, the monarchs have been raising them for a long time, and there has been no battle for several months. It is no wonder that everyone is in a hurry."

Cheng Jia left his seat, gathered in front of Xun Zhen's case, looked back at the tent, and saw that the rest of the crowd were talking to each other and no one paid attention to him, so he said softly: "Ling Cao is like an eagle, like raising an eagle, it needs to be raised. Boil it first, and if you boil it for a long time, it will be useful. It is natural for a prince to treat others with kindness, but you can’t just treat these brave people with kindness!”

The way of employing people is to combine rigidity and softness, and to caress blindly will definitely not work.

Xun Zhen knew this, but he didn't agree with Cheng Jia's words.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "I bring my own soldiers, and I always have clear rewards and punishments. If I violate my law, I will have Xiahou Lan. If I don't violate my law, I always treat people with pure heart, but I don't need to use the technique of boiling an eagle."

When Xun Zhen appointed the first batch of captains, many people who had followed him for a long time and had considerable military achievements were not promoted to captains, but Xia Houlan, who had no military achievements, was appointed as Mingwei captain. , why? It was because Xiahoulan was in charge of the military law, that the rewards and punishments were strict, and Xun Zhen trusted him. From this, it can be seen that Xun Zhen attached great importance to the military law and military discipline. In addition, Xun Zhen treated others, and he was indeed always pushing his heart into others. In the belly, he always gave him kindness and righteousness, and he used less power and skill, so he had this word to answer Cheng Jia.

Xi Zhicai touched his hands when he heard it, and said with admiration: "The king is dignified, this is the way of the king!" Quite disdain for Cheng Jia's words just now, squinting at him, and said, "What Jun Chang said , but the tricky way and the small way, even if you can succeed for a while, it will be difficult to achieve in the end."

Cheng Jia wasn't embarrassed. Touching his sparse beard, he smiled and said, "Otherwise, the prince is the prince, and I'm just me?"

After laughing, he flattered, and calmly returned to his seat and sat down.

The ambush of Hu Zhen was only a part of the entire capture of Taigu. The troops and horses had already been dispatched, so Xun Zhen no longer thought about it, because it was useless to think too much, so he just asked again: "The cavalry of Yulang's army are all ready. All right?"

Xun You replied, "I just sent someone to ask, and Yu Lang replied: You can leave the camp at any time."

"Where is the Wentai?"

"Sun Houying is also ready." Xun You paused, then said, "It is reported that there are about 10,000 people in Hu Zhen's army, and they are surrounded by my 3,000 fine armor and 3,000 fine horses on the field. It is also to set up an ambush, so that you are prepared to attack without being prepared, and if the progress is smooth, the battle will be won.”

Everything was ready, just waiting for the outcome of the battle, Xun Zhen stopped asking questions, and turned to the topic that was interrupted by Ling Cao and others just now.

He said: "Military News: Xu Rong is less than thirty miles away from Taigu, and Lu Bu has already joined him. The two of them will arrive tomorrow at the latest. If you beat Hu Zhen today, if you win, if you lose, then you can We have to consider whether Huang Gai and Sun Ben Yingzhi should go or stay."

Huang Gai and Sun Ben had led thousands of people, and they were now stationed in the west of Taigu Pass, not with the main force of Sun Jian and Xun Zhen. If Hu Zhen could be annihilated or driven away today, then Huang Gai and Sun Ben would not need to think too much about it, but if they failed to defeat Hu Zhen, or failed to drive him away, then Hu Zhen would In order to join forces with Xu Rong and Lu Bu, they will definitely pay attention to Huang Gai and Sun Ben. Xu Rong and Lu Bu came from the north, Hu Zhen came from the west, and Huang Gai and Sun Ben happened to be there. In the middle of the were replaced by Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. The first thought of the two of them would be to pull out the nails of Huang Gai and Sun Ben first.

Then, if Hu Zhen was not annihilated or taken away, what should Huang Gai and Sun Benying do? Will it stay there as a nail, or will it simply be withdrawn?

This is an easy choice to make.

Xi Zhicai and Xun You both thought silently.

The Art of War says: If you don't think about victory, think about defeat first.

The battle to ambush Hu Zhen has not yet started, and the outcome is still unknown, but Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, etc., who are the main generals and main advisers, have to think about what to do if they lose.

Liu Deng first led the troops out of the camp, and not long after that, Xin Ai, Han Dang, and Xu Wei also led their elite cavalry out of the camp, heading in the direction where Hu Zhen came.

Xun Zhen and others were waiting for news in the camp.

In the evening, a military report came: Before reaching the place where I set up an ambush on my hill, Hu Zhen suddenly took a detour. Xin, Han, and Xu led the cavalry to chase after him, but had to retreat because of the neatness of Hu Zhen's army, the undisturbed chariots and flags, the heavy security, and the ring of guns and crossbows. I640

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