The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 76: The Jiangdong Tigers lined up and the state flying generals have left the camp

According to Sun Jian's strategy, Sun's army chose the battlefield to the southeast of Taigu Pass. There is an open plain area, which can not only carry out large-scale battles of infantry, but also is the only way for Lv Bu to help Taigu in the east of Taigu Pass. land.

Sun Jian first led his own 2,000 cavalry to ambush in the forests and hills on the east side of the plain. Then Cheng Pu and Han Dangti led thousands of foot soldiers and formed an array on the southern side of the plain. Finally, Wu Jing led 5,000 soldiers to enter. When they reached the front gate of Taigu Pass, Huang Gai and Sun Ben from the west of Taigu Pass also raised their troops to set up their camp to the west of Taigu Pass.

In addition to these soldiers who are about to fight, there are still thousands of soldiers left in Sun Jian's army. These thousands of soldiers did not go into battle. Under the leadership of Sun He, they lined up behind Wu Jing and Cheng Pu. As a reserve team, It is also used to hold down the position.

In this move, more than 20,000 soldiers of Sun Jian's army, apart from the more than 2,000 partial divisions sent to Yique Pass earlier, the rest of the soldiers and horses can be said to have all been put into the battlefield. It can't be done overnight. It starts in the morning and doesn't form until it's almost noon.

With so many mobilizations, it was obviously impossible to hide from Lu Bu.

Lü Bu climbed high and looked at it from afar. Seeing the smoke billowing from Taigu Pass in front of him, he was startled by the flying birds. He leaned on an iron spear in one hand and pointed at it from a distance. Sun Jian's child must be trying to send me to help Taigu, surround me and attack him, in order to avenge the past and twilight."

With Lu Bu were all the brave generals in his army, such as Gao Shun, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Song Xian, Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, Cao Xing, Hao Meng, Xue Lan, Li Feng and so on.

Similar to the composition of Dong Zhuo's Liangzhou army, most of the soldiers under Lv Bu's tent were from his hometown, mostly from Bingzhou. Just like the people of the state, they have been fighting against the Qiang and Hu all year round. They are all brave and brave, and even women can go into battle to kill the enemy. Therefore, Bingzhou soldiers have always been called together with Liangzhou soldiers, and they are called "Bingliang strong soldiers",—— It is also for this reason that when Dong Zhuo annexed and merged the state soldiers, he did not resort to fighting, but to bribe them to induce Lv Bu to kill Ding Yuan. How strong is the combat effectiveness of the feared troops.

Some of these fierce generals under Lu Bu’s account may not have a good reputation in the Central Plains, but in Bingzhou, they are all famous local brave warriors. , Light chivalrous people have a common characteristic, that is, "being angry and committing suicide". At this time, listening to Lu Bu's contemptuous jokes, most of these people burst into laughter.

Among the generals, Wei Xu is related to Lu Bu, and the two are related by marriage. Therefore, Wei Xu can be said to be one of the most trusted people of Lu Bu. After laughing for a while, he looked at the distant smoke with contempt. As he rolled, he spat on the ground and said disdainfully, "I have heard the name of Sun Jian for a long time. In the past, he asked for the yellow turban from Duke Zhu, fought in Runan, was surrounded by thieves, nearly died in the wild, and returned to Zhang. The public begged Bianzhang and Han Sui to be in the army for a few months, just talking about nothing without any achievements. Later, because of the power of Zhu Gong, he even won the Changsha Ping Bandit. Although he was victorious, what was the Changsha bandit? Get famous! It's ridiculous."

Cheng Lian was a well-known general under Lü Bu's tent, but he didn't take Sun Jian seriously, saying, "I heard that Xun Zhen called Sun Jian a 'Jiangdong Tiger'. Could it be that in this place in the Central Plains, any cat or dog can be called a 'tiger'?"

The generals laughed again.

Wei continued: "Not to mention Sun Jian, I heard that Xun Zhen was also called a 'tiger', what is it..., what is a 'Yingchuan milk tiger'? The number is Milk Tiger?"

Xun Zhen's achievements are obvious to all. He won several victories against the Yellow Turbans, and defeated Montenegro several times in Zhao State and Wei County. Even Zhang Feiyan was drawn to a draw by him. It is understandable, but Zhang Jiao and Zhang Feiyan are not "southern thieves". Their names are resounding in the north. Xun Zhen was able to kill Zhang Jiao and tie Zhang Feiyan, which shows that he is brave and wise.

Therefore, after hearing Wei Xu's words, Gao Shun disagreed.

He said: "Sun Jian is a native of the South, and there are many southerners who are good at fighting. I heard that Sun Jian often bleeds before every battle. Although he is slightly defeated when he encounters an enemy, he wins many times. Wen Xunzhen was the sole protector of Yingchuan in the early days of the Yellow Turbans, followed by Duke Huangfu to conquer several states, forced Zhang Jiao to death, and later lived in Zhao and Wei. Duke Huangfu and Duke Zhu are also far inferior to Xiangguo, but they can be called outstanding people today." He advised Lv Bu, saying, "Generals must never underestimate the enemy."

Among the generals under Lü Bu's tent, Gao Shun was an outlier.

Some people like Cheng Lian and Wei Xu were originally light chivalrous people, some were arrogant, and most of them were arrogant, but Gao Shun was not the case. First of all, Gao Shun did not drink alcohol. Only this one, he and Lu Bu included. Including Cheng Lian and others are all different, how can there be a general who leads the army who doesn't drink alcohol? Cheng Lian and Wei Xu are both valiant and tyrannical people. As "heroes", it is common for them to drink all night long. If they are not allowed to drink, it would be better to kill them. How can a general who leads an army to fight make a fortune if he does not accept the gift? One is to loot, and the other is to accept the filial piety of lower-level and local officials, but even if Gao Shun did not drink alcohol, he did not accept gifts. He was so innocent, and he was very dignified in governing the army.

——In fact, not only under the tent of Lü Bu, but even when Gao Shun was placed in the army of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, he was also a rare person.

Sun Jian's army did not say anything, but only said that in Xun Zhen's army, were there any people like Gao Shun in Xun Zhen's army? Yes, but very rarely. Xu Zhong and Zhao Yun can be counted as two. Like Gao Shun, they are both innocent and majestic, but they are different from Gao Shun. Although they drink too much, they will not make mistakes. At least drink some when it's time to drink; another one, another one, Chen Wu and Chen Dao are barely two, but both of them also drink, and it's not that they don't accept any courtesy.

So, Gao Shun is really an anomaly.

It is also because of the odd number that he was under the tent of Lu Bu, and his relationship with the rest of the generals was not very close. Lu Bu was not particularly close to him, and it was not that Lu Bu or anyone else had an opinion on him, saying that he was lofty or something. , Lu Bu and the others also respected him, but because they couldn't do what Gao Shun could do, it was inevitable that they would "stay away" from him.

This is also human nature. Everyone has seven emotions and six desires. Who doesn't like it? But suddenly there is such a person who is strict in self-discipline and has no flaws or faults, so as an "ordinary person", it is natural to be polite and respect him, and it is natural to be respectful and far away.

As Lü Bu, although he did not make any great contribution to the fight for the Yellow Turbans, he grew up in the borderlands and had been dealing with Qiang Hu since he was a child. At that time, he was already fighting with the Qiang Hu Zhendaozhen/gun land, and finally he was promoted to the Cavalry Commander of Dingyuan all the way because of his military exploits. It can be said that he grew up by licking blood from the head of a knife, and he was indeed a man. A fierce warrior with the valour of a tiger, he is called "Flying General". This is to compare him with Li Guang, so he is inevitably conceited.

Therefore, after listening to Gao Shun's words, Lü Bu knew that this was a good word, but he didn't listen to it, patted Gao Shun's arm, and said with a smile: "Your words are very true, it's just that I am here on the order of the Prime Minister to come to aid the people of Yique. Guan, but we can't just sit back and watch Taigu be attacked."

Gao Shun said: "Although Xun Zhen has not yet arrived, and Sun Jian has more than 20,000 troops, the general won the night before yesterday, because the general led his cavalry to suddenly arrive, which was unexpected by Sun Jian, so he was able to win, and now Sun Jian is ready. If the general rashly fights again, if he is surrounded, it will be unfavorable."

"Sun Jian's team took many steps, and I rode them all. Even if Sun Jian was ready, he couldn't surround me! It was because Xun Zhen had not yet arrived, so our team should take the initiative to attack and defeat Sun Jian before we could break Taigu's siege. If not, when Xun Zhen arrives, the bandits will flourish, and our troops will only have three thousand cavalry.

Gao Shungu remonstrated: "General Xu will have the main force behind, and they will be able to arrive within three or several days. As long as you wait for General Xu to arrive, Xun Zhen will also arrive with the army, and only if the general and General Xu join forces, it will be completely complete. Don't be afraid of him and Sun Jian. Why don't you wait a little longer, General?"

"I have entered the account of the Prime Minister, and I have been very kind to the Prime Minister. I have been ashamed for a long time and have no merit in return. Now I save Taigu, how can I wait for Xu Rong!"

Dong Zhuo raised Lv Bu, firstly, to control the Bingzhou army through Lü Bu, and secondly because of Lü Bu's own martial prowess, but Dong Zhuo thought so, but the generals under Dong Zhuo did not think so.

There are many Liangzhou people under Dong Zhuo's account, all of them are arrogant and strong, and they are very xenophobic. Even Xu Rong, who has long been in Dong Zhuo's army and has made many achievements in battle, is often excluded by them, not to mention Lu Bu. Someone who hasn't made any military exploits yet is treated like a son by Dong Zhuo? Lu Bu was also excluded from Dong Zhuo's army long ago. Looking at the scenery, his life was actually not happy.

Sun Jian was suffocated and wanted to defeat Lu Bu before Xun Zhen arrived; Lu Bu was also suffocated and wanted to defeat Sun Jian before Xu Rong arrived.

Not to mention that Sun Jian arranged his troops and wanted to lure Lu Bu to fight, but even if Sun Jian did not do so, Lu Bu would probably also look for fighter opportunities and take the initiative to attack.

Sun Jianqiang is a fierce tiger in Jiangdong. This Lu Bu is a flying general from Bingzhou. Both of them are top-notch generals. They have never been afraid of anyone on the battlefield. If you don't spell out which one is higher and which is lower, it is obviously unstoppable.

Lü Bu looked at the heights for a long time, and there was a report of visiting the horses below: "Reporting General, Sun Jian's troops are divided into two places. The formations are all foot soldiers."

Wu Jing, Huang Gai, and Sun Ben who attacked Taigu were too far away from Lv Bu, and there were Cheng Pu and Han Dang's positions in the middle, so they did not know the number of troops and horses there. The number of soldiers here.

Hearing that Sun Jian divided a part of his troops to attack Taigu, and the tens of thousands of people were in the southeast of Taigu, Lü Bu laughed and said, "It is unexpected that ten thousand people are not to attack the key points, but they are arrayed in the southeast of Taigu, if it is as I expected. , Sun Jian is trying to lure me into battle, surround me and attack me!"

Cheng Lian and Wei Xu's generals bowed down and said loudly, "I would like to be the vanguard of the generals and capture Sun Jian to offer it!"

Lu Bu pondered for a moment, then asked the trooper, "Where are the cavalry of Sun Jian's army?"

"Unable to detect."

Lu Bu just asked. He could guess where Sun Jian's cavalry was without probing. He must have been ambushed near the southeast position. He thought for a while, looked down at the generals, and said, "Gao Shun!"

Gao Shun tried to persuade Lu Bu again and again, but Lu Bu would not listen. He was a loyal person and had no choice but to join the generals to fight. At this time, when he heard Lu Bu calling his name, he replied, "Yes."

"I see Sun Jian in this formation. Those who attack Taigu must be feigning attacks. Those who are arrayed in the southeast of Taigu are obviously blocking my way. His killing must be on his cavalry! I will deal with his cavalry myself. , you bring your troops and horses, specializing in the southeast thief formation!"

Gao Shun had only seven or eight hundred troops. Although he had excellent armor and weapons, he was a first-class elite. In the past, when he fought, he could quickly break through the enemy's formation, but now Lu Bu wants him to use seven or eight hundred troops. Going to attack the enemy's position of tens of thousands of people was an impossible task, but Gao Shun didn't even blink an eye, and simply answered a "promise".

"Cao Xing, so cute."

Cao Xing and Haomeng responded, "Yes!"

"The two of you lead two hundred cavalry to stand behind Gao Shun Hall."

Cao Xing and Haomeng responded, "No!"

"Cheng Lian and Wei Xu are generals."

Cheng Lian, Wei Xu and the others responded, "Yes!"

"You all lead the headquarters, from my left and right, attack the knight Sun Jian!"

Lü Bu ordered the generals to get up, looking forward to the generals, and said with high ambition: "Sun Jian's cavalry is at most 3,000, I will attack him with 2,000 cavalry, and it will be easy to destroy. , Haomeng joined forces to attack its southeast formation, and it was like a backhand victory by riding and breaking steps!"

But it turned out: Lü Bu was not arrogant enough to use Gao Shun's seven or eight hundred men to defeat Sun Jian's army of 10,000 but just hope that Gao Shun, Cao Xing, and Hao Meng can block them for a while. After defeating Sun Jian's cavalry by himself, the two sides joined forces to attack the formation.

Lü Bu's cavalry was invincible in Bingzhou. When he wanted to come, he would attack Sun Jian's "up to three thousand cavalry" with 2,000 cavalry. It should not be difficult to win. After winning, he would attack Sun Jian's foot formation with cavalry. Not difficult either.

The generals Cheng Lian and Wei Xu said in unison, "Let the 'Jiangdong Tigers' see what the 'Bingzhou Flying General' is today! The general will win this battle.

Lü Bu laughed, and immediately led the generals down to the garrison. After the generals reported for a meal, they all led to their headquarters. Gao Shun, Cao Xing, and Haomeng went first, and Lü Bu brought his main force out afterward.

For a time, smoke billowed under Taigu Guanxia, ​​Guanxi, and Guandongnan, and flocks of birds were frightened, and Sun Jian of Guandongnan stepped forward, following the departure of Lv Bu's army, billowing smoke was also rising, and countless birds were startled.

When it was past noon, the autumn sun was exposed to the sun, and on the Wei Ran blue sky at Taigu Pass, the Guanzhong defender turned around in shock when he heard the news of Lu Bu's battle while dealing with the attack of Wu Jing and others.

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