Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's words were scattered, but there was no one who responded. Except for Yuan Shao, who sent five thousand troops to the river, the rest, such as Yuan Shu, were silent. Pinshu.com (www.VoDtw.coM)

Tao Qian reacted similarly to Yuan Shao's after receiving the letter, and he was also furious, but he couldn't do anything about it.

On the other hand, Tao Qian had the self-reliant and brave general under his command. He was unwilling to be laughed at by Xun Zhen like this. He came to Tao Qian to ask for a fight.

At the beginning of September, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian raised troops and went out of the county.

Before leaving the prefecture, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian specially sent people to Yuzhou Prefecture to meet Kong Yu and invite him to send troops together.

Where would Kong Yu be willing? No sickness.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian actually knew that Kong Dian would never send troops together. The reason why they sent someone to see him was to spy on the state of the state before sending troops. They had always heard that Kong Dian was ill, but they didn't know if it was true. False, if it is true, I don't know how sick Kong Duo is, so I sent someone to take the opportunity to take a look.

The person sent came back and said, "I couldn't see Kong Yuzhou, but I heard from the officials of the prefecture: Yuzhou seems to be seriously ill, and I seldom showed up in the past two months. It’s hard to see one side of it.”

Xun Zhen asked, "Have you seen Kong De?"


"What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything, he just wished Junhou and Sunhou success."

Through several contacts with Kong De, especially the last time Xun Shuang died of illness, Kong De came to express condolences on behalf of Kong Ni. Xun Zhen had two private conversations with him, and it was obvious that this person could be recruited and used.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "'I didn't say anything', 'I just wish Wentai and I success', ... Although it was only two sentences, it seemed that I didn't say anything, but I already said a lot."

Comte's meaning is all in "those things that are not said".

Why only wish Xun Zhen and Sun Jian success, and the rest do not say a word? That is because "the rest are not worth a word", in other words, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian need not worry about the situation in Yuzhou Prefecture, and there will never be a backyard fire after they send troops.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jiusheng dug out ten thousand or twenty thousand soldiers and horses from Kong Duo. When they were both in Yingchuan, they did not need to worry about Kong Duo's revenge, but once they left the country, they would fight against Dong Zhuo. It's not likely that they would take the opportunity to mess up, but it's not realistic to say that the two of them are not worried about it at all. Now that Kong De's words are in place, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian can send troops out of the county with peace of mind. .

The two each left a soldier and horse to guard the county boundary and appease the county.

Xun Zhen left Xun Yu in charge.

Originally, Zang Hong and Chen Dao, who were from the north and south of Tunbing County, did not stay in the county this time, but went out of the county together with Xun Zhen.

In addition to the soldiers and horses left behind, Sun Jian and Xun Zhen each had more than 25,000 men, a total of 50,000 cavalrymen.

Sun Jian launched first, with Huang Gai and Sun Ben as the vanguard, with about 3,000 troops, followed by Sun Jian's generals, followed by the main force of Sun's army, about 20,000, of which about 2,000 were mounted, and the last was Wu Jingdian. , Ministry of about three thousand.

Three days after the departure of Sun Jian's troops, Xun Zhen's troops left the camp.

Xun Zhen's army took Xu Zhong as the vanguard. Gan Ning, Yao Ban, Pan Zhang, and Ling Cao all wanted to go first because of their active pursuit of battle. Therefore, Xun Zhen transferred them from the Central Army to Xu Zhong's account, and followed them together. , Xu Zhong's army has a total of about 5,000 soldiers, of which 3,000 are from Xu Zhong's headquarters, and 2,000 are from Gan Ning and others; Two thousand, and at the end, Xun Cheng ruled the three thousand soldiers at the rear of the headquarters.

The reason why Xun Zhen waited three days after Sun Jian's departure was because Yingchuan was narrow, and after leaving Yingchuan, the distance from Liangxian East to Taiguguan was not far. Heaven, then only the 50,000-odd cavalry and luggage of Sun Jian and Xun Zhen could fill the road. Therefore, Xun Zhen waited for three days, enough distance to facilitate the march, and then set off.

From the second day after the departure, the Japanese army newspapers continued to come from Sun Jian's department in front.

The day after Xun Zhen left the camp, Sun Jian left Yingchuan County and began to fight against Dong Jun.

From the east of Liangxian County, go west along the Rushui River, until Yangren gathers, and then turn to the north. , and sometimes fight in the morning and finish in the afternoon, and even win streak.

This is because Sun Jian's troops have been recharged for a long time, and Sun Jian is full of energy to compete with Xun Zhen for merit. It is also because the scale of Dong Jun encountered by Sun Jian's troops along the line is not large, and they use the strong to attack the weak. It is a "weak enemy" with low morale, and of course wins every battle.

Xi Zhicai was sitting in the bumpy car, looking at the military newspaper and the map while looking at the map. Through the car window, he said to Xun Zhen, who was walking outside the car: "Sun Hou has been beaten all the way, and it's like a broken bamboo!" After calculating with his fingers, he continued, "It's only been three days since he left Yingchuan County and fought against Dong Jun in the first battle..." He traced the map, from the east of Liangxian County to the At the current position of Sun Jian's troops, he said, "And they have already cleared the way for the enemy, and they have traveled more than a hundred miles!"

Three days, more than a hundred li, it doesn't seem like much, only thirty or forty li a day, but these more than 100 li are more than 100 li with enemies along the way, and they detoured the road, causing Dong Jun to mistake Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. The direction of the attack was still more than a hundred miles from Yique, and the result was not small.

Xun Zhen said: "According to Wentai's latest military report, the main force of his army has already arrived in Taigu, right?"

"Yes, Huang Gai and Sun Ben are less than twenty miles away from Taigu."

"I don't know if Hu Zhen was fooled?"

"Looking at what Dong Jun is doing now, he should be fooled."

Dong Jun in Yique and Guangcheng Guanzhong has not changed so far. Hu Zhen sits in Yique and concentrates only on strengthening the defenses of Yique and Guangcheng. He has completely ignored Taigu. There are not many Dong troops stationed in Taigu Pass. According to the previous military report, there should be only a few thousand people. As long as this situation can be maintained, Sun Jian and Xun Zhen will storm this pass with 50,000 people and break through it. The odds are great.

However, on the battlefield, victory or defeat is never calculated based on the number of enemies and us at the moment. For Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, whether they can defeat Taigu, there are still two variables.

One is Hu Zhen. If Hu Zhen could discover the true intentions of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian in time, dispatch troops, and rush to help Taigu, then this battle of tackling key problems may turn into a protracted one. , Sun Jian may still have to return without success as he did last time.

One is Xu Rong and Lü Bu~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now that the Suanzao army has dispersed, Xu Rong and Lü Bu are invincible face to face. If the two of them come to help Taigu in time, then this battle will also become a protracted one. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian may also return without success.

There is another possibility that seems to be the worst: that is, Hu Zhen, Xu Rong, and Lü Bu all came to help Taigu. In this way, Dong Jun's troops are strong and strong, and Xun Zhen and Sun Jian seem to be very strong. There is absolutely no chance of winning.

But still the same sentence, the victory or defeat of the battlefield is never calculated by "the enemy and the enemy at the moment".

In the end, what kind of situation the war situation will evolve into, it still needs to be seen step by step. At the same time, even if it really evolves into the worst possibility, it doesn't matter, because for the outcome, the geographical advantage and the number of troops are of course It's important, but people's hearts, calculations, and strategies are just as important.

In any case, which direction the battle situation will evolve in next is something that cannot be grasped or controlled by one's own power. Looking back at the current reality, for Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, at least the current situation is not a problem for them both. People are beneficial, so if you want to maintain this favorable situation, the most important thing is: you must not delay, you need to fight quickly. If Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were able to take down Taigu before Hu Zhen, Xu Rong, and Lu Bu could react, then these so-called variables would not need to be mentioned at all. I640

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