The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 54: What is private anger and state affairs?

Sun Jian is very big-picture view.

Although he had rejected Yuan Shu's solicitation earlier when he came to Yingchuan and Xun Zhen to join the division through Nanyang, but after judging that the direction of Hu Zhen's attack might be Luyang, he took the initiative to propose "with Yuan Gonggong" Communicate the news and prepare to join forces with them to attack the enemy."

Xun Zhen admired him very much.

The so-called "lips and teeth are cold", although Xun Zhen did not look down on Yuan Shu, but he also thought the same as Sun Jian. If Hu Zhenbu really wanted to attack Lu Yang, he would definitely send troops to help.

However, as Yin Xiu said, "It's too far-fetched", based only on "Dong Zhuo's reinforcements to Hu Zhen are mostly infantry, and their intention seems to be to strengthen the defense of Yique Pass", it is concluded that Hu Zhen's army is It is indeed a bit unstable to attack Luyang in the south. Even if there is a 90% certainty, but the soldiers are murderous, it is impossible to make an absolute judgment on this. What if the judgment is wrong?

Xun Zhen thought about the consequences of "misjudgment", and said to herself: "If the judgment is wrong, ... as long as you don't attack Luyuanguan, according to Wentai's words, communicate with Yuan Gonggong and prepare to join forces to attack the enemy. ', but it's not a problem for me, Yingchuan."

As long as they don't attack Luyuan Pass, and they just "prepare for war", no matter where Hu Zhen's team wants to attack, it won't hinder Yingchuan.

Xun Zhen said: "Qing's words are very true, so I follow Qing's words."

Xun Zhen spoke, thinking in her heart: "Hu Zhen's army of five thousand troops is heading south, and their tracks are hard to hide. Yuan Gonggong should have known if he wanted to come, but there is no need to send someone over to tell him, he just needs to send someone over to discuss the alliance. Military affairs are enough."

"Send people to Luyang to report the military situation" and "send people to Luyang to discuss the joint forces to attack the enemy" is different.

In the case of the former, one can be dispatched at will, but the horse must be rushed; in the case of the latter, the troops and horses of Hu Zhen's southward movement are still in the Xincheng area, and there are still some distances from Luyang and Yingchuan, but it is not necessary to go too far. Hurry up, but have to pick a suitable candidate.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, then asked Sun Jian, "Wentai, who do you think is the most suitable to send to see Yuan Gonggong?"

"If it is said that the most suitable one is Zhicai and Gongda, but now that Hu Zhen's army is approaching, it is not suitable for the two of them to travel far, ... Zhenzhi, I heard that a few Nanyang people voted for your account some time ago. Down?"


"Then choose one of them and send it over."

Xi Zhicai and Xun You couldn't go. In fact, there was another suitable candidate, and that was Cheng Jia.

It's just that Cheng Jia is too short in stature and too ugly in appearance. Sun Jian and Xun Zhen both know Yuan Shu's temperament. He is a noble son, and his eyes are always above the top. He must judge people by their appearance and despise Cheng Jia. The enemy can still be negotiated in the end, but it will definitely be angry. The master should humiliate the subject and should die, but he knows that the subject will be humiliated and still sends him, but he does not know what the master should do, so he cannot be sent.

Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Cheng Jia were not allowed to go, so they had no choice but to choose from among the Nanyang people in Xun Zhen's department.

So, this is settled.

Xun Zhen decided to send Wenzhi to Luyang to meet Yuan Shu and discuss the alliance.

Xun Zhen explained to Wen Zhi: Now that Hu Zhen is heading south, Wen Tai and I have tentatively concluded that he intends to attack Lu Yang, but we cannot completely rule out the possibility of him attacking Yingchuan. After you arrive at Lu Yang, you can talk to General Yuan. Let's make an appointment. If Hu Zhen's group attacks Luyang, Wentai and I will send troops to help him. If Hu Zhen's group attacks my Yingchuan, then ask General Yuan to also send troops to attack him from the rear, and join forces with me to defeat this enemy.

Wen Zhi promises.

Wen Zhi was sent away, and Xun Zhen and Sun Jian each sent orders to the army, ordering the troops to prepare for battle.

A few days later, the scouts who went to explore the Hanoi area returned and reported to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian: "There is a large Dongjun activity in the area of ​​Pingyin, Henan."

"Henan" does not mean Henan Yin, but the south bank of the Yellow River. Pingyin is a county on the south bank of the Yellow River, across the river from Hanoi.

Xun Zhen said to Sun Jian, "First, Dong Zhuo sent more infantry to reinforce Hu Zhen and strengthen the defenses of the Yique Passes; now it is reported that a large number of Dong's troops have appeared in Pingyin. ... Wentai, based on the information from these two aspects, The person Dong Zhuo wants to attack this time is undoubtedly General Er Yuan."

Sun Jian said, "This morning, I have a report that the Hu Zhen clan in the Xincheng area has been stationed for a few days and intends to continue their journey south. ... Could it be that the Duke of Han has been rejected by Yuan Shu, so the Hu Zhen clan will attack Lu Yang? ... Zhenzhi, is Wen Zhi back?"

"Not yet."

Dong Zhuo sent three envoys to surrender, Hu Wuban and others went to Hanoi, Yin Xiu came to Yingchuan, and Han Rong went to Luyang.

Compared with Yangzhai, Luyang is a little farther from Luoyang. Han Rong and Yinxiu are in Luoyang at the same sunrise. He should arrive at Luyang a little later than Yinxiu arrives at Yangzhai. Not long after arriving in Luyang, Hu Zhenbu had been stationed in Xincheng for several days without any movement. This morning's military report said that the 5,000 Dong's troops and horses had again intended to go south. Combining the two aspects, it can be inferred. , it is indeed very likely that Yuan Shu rejected Han Rong's surrender, so the 5,000 soldiers and horses of Hu Zhen's army were preparing to continue south again.

"After calculating the distance, Duke Wen should be back."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and in the afternoon of the same day, Wen Zhi came back.

Xun Zhen invited Sun Jian over, summoned Wen Zhi to see him, and asked, "Can you make an appointment with General Yuan?"

Wen Zhi said: "I should have come back sooner, but I galloped day and night. After arriving in Luyang, I begged to see General Yuan, but I couldn't see him. After waiting in the city for two days, I was finally able to see General Yuan."

"Waited for two days?"


"Have you ever asked someone to pass it on and said it was for the military?"

"Not only did I ask someone to pass the message, but after I didn't see General Yuan that day, I bribed the passer and asked him to pass it on again."

"It turned out to be two days of waiting?"


Xun Zhen glanced at Sun Jian, and Sun Jian's complexion had changed.

Sun Jian slapped the table and said angrily, "Nine times out of ten, the one Hu Zhenbu wants to attack is Lu Yang, Zhenzhi, you and I take the initiative to make an appointment with him to help each other, and it is Lu Yang who will benefit the most, but he is so big, It's really annoying!"

Xun Zhen was calm, and then asked Wen Zhi: "After waiting for two days, what did he say after seeing General Yuan? Would you like to make an appointment with Wentai and me?"


"You don't need to hide, just say it bluntly."

"Yes. After I explained the meaning of Junhou and Sunhou to General Yuan, General Yuan was ambiguous. He didn't give me an answer at that time. I asked to see you again in the afternoon..."

Sun Jian asked, "See you again this afternoon?"


Sun Jian became more angry, and said to Xun Zhen: "Now the righteous soldiers are begging Dong, and the Yuan clan is the leader of the alliance. Yuan Gonggong can't stay there, ignores state affairs, and doesn't want to avenge Yuan Taifu and Yuan Taipu. I went to Luyang to meet him, but not only did he not see him for two days, but he was ambiguous and didn't say a word when we met, which made Duke Wen ask to meet him twice....Zhenzhi, although I knew that Yuan Gonggong was always high-spirited, I didn't expect it. He's so arrogant. .

Xun Zhen didn't get angry, Yuan Shu's attitude was good or bad, whether he was humiliated or not, these are all false, he didn't care, he valued the reality, and continued to ask Wen Zhi: "I'm asking again this afternoon, can you see General Yuan?"


"General Yuan is still silent?"

"Perhaps he has discussed with the advisors on the left and right. This time, he didn't say a word, but agreed to Junhou and Sunhou's suggestion, and is willing to make an appointment with our army."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "General Yuan is willing to make an appointment with our army, that's fine, that's fine." Seeing that Sun Jian was still unhappy, he smiled, "Wentai, compared to military and state affairs, it's a little bit more leisurely. What does it count?"

Sun Jian snorted and said, "I am not as generous as you are."

Xun Zhen laughed and asked Wen Zhi, "Duke Wen, when you go to Luyang, can you see the envoys sent by the imperial court?"

"Did Junhou mean the Duke Han of Dahonglu?"

"Have you seen it?"

"I didn't see it, but I heard about it. I heard that he was ordered by Dong Zhuo to go to Luyang to persuade General Yuan to surrender."

"General Yuan rejected him?"


"Where is Duke Han now? Are you still in Luyang?"

"I don't know that."

Wen Zhi was in a hurry to return to Xun Zhen, but he didn't have time to inquire about other matters, so he only knew that Han Rong persuaded him to surrender and was rejected by Yuan Shu. As for whether Han Rong stayed in Luyang or returned to the court after being rejected by Yuan Shu, He didn't know.

Xun Zhen nodded and said to Wen Zhi with a smile, "The public travels hundreds of miles during the day. If you are tired, please go back and rest first. If the Dong army hits Luyang in the future, Wentai and I will send troops there. When assisting General Yuan, we must rely on the power of the Duke."

Wen Zhi was a native of Nanyang and was familiar with the terrain in the county. Hu Zhen's troops really went to attack Luyang, and Xun Zhen and Sun Jian sent troops to help them. It was true that local people like him were needed to provide military staff.

Wen Zhi complied with his promise to retire.

When he went out to the tent, he looked up and saw Wenpin outside, but Wenpin heard of his return and came to meet him from the headquarters.

Wen Pin accompanies him outside the camp and asks, "Why did my uncle go to Luyang this time for so many days? Is everything going well?"

"Yuan Gonggong Liluo, when he first arrived in Luyang, there were still people in the clan who proposed to vote for him. Now I look at it. Fortunately, I didn't vote for him at that time.

"...Why did the uncle suddenly say this?"

Wen Zhi explained the details of his meeting with Yuan Shu to Wen Pin, and said, "How can such an arrogant person achieve such a big thing? If you voted for him in the first place, you will not escape the end of the clan's destruction sooner or later."

Wen Pin had been with Xun Zhen for a long time and knew something that Wen Zhi didn't know, but he wasn't too surprised. He said to Wen Zhi, "Uncle doesn't know something, and Yuan Gonggong has a reason for neglecting his uncle."

"What's the reason?"

"General Yuan tried to befriend Xun Hou, but Xun Hou was only friendly with Yuan Cheqi. My uncle knew that Yuan Cheqi and General Yuan were brothers, but they were not on good terms. Therefore, even though Xun Zhen treated General Yuan, he was also friendly. They are very respectful, but because of this, General Yuan hated Xun Hou for a long time. Moreover, Sun Hou was recruited by General Yuan when he came to Yingchuan from Changsha a few months when the road passed through Nanyang. However, Marquis Sun did not agree, and he still came to Yingchuan to join forces with Marquis Xun. Therefore, General Yuan hated Sun Marquis quite a bit....Uncle is going to Luyang today, on the order of Marquis Xun, as you can imagine, He obviously won't give uncle a good look."

Wen Zhi said, "So it is."

He sighed again: "'Brothers are in the wall, and they are protected from outside', this is what the ancients taught! Today, the two Yuan brothers each have a strong army, and they occupy the north and the south, and the world can see them. The death of Yuan Taifu has made the world even more Heroes and scholars are much sympathetic to his wounds. If the two of them can work together and are willing to join forces with Xun Hou and Sun Hou to attack together, why should Dong Zhuo be afraid? The brothers were not in harmony, and even Xun Hou and Sun Hou were also implicated.

"...Zhongye, I haven't seen Xunhou for many years. See you now. Xunhou is very different from the past. For example, when Xunhou was compared to a milk tiger, today's Xunhou has become a dragon. Like! I heard that Xu Zijian of Runan praised Xunhou as the 'valley of barren years', which is very appropriate. The troubled times have come, and it is difficult to meet Mingjun. Now you and I can serve a Mingjun like Xunhou. It can be said that It is extremely rare, you and I should do our best to follow, in order to be able to climb the scales of the dragon, attach the wings of the phoenix, and perhaps achieve some wealth and fame in the future."

Wen Pin has been with Xun Zhen since he was a teenager. After so many years, he will be loyal with all his heart and respectfully.

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