The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 49: Guo Gongze denounced Cao Mengde for borrowing soldiers on the throne

This "point" that Dong Zhuo "ignored" is the "general trend".

In fact, it cannot be said that Dong Zhuo ignored this point. The general trend of the whole world is now like this, and almost all the nobility are opposed to him openly or secretly, and there are few people who have one heart with him. With his own strength alone, it is extremely difficult to fight against him. It's just that he's already on the boat now, it's easy to "get on the boat", but it's harder to "get off the boat", even if he knows the current situation is like this, it's hard to do things, but the current situation is also " There is no way to retreat.” The political battle is a matter of life and death, but if he shows a bit of a posture of “backing down and making concessions”, Yuan Shao and the others will probably immediately jump up and tear him to pieces mercilessly.

Therefore, although he now knows that "things can't be done", he still has to bite the bullet and continue to do it.

And because of this, "the situation in the world is like this", no matter how good his tactics are, it is useless.

The elite soldiers of Liangzhou, Xun Zhen is waiting for their morale to be low, and once their morale is low, they will immediately launch a second attack on Dong. Why did Xun Zhen expect that the Liangzhou soldiers would have "low morale"? In fact, it is also based on the judgment of "the current situation in the world". If the "current situation" is in Dong Zhuo and the so-called "righteousness" is in him, how could the morale of the Liangzhou soldiers be low? It will only be "morale like a rainbow". It is precisely because the "current situation" is not with him that the current Liangzhou soldiers are brave and agile. To put it bluntly, it is only a temporary appearance.

However, it was said that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian jointly signed the document and spread the word to the world.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Zhang Miao, and others also saw it before and after Dong Zhuo saw it.

These people have mixed reactions.

Yuan Shao showed this letter to the left and right, and said, "Zhenzhi, in the name of 'upon Kuang's royal family, and down for my family's revenge', advocates the heroes of the world to advance together, and raise troops to fight against Dong. What do you think?"

One of the people in the seat answered first, and this person yelled at the table, and said, "Xun Zhen Shuzi! This is trying to trap the general for being unfilial and unrighteous, and his heart can be punished!"

Everyone looked and saw that it was Yang Zhai Guotu who was speaking.

As soon as Guo Tu finished speaking, the person sitting across from him was unhappy, and said, "Why did you say this? What is the meaning of 'I want to trap the general in unfilial and unrighteousness'? My brother advocates the heroes of the world to attack Dong together. It is not only for national affairs, but also for the general's family affairs, sincere and loyal heart, every day can be seen, how is it 'wanting to fall into the general's unfilial and unrighteousness'?"

Everyone looked again, and it was Yingyin Xunchen who spoke.

Everyone knows that Guo Tu was at odds with Xun Zhen when he was an official in Yingchuan in the early years, and everyone knew that Xun Chen was Xun Zhen's younger brother. At this time, when they heard that the two of them were arguing when they opened their mouths, they all looked at each other.

Guo Tu said: "Xunzhen knew that due to the constraints of Han Jizhou, the general had insufficient troops and food to attack, but in the name of the general's family affairs, he invited the whole world to attack Dong Zhuo together. Isn't this wanting to trap the general and being unfilial?"

Another person in the seat said, "Your remarks are too exaggerated. In the beginning, I knew that Zhenzhi was a man, and he was definitely not such a person. This time, he and General Sun jointly shared the name of the world and called on Dong to attack him. It must be because of seeing Dong Zhuo's rebellious actions, killing more than 50 members of the Qing family, the grandfather and the servants were innocently executed, and even the Chikou baby of the Qing family could not escape this disaster, so I was filled with righteous indignation, and the grief and anger could not be suppressed. Therefore, this is the reason why he came out, and his intention was definitely not to trap the Qing for being unfilial and unrighteous, but to avenge the Qing family."

Everyone looked again, and it was Cao Cao who spoke.

After Cao Cao had recruited troops in Danyang, he knew that Suanzao would not be able to do anything, so he gave up Suanzao and went to Hanoi to join Yuan Shao. He and Yuan Shao had known each other since they were young, and their friendship was unrivaled. Yuan Shao saw him coming to vote, and he treated him deeply.

Everyone knows that Cao Cao and Xun Zhen have a very good relationship. The last time the rebels attacked Dong, Er Yuan and Suan Zao did not move. The only ones who sent troops were Xun Zhen and Cao Cao. Cao Cao was defeated and went to Danyang to recruit troops and return. On the way, they also received warm hospitality from the officials of Xun Zhen's family in Guangling. The two of them can be said to be congenial, similar in aspirations, or difficult to be called "dead friends", but they can be called "the same confidant".

Guo Tu said: "Even as Meng De said, Xunzhen wanted to avenge the general's family, 'righteous indignation, grief and anger cannot be suppressed', so he should not have written this letter! , who is the leader of the alliance? It's the general! How dare he speak on behalf of the general? I still say that, this person's heart can be punished!"

Guo Tu said "Xun Zhen" one by one, nominated a surname, and another "his heart can be punished", another person in the seat was dissatisfied, got up suddenly, waved his sleeves and said angrily: "Marquis Xun leads the army of Yingchuan, you are the county marquis, General Jianwei, the prefect of Guangling, Guo Gongze, you keep saying "What virtue and what can you do", I dare to ask: "What kind of virtue can you do", dare to call Xunhou Marquis name taboo in a crowd, under the tent of generals? "

Guo Tu looked at it and saw that it was Yecheng Shenpei who was speaking.

Everyone knows that Shen Pei was Xun Zhen's subordinate in his early years, and he is Xun Zhen's "old official", and they all know that Shen Pei is an upright person, so seeing him speak for the "old master", he angrily defends the old master Xun Zhen. reputation is not surprising.

Guo Tu could argue with Xun Chen, Cao Cao, and Shen Pei, but when Xun Chen, Cao Cao, and Shen Pei all said good things for Xun Zhen, he was unable to support him alone. He turned his head to the seat and looked at the brothers Xin Pi and Xin Ping who were diagonally opposite.

Yuan Shao's tent is now full of talented people, not to mention military generals, only to say that civil servants and advisors, Nanyang Xu You, Feng Ji, Yingchuan Guotu, Xin Pi, Jizhou Shenpei, etc., are all selected at the moment, and they are all contemporary stars. If you take out any one, they are all first-class capable men. As the saying goes, it can be said that "strategists are like clouds." Compared with Xun Zhen's strategist power, at best, he can only compete with him, and he cannot gain the upper hand.

It's a pity that "where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." Unlike Xun Zhen's account, many of Yuan Shao's literati and advisors were new to Yuan Shao. If they are not familiar with each other, it is inevitable that there will be "separate groups" and the phenomenon of mutual power struggle.

At present, three major factions have been implicitly formed.

One faction is headed by Feng Ji and Xu You, which can be called the "Nanyang faction". Since Feng Ji and Xu You are both old men who have been with Yuan Shao for a long time, this faction seems to be called the "Old Yuan Shao Party". Although Cao Cao was not a strategist, he could be regarded as one of this faction, and when it comes to his actual status in Yuan Shao's army, because he was from a public family and had soldiers under his tent, he was a little higher than Fengji and others.

One faction is Jizhou local scholars headed by Shen Pei, which can be called "Jizhou faction". Although most of this faction has only recently joined Yuan Shao's account, they are natives of Jizhou. If Yuan Shao wants to gain a foothold in Jizhou, he cannot do without it. open them, so they are very favored now.

Another faction is the "Yingchuan clique" headed by Guo Tu, Xin Pi, Xin Ping, Xun Chen, etc. This clique includes not only Yingchuan people, but also some Runan people, or it can be called the "Yuzhou clique". "Because they were fellow villagers from the same prefecture and county of Yuan Shao, they were also very important.

Xun Chen, Cao Cao, and Shen Pei were from three different factions, but they were all speaking for Xun Zhen in unison. It was no wonder that Guo Tu could not resist, so he had to find allies to help him.

In the Yingchuan family, the friendship between Xun Chen and Guo Tu was average. Brother Xin Pi, Xin Ping and Guo Tu were all from Yangzhai. The three were not only from the same prefecture, but also from the same county, so the three of them had a good relationship. But the Xin family and the Xun family are married, so the relationship between the Xin brothers and Xun Chen is also very good, and because Xin Ai is now in the army of Xun Zhen, the Xin brothers see Guo Tu "asking for help", the two exchanged glances, For a while, it was not easy to speak up—it was not appropriate to not support Guo Tu, nor was it appropriate to speak ill of Xun Zhen, so he could only be silent.

Guo Tu was in a hurry and said to Yuan Shao, "General, I used to be an official with Xun Zhen in the same county, and I know him well. This person is sincere on the outside but treacherous on the inside. , is really a person who will do anything for his own benefit! General..."

Feng Ji, who had not spoken for a while, interrupted him and said, "Xunhou's written text has been released, whether Xunhou wants to avenge the family for the general, or whether Xunhou is 'his heart can be punished', it's just from what it looks like right now. , Gongzhu, let me ask you: what is the most urgent task?"

Feng Ji's words came to the point.

Xun Zhen's letter had already come out, what matters now is not to argue about Xun Zhen's purpose and intentions, but how Yuan Shao should deal with it.

Guo Tu was at odds with Xun Zhen in his early years, and he only cared about saying bad things about Xun Zhen, but he didn't have time to think about how to deal with it. Hearing Feng Ji's question, he was at a loss for words.

Yuan Shao has been in the top position for a long time and has a palace. When Guo Tu and the others were arguing, his expression did not change, and no one could see what he was thinking. Hearing Feng Ji's question at this time, he spoke slowly and calmly. He said: "Zhenzhi's loyal and righteous person, his anger is showing his inner anger, and it is definitely not what Gongzi said. Gongzi, you think too much." You know, don't be angry, sir, and quickly take your seat." Finally, he asked Fengji, "Yuantu, what do you think is the most urgent task now?"

Guo Tu was besieged by the crowd, and there were thousands of words of grievance in his chest. It could be seen that Yuan Shao changed the subject, but he could only give up. I hate that iron is not steel." He turned to Brother Xinpi.

Feng Ji Nianxu pondered and said, "Marquis Xun is above the Kuang royal family, and in the name of taking revenge for the generals, and advocating the world to attack Dong, the generals should not be the only ones. In my opinion, the generals should also repair the same order and pass it on to the four directions. For state affairs, and the family is unpredictable, as soon as the letter is published, it will definitely attract the hearts of the world, and by then, it will not be difficult to ask Dong."

Feng Ji's words are right. Yuan Hui and others were killed. For Yuan Shao, it was a tragic family feud, but in terms of political appeal, it was extremely beneficial to Yuan Shao. Not to mention "repair and spread the word to the Quartet", but at present, there are many outstanding scholars from Jizhou and other nearby places flocking to vote because of "feeling their family troubles". It is conceivable that when Yuan Shao's letter comes out again, the domestic righteous people and heroes who come to vote for him will definitely set off another peak.

Cao Cao heard another meaning in Feng Ji's words, and said: "'Xu Xiu is one way, spread the word to the four directions', it should be. It, General Sun's advocacy, send troops now?"

Feng Ji said, "It won't be difficult to get Dong until then." His meaning was obvious, Yuan Shao should not send troops to attack Dong now.

All of them were his own people, and they were all Yuan Shao's henchmen, and they didn't hide anything when they were disciplined. Seeing Cao Cao's question, he simply said bluntly: "Although Dong Zhuo is disobedient to the way of heaven and hated by the world, he is not stingy with money and women. "Heavy soldier, now he has a strong front and a high morale, Han Jizhou clearly embraces the general as the leader of the alliance, and secretly avoids him, he is often constrained by the general, and if I attack him with my current troops, I am afraid that we will not be able to win."

Cao Cao was a war-fighting faction, and the most annoying thing was to hear that someone used various reasons as an excuse to oppose Yuan Shao's sending troops, so he asked again: "In Yuantu's opinion, when is the time for our army to send troops?"

"If you have a big event, you can't stand on your own unless you occupy a prefecture. If Jizhou is uneasy for a day, you can't send troops for a day."

Although Xun Chen, Xin Pi, Xin Ping, Guo Tu, Shen Pei and others had a dispute just now because of Xun Zhen, they all agreed with Feng Ji's words, saying: Very true."

Cao Cao said in his heart: "All the dukes of Suanzao have selfish intentions, and all the lords of Hanoi also have different intentions. Yuan Benchu ​​clearly used the banner of seeking Dong as his banner, and his real intention was in Jizhou. Therefore, even if the people of Yuan Taifu died tragically, I don't see him going to battle at all. The meaning of revenge... I made an appointment with Zhenzhi earlier, and when I returned from recruiting soldiers, I would ask Dong for a second time, but I was short of soldiers and horses, and it was difficult to fight again. I don't have a chance, but now is the time to take advantage of Zhenzhi's advocacy of 'together to attack Dong' and ask Ben Chu to borrow some troops."

Yuan Shao told Cao Cao long before he raised his army to attack Dong. Therefore, Cao Cao knew that Yuan Shao did not fight in Henei for a long time, and the most fundamental reason was nothing else, but for Jizhou. Since he knew Yuan Shao's thoughts, Cao Cao understood him and knew that it would be useless to persuade him, so he would not do those feats, but Yuan Shao did not fight, and his troops were too few to fight again, so he was early. I had the idea of ​​asking Yuan Shao to borrow troops, but I never had the opportunity to speak. This time, it was just the opportunity of Xun Zhen's advocacy for the world to avenge Yuan Shao's family, so he could speak up and ask Yuan Shao to borrow troops.

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning, what Yuan Tu said was true, but since Zhenzhi advocated the world to avenge the family for the Qing, it seems inappropriate if the Qing did not have a soldier or a soldier."

"Oh? Well, what is the best policy?"

"I would like to lead the troops to fight with Zhenzhi, but..."

"Just how?"

"It's just that I don't have enough soldiers and horses, and it's difficult to go all the way. I have to ask you to lend me some soldiers and horses to strengthen my momentum."

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"Five thousand is enough."

Yuan Shao pondered for a moment, then said: "Five thousand is too little, I will call Chunyu Qiong's department and Qing, how about you?"

Chunyu Qiong's troops were about 8,000 cavalry, 3,000 more than 5,000.

Cao Cao said in his heart, "I was talking about borrowing 5,000 soldiers and at the beginning, but at the beginning he called Chunyu Qiong's department to join me...he obviously couldn't believe me! Back in Luoyang, at the beginning, he had a heroic spirit, The magnanimous corporal is as good as a stream. I thought he was a rare hero at home, but when things got messy, he first summoned heroes from all over the world to Luo, and then Dong Zhuo was transformed, escaped from Kyoto, came to Jizhou, and lived in Henei, but he did not fight for a long time. , the importance was reversed, and the behavior was lost. In order to avenge his family, I asked him to borrow troops now, and he again doubted me. He was not at all heroic. Is it like the ancients said: Only when you encounter major events, you can watch Can you tell me the details of a person?"

Cao Cao asked Yuan Shao to borrow troops. If Yuan Shao gave him 5,000 soldiers and horses directly, that was to give Cao Cao his own troops and horses to take over temporarily. Cao Cao, in fact, refused to hand over his troops and horses to Cao Cao's command, and still used Chunyu Qiong as the commander of the 8,000-step cavalry. soldiers".

Cao Cao looked down on Yuan Shao's "little family spirit" in his heart. He didn't show it on his face, but showed a look of great joy and said, "If I can get General Chunyu's help, I will send troops this time, and I will have a three-point chance of winning."

"Meng De, when do you want to send troops?"

"I'll write a letter to Zhenzhi and discuss with him."

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