The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 39: Suddenly reported that Hu Zhen attacked and chased in, I don't know why

Hu Zhen ordered his troops to leave the customs and attacked Xun Zhen.

One was that Xunzhen’s camp was farther from Xingyang than Yique Pass, and the other was that Cao Cao was defeated. Therefore, Xun Zhen learned of Cao Cao's defeat one day later than Hu Zhen.

When they heard that Cao Cao was defeated, Xie Rong, Ding Meng, and Liu Bing were all shocked.

Sun Jian also changed his color slightly, and said, "We got news last time that General Cao, General Bao's army and Xu Rong fought against Xingyang. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the two of them were defeated."

Xie Rong said: "Generals Cao and Bao are defeated, what should our army do now?"

He admired Xun Zhen's prudence more and more. If Xun Zhen really led his troops to Yique Pass according to his and Ding Meng's proposal, then now that Cao Cao's army was defeated, even if they wanted to retreat, it would not be easy.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Meng De is still defeated." He said, "Meng De and Yun Cheng were defeated, Chunyu Qiong was stationed in Hebei, outside the Eight Passes of Luoyang, and now only me and other soldiers and horses have survived. Dong Zhuo If there is no more worries, I expect that he will send a large army to fight with me. Our company has fought fiercely. The soldiers are not as good as others, and they are not as good as him. It is difficult to be his opponent. , and then discuss it further.”

Everyone agreed with Xun Zhen's opinion, and each handed down an order to prepare to withdraw the camp and return to the county.

As soon as the order was issued, the scouts flew to report: "A Dong army has been found twenty miles outside General Xiao Xun's camp."

General Xiao Xun said that it was Xun Cheng, and Xun Zhen named him as a general, so the army also called him general.

Xun Zhen's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "If you send troops from Luoyang, it is difficult to be so quick. This must be because Hu Zhen of Yique Pass heard that Meng De was defeated and knew that I would withdraw, so he sent troops to attack." He asked, " Who's flag is it playing?"

"Hu Zhen."

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "As expected." He asked again, "How many soldiers and horses?"

"There are about 10,000 people, half on foot and half on horseback."

"I passed an order from our army, ordering Zhongren not to move rashly, neither to attack nor to retreat, and told him to stay in the camp safely and wait for me to respond."

Most of Xun Cheng's troops were new soldiers. If they retire at this time, they would be in a hurry and only lose.

The scout took the order, and Pegasus rushed to Xun Chengying to give orders.

Sun Jian and the others hadn't left yet, when Xun Zhen said to Sun Jian, "Wentai, Hu Zhen is attacking today, Zhongren shouldn't move lightly. I'll bring troops to meet him, please stand by me."

Sun Jian said, "With me here, don't worry."

He had agreed with Sun Jian that he would lead his troops to meet him, while Sun Jian stayed here to hold the line, but Xun Zhen did not immediately lead the troops out of the camp, but hesitated slightly.

Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others in the tent knew him very well, and they all knew that he must be thinking about how to respond to Xun Cheng.

When Xi Zhicai heard that Hu Zhenbing was only twenty miles away from Xuncheng's camp, he got up and walked to the map. The general was defeated, and the morale of Dong's soldiers was high. If the lords and lords went to meet Zhongren in a dignified array, it was inevitable that they would have to fight against Dong's soldiers. Once the battle was fought, our army would be difficult to retreat quickly. Not only do you not have to fight against Dong's soldiers, but you can also scare them back."

Hu Zhen has brought all the elites. Once they are entangled by him, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian will not be able to escape quickly, and Dong Zhuo of Luoyang will definitely not miss this opportunity, and will definitely send troops to help Hu Zhen. When Dong Zhuo's army arrived, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were no longer a question of escape, but a question of how to save their lives.

"Oh? What's the plan?"

"You don't have to go outside the Zhongren camp, but you can lead your troops to the north and put on a stance that you want to fight against Dong's soldiers. Although Dong's soldiers have high morale, even if the lords and lords have won consecutive victories, their generation will definitely be jealous of the monarch's prestige. If you come in person, you will definitely not attack Zhongren's camp again, but will fight against the prince instead. At this time, the prince can order Zhongren to leave the camp and form an array to fight Dong Bingzhi together with the prince. state."

"and then?"

"After Junhou and Zhongren have set up a battle, they can fight against Dong Bing first. When night falls, Zhongren can take this opportunity to lead his troops to retreat eastward calmly and join forces with General Sun."

Ding Meng asked, "According to the captain's plan, General Xiao Xun can get away, but what about the general?"

"After Zhongren has withdrawn, Junhou can cast suspicion on the soldiers, confuse Hu Zhen, and then slowly retreat."

"How to set up suspects?"

"After nightfall, the lords and lords can choose hundreds of elite soldiers to attack them at night. Dong's soldiers do not know the truth, so they must assemble themselves to strengthen themselves, and the lords and lords can take the opportunity to retreat."

"If Dong Bing is informed, what should we do?"

"You can set up an ambush on the road, rush to kill for a while, and he will definitely not dare to chase again."

Xun Zhen was overjoyed and said, "It's a brilliant plan for Zhicai!"

Xi Zhicai's strategy is really good, and it has captured people's hearts. Although Hu Zhenbu is here to take advantage, Xun Zhen has a reputation for being good at fighting. Once Xun Zhen stopped him, he would definitely be careful in everything. If they were careful, Xun Zhen would have a chance.

According to Xi Zhicai's plan, Xun Zhen ordered 3,000 elites from the headquarters, and then asked Sun Jian to borrow 2,000 elite soldiers, totaling 5,000 soldiers who dared to fight, and immediately left the camp and rushed to intercept Hu Zhen.

Halfway through the road, Hu Zhen heard that Xun Zhen personally led the troops to intercept him. As Xi Zhicai expected, he would not advance, but stopped, waiting for Xun Zhen to lead his troops.

After Xun Zhen arrived, he set up a battle on the side of Hu Zhen's department, and asked Xun Cheng to come out of the camp.

Hu Zhen galloped in front of the horse formation, watched Xun Zhen's formation, and said to the left and right generals with a sigh: "I don't expect Xun Hou to be so brave! Now that Cao Cao and Bao Xin are defeated, he is the only one who dares to fight against our army. I don’t think about rushing to retreat.” He ordered left and right, “Xunhou can fight, don’t underestimate the enemy, order all the troops to be careful and vigilant.”

One of the generals said: "Xunhou's two formations have joined forces, and there are more than 15,000 soldiers in the plan. Although there are more soldiers than me, the soldiers are not as good as me. Now that the formation of our two armies has been opened, why not rush to kill Xun's formation?"

"Although Xunhou's elite soldiers are not as numerous as mine, their two formations are hidden in horns. If I attack one of them, I will definitely be attacked by the other, and I must not attack rashly. Moreover, my troops are coming nearly a hundred miles, and the soldiers It also needs to rest for a while, and again, the army of Xiangguo will soon arrive. When Xiangguo arrives, the advantage will be firmly in the hands of our army. Now it is Xunhou who is fighting urgently, not me, and the enemy will do whatever he wants. , how can I give it?"

Hu Zhen refused to advance immediately, and the two armies confronted each other on the field.

After nightfall, at the third watch, Xun Zhen selected 800 cavalry soldiers, led them by Liu Deng and Guan Yu, and rushed to Hu Zhen's formation, also called Xin Ai and Zhang Fei, commanded 500 cavalry, and galloped around the periphery of Hu Zhen's formation. , also called Xun Cheng burst into a burst of shouting.

Hu Zhen heard the chaos, and hurriedly climbed up to look at it.

He vaguely saw several groups of Xun soldiers attacking the formation in the vicinity, and vaguely saw a group of horses galloping in the distance, and then looked at Xuncheng's camp, and saw that the camp was brightly lit, and he heard thunderous shouts. He was so shocked that he couldn't understand Xun Zhen's intentions, so he hurriedly ordered the three armies to stabilize the headquarters and not move without authorization.

Xun Chengying's drum noise rang for more than half an hour, then gradually stopped.

The Xun soldiers who came to attack at night retreated after breaking several of Dong's fortresses.

The sound of horses' hooves in the distance gradually disappeared.

When it was dawn, Hu Zhen climbed high and looked far into the distance. The formation of Xun Zhen and Xun Cheng was in the distance. He could not see clearly. null.

Hu Zhen was stunned, knowing that he had been caught in Xun Zhen's plan last night, he stifled his wrists, and urgently summoned the generals, saying, "Marquis Xun made a plan last night, and he and Xun Cheng have already escaped together."

When the generals heard this, there was an uproar.

One of the generals said: "Xunbu has many infantry soldiers, and he should not have returned to the Zhucheng camp yet. The general can order cavalry to chase after them, or they may be captured."

Hu Zhen, however, refused to obey, saying: "Xunhou can fight, and the prime minister regards him as 'cunning'. Now I wait for him to come out of the customs and attack him, and they all say that he will withdraw, but who knows that he will come back suddenly, and then I will say that he will fight. , who would have known that he suddenly What a god! Now you call him a night escape, how do you know if he is a real escape, a fake escape, and if there is an ambush? I expected, he is real If you escape, there will definitely be ambush soldiers, and if our army is chasing it, I am afraid that it will fall into the ambush."

"Then watch him go away?"

"At least it's better than playing his tricks again, and losing troops and losing generals."

Hu Zhen was also scared by Xun Zhen's beating.

He Ji and the reinforcements were tricked by Xun Zhen one after another, and they were defeated again and again. He personally led the troops to attack, and then was tricked by Xun Zhen. Not only did he easily rescue Xun Cheng, but he also retreated without him knowing. He didn't want to fight Xun Zhen any more.

This does not mean that he is timid. You must know that the battlefield is a place of death and life. A single mistake may result in the death of the army. If you are not a strong-minded person, you really don't dare to take risks as a meal.

Because of this, Xun Zhen was able to return to Zhucheng safely with Xun Cheng.

Xun Yu smiled and said, "It's a pity that Zhicai's ambush plan didn't work."

Everyone laughed, seeing that Hu Zhen did not dare to come and pursue him again, so he gathered his troops and retreated to Yingchuan calmly.

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