The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 34: Shengwei makes Liang Buzhandi escape

34 Shengwei makes Liang Buzhan escape Wugeng quietly over Liu Ying

It was quiet at night, and the air in mid-spring in February was already quite warm. The night wind was blowing, bringing with it the fragrance of the forests and soil in the distance, and the water vapor from the Rushui was also mixed with it, which was especially refreshing. Lewen Mobile Network

However, although the spring night was beautiful, the current Liangxian city was full of tension.

Last night, Xun Zhen defeated Dong Ying and killed He Ji. The defenders in Liang County did not know the specific battle process and gains, but the defenders in Liang County knew about the result of Xun Zhen's great victory and He Ji's defeat. , - After all, there are only 3,000 people in Liu Bingbu outside Liangxian City, and they cannot surround Liangxian, so the news in the city and the outside world has not been completely cut off. It is related to the defense of the city and its own safety. Liangxian's defenders are always While following the movements of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's troops entering the territory, he knew that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian had passed Zhucheng without fighting and attacked He Ji's camp. He had already learned about Xun Zhen's victory last night around noon today.

From the time when they learned the news at noon to before and after nightfall, the garrison summoned the officers successively and held two military meetings.

Once, it was after hearing the news of He Ji's defeat at noon.

Once He Ji was defeated, the two sides of the Rushui River were far and near hundreds of miles away, leaving only two Dong troops in Liangxian and Zhucheng.

Note that the city is small, and there are only a few hundred soldiers in the city, which can be ignored. That is to say, the existing Dong soldiers in the surrounding area are actually only the two thousand people in Liang County. He Ji's camp was still there. The two thousand Dong soldiers in Liangxian city can respond to He Ji across the river from a short distance, and they can also respond to Hu Zhen in Yique Guanzhong from a distance. They were separated from Hu Zhen in the various passes in Yique, in other words, to a certain extent, they had become a "lone army".

This is very bad.

At the first military meeting around noon, the military marshals, the Sima, and the colony chiefs of each song were discussing and arguing endlessly.

Some people think: He Ji has been defeated, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are victorious, at this time, Liang County should stick to the city and must not go out of the city to fight.

Others believe that when Xun Zhen and Sun Jian attacked He Ji, Liang County should send troops out of the city to attack Xun Zhen’s rear. At that time, because there were too many people who opposed this strategy, this strategy could not be implemented, and now He Ji has been defeated. , there is only the "solitary city" in Liangxian County, which cannot be defended alone, so now we should immediately lead our troops out of the city, or go west or north, in short, we can't continue to stay in the city and wait for Xunzhen to return to the division. hit.

There are many opponents of this idea of ​​"taking troops out of the city".

The opponents said: There are three thousand Xun soldiers outside the city, and Xun Zhen and Sun Jian have won a big victory. If they leave the city now, they will first be bitten by the Xun soldiers outside the city. Secondly, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian have won. Then their main force has already been vacated. As soon as they hear the news, they will soon send their troops to join forces with the Xun soldiers outside the city. By then, there will be no city to defend, so they can only fight in the field. The enemy is bound to be defeated.

considered this policy inadvisable.

There are different opinions and disputes, and no one can convince the other.

In the end, the garrison made a decision and said: "The situation of the enemy is unknown now, I only know that Colonel He is defeated, but I don't know where the main force of Xun and Sun Erhou is. Find out the situation, and then make a decision."

In the evening, the troopers from Liang County discovered the movements of the main forces of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and came to report again.

Hearing that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian had led the troops to the north, the guards again called the officers to the commanding tent and held a second military meeting.

He said to the people, "It is reported that more than 20,000 troops of the two lords of Xun and Sun have gone to the north in the direction of Yique Pass, and now there are thousands of men and horses left on both sides of the Rushui River, except our city and Zhucheng. There is also an army of more than 10,000 people stationed inside and outside the camp of the original Colonel He."

An officer immediately said: "Xun and Sun Erhou have defeated He Ji, take advantage of the victory and be brave, this must be going to Yique Pass."

However, there were also people who doubted and said, "There are 30,000 soldiers of mine in the various passes in Yique, and it is impossible for Xunhou and Sunhou to not know that if they want to attack the pass, they will not only lead a mere 20,000 people, 20,000 people. How could so many people conquer the Yique gates?"

Someone asked: "Then what do you think Xun Hou and Sun Hou are doing?"

"Before Captain He was defeated, he would definitely send his cavalry to Yique for help. Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun headed north. I remember that there was a hill dozens of miles to the north. In the Land of Classics, could Xun Hou and Sun Hou set up an ambush to help them?"

"Xiaowei He was defeated, and even I knew about it. How could Yique Guanzhong not know? Even if Xiaowei He once sent horses to ask for help, now the reinforcements in Yique must have all returned. What can Hou help you?"

"As long as some cavalry troops are scattered in the hills to the north, it is not difficult to break the news of Yique Pass. Although Colonel He has already been defeated, maybe Yique Pass is still unknown."

"Then what do you think my department should do now?"

"If Xun Hou and Sun Hou really went to help, I have three strategies."

The guard asked, "What is the plan?"

"Climb up the city, cross the Rushui, go straight to the army of Xunhou and Sunhou, and attack the reinforcements from Yique Pass from north to south, and the battle will surely be won."

"Why Zhongji?"

"While the main force of Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun is heading north, our troops abandon the city and leave, go west, and throw in Luhun Pass."

"What's the count?"

"Fortify the city to defend itself, in anticipation of the defeat of Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun."

The defender thought to himself and said, "There are only 2,000 people in our army, and there are nearly 20,000 Xun soldiers outside the city and on the north bank. If you want to attack the army of Xun Hou and Sun Hou, you have to pass through them, and the risk is too great. It’s too big, it’s difficult to complete, and it’s not advisable to do it. If you keep the city and defend yourself, if the Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun are victorious and come back to the division to surround me, wouldn’t it be impossible for me to escape? desirable.

He said: "I want to take the middle strategy, what do you think?"

The best strategy requires great courage, and the bottom strategy is to place expectations on others, which is either too dangerous or unreliable. For ordinary people, they will choose the strategy.

The officers present agreed.

He Ji was defeated and Liang County became an "isolated city". Since they decided to take advantage of the great opportunity for Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to go north, it was not too late. Therefore, the defenders of Liang County decided to go out to the west of the city tonight.

Liu Bingbu outside the city only surrounded the south and west of Liangxian County, the east and north were not surrounded, and the north was Rushui, so they could not walk, and the only feasible way was the east.

It is a bit troublesome to go east out of the city, because in order to bypass Liu Bingbu in the south of the city, after leaving the city, you have to walk a little way to the south, and then turn around to the west, but this is also impossible, the more you walk, the more you need to go. Let’s walk a little bit, it’s always better to go head-to-head with Liu Bingbu and go straight to his military camp in the west of the city.

Usually when it is almost dawn, people are the most sleepy. For soldiers on the battlefield, when it is almost dawn and they are "the most negligent", it is almost dawn, and the hearts of the night are also put down, so , Liang County Governor set the time to leave the city at the fifth watch.

After intense preparations in the middle of the night, at the 5th watch the defenders quietly opened the east gate, first sent some elites out, killed the Xunbing sentry roaming outside the city, and then the whole army left the city , in the end, most of them are old soldiers. This defender is quite elite. When they went out of the city, they didn't make a sound. They went out of the city quietly, walked seven or eight miles to the south, and then turned to the west.

Liu Bing's 3,000 people were divided into two camps, 2,000 in the west of the city and 1,000 in the south of the city. His military Sima had never been in a war and had never been on the battlefield. He was only given this position by the county because of his family's wealth. He lacked combat experience, so although he stayed in the camp day and night, he was very attentive, but in some situations such as Military deployment such as vigilance was very inadequate, and no one in his battalion noticed that the garrison of Liang County was passing by their battalion.

This Dong army was ready for a battle, but they did not expect that it would not only be easy to leave the city, but also saw that the Xun soldiers in Nanying were so careless, and did not feel puzzled. Colonel, they are supposed to be very elite, but why is this Shi Xun army outside the city so useless and its defense so lax?" He quickly thought of the answer, "Yes, this Xun army is so useless. It wasn't the banner of Xunhou that the soldiers were fighting, and it was supposed to be his headquarters, so it's no wonder it's useless." Thinking of this, he felt a little pity, if it wasn't for the headquarters of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian on the other side, he would have taken the opportunity to attack Liu Bingying at night. , and then walk away.

However, the Liangxian defenders passed Liu Bingying lightly and deftly, and headed west for Luhun Pass.

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