The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Linshui lamented past and present events, came to the enemy to consider the dista

After annihilating this group of enemies who came to test, there is no obstacle to move forward. After leaving the boundary of Yingchuan County, it is the ground of Liang County. Not far along the Rushui, you can already see Liangxian County on the other side of the river. .

The county seat of Liang County is on the south bank of Rushui, very close to the water.

During the Warring States Period, it was called "Three Liangs", which refers to the three cities named "Liang". Daliang, the capital of Wei, and Shaoliang, a strategic location, were the second. The Liang County on the south bank of Rushui belonged to Chu at that time. It is also one of them. In order to distinguish it from Daliang and Shaoliang, it was called Nanliang and Shangliang at that time. During the Warring States Period, the divisions of Chu, Wei and Han often fought under the three beams, and wars often occurred here.

Not only during the Warring States Period, but since the end of the Qin Dynasty, whenever there was great chaos in the world, the flames of the beacon in Liang County were still unquenched, and it was often a place for military strategists to borrow or fight because it was from the south of Yingchuan and Nanyang County to Luoyang, etc. The only way to go.

Qin lost his deer, Liu Bang, the great ancestor, entered Nanyang from Luoyang to the south, and Xunfu left Luoyang from Nanyang to the north, all passing through this place; Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, and Guangwu started from Nanyang, which is also Luoyang, and there are Chimei to Shandong. The crowd, who left Lu Hun in the west to Hongnong, also passed through here—Lu Hun is a county, two hundred miles northwest of Liang County. At that time, there was almost no war in this area.

The mighty Rushui flows from the north of Liangxian County. From ancient times to the present, I do not know how many wars, how many joys and sorrows, how many blood of heroes and warriors, and how many people's blood has been shed. heroic ambition.

But for some unknown reason, even though she had just won a battle, when looking at the county seat of Liangxian County on the south bank from the north bank of the Rushui River, Xun Zhen felt a sad and sad mood surfaced in her heart.

Maybe it's because the timing of arriving on the other side of Liang County is not right, just because of the sunset?

He thought so.

Liangxian is in the south, the long river is in the north, and the magnificent red sun is in the west. Seeing this scene, thinking that the battle with Cao Cao, Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo is imminent, and looking back at the tens of thousands of cavalry, Xun Zhen, who knew the rise and fall of contemporary times, would inevitably feel melancholy when he read it.

He said in his mind: "Today, I have joined forces with Taiwan and Mengde, and the combined forces of the north and south are nearly 100,000 troops. It has been prosperous for a while, but it is rare in recent times. When I think about this time, it should be the world's attention, and the heroes will look at me. But in the matter of military affairs, success or failure is hard to say, victory or tie is not enough, if one is careless, in case of defeat, or even a big defeat, at light, the army will be lost, and the life will not be guaranteed. Therefore, it will not be mentioned again. Ouch! The world is surging, but this sunset does not change, only this Ru water still flows east."

With this thought in mind, Xun Zhen suddenly thought of the famous "Linjiang Immortal" in later generations, so he dismounted until the shore, looked at Liangxian under the setting sun, and whispered softly with his sword: "The waters of the Yangtze River are rolling in the east, and the waves wash away the heroes. Success or failure is empty. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times. The white-haired fisherman on the river Nagisa is used to watching the autumn moon and the spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet each other.

Xi Zhicai and others didn't know what he was doing, so they didn't follow him to the river. Seeing that he was pacing by the river, and he was slow to return to the road, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, and Cheng Jia also dismounted and walked over to him.

Xi Zhicai followed his gaze and saw that he seemed to be looking at the sunset from afar, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is so elegant, you are about to face a strong enemy, and at the moment when a fierce battle is ahead, you still have the leisure to enjoy the sunset on this long river."

"Zhicai, I have something to ask you."

"Excuse me, sir."

Xun Zhen drew out his waist sword, pointed at the red sunset, and asked, "This sunset will set every day, and the sun will set every day, but is the sunset that sets every day the same as yesterday?"

"What do you mean by this question, Junhou?"

"It's just a sudden feeling."

Xun Yu replied with a smile, "I don't know whether they are the same or different, but I know that the people who are illuminated by this sunset every day are definitely different."

Hearing Xun Yu's answer, Xun Zhen put away the sword, turned her eyes back, reflected herself in the water, looked at herself in the water, and sighed: "The sunshine shines on people every year, and people are different every year. The years when I was the chief of Fanyang Pavilion and the rank of Xixiang seem to be in sight, not far away, and in the blink of an eye, white horses have passed the gap, and more than ten years have passed.... Zhicai, Ruo, Gongda, then At the time, you were only weak and not long ago, but now, like me, you are over or approaching the age of 30. Standing at 30, you will not be confused at forty. 'What?"

Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You, and Cheng Jia were also studying at the age of Xun Yu. They were only twenty-seven or eighteen this year. Like Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Cheng Jia were all over the age of thirty. Several of them are smart people, and when they heard Xun Zhen mention "not confused", they knew what he was thinking, and knew what he was saying: the world is already in chaos, and in a few years, it will probably be even more chaotic, then wait until then, Are we people able to discern the situation in the increasingly chaotic situation, know where to go, and how to advance and retreat?

Xun Zhen rarely reveals his feelings, but those who have followed him for a long time, such as Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Cheng Jia, all know that his heart is sometimes very delicate and sensitive. But there will also be some sentimental melancholy. Hearing his words at this time, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Cheng Jia looked at each other, and knew: Xun Zhen is in love again.

Cheng Jia replied slowly: "Although I am dull by nature, even though I am not forty years old, I have already done it without confusion."

"Oh? How?"

"Since the day of General Ming, I have been 'not confused'."

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Jun Chang, you are touting me again."

"With the knowledge of General Ming, how can I dare to make false claims, everything I say is true."

"I heard that people who always say flattery are not gentlemen, but villains."

Cheng Jia unequivocally agreed with Xun Zhen's words and said, "That's true." After changing his voice, he pretended to be puzzled, and said, "What Jia said, every word is true, it's all from his heart, and it's not flattering. Who are you talking to?"

Xi Zhicai and Xun You were accustomed to Cheng Jia's flattery, so Sui was listening to him say such blatant flattering words, but they both remained unchanged and normal. Xun Yu's time with Xun Zhen was short. He has little knowledge and is still young, but he can't help feeling sore teeth, and even his face is hot and embarrassed. Some readers are embarrassed for Cheng Jia, but he has a gentle nature and doesn't say anything, just turns his face to one side.

Xun Zhen laughed loudly and said, "Okay, according to your auspicious words, I will strive for you to be able to live in the present day and never be confused."

The troops advancing on the road rushed out several cavalry and came to the front, but Xu Zhong, who opened the road ahead, brought a few personal soldiers.

When he came to the front, Xu Zhong jumped off his horse and asked: "Jun Hou, the sun has set in the west, and the opposite bank in front is Liang County. Should our army build a camp on this side of the river first, or cross the river to build a camp on the other side?"

"All the passes in Yique and Guangcheng are in Hebei, and our army does not have to go to the other side to build a camp." Xun Zhen summoned his personal soldiers and ordered, "Go to the three captains Xie, Ding, and Liu, pass our army orders, and call them. The three of them split their troops and go to camp on the other side of the river."

Xun Zhen and the others came to Liangxian to attack Luoyang. Taking a step back, they also wanted to attack Yique and Guangcheng passes, and Luoyang, Guangcheng and other passes were all on the north side of the river, that is, on the side of the river. , so there is no need to go to the opposite bank to camp, but although the main force does not have to go, there must be a branch division. After all, Liang County belongs to Henan Yin. At this time, there is a Dong Zhuo army stationed in the city. It can echo with the main force, forcing the city's enemies to dare not leave the city, and can only hide in it.

The personal soldiers took the order, and after galloping to the army, they asked Xie Rong and the three to pass the order.

Xu Zhong also received the military order, returned to the headquarters, and arranged for the troops to build a camp.

There are two Dong troops within a radius of dozens of miles in this area. One is the one in Liangxian City, and the other is the one that sent thousands of cavalry to test Xunzhen. Renju and Guangchengju were nearby, forty or fifty miles away from Liangxian County. Comparing the two, the latter group had more troops, about several thousand.

In addition to these two Dong armies, another Dong armies were stationed at Yique and Guangcheng gates up and down from Liangxian County.

In fact, the two Dong troops of Liangxian, Yangrenju and Guangchengju belonged to the Dongjun of Yique and Guangchengguan in terms of organization and belonging, and they were the outposts sent by Guan Dongjun to the outside. , according to reading and so on.

In other words, Guan's Dong Jun is the formidable enemy that Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and others will face, and is also the main opponent of this march. According to the information, there are about 20 to 30 thousand people in this Dong army, and the leader of the army is Hu Zhen.

The character Hu Zhen, like most of the generals of Dong Jun, is also from Liangzhou. He is in the same state as Dong Zhuo. He and another general under Dong Zhuo's account named Yang Ding are equally famous in Liangzhou. He is very influential in Liangzhou. In today's Dong Zhuo's army, he is one of the few generals who are on par with Niu Fu, Dong Yue, and Duan Xun.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were raised in Kwantung. In addition to political responses, such as moving the capital, Dong Zhuo also had military deployments. The military deployments were earlier than the political ones. First, he dispatched generals. The colony was stationed in the west of Luoyang to guard his retreat to Chang'an. The second one, he sent the brave generals to be stationed in Mengjin and Xiaomengjin in the north of Luoyang, to control the rebels in Jizhou, and the third one, he sent Xu Rong to station in Xingyang, Chenggao, Taigu, and Luyuan line up to prepare for the allied forces of Suanzao. Finally, he sent Hu Zhen to be stationed at Yique and Guangcheng Passes, in order to prevent the rebels from Nanyang from going north, and to prevent the rebels from Yingchuan from going north through Liangxian County. The two generals he sent to defend the Suanzao, Yingchuan, and Nanyang armies were very familiar with Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen knew Xu Rong best, and Xu Rong had the best friendship, but it was probably because Xingyang, Chenggao, Taigu, and Luyuan had too much responsibility in the front line—not only the main defense against sour jujube, but also the defense against Jizhou , is also facing Yingchuan, it can be said that one line blocks three sides, so it is necessary to send a reliable general with both wisdom and courage to garrison, so Xu Rong, who has stronger military capability, was sent to garrison this line by Dong Zhuo, while the relatively inferior Hu Zhen then became Xun Zhen's face-to-face garrison commander.

This is a big regret for Xun. If Xu Rong is the defender of the checkpoint in person, then Xun Zhen can try to surrender, and even if it fails, he can use this countermeasure. place.

Xun Zhen was quite aware of Xu Rong's ability. Before sending troops, he sent a letter to Cao Cao to specifically mention this matter, telling Cao Cao to be careful and not to be careless, otherwise he would be very likely to lose.

"Xu Rong is not in person. Although I can't say that I surrender or use countermeasures, but from the perspective of combat alone, I am not under the pressure of Meng De, which is also a good thing." Xun Zhen returned to the army and immediately He also sent someone to invite Sun Jian and the others to come over to discuss the military, he thought to himself while waiting for Sun Jian and the others.

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