The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Happy to hear that the hero of Dingce lifts the beard and beard saw the same

Thank you for your continued support, congratulations to the sweet eaters to become the new leader, and add another section.

Yesterday did not change, so tomorrow will be two more.


Xun You traveled day and night, and arrived at Suanzao a few days later.

Cao Cao heard the news and went out to greet him.

After entering the camp and taking a seat, Cao Cao first said, "The journey is hard work", and ordered someone to bring hot soup. Is the letter coming?"

Xun You took out Xun Zhen's letter and presented it to Cao Cao.

Xun Zhen wrote: This time Xun You was sent to discuss the issue of sending troops.

After reading it, Cao Cao was overjoyed and said, "A letter came a few days ago, saying that if I and Zhenzhi join forces to attack, he can send troops to help. He also has another letter, addressed to Meng Zhuo, the letter is called Meng Zhuo. He tried his best to convince the dukes of Suanzao, I and Zhenzhi. He told me in the letter that he also sent a letter to Zhenzhi. . . . Can Zhenzhi receive this letter?"

Suanzao was close to Hanoi, and Yingchuan was far away from Hanoi. Yuan Shao’s letters to Cao Cao and Xun Zhen were sent at the same time. Suanzao arrived first, and when Xun You came, Yuan Shao’s letter had not arrived in Yangzhai. He shook his head and said, "When You came, the army hadn't received the letter from the chariots."

"Counting the time, Zhen Zhixian should also receive this letter."

"I don't know how many soldiers and horses Yuan Chaqi can send? Has the Duke of Suanzao been persuaded by General Zhang to send troops to help?"

"In the beginning, I only said that I would send troops to help, but I didn't say how many troops and horses I would send. Suanzao has Wang Kuang, Zhang Yang, and Yu Fuluo's troops and horses, plus the sergeants of his headquarters at the beginning, and Han Jizhou sent to help him. Jizhou's army and horses numbered 50,000 or 60,000 in total. Although there was a temporary shortage of food supplies, he had promised to help me and Zhenzhi in attacking Dong, so he would have sent no less than 10,000 troops.... Zhiruo Suanzao Dukes, Meng Zhuo He has already promised that when I send troops, he will send thousands of horses to help me."

Xun You thought: "Yuan Benchu ​​is the leader of this coalition, if he is only willing to send out 10,000 people, it is really not many, but then again, he was not counted in the original, and now he is willing to send troops, although there are few troops, for the time being It can be regarded as one road, which can reduce the pressure of Junhou and General Cao a little.... The princes of Suanzao have joined forces of 100,000 to 200,000, and the cavalry is prosperous, but in the end, even if there is a letter from Yuan Cheqi, However, they still refused to move, and only Zhang Miao agreed to go out and help thousands of people, so I can really let out a sigh.”

He said: "With the chariots and generals Zhang sent troops to help, the confidence in attacking Dong is even greater this time."

Cao Cao said: "The letter of Zhenzhi said: He and General Sun and the commanders of the Yuzhou Army have initially decided on a strategy for splitting the attack. I don't know what this strategy is?"

The important matters of the military aircraft should be prudent, so Xun Zhen did not write a specific strategy in the letter, but explained that Xun You would convey it to him.

At the moment, Xun You conveyed to Cao Cao the strategy set by Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and others.

When Cao Cao heard this, he slapped the table abruptly and said, "The views of Zhenzhi and General Sun are right with me!"

He transferred Shi Huan and the others who were sitting with him in the account and said with a smile: "These days, we have been discussing the strategy of advancing the army, and when we decided on this strategy, I told you: 'Zhenzhi must agree with me'. Am I right?"

Shi Huan was a disciple of Cao Cao, he was a young man, but he was heroic.

Shi Huan said with a smile: "The general and the two generals Xun and Sun are all heroes at sea, and the heroes see the same thing, of course."

Cao Cao laughed.

First, Yuan Shao was willing to send troops to help. Second, Zhang Miao was willing to help thousands of troops. Third, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian joined forces to get food and food. Yingchuan was ready to send troops. Sweeping away, Cao Cao was in a very happy mood at this time, lifting his beard, patting his thighs, laughing happily, and showing the friendship of the landlord, he even persuaded Xun You to drink the soup.

When Xun You saw his behavior, he unconsciously said, "I saw this gentleman when he was begging for the yellow turban in Yingchuan, and he felt that although he was born in a public family and had three generations of wealth and honor, he was lighthearted in his words and deeds, with little authority, not like a noble family. Young Master, see you today, and it's still the same."

However, although he felt that Cao Cao was less powerful, Xun You did not despise him. For no other reason, he dared not enter the army against Suanzao, and he alone advocated for the war, which was enough to be respected. In addition, in terms of the feeling, although Cao Cao seems to be a little light-hearted, it is precisely this light-hearted, unassuming, true disposition, but it is easy to make people feel close.

Cao Cao ordered a map, unfolded it on the ground, walked to the map, took out his waist sword with its sheath, held it and pointed at it, and said to Xun You: "I will take it into a testicle; General Zhenzhi and Sun will attack Dagu; Ben Chu will send troops. Forcing Meng Jin to advance in three ways, Dong Zhuo will be in a dilemma. This is like a house leaking rain, leaking everywhere in the house. Even if he has a strong army and horses, he can't stop them all. According to my expectation, he has only one strategy. feasible."

"I would like to hear that the general will meet you."

"That is 'one solid and two false', choose one elite soldier, use it as the main force, attack one of my three routes, this is 'one solid', and send two more troops, use it as a side part, deal with my three routes respectively The other two paths in the middle are 'two virtuals'."

"What the general said is exactly what Dong Zhuo said was the only way to deal with it."

"I advance in three ways. The top responds to the sky, and the bottom responds to the people's hearts. It is to punish the rebels with obedience. Although Dong Zhuo is based in Luoyang, he is disliked by the officials and the people. Therefore, he must be more anxious than us. In this way, The main force he dispatched, that is, the 'Yi Shi', will definitely hope for a quick victory, hoping to defeat me all the way first, and then switch to the other two. Although Dong Zhuo is evil, his troops and horses are strong, whether it is us Which of the three paths meets his main force, the battle is not easy to fight, and if there is a slight difference, you may lose. Therefore, I think the best strategy to deal with is: no matter which of the three paths I encounter Dong Zhuo's The main force should immediately ditch deep trenches and build high bases, not to fight against them, while the remaining two routes should either fight or defend depending on the situation. In this way, avoid Dong Zhuo's strengths and use our advantages, even if we do not win, we will not lose. That's it."

After finishing his analysis of Dong Zhuo's possible tactics and his own countermeasures, Cao Cao asked Xun You, "What does Gongda think of my opinion?"

"As the general said, this is the best policy."

"Okay! Since you have no objection, please tell this to Zhenzhi after you go back. If Zhenzhi has any objection, I can discuss it later."


Cao Cao put the sword back in his waist, ordered someone to take the map away, walked a few steps inside the tent, turned his face to look at the flag outside the tent, and sighed suddenly.

Xun You asked: "What the general has just said is pertinent and wise, and you take it for granted, and by attacking Dong, it can be as the general said: 'Even if you don't win, you won't lose.' Now that you have it, why did the general suddenly sigh?"

"What I sigh is not because I am afraid of Dong, not because I am worried about the invincibility of this battle."

"What's that for?"

"If the princes of Suanzao are willing to advance with me, Kong Duo of Yuzhou is willing to advance with Zhenzhi, and the brothers from Primordial and Highway also advance their troops, then we will join forces from four routes: Primarily we will lead the people from Hanoi and approach Mengjin. ; I took it with the Dukes of Suanzao and took them into Aocang; Zhenzhi joined the generals of Yingchuan, Sailuyuan and Taigu, to control their dangerous points; the highway led the army of Nanyang, stationed in Dan, Xian, and entered Wuguan to shock Sanfu. , then the victory or defeat is determined, and the major event has been accomplished, why do I still need the painstaking planning and thoughtfulness of me and Zhenzhi?"

Hearing this, Xun You thought to himself: "General Cao sees this, but he is the same as his ambition."

Similar words were said by Xi Zhicai in Xun Zhen's tent before Xun You came to Cao Ying.

However, the vision is beautiful, the reality is difficult to achieve.

Xun You did not stop at Cao Ying, but only stayed for one night, and set off for Yangzhai early the next morning.

When he arrived in Yangzhai, he conveyed Cao Cao's opinion to Xun Zhen, who had no objection.

Since there is no objection, there is no need to send Xun You to see Cao Cao. Therefore, Xun Zhen only wrote another letter, sending people to Suanzao again, and sending them to Cao Cao. The day of the army.

It was already the first ten days of February, and with Yuan Shao, there were three groups of troops marching together this time, but the day of dispatching troops could not be set too early, and enough time had to be left for each side to prepare, so Xun Zhen decided to do so. in late February.

When Cao Cao received the letter, he had no opinion on this.

As the troops approached, Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and the Yuzhou Army units who were willing to attack from Xun Zhen stepped up their drills.

Gao Su got Xun Zhen's advice and pulled Jiang Qin, Liu Bei and several of Sun Jian's generals to find Kong Yu.

They imitated Sun Jian's method, and they also broke into Kong's camp before dawn, and went straight into Kong's tent, saying, "I will fight against Dong Zhuo for the country, and leave my hometown, risking life and death, all because of my loyalty and righteousness." , but until now, even the armor and weapons have not been prepared. I heard that you have a lot of spare weapons here. Instead of leaving them idle and letting them rust, why not leave them to me?

Kong Yu was very annoyed.

Sun Jian came here and asked for tens of thousands of dashi of grain to go, dare you taste the sweetness? You guys are actually here again, and you broke into my tent before dawn, and forced me to ask for weapons. Are you really taking me as a persimmon?

Desires to get angry, but Keren had to bow his head under the eaves, and he had to bow his head in the face of Gao Su and others' armoured soldiers.

Gao Su and others successfully obtained thousands of sets of ordnance from him, and they went back to the camp and divided them up. At present, although the troops and horses of their various divisions are still lacking, there are not many who are lacking, and most of the soldiers already have armor and equipment.

They were going to have ordnance here, but the guard of the Yuanmen on Kong Yu’s side was unlucky. The guard was demoted by Kong Yu because he failed to stop Sun Jian last time. This guard lost that good luck and directly Kong Duo later found an excuse to behead his head. The people who can be entrusted by Kong Ni with the important task of guarding the Yuanmen are all his cronies. Now one has been demoted and the other has been beheaded. Although it is true that each is at fault, but more of it is because of Kong Ni's anger. Doing so, together, made the rest of his cronies uneasy.

These are all things in Kong Yu's army, so there is no need to say more, but Xun Zhen is here to train the whole army and prepare to fight.

On this day, a message suddenly came from Luoyang.

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