The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 10: Jiangdong Tigers approaching Yuzhou fine armor swing in front of the car

Xun Zhen replied: "Yuzhou is allied with me, and I am the governor of my prefecture. How can I not welcome you? Even if the lords don't come to invite them, I am going to find them and discuss the welcome of Yuzhou."

Du You said: "Someone in the county officials said: The prefect was called to greet him in front of Yuzhou, but the prefect has already resigned, so he had no choice but to be greeted by two monarchs Guo and Xun. Today, there are many troops and horses in Yuzhou, and they came to our county, thinking that they should leave the county to greet them in front of a hundred miles. . . . I don't know what the prince means?"

Xun Zhen thought to himself: "Let's go out of the county to meet you? This is because you are afraid of Kong's military might." He pretended to ponder for a moment, then shook his head slowly, and said, "I don't think it's right."

"Dare to hear it."

"Even if the shepherd of the state arrives, there is no system of welcoming a hundred miles. Although Kongyu state has a lot of troops and horses, it is only a state governor, how can they go out to greet a hundred miles? Although I have never met him, I have never met him. Su Respect, if you and I really go out to greet Baili, those who don’t know might think that this is what Kong Yuzhou requested, you and I are not paying respect to him, but smearing his name.”

"The prince's words are reasonable, so what is the meaning of the prince?"

"Thirty li out of the county is enough to welcome you."

"What about the prince?"

"I'm waiting for him outside the county."

Xun Zhen kept saying that he wanted to welcome Kong Dian together with Du You and others, but after a long time he was "waiting for him outside the county". What kind of welcome was this? However, Du You and the others also understood that Xun Zhen's rank is not lower than that of Kong Duo, and his title is higher than Kong Duo's. Although the troops and horses under the tent are not as good as Kong Duo's, he is better than Kong Duo's army, but he is better than Kong Duo. Kong Duo was arguing for a primary and secondary consideration, and being willing to welcome him at the county's foreign minister had already given Kong Duo face.

Du You and the others received Xun Zhen's reply, and they knew what to do.

Xi Zhicai and others had already returned to the camp from Yangzhai. At this time, he and Xun You, Xun Yu, Cheng Jia and others followed Xun Zhen. After listening to Xun Zhen's arrangement for welcoming Kong Dian, he smiled and said, "This is what your lord is doing. Wonderful."

"Where is the beauty?"

"The county officials went out to greet him for thirty li, and he did not lose the ceremony. The prince first ordered Zhongren to command the fine soldiers to welcome Yuzhou, and then he personally greeted them outside the county. Even if Kongyuzhou was dissatisfied, he would have nothing to say."

Xun Zhen sighed and said, "I can't do this either! Zhicai, although you and I are from Yingchuan, we are not shepherds in Yingchuan. The imperial army is coming from afar, it is actually a 'guest army', Kong Yuzhou The prefect of Benzhou, if you don't think of some way, if you are suppressed by him, then you and I will be under the fence, and everything will be difficult to control. You have read the letter from Meng De before. If you can't control yourself, how can you attack Dong? ?"

The war against Dong will inevitably lead to chaos in the world and disputes between the prefectures and the prefectures. Xi Zhicai and Xun Zhen have discussed this many times, and both of them have a consensus. Xi Zhicai was also very clear about Yuzhou's intention to use it. At this time, he heard that Xun Zhen had attributed the reason for fighting with Kong Yu for the power of Yingchuan to "it's for the sake of seeking Dong". He smiled slightly and said nothing more. .

After all, to seek Yingchuan and Yuzhou, it is enough to know it, but it is not easy to talk about it everywhere.

Because Xun Zhen mentioned Cao Cao's letter, it aroused Xun Yu's words, he said: "Looking at General Cao's letter, it said that the Suanzao Coalition had no plans to attack, and Yuan Bohai could not fight because of lack of food. . . . ... Brother, Yuan Bohai has tens of thousands of people, and the Suanzao Coalition has more than 100,000 cavalry. They do not fight, but rely on General Cao, General Sun and Brother A to join forces, even if they go to battle, they are afraid that they will be difficult to win. ."

Xun You interfaced and said, "If you can accomplish something first, it is not impossible to win."

Xun Zhen asked, "What's the matter?"

Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu both knew what Xun You meant. The three looked at each other and said in unison, "Yuzhou!"

This "Yuzhou" obviously refers to Kong Ni.

Xun Zhen understood what the three of them meant, and said, "Do you mean that if you want to win victory, you must first take the more than 40,000 cavalry under Kong Yuzhou for your own use?"

Kong Yu had more than 40,000 cavalry under his command. If he could use his troops, plus the troops of Xun, Sun, and Cao, the total strength would be 70,000 or 80,000. With this, they could attack Dong Zhuo and defeat him completely. Dong Zhuo, but it is not difficult to get a few big wins.

Xun You replied, "Exactly."

Xun Zhen said, "I'm a guest army, and Kong Yuzhou is a landlord. It would be nice to be able to hold him down. Would you like to take the troops under his account for your own use? It's hard to beat the sky."

"Let's take the next step. If it is difficult to use the Yuzhou army, then if you can get the help of Kong Yuzhou, you can."

"That's hard too."

Xun Zhen is right, this is really difficult, almost impossible.

Xun You was silent.

Xun Yu was very worried and said: "If you can't get the help of the Yuzhou army, brother, with the three to four thousand troops of General Sun and General Cao, if they go into battle, the outcome will be unpredictable."

Xun Zhen, Sun Jian, and Cao Cao's subordinates were mostly new soldiers, and the elites who could fight together were only a few thousand people. Fighting against Dong Zhuo's Liangzhou elites was not unpredictable, but difficult to win.

Xun Zhen knew the outcome of the tussle against Dong. He promised Cao Cao this time that he was willing to advance with Cao Cao, not for victory, but for fame. However, this cannot be said to Xun Yu and others. He pressed his sword and said: "Dong Zhuo is cruel and unkind, his sins are accumulating, his misfortunes are exacerbated, and he abuses the common people. What he has done is outrageous, and this time I respond to Yuan Benchu. The purpose of raising the army is to go to the national disaster, since Yuan Benchu ​​was unable to advance, and the Suanzao coalition was unwilling to advance, even though my troops are small, I will not retreat in fear of the difficulty, and the direction of righteousness, even though millions of people will go to me.”

Xun Zhen's generous remarks may be able to deceive others, such as Xun Yu and other people who don't see him often may believe it, but they can't deceive Xi Zhicai. Xi Zhicai is extremely intelligent, and he is with him day and night. He knew what kind of person he was, and he knew that although he was righteous and kind, he was definitely not the kind of person who would touch a stone with an egg. He knew that he was seeking fame. , said: "Since the lord and lord have practiced loyalty and righteousness, we will make every effort to find them for the lord and lord."

"Qing et al. are all wise men. With the help of ministers and others, they will fight against Dong in the future. Although they attack the strong with the weak, they will not necessarily be defeated."

A day later, Kong Tzu's troops approached Yangzhai, and the officials and scholars of the county traveled thirty li from the county to meet him.

Going thirty li, returning to thirty li, one to sixty li, most of the people who went to greet Confucius were literati and Confucian scholars. They did not go on horseback, but went by car. It was around noon the next day when he caught Kong Duo and returned.

Xun Zhen got the reward, wearing no armor, wearing a black coat with a high crown, and wearing a leather sword.

It was February yesterday, and although it was still cold in the morning and evening, it was already mid-spring after all.

In the north of Yangzhai County is the Yingshui River. Looking at it from a distance, the whole area is like jade, and the waves are not turbulent. There are two small boats on it, or the people of the people near the water are fishing on the river. Some of the weeping willows by the water have already sprouted, spitting out a little bit of new green, reflecting the water and the sun, revealing a faint spring.

In order to suppress Kong Yu, Xun Zhen spent a lot of time on deploying military forces and recruiting officials in Yingchuan, but now that the commander is coming, he is neither nervous nor uneasy at all.

When he was still in Guangling, Xun Zhen felt that he had a six-point overwhelming confidence in Kong Yu, but after arriving in Yingchuan, Kong Yu's long-term arrival not only objectively gave him ample time to allow him to make it in advance. It was arranged in many ways, and it also made him finally wait until Sun Jian's arrival. Sun Jian wrote yesterday, saying that he would enter Yingchuan territory within a day or two at most. By then, Kong Duo's only advantage of many soldiers would also be lost. No matter what, Xun Zhen's last worry disappeared, and he now had ten percent confidence in his hands.

Now that he is 100% sure that he can hold Kong Nian stably, his mood at this time will of course be as turbulent as that of water.

After waiting for a long time, the road in the distance was dusty, and Xi Zhi looked at it from a distance and said to Xun Zhen, "Kong Yuzhou has arrived."

It was indeed Kong Yu's troops that came.

More than a hundred cavalrymen took the lead and rushed out of the county. When they saw Xun Zhen, they dismounted one after another and came over to give a respectful salute.

Xun Zhen looked at it and saw that the leader was Xun Cheng, and there were more than ten knights behind Xun Cheng who were his own knights, but he did not know the person who was with Xun Cheng or the other knights.

Xun Cheng introduced to Xun Zhen, "This is Li Zigong from Duke Kong's mansion." Then he said to this man, "This is my general."

This Li was in his thirties. Like Xun Zhen, he had no armour and wore a black official uniform. He bowed respectfully to Xun Zhen, gave his name, and said, "Under Li Yan, Kong Gong has heard that General Lao is outside the county. Waiting for the welcome, I am in a panic, and I have specially ordered me to invite the general to the army to talk."

Since he was "frightened", he should have come to see him in person, so why should he send a small worker to invite Xun Zhen to the army to talk?

Xun Zhen knew that Kong Nian must be unhappy that she had sent Xun Cheng to show him off the horse, and wanted to take revenge to come back, but she was neither angry nor angry, and said with a smile: "Okay." Let Li Yan lead the way, and she and Xun Cheng, Xi Zhicai waited behind and went to Kong Duo's army.

Because they had already reached Yangzhai, Kong Tiao probably gave an order to the troops to station, and the dust and smoke on the road in the distance slowly dissipated. Yuzhou soldiers and horses on the road ahead.

The group that stopped at the front was unknown whether it was a state soldier or a county state soldier. There were about 2,000 people in total. They were standing on the road. They were armed and armed, majestic and majestic. ".

Xi Zhicai whispered to Xun Zhen, "Kong Yuzhou is just trying to wink."

Xun Zhen sent 1,500 elites to greet Kong Nian, and Kong Nian put out 2,000 elite armors in front of Xun Zhen to see.

Xun Zhen didn't care.

When they got to the front of the soldiers, they heard an order from the army. The two thousand soldiers either retreated to the left or to the right, and divided into two teams, with a road in the middle.

Xun Zhen looked at the road and saw hundreds of chariots parked at the end of the road.

There are about 70 or 80 each has a curtain, and it looks colorful at first glance. Among these many cars, there is another one that is the most majestic. The rest of the cars are like stars holding the moon. The middle.

Xun Cheng stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Kong Yuzhou is in the middle car."

Li Yan, who was leading the way, paused, turned his head and said to Xun Zhen, "General, Kong Gong is waiting in the car."

Xun Zhen nodded and said: "Kong Gong is far away, the horses and carriages are tired, it is not easy to make him wait for a long time, please lead the way."

Li Yan agreed to the promise, turned around and continued to walk forward.

Xun Zhen and others followed behind, passed through the two thousand armored soldiers with spears, and came to the group of chariots. Under the eyes of the many knights and scribes under the chariot, they calmly came to the chariot where Kong Duo was. forward.

Li Yan stopped in front of the car, saluted the car, and said loudly, "Report to General, General Xun is here."

In order to make it easier to cross the state and go out of the county to attack Dong Zhuo, they exchanged the names of generals, and Kong Yu was also called the general.

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