The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 65: An important political figure, Xuan Wende's light car Jian Cong visited Zhan

【Work related】

【Author of the novel】: Zhao Ziyue

The book "The Loveliest of the Three Kingdoms" was first published: Vertical and Horizontal Chinese Network


[Nature of novels]: works

[Fiction category]: Travel through history

[Introduction]: A young man travels through the end of the Han Dynasty, starts from the pavilion, and strives for the world.​​


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Zhang Hong and Chen Lin once traveled to Luoyang together when they were young, and they have a good relationship.

This time Xun Zhen came to Guangling. Since he saw Chen Lin in Yuan Shao's mansion, he would definitely ask him about the characters in Guangling.

The first person Chen Lin mentioned to him was Zhang Hong.

"My county has a great collection of humanities, some are good at scriptures, some are proficient in prose, some are proficient in calligraphy, or some are learned by virtue. However, if the four are combined, and they are unique in Guangling, there is no one who is right in the sub-class."

This is Chen Lin's original words.

Zigang is Zhang Hong's word.

The so-called classics, writing, writing, and virtue, Chen Lin said that they are classics, literary talent, calligraphy, and virtue.

When Zhang Hong was young, he studied in Luoyang, and studied with Dr. Han Zong in "The Book of Changes of the Jingshi" and "Ouyang Shangshu", and later went to Waihuang to learn "Han Shi", "Book of Rites" and "Zuo Shi Chunqiu" from Puyang Kai. In this world, many Confucian scholars specialize in the study of one scripture. Like Zhang Hong, it is rare to understand the "Five Classics" of "Teaching Confucianism", and his praise of "learning great Confucianism by scriptures" is worthy of the name.

Guangling is the old land of Chu. It is deeply influenced by Chu culture and has always been popular with ci and fu. Chen Lin is the best among them, and Zhang Hong is also very good at this way, and is said to be highly literate.

Not only is he good at scriptures and prose, Zhang Hong is also good at calligraphy, especially seal script, and is very famous.

He is very good at classics, writing and writing, and Zhang Hong is also very good in morality.

In the early years, he returned to the county after his studies, and was soon named Maocai. The county was named Xiaolian, and the state was named Maocai. Xuzhou, in Guangling's virtue hope.

When he heard the name "Zhang Hong", Xunzhen didn't feel anything, but after knowing how the word "Zhang Hong" was written and which "Hong" the word "Hong" was, he had no idea about the name. Impression, remember that in the original history, Sun Wu had two great advisers surnamed Zhang who lived in Xuzhou, named "Er Zhang", one was Zhang Zhao, and the other seemed to be this Zhang Hong.

It's just that if Chen Lin didn't mention it, Xun Zhen really didn't know that Zhang Hong was originally from Guangling, Xuzhou.

Whether it was Zhang Hong's reputation in history or his current reputation in Xuzhou, since Xun Zhen came to Guangling to be the prefect, Yu Qingyu should have come to visit him.

Xun Zhen came to Zhang Hong's house lightly.

Xun Zhen went to Dian Wei's house many years ago. At that time, he was dressed in a chariot and was accompanied by soldiers on foot. He was very powerful. This time, he came to see Zhang Hong in a light car. There is a reason for this: Dian Wei was a heroic man, and his family was not outstanding in Chenliu, but he was only a poor family. So Xun Zhen did this to give Dian Wei enough face and made him grateful; Zhang Hong was not the case, Zhang Hong was a scholar, Moreover, he is already very famous in Guangling, and his family is the right surname of the Guan clan in Guangling. There is absolutely no need to use Xun Zhen's "great momentum" to give him any glory, but Xun Zhen is like a car driver and an entourage. If it is too big, it is very likely that Zhang Hong will feel that he is not humble, as if he wants to overwhelm others, so he is light and simple, in order to show his low-key and humble attitude.

Xun Zhen accompanied only two people, Xun You and Xi Zhicai, only Xun You and Xi Zhicai, but not Zang Hong, Yuan Sui and other county officials, but this means that Xun Zhen was making a statement in a private capacity. Hong's.

Arriving outside Zhang Hong's house, Xun Zhen didn't put on the air of being the new prefect, but ordered Xun You to go outside the door and stab him to ask for an interview.

"Thorn" is also a business card.

The business cards of Han can be roughly divided into two categories, one is "Ye", which is used for the lower level to see the superior and the younger to see the elder, and the other is the "剌", which is used among relatives, friends and colleagues. As the prefect of Xunzhen, in fact, he does not need to "give in to ask for advice", but this time, since he came as a "private" rather than "prefect", this "introduction" is an indispensable step. .

"剌" is about a foot long, and its quality is bamboo. It can be written with official positions on it, but Xun Zhen did not write it, but according to the habits of scholars who did not enter officialdom, he wrote the village, surname, first name, character, etc. Something, simple in content, humble in attitude.

Zhang Hong is famous, and Xun Zhen is also famous, so I won't talk about his military exploits, but he only killed Ye Zhao, hung up his seal and reincarnated his family as a Zhonglang general, and Dao Zhai Zhai Zhang, even if he is Visiting in a private capacity is enough to make any domestic celebrity of the same generation go out to greet him.

Zhang Hong is not yet forty this year. Although he is several years older than Xun Zhen, he can be considered a peer of the same generation. If it is not too long, Zhang Hong will go out to greet him.

Xun Zhen had been out of the car for a long time, and was waiting on the steps outside the door. She immediately offered a gift, Zhang Hong accepted it, and greeted him twice.

Zhang Hong said, "I didn't know that the Ming Palace was coming, but I couldn't welcome it from afar. This is my fault."

Xun Zhen replied, "Although I was lucky enough to be selected by the imperial court to be the prefect of your county, but you are the hope of Guangling, how could there be a reason for the county to welcome the prefect?"

Zhang Hong smiled slightly and invited Xun Zhen to enter.

The Zhang family is the right surname of the Guan family in Guangling. Although it is not a Fujia county, he does not have to worry about food and clothing. His house occupies a large area, and the courtyard is cleaned very cleanly.

When they arrived in the room, the guests and the host were seated on both sides. Xun You and Xi Zhicai sat under Xun Zhen's seat, and Zhang Hong sat down as the chairman. This also showed that Zhang Hong understood what Xun Zhen meant and did not treat him as the prefect. , but regarded him as a visiting fellow Taoist.

After sitting down, he had to exchange a few words first, and then Zhang Hong said that he had worked **** the road, saying that it was a blessing for Guangling to have Xun Zhen coming to serve as the prefect, and so on. Of course, Xun Zhen also had a few words of flattery to Zhang Hong.

A guest set.

The current situation is very chaotic, especially the political situation in Luoyang. First Emperor Ling died, then He Jin died, then Yuan Shao executed the eunuch, and then Dong Zhuo entered the capital. Will ask about the situation in Luoyang.

Xun Zhen had been waiting for Zhang Hong to ask this question for a long time. Although he only knew a little about Zhang Hong in his previous life and didn't know much about his people and his affairs, few who could leave a name in the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty were not talents. Now that he is in Guangling, there are such people in the county, why wouldn't Xun Zhen think about trying to see if he can call him into his own subordinates--even if he can't, he must try it.

So, when Zhang Hong asked about Luoyang's situation, Xun Zhen let out a long sigh.

He said, "Dong Zhuo led his troops into the capital and threatened the princes in the court. I think Luoyang is going to be in chaos."

Zhang Hong is a man of insight and knowledge. He is also well-known and has quite a few friends in Luoyang. In fact, he has always had correspondence with Luoyang, so he has a general understanding of the situation in Luoyang and his own judgment. It is almost in line with Xun Zhen's point of view.

However, after listening to Xun Zhen's words, he was silent for a while.

It's a big taboo for this gentleman to speak in a simple way.

Xun Zhen had just arrived from Luoyang, so he might know something that happened recently. Zhang Hong's original intention was to ask about "news", but he didn't expect Xun Zhen to come directly and say, "I'm afraid there will be chaos in Luoyang." Although he has a good reputation, he and Zhang Hong only met for the first time, so Zhang Hong did not want to continue talking about Xun Zhen's topic.

He didn't talk about it, Xun Zhen talked.

Xun Zhen said sincerely: "In my opinion, not only is Luoyang going to be in chaos, Guangling is also in danger!"

When Zhang Hong heard what he said, it was about Guangling, so he had to respond, so he asked, "What does the Ming Palace say?"

"The Qing and Yan Yellow Turbans are looting and chaotic, and I heard that although the governor of Qingzhou Jiaohe is famous, he can only talk about high-level ideas, and he has no ability to strategize. If there is chaos, the local people will also be in chaos, and by then, Qingzhou and Yanzhou will be in full bloom, and Qingzhou and Yanzhou will be in chaos, and Xuzhou will also be in danger, and Guangling will also be in danger!"

"Ming Fu's remarks are quite sensational."


"Fang Bo Tao Gong is skilled in military affairs. In the war last year, there were tens of thousands of thieves, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Xi Zhicai laughed and said with a smile: "Although Fang Bo has lived in the military for a long time, it is not necessarily true that he is good at military affairs."

Zhang Hong asked, "How do you say this with a single step?"

"Last year's battle, one step should be clearer than the next one, it's definitely not 'breaking the thieves', but just driving the thieves out of Xuzhou. In my opinion, this is not so much 'breaking thieves' as it is 'breaking thieves'. Beggar-thy-neighbor'."

Zhang Hong could not refute.

Xi Zhicai paused, corrected his color, and then said: "The Ming government just said, 'If there is chaos in Qing and Yan, I may be in trouble in Xuzhou, and I may also be in danger in Guangling.' In fact, if Attribution, this is precisely because Uncle Fang failed to 'break the thief' last year!"

"How do you say this under your feet?"

"I heard that in October last year, the number of the Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou rose to 100,000. Is this true?"

Zhang Hong nodded and said, "Last year, there were 70,000 or 70,000 thieves who caused chaos."

"The 70,000 to 80,000 people of that generation were killed by Fang Bo, only one in ten, and the rest were all driven to Qingzhou and Yanzhou. That is to say, there are at least 60,000 to 70,000 Xuzhou Yellow Turbans distributed in Qingzhou and Yanzhou. In Yandi, Qing and Yanben prefectures can't afford a major chaos. Once there is a major chaos in their own prefectures, what power will Qing and Yan have to suppress these tens of thousands of Xuzhou Yellow Turbans again? Wouldn’t the tens of thousands of people have to live in a foreign land in Xuzhou because of the defeat, the Yellow Turbans would not want to take the opportunity to fight back to Xuzhou?”

Zhang Hong was silent.

If Tao Qian could wipe out all the 70,000-80,000, or 100,000 Xuzhou Yellow Turbans last year, he would have completely cut off the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans, but Tao Qian could not do this, he just defeated the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans. , they just drove their main force out of Xuzhou. As a result, once Qing and Yan were in chaos, the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans, who lived outside tens of thousands of guests, would definitely want to take the opportunity to return to their hometown.

Xi Zhicai turned to look at Xun You, Xun You made a sound at the right time and said with a smile: "The Poetry says: 'Before the rainy days in the sky, the mulberry soil will be swept away, and the households should be prepared.' Mingfu, Zhicai brother, although Luoyang is now There are signs of chaos, but after all, there is no chaos yet, thanks to the power of Uncle Fang, at least there are no big thieves in Xuzhou. It's messed up to the point of 'sit back and watch tens of thousands of Xuzhou Yellow Turbans slaughter back to Xuzhou'."

Xun Zhen nodded again and again, looked at Zhang Hong, attended the bowing, and said, "Dong Zhuo is in the imperial court, the yellow turban may be in chaos in Qing, Yan, this autumn is windy and rainy, and I came to Rengui County, I am a native of the country, only sparse. My virtue is shallow, I am deeply afraid of being incompetent, I am afraid that I will lose the imperial court in the meeting, and I will be ashamed of the people of Guangling County. You are the commander of the county, and you have a high reputation.

Xun Zhen didn't plan to replace Zang Hong and Yuan Sui, so the meritorious cadres and the master bookkeeper could not give Zhang Hong, and because of Zhang Hong's fame, he did not even respond to the expedition of the old general He Jin, and he probably disdained going. As a meritorious officer and chief bookkeeper, facial features are the most noble position among the county officials, with the highest status, and there is no need to be busy with filing papers every day, so in Xun Zhen's view, this position should be the most suitable for Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong had rejected He Jin's expedition, and Zhang Chao had also rejected him when he was in the county. He has also refused. He has been "living at home" for a long time, so why would he accept Xun Zhen's expedition at this time?

Even if it is true as Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, and Xun You said, "Guangling may be in danger", for the sake of hundreds of thousands of people in Guangling County, Zhang Hong had to go into office, but at least he had to take a look at Xun Zhen's governance before leaving office. See if he is a "Mingjun".

So, not as Xun Zhen expected, he got Zhang Hong's refusal.

Zhang Hong said: "The names of the prefectures and prefectures are all false rumors. I am really empty and inferior, and I have no real talents.

Xun Zhen insisted on the invitation, but Zhang Hong refused.

At the end, Zhang Hong said: "The meritorious Cao Zanghong, the chief clerk Yuan Sui, the superior officer Qin Song, the thief Cao Chen Rong, and Lu Dai are all high-ranking men in Guangling. With these gentlemen and capable men in the court, why should the Ming government ask me again? How about such an incompetent and illusory generation?"

Xun Zhenben didn't ask Zhang Hong to come out of the mountain without any extravagant This time, he just took a step forward. Seeing that he was stubborn, he took a step back and asked, "Since you have a hidden world I can't force my ambition, but I hope you can recommend a few more heroes from the county to me."

Zhang Hong did not refuse this time, and said cheerfully: "Many of the handsome people in the county are already in the house, but it's a pity that Hailing Chen Duan's bead is still in the wild. This son is a genius and a beautiful man."

Xun Zhen wrote down the name.

Today at Zhang Hong's house, Xun Zhen said goodbye to the evening.

Zhang Hong personally sent him out again.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Hong and returning to the prefecture, Xun Zhen immediately asked Xun You to go to Hailing to invite Chen Duan to serve.

Xun Zhen and Tao Qian had already had an unpleasant quarrel. In order to establish a foothold in Guangling and open up the situation as soon as possible, the scholars in this county must win over as soon as possible and as many as possible.

In this way, Xun Zhen continued for more than half a month, entrusting all the government affairs in the county to Zang Hong and Yuan Sui, while he himself visited the famous people in the county and recruited the heroes in the county.

Except for Zhang Hong who did not accept his recruitment, most of the other people accepted his recruitment. After all, Xun Zhen was born in a famous family and had a good reputation, and his attitude when visiting and recruiting people was also very good. , the use of Junjie is quite smooth in this respect.

In addition to Hailing Chen Duan, Xun Zhen invited more than ten people one after another, most of them were from the Guan family in various counties of Guangling. Among them are not only older scholars, but also young talents, such as Haixi Xu Xuan, Dongyang Chen Jiao, Jiangdu Huangxiang, etc., all of whom are only in their twenties.

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