The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Xun Yao met with Tao Gongzu's heroic Chen Yuanlong

When Xun Zhen said "Xiao Gui Cao Sui", she really "Xiao Gui Cao Sui". After sending Zhang Chao away, not only did there not change in personnel, but also did not make any major moves in political affairs, just called Xi Zhi. Cai, Xun You, Cheng Jia, Yao Sheng and others also participated in the affairs of the county, and they discussed everything with them, but when the final decision was made, most of them still followed the old rules when Zhang Chao was there.

Zang Hong and Yuan Sui are both talented talents in Guangling, and they both have the right surname of the Guan family in Guangling County. Since Xun Zhen has not made any major changes in personnel and political affairs for the time being, with the assistance of Zang and Yuan, Guangling The government affairs of the county naturally proceed smoothly, and even in some remote places, the local officials and people seem to have no idea that the county governor has been replaced.

As mentioned above, Xun Zhen's current mind is not on the political affairs of Guangling County. As long as the political affairs can be carried out smoothly, for now, he thinks that it is enough. Throw it in to familiarize yourself with local conditions.

Xun Zhen had a whole set of plans for the administration in Guangling.

First of all, do not make major changes to stabilize the hearts of the county.

Secondly, understand the situation as soon as possible. This "understanding the situation" includes many aspects, such as the understanding of the powerful surnames in the county, such as the understanding of the celebrities and talents in the county, such as the understanding of the geography of the mountains and rivers in the county, such as the understanding of the number of households in the county, For example, the understanding of the county's agricultural and commercial capabilities, such as the understanding of the county's military grain storage, and so on.

After understanding the situation of these various aspects, it is the most important step: expand the military force according to the situation, and make allies at the same time - this "ally" refers not only to the county magistrates in Xuzhou, but also to the outside and neighboring Xuzhou. The chief officials of the various counties and counties in Guangling, whether it is to make allies or expand their troops, these two things are of course important preparations for the upcoming meeting of directors.

However, there is one more thing to do before getting to know the local situation.

That is to send an envoy to Tan County, Donghai County, where the state government is located, and go there to pay homage to Tao Qian.

For Li, Xun Zhen was a newly appointed county chief, so he had to send someone to meet Tao Qian; for Qing, Xun Zhen killed a Tao Qian on the way before he even took office. people. Regardless of emotion or reason, this messenger must be sent.

Xun Zhen chose Xun You and Yao Sheng to be the messengers.

Xun You is the son and nephew of Xun Zhen, and his weight is sufficient, not only to represent Xun Zhen, but also to show Xun Zhen's respect for Tao Qian.

Yao Sheng and Tao Qian are "people from the state", they both live in Yangzhou, Tao Qian is from Danyang County, Yao Sheng is from Wu County, Danyang and Wu County are two adjacent counties, Tao Qian is of course a state county Celebrities, Yao Sheng's reputation is not as good as him, but Yao Sheng's family is a big family in Wu County, the family is crowned, and it is the county's most famous surname. Tao Qian either knows or at least has heard of some elders of the Yao family. With such a relationship, Xun Zhen thought that it should help to alleviate the bad consequences of the previous incident of "killing state officials".

"It wasn't long before Xunzhen entered Guangling County, and he killed a grain-rushing state official before he even reached the county seat." Tao Qian already knew about it.

Zhe Rong also reported to Tao Qian that "Liu Bei, Guan Yu and others sent the heads of state officials to Xiapi".

To be honest, Tao Qian was very annoyed.

Since taking office in October last year, Tao Qian has relied on the imperial decree, used the Danyang soldiers and Taishan soldiers as his blades, and used the yellow turbans outside the state and thieves inside the state. He gained the upper hand in the struggle with the local scholars in Xuzhou. At the same time, of the five counties in Xuzhou, he had already controlled four counties, namely Langya, Donghai, Xiapi and Guangling, and only Pengcheng Prime Minister Xue was left. Li, this "thorn head", does everything against him and refuses to obey his orders. He has been thinking about how to deal with Xue Li, so that he can truly control Quanzhou from now on, even if he can't. Replacing the title of "Xuzhou Inspector" with "Xuzhou Shepherd", at least in terms of real power, he can become a well-deserved local county shepherd, but at this time, the "talkative" Zhang Chao left office and came to the county. Xun Zhen, who "dismounted the horse", how could Tao Qian not be annoyed?

The four counties in his hands became three at once, and Xue Li, the prime minister of Pengcheng, who had been isolated, might have one more ally because of this. There will be setbacks.

However, although he was annoyed by this, Tao Qian felt that it was difficult for Xun Zhen to deal with it.

Xun Zhen and Xue Li are different.

Although Xue Li's background is not bad, no matter whether it is background, fame, ability, or strength, backstage/stage, he can't compare with Xun Zhen.

In terms of origin, Xun Zhen came from the Xun clan in Yingyin, a well-known noble family in the world.

In terms of fame, Xun Zhen was already well-known at home and abroad because of things such as forcing Zhang Jiao to death, repelling Montenegro, slaughtering Ye Zhao and Yangzhai Zhang's family.

In terms of ability, even though Xun Zhen came from a noble family, he made his fortune in the military. Although Tao Qian had defeated the Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou, he was still slightly inferior to Xun Zhen's previous military exploits. - Xun Zhen since the army Since then, he has followed Huangfu Song to pacify Yingchuan, Runan, Dongjun, and Jizhou. He has served in Zhao and Weijun, and has successively repulsed Montenegro and surrendered to poison. Moreover, the leader of the Yellow Turbans, Zhang Jiao was also forced to death by Xun Zhen's subordinate Xin Ai. Such military exploits are more than illustrious. On the other hand, Tao Qian, in addition to repelling or defeating the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans, has almost no military exploits to show, although he has He followed Huangfu Song and Zhang Wen through several battles against the rebels in Liangzhou, but at those times, he was not a general, but only "joined the military", that is, as a complicit. Participation, and Xun Zhen are not comparable.

In terms of strength, Tao Qian has already inquired clearly, Xun Zhen took office in Guangling this time, and accompanied him with 4,000 cavalry soldiers, and these 4,000 cavalry were not ordinary soldiers. If it is tough, its combat power is self-evident.

Not to mention anything else, with only four thousand cavalry capable of conquering and fighting, Pengcheng Prime Minister Xue Li can't compare with Xun Zhen, and as far as Tao Qian is concerned, although he has Danyang soldiers, Taishan soldiers and Zhou soldiers under his command, he can't compare with Xun Zhen. If he wanted to suppress Xun Zhen with this, he was not sure.

In terms of backstage/stage, there are Yuan Shao and Cao Cao behind Xun Zhen. The backstage/stage of Runan's Yuan family is too hard, and the Cao family is also very prosperous.

Not to mention that Xue Li can't compare with Xun Zhen, even Tao Qian can't compare.

Combining all aspects, Xun Zhen had a background, a high reputation, ability, and military merit. He wanted people and soldiers. Therefore, although Tao Qian was very annoyed by the fact that he killed the state officials, he honestly said that for a while. There was really no way to deal with him.

If Xun Zhen is not cleaned up, Tao Qian's prestige in this prefecture will surely suffer.

Compared with Yuzhou, Jizhou and other places, Xuzhou has a characteristic, that is, the local scholars are especially "exclusive", and they are more "exclusive" than Yuzhou, Jizhou, including Qingzhou, Yanzhou and other places. This is due to two reasons: one is that Xuzhou is close to the sea, and it is far from the hinterland of the Central Plains, so there will be less communication with the outside world. If there is less communication, the degree of "openness" will be shallow, and it will be more exclusive to foreigners; It is caused by the local folk customs in Xuzhou. The local people in Xuzhou are fierce and fierce. Once the folk customs are fierce, the local people will inevitably be a little unconvinced and disobedient to the officials who come from other states.

The combination of the two reasons has led to the fact that people in Xuzhou are more "exclusive" than those in Henan, Ji and other prefectures.

Since Tao Qian took office, most of the time he used strong means to suppress local scholars.

Suppressing a locality by means of "power" can certainly ensure power, but it will also make people dissatisfied.

There have always been local scholars who refused to accept him, and there were quite a few. For example, even if he was imprisoned, he would not accept his expropriation.

This is true of the local scholars, and the same is true of the chief officials of the various counties.

On the bright side, the only one who clearly opposes Tao Qian is Pengcheng Prime Minister Xue Li, so do the other county governors, such as Donghai and Langya, sincerely support Tao Qian? Not necessarily. There are not many weak people who can achieve the position of the governor of the state. They say that the officials of 2,000 stones are much higher than Tao Qian, the prefect of 600 stones. , how could he have no temper, and willingly obey Tao Qian's dispatch? The reason why he obeyed was a last resort, just because he had to rely on him to stabilize the situation in Xuzhou and defend against the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou and Yanzhou, that's all.

Let’s go back to the local scholars, such as Zhang Zhao and others, although they were resolutely unwilling to accept his expeditions and cooperate with his administration, but no one came out to criticize or oppose him publicly. The reason is that, like the chief officials of Donghai, Langya and other prefectures, they had to rely on him to defend against the Yellow Turbans outside the state. Therefore, despite their dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, they all acquiesced to his powerful position in Xuzhou.

In other words, that is to say, there are actually many people in Xuzhou who disapprove of him, Tao Qian, not just one Pengcheng prime minister, Xue Li. The reason why these dissatisfied people did not come out to oppose him openly, nor did they go to talk to Xue Li. Li was mixed up just because his ability was stronger than Xue Li, and these people needed his ability to stabilize the state and county.

But now it's good, there is Xun Zhen, if Xun Zhen and Xue Li are the same, they are only middle-class talents, that's all, but Xun Zhen's strength in all aspects is still very strong, on par with his Tao Qian, even He is stronger than Tao Qian in some respects, so if Xun Zhen's "disappointing power" is used, if he doesn't react, then those governors of the prefectures who are dissatisfied with his mouth and those who are dissatisfied with him will not Will Xun Zhen be regarded as a candidate who can "replace Tao Qian" because of this? Then they all "united" around Xun Zhen to fight against him together? If this really happened, Tao Qian would really be overwhelmed.

Clean up Xun Zhen? Not good to start.

Why don't you clean up Xun Zhen? Prestige can be damaged, which can set off a chain reaction that can lead to serious consequences.

Tao Qian was in a dilemma.

That's why, after knowing that the state official was killed and Xun Zhen sent someone to give the state official's head to Zhe Rong, Tao Qian never made any response, even when Zhe Rong specially sent someone to ask for instructions. When he asked him what to do, he didn't answer either.

To a certain extent, Tao Qian is now waiting for Xun Zhen's "attitude". He wants to see Xun Zhen's next "attitude". If Xun Zhen's next "attitude" can make him feel good, then The matter of killing the state officials can be ignored for the time being; but if Xun Zhen's next "attitude" is still tough and unacceptable to him, then it can't be said that Xun Zhen is not easy to deal with. For his own power in the state, he It also has to be "tough".

At this time, Xun Zhen sent Xun You and Yao Sheng to the prefectural government with generous gifts to pay homage to him, and presented a letter from Yuan Shao and others to Tao Qian. The friendship between the state and the neighboring county", multi-pronged approach, this can be regarded as allowing Tao Qian to see Xun Zhen's "attitude", or in other words, this can be regarded as a step down for Tao Qian.

Xun You's speech is elegant, Yao Sheng is arrogant and talkative, because of Xun Zhen's previous account, after seeing Tao Qian, the two of them are both polite and respectful, giving Tao Qian enough face, at least on the surface, The meeting between the two of them and Tao Qian can be called complete.

On behalf of Xun Zhen, Xun You sincerely explained to Tao Qian the matter of "killing the state official", explaining that Xun Zhen did not intend to kill the state official in order to establish his prestige, but had to kill it. Xun Zhen, who was the new prefect, couldn’t help but react when the subordinate was killed. Therefore, when it came to the issue of the prefecture’s requisition of grain, Xun You, on behalf of Xun Zhen, said to Tao Qian tactfully, “It’s not that Guangling County wants to break the “rules”, it doesn’t The people in Guangling are already suffering very much. They cannot afford to pay for the food. I cannot afford to pay for it. I really urge Tao Qian to suspend the requisition of Guangling for a while until the autumn harvest. It was not too late, even if it was a little more than that, and he offered to take the initiative to propose that if the Yellow Turbans invaded, Xun Zhen would personally lead troops to attack Tao Qian.

At first, Xun Zhen felt that it was difficult to deal with it. Seeing that Xun Zhen was so savvy, he took the initiative to apologize and apologize in disguise. Tao Qian also went under the boat, borrowed a ladder to get down to the house, and put down the matter of killing the state officials, so I didn’t mention it for the time being. However, in order to protect his authority in Xuzhou, he only promised a slight reduction in the transportation of grain in Guangling County, but it was definitely not exempt.

Before Xun You came, he had been instructed by Xun Zhen not to argue with Tao Qian. Tao Qian listened to whatever he said, and obeyed or disobeyed, not Tao Qian, but Xun Zhen, so Xun You had a good attitude. After expressing his own opinions completely and clearly, no matter how Tao Qian reacts to it, agrees or disagrees, he doesn't say a word, but only respectfully.

After getting it, Tao Qian was suspicious and wondered if he had a high opinion of Xun Zhen. He didn't expect that Xun Zhen was famous and had great military achievements. Even in his early years, some people called him a "cruel official", but this Xun You sent here. But why so weak? No matter what he said, he would only do what he should, and would never argue more. This is very inconsistent with Xun Zhen's reputation outside the world.

Tao Qian is a talented person who is arrogant and arrogant. Usually, such people can maintain respect for capable people, but it is difficult to respect the weak and incompetent. Fortunately, Xun Zhen is outside. He had a great reputation, but he didn't try to test Xun You according to his own will because of this, and he didn't simply put forward more excessive demands because of this.

Xun You and Yao Sheng stayed in Tan County for five days. In addition to paying homage to Tao Qian, they also followed Xun Zhen's private instructions and paid special attention to Tao Qian's works.

Tao Qian was unable to enter the barracks outside the county, but he could see the soldiers guarding the guards in the county. In the past few days, he also saw some famous people under Tao Qian’s account in the prefecture. General school.

Most of the soldiers under Tao Qian's command were Danyang soldiers. They lived up to the title of "Danyang's elite soldiers".

Xun You and Yao Sheng secretly compared them with Xun Zhen's subordinates, and came to the conclusion that although the Danyang soldiers under Tao Qian had experienced the battle against the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans in the past year, they were mostly new soldiers, so if they were under the command of Tao Qian, they were mostly new soldiers. On the battlefield, a one-to-one battle is definitely not an opponent of Xun Zhen's part. Two-to-one, Xun Zhen can also win, three-to-one, at least a draw, but if there are more, it's hard to say.

There are thousands of Danyang soldiers under Tao Qian's account, plus the Taishan soldiers, that's tens of thousands.

Taishan County has a long history of thieves, and the people dare to fight. It has always been a place to send out elite troops. Xun You and Yao Sheng know about the Taishan soldiers under Zang Ba and other Taishan generals. They know that they stood in the battle to defeat the Yellow Turbans last year. The great military merits should also be a capable team, but because they are stationed in Langya County, they are incapable of seeing them, and I don't know how they compare to Danyang soldiers.

As for the generals under Tao Qian, Xun You and Yao Sheng met several, but they were not as outstanding as those under Xun Zhen.

Tao Qian's military strength in Xuzhou can be divided into two parts, one is the Danyang soldiers who are trusted by him, and the other is the Taishan soldiers who have been recruited.

The Danyang military system can be divided into two parts, one is logistics and the other is combat.

Zhe Rong is the main part of logistics.

In this area of ​​battle, Cao Bao is the main force, and under Cao Bao, there are generals such as Lu You and Zhang Kai.

Like Zhe Rong, most of Cao Bao and others were from Danyang. Their relationship with Tao Qian and their status in Tao Qian's army were similar to Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao and others' relationship with Xun Zhen and their status in Xun Zhen's army.

These Danyang generals and commanders that Tao Qian relied on, Xun You and Yao Sheng, each have their own abilities, but in terms of bravery, none of them can compare to Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, etc. In terms of romance and talent, there is no one who can compare to Xin Ai. In terms of calmness and the style of a general, there is no one who can compare with Xu Zhong and others, and there is no one who is young and handsome. Compared with Wenpin, etc., all in all, the soldiers of Tao Qian's subordinate Danyang soldiers are inferior to those of Xun Zhen, but the elite soldiers are not much different from those of Xun Zhen, while the soldiers of Tao Qian's command are not as good as those of Xun Zhen. The general school was far worse than the general school under Xun Zhen.

From this point of view, it seems that there is no need to worry too much about Tao Qian's part.

While paying more attention to Tao Qian's works and generals, Xun You and Yao Sheng also visited some state officials.

Five days later, the two of them bid farewell to Tao Qian and returned to the county.

Back in Guangling, Xun You and Yao Sheng told Xun Zhen all about their meeting with Tao Qian and what they had seen and heard in the prefecture.

Xun You finally said: "When we were in Tanxian County, we heard from the state officials that Fang Bo seemed to intend to send people to Danyang to recruit troops. Fang Bo's work and Taishan soldiers have now surpassed ten thousand people, and the state government has now obtained the The grain is just enough, and if Danyang soldiers are recruited again, the prefecture will be short of grain. From this, I secretly think that Fang Bo will not stop collecting grain from the prefectures in the prefecture. increase."

In other words, even if Tao Qian had already agreed to slightly reduce the amount of grain he had collected from Guangling, this amount would still be added back sooner or later, or even more.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "And it's not too late to talk about this when Uncle Fang has recruited troops and he really increases his share of the ration."

By that time, Xun Zhen would probably have been able to control the real power of Guangling. It was up to him to decide whether to give it to Tao Qian and how much to give.

Xun Zhen asked Xun You and Yao Sheng, "I heard that the second middle school employees in the state are all talents from Xuzhou. The two of you are going to Tan County. Can you see them?"

"The second one in the state" means that Biejia is engaged in Zhao Min and Zhizhong is engaged in Wang Lang. There are many in the state, and whether it is fame or real power, these two are the leaders.

Xun You and Yao Sheng replied, "I see."

"What about the characters of these two gentlemen?"

Xun You replied: "Zhao Yuanda is filial in his body, has a high reputation in the Qing Dynasty, and is known to be jealous of evil. However, from my perspective, this person seems to act a little deliberately; Wang Jingxing is tall, talented, and generous, generous, benevolent, and generous. Majestic demeanor, sincerity is the hope of Xuzhou."

"Can you see Captain Diannong?"

Xun Zhen was asking Chen Deng.

This time, it was not Xun You who answered, but Yao Sheng.

Yao Sheng is also very ambitious, he admires Chen Deng very much, patted his knee, and said with emotion: "Chen Yuanlong is heroic, both civil and military, and has a big mind. Although he is not yet thirty, he will definitely be a hero of Xuzhou in the future. ."

Xun You's evaluation of Zhao Min and Wang Lang is very objective, while Yao Sheng's evaluation of Chen Deng is full of emotion.

Xun Zhen had heard the name of Chen Deng for a long time. Hearing these words, his thoughts drifted away, and he wished he could meet this person immediately.

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