The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 134: Imperial decree 1 to go to Jizhou (4)



"It is in Jizhou to make contributions and establish a career." |Net

Huangfu Song's entry into Jizhou was a good opportunity for the Han soldiers under his command, but it would be a disaster for the Jizhou Yellow Turbans. Brother Zhang Jiao is from Julu, so the main force of the Jizhou Yellow Turbans is now in Julu County. Among them, Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang are more than 100,000 Yellow Turban elites in Guangzong, which is the easternmost of Julu, and Zhang Bao has a hundred thousand people in Julu. The northernmost Xiaquyang.

Dong County and Julu County belong to two prefectures, but they are not far apart. From Boping, where the Han soldiers are located, to Guangzong, where Zhangjiao and Zhangliang are located, there is only one Ganling State, less than two hundred miles apart. Huangfu Song held a military meeting, and the Han soldiers moved. Five days later, everything was ready, and the whole army set off.

After leaving Boping County, go west for four or five li, that is, go out of the border of Dongjun County and enter the Ganling Kingdom of Jizhou.

The country of Ganling was originally the country of Qinghe. The last king of Qinghe, Liu Shuan, committed suicide. Liang Ji hated the name of Qinghe and changed his name to Ganling. There is a large family in Ganling, that is, the Qinghe Cui family, a famous family in later generations. However, at the moment, the Cui Clan of Qinghe is far from having the name of later generations, although since its ancestor Cuiye, the Hou of Donglai in the early Western Han Dynasty, its clan members have served in the Han Dynasty in successive dynasties, and the crowns are successive, often two thousand stone, and there are several He was named a marquis, but he was quite prestigious in Ganling and Jizhou. The Cui family is truly famous all over the world, and it started with Cui Yan and Cui Lin brothers.

Xun Zhen studied in later generations, read the name of Cui Yan, and knew a little about his deeds. Now Cui Yan has not yet become famous. He is "stubborn and stubborn. Ranger habit, this year has just won the championship, and has not yet started to read. Cui Lin was Cui Yan's younger brother. Although he was later Cao Wei Sikong, and pioneered the "Three Dukes Sealing Liehou", he "was a late bloomer when he was young, and his clan was unknown, but he was different from his elder brother." Silent.

Xun Zhen was very interested in Cui Yan. She remembered that he was a famous and beautiful man in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty. Ganling is a small country with only seven counties in the country. In fact, from Boping to Guangzong, you only need to pass through one county: Ganling County, the capital of Ganling.

Speaking of Ganling County, there is a famous person in later generations: Wu Song.

When the army marched outside Ganling County, the sky was about to twilight, and Huangfu Song Chuan ordered the three armies to stop and rest here for the night. The military order fell like a mountain, and with a single order, tens of thousands of cavalry stopped their pace, separated the patrolling division, and the rest built camps on the spot.

The weather in late June was very hot, and after a day's marching, Xun Zhen got off the horse, sweating and covered in dust. Take a shower. Xun Zhen glanced at her and resisted the urge to wash her body with water to cool herself, and said, "The soldiers are still building a camp, how can I come to bathe first? Put it aside." Ling Yuan Zhongqing , "You take a few people to the stream, and then bring some water to the wounded camp for the wounded soldiers to clean." Even after the fierce battle, there were many wounded under Xun Zhen's subordinates. And Xun Zhen composed them into a single song and treated them favorably everywhere.

Yuan Zhongqing took the order and brought his own people.

Xun You and Xi Zhicai got off the car and came to Xun Zhen with their fans. The weather was so hot that many generals and scribes in the army did not ride horses, but traveled by car. Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou also suggested that Xun Zhen should take a car, but Xun Zhen refused. If you want to get the soldiers to die, you usually have to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, not to mention the fact that Huangfu Song, the main general of the first army, is riding a horse, let alone Xun Zhen?

Xi Zhicai was not careful, with his chest open, while wiping the sweat from his forehead, he shook his fan vigorously, looked up at the sky, and was speechless. Said, "It's getting hotter and hotter today!" He looked around.

The garrison chosen by Huangfu Song is in the wild, surrounded by fields, and Ganling County is in the northwest, so it can be seen from afar. Xi Zhicai squinted for a while and said, "Is that the city wall collapsed?" Xun Zhen and Xun You looked at it from afar, and saw from a distance that the city wall in Ganling County was short. Jizhou was Zhang Jiao's base camp. Before Huangfu Song came, Ganling also had the Yellow Turbans. Xun You said: "On the way, I heard that the Yellow Turbans were very violent here in the past two months. Even King Ganling was captured by them."

On the way, I heard from the people along the way that two months ago, the Ganling Yellow Turbans broke through the Ganling County and captured the current Ganling King Liu Zhong, but he was soon released. Now I don't know where Liu Zhong escaped.

"It's strange, I've been waiting all the way, why don't I see a yellow turban?" Xuankang and Li Bo also walked over, Xuankang interrupted and said. Xuan Kang was also sweating from the heat. After seeing Xi Zhicai's open chest, he was quite excited and wanted to learn something, but after looking at it again, although he was sweating from the heat, he was still wearing armor and swords. The neat Xun Zhen finally gave up the idea.

Xi Zhicai slapped Xuankang on the head with a fan, and said with a smile, "Uncle Ye, how come you are smart at one time and stupid at the same time? Needless to say? This yellow turban from Ganling was of course summoned to Guangzong by Zhang Jiao. "Lu Zhitong rode tens of thousands of paces into Jizhou, and defeated Zhang Jiao in a row. Zhang Jiao retreated to Guangzong. In order to resist the Han soldiers led by Lu Zhi, most of the Yellow Turbans in the neighboring counties and counties were called in to help out.

Xuankang suddenly realized that when he heard Xi Zhi, he mentioned Zhang Jiao, he said, "By the way, Mr. Xi, I heard you talk about the rebellion between Li Guang and Zhang Bolu last night, saying that Zhang Jiao and them are in the same blood. But he was summoned by Xun Jun, and he didn't finish his words....Why do you say that Zhang Jiao is in the same blood as Li Guang and Zhang Bolu? Isn't this Yellow Turban Road only in recent years? Could it have been there long ago?"

The march was boring, and Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and others often gathered together to chat at night when they had nothing to do. Last night, Xi Zhicai talked about the Li Guang Rebellion during the Guangwu period and the Zhang Bolu Rebellion during the Andi period. He said that Zhang Jiao was in the same blood as the two of them, but before he finished speaking, he was called by Xun Zhen to participate in military affairs. At this time, listening to Xuankang's old sayings again, Xi Zhi tapped the handle of the fan on his hand and said with a smile, "Want to know?"


"The sage said: If there is something to do, the disciple will take care of it."

Xuankang was stunned, and immediately woke up. He hurriedly took the fan from Xi Zhicai and stood beside him to fan him. Xun Zhen, Xun You, Li Bo and the others looked at each other and smiled. Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "Seeing that you are so sincere, I will tell you something." He caught a glimpse of the smiling faces of Xun Zhen and Xun You, and said, "Zhenzhi, when I talked about this last night, Mr. Da is here, you are not. Do you know Li Guang and Zhang Bolu?"

"I heard something."

This Li Guang is not Li Guang, Li Guang is a famous flying general in the Western Han Dynasty, and this Li Guang is a "witch" in Anhui during Emperor Guangwu's time. In the seventeenth year of Jianwu's reign, Li Guang called himself "Grand Master Nanyue", gathered party members, rebelled and rebelled. After his death, his disciples continued to rebel, and it was not until the nineteenth year of Jianwu's reign that he was completely pacified. Zhang Bolu was a "pirate" during the reign of Emperor Andi. In the third year of Yongchu, he conquered the coastal counties, but was defeated by Faxiong. Zhang Bolu surrendered. It was pacified in the first five years.

Xi Zhicai said to Xun Zhen, "I said that Li Guang, Zhang Bolu and Zhang Jiao are in the same blood, I wonder if you think so?"

Xun Zhen lowered her head and thought for a while, then clapped her hands and said, "If you don't tell me, I really didn't think of it. Listening to you, the three of them are really in the same line."

Xuankang became more and more puzzled, and said: "Li Guang, Zhang Bolu, Zhang Jiao, one is a witch, one is a pirate, and the other is the suzerain of Taipingdao. How can these three people be in the same blood? ..., Li Guang and Zhang Jiao is in the same line, Zhang Bolu is a pirate, why is he the same as them?" Li Guang is a witch, and Zhang Jiao calls himself "a great teacher", and he is considered a first-class witch.

The witch is the witch. The witch had a very high status in the pre-Qin period, and then gradually declined. In the Han Dynasty, it was excluded from the "good family" together with Baigong and merchants, and became a lowly person who was despised by the "Qi people". . Even so, the influence of witches on the people is still very large. In the counties where Xun Zhen and others traveled through the scriptures, all the temples they saw were presided over by witches. Therefore, Li Guang was able to "witch the crowd" and gather party members, and Zhang Jiao was even more powerful. , taking advantage of the successive epidemics in the world, he preached widely, and his disciples and believers spread all over the world.

——"Wide preaching", the witches in the Han Dynasty were actually the origin of Taoism, and it was difficult to distinguish the witches from the primitive Taoists at this time. For example, Zhang Jiao, who passed on the Taoist classic "Taiping Jing", can worship Zhonghuang Taiyi. Zhonghuang Taiyi is the name of the god, that is, "Huang Shenyue, the **** of the Emperor of Heaven". The people of the Han Dynasty believed that "Huang Shenyue" was the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven. Worship of this **** is very common. The title of "Yellow God Yuezhang" often appears in the text, and these tomb bottles and tomb texts are left after the practice of witchcraft. God, we can see the relationship between witch and Taoism.

In addition, the witch Li Guang calls himself "Taishi of Nanyue" and Zhang Jiao calls himself "Great Teacher". Both of them have the word "Master" in their self-proclaimed names. This "Master" actually refers to "Huang Shenyue" , also known as Zhonghuang Taiyi. Huang Shenyue is the "Divine Master of the Heavenly Emperor". It can also be seen that although Li Guang is a witch and Zhang Jiao built the Taiping Road, the two are actually in the same line.

As for the pirate Zhang Bolu, although he is called a pirate, he calls himself an "Messenger". This "Messenger" actually refers to "Huang Shenyue". . Zhang Mancheng, who was beheaded by Zhu Jun and Nanyang prefect Qin Jie just this month, called himself "the envoy of the gods".

In other words, it can be said that the two rebellions of Li Guang and Zhang Bolu were the forerunners of the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Xi Zhicai told Xuankang these words, Xuankang suddenly realized, and said: "So it is! This yellow turban thief disorder has its roots long ago."

Xun You was not very interested in these topics. When Xi Zhicai explained it to Xuan Kang in detail, he took two soldiers to Tanaka in the distance, and then turned back. Xun Zhen asked, "What did you do?" Xun You pointed back and said, "I saw the wall collapsed and the house collapsed there, so I looked over there." There was a pile of ruins where he pointed, and it could be roughly seen that it should have been a house. hall.

Xun Zhen said "Oh" and asked casually, "Is this the pavilion here?"

Xun You shook his head and said, "Among the masonry ruins, there are traces of being burned and only a section of the black wooden statue left. It should be a shrine, probably burned down by the local yellow scarf thieves."

Zhang Jiao's Taiping Dao is a monotheistic belief, and he only believes in the worship of Huang Taiyi, so he often destroys the shrines that worship other gods and ghosts. However, this also varies from place to place. Yingchuan, Runan, and Dongjun were hit by a thunderbolt from Huangfu Song shortly after the incident. Therefore, the shrines in these counties were not severely damaged, and Jizhou was Zhangjiao. The site of Ganling was not far from Julu, and the temple of prostitution here was severely damaged.

Xun Zhen's heart moved and thought: "Speaking of which, the Han Dynasty's pacification of the Yellow Turbans is not only the ruling class suppressing the ruled class, but also the struggle between the Confucianism believed by the gentry and the Shamanism believed by the common people."

He looked at the ruins of an obscene shrine in the and said to himself: "Confucianism rules the world with propriety, respecting ghosts and gods and keeping them far away, but Zhang Jiao's way is to build a kingdom of gods on earth, promote equality, hope The world can be at peace through this. These two concepts of governing the country and the people are incompatible, and it is no wonder that after the rise of the Yellow Turbans, most of them were hostile to the gentry, and the gentry hated the Yellow Turbans.” Zhang Jiao hoped to build a divine kingdom on earth, while Confucianism said, “Unknown birth, why Knowing death, if you can't deal with people, how can you deal with ghosts"? Confucianism ruled the world with propriety, and paid attention to the order of superiors and inferiors, while Zhang Jiao's Taiping Taoism was egalitarian. Where is there a strict boundary between superiors and inferiors? The two are indeed incompatible.

Xun Zhen unconsciously thought of Zhang Lu's five buckets of rice. Zhang Lu calls himself "Master", and this "Master" also refers to "Huang Shenyue". Although his Tao is called five buckets of rice, it is no different from Taiping Tao in terms of belief. If Zhang Jiao succeeds, then the history of China Soon it will change.

He thought to himself: "About a few hundred years later, Europe has established the status of Christianity. If Zhang Jiao succeeds, and I convert to one God in China, will it also enter a dark age like the dark Middle Ages in Europe? "This is an unsolved question, but thinking about it like this gave him a little solace in his guilt and unease for "slaughtering" the uprising people.

Rest in Ganling for one night, then continue westward. The tens of thousands of foot riders, stretching for more than ten miles, had already alarmed Julu.

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