The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 129: 3 Battle of Fudong County (14)

Xun Zhen personally stepped forward and wanted to help Bu Ji get up, but Bu Ji jumped up and slammed into the mad Taoist! At this time, Xun Zhen was only one or two steps away from him, but thanks to her experience in the battlefield and quick reaction, she took a few steps back before dodging. Xu Zhong rushed out from behind Xun Zhen, raised his foot and kicked Bu Ji back, pulling the knife in his hand. Xun Zhen shouted, "Wait a minute!" But it was too late. It was not Xu Zhong who killed Bu Ji, but Liu Deng. After hearing Xun Zhen's cry, Xu Zhong had already withdrawn his hand and just pointed the knife at Bu Ji, but Liu Deng was furious, stepped forward, drew his sword in his hand, and first restrained Bu Ji's neck , then stabbed the sword into Bu Ji's waist from the back, pierced, pulled out, stabbed, pulled out, and stabbed four or five swords in the blink of an eye. Bu Ji let out a pained cry, and subconsciously covered the wound on his waist with his backhand. Unsteady standing, Liu Deng let go of his hand and let him kneel on the ground. Although he fell on his knees and his mind was blurred, he still tried to keep his back straight and opened his eyes wide to find the figure of Xun Zhen on the opposite side. This was all useless, and with a "bang", he fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah."

Xun Zhen watched Bu Ji fall. She was afraid and felt a pity just now. She walked over to Bu Ji's body, squatted down, and tried to help him close his eyes. Failing to succeed, following his eyes that were still open but lost, Xun Zhen looked up, the sky was speechless and white clouds were blooming. "Why is this necessary?" Xun Zhen looked down at Bu Ji's remains for a while, stood up, and ordered, "A thick burial." If it were put in more than a thousand years, Bu Ji might become a general with illustrious military exploits. To realize his ideal of "the tiller has his own land", but in this era, he is destined to be a tragedy.

Liu Deng killed Bu Ji because the Savior was eager, and Xun Zhen didn't blame him, but Xi Zhicai objected to his order to "bury him thickly." He said, "Zhenzhi cannot be buried thickly." Is it because he is a rebel?... Although he is a rebel, he still regards death as at home, and he is steadfast and unyielding. He is also a martyr's husband and deserves a rich burial." Xi Zhicai said, "That said, Zhenzhi, Junbei It is still occupied by thieves, and with the head of Bu Ji, it will be easier for our army to recover the north of the county, and you have sent a messenger to General Huangfu to win the victory. Bu Ji is the leader of the thief Qu of Dongjun. Burial yourself."

Xun Zhen sympathized with the Yellow Turbans and Bu Ji, so she wanted to bury him and give him an honor from behind. Xi Zhicai had no feelings for the Yellow Turbans, so she dissuaded him from interests. Xun Zhen was silent for a moment, then looked down at Bu Ji's posthumous body for a long time, and said, "What Zhicai said is very true, I am confused. Come here, take off his head and present it to General Huangfu." After his death, his head was beheaded again. He turned around and was about to leave when he heard Dian Wei ask, "Mr. Xun, what should I do with Li Xiang?"

"The villain is willing to descend! The villain is willing to descend!"

After coming from Xun Zhen, Li Xiang didn't dare to raise his head, and kept lying on the ground honestly. When he saw Bu Ji was killed and Heng's corpse was on the spot, he was terrified, for fear that he would also be killed. Garlic, wailing for surrender. Li Xiang was not a follower of Taiping Dao, but a ranger. He had no firm beliefs. When he was first captured, he secretly made up his mind: "If you die, you will die! You must not lose the face of my Dongjun man." His courage was gone when death was in front of him. After all, it is human nature to "love life and hate death", not to mention that Xun Zhen had previously persuaded him to surrender, and he didn't look like a person who wanted to kill.

Xun Zhen paused and looked back at Li Xiang, who was begging for mercy. He remembered that Liu Deng had said that Li Xiang had some courage, and seeing that he was accompanying the Bu Ji army, he must be a leader of the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun, thinking to himself. : "There are still many counties in the north of the county. If this person is killed, it may arouse the stubborn resistance of the Yellow Turbans in the north of the county." He turned around, asked Li Xiang, and said, "You really want to surrender?"

"Wish to come down, I wish to come down!"

"What's your position in the East County Yellow Turbans?"

"The villain is not a believer of the Yellow Turbans, but a commoner of Dunqiu. The thief raised his army, and the villain was trapped inside, because it is today. Bu Jixi is quite brave and uses the villain as the thief and the handsome."

A young yellow turban, Xun Zhen can make the decision without reporting it to Huangfu Song, and immediately said, "You are not a believer of the yellow turbans, and you sincerely repent, so I can give you a chance to make up for your faults." He said to Dian Wei, "Mr. Dian, just add him to your trapping song." Dian Wei Yingnuo and Li Xiang kowtowed to thank him.

Xin Ai asked: "I've captured nearly a thousand prisoners, what should I do with these prisoners?" Xun Zhen lamented the death of Bu Ji and had no intention of disposing of the remaining yellow-robed prisoners, saying: "Choose some strong and strong men to join the army, and the rest Send it to General Huangfu for disposal." After giving the order, he took Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and others back to the army.

Bu Ji is dead, and the battle in the south of the county has come to an end. How to fight and recover the north of the county will have to wait for Huangfu Song's general order. Cangting faces the Yellow River and is not a place for garrisoning troops. Xin Ai and Liu Deng are left behind. , Dian Wei selected and escorted the prisoners, Xun Zhen ordered the whole army to turn around and go to Dong'a first. The march was only two or three li, and a scout in front came to report: "There is a team coming from Dong'e." Dong'e is the only county seat in Dong's county that was not occupied by the Yellow Turbans, Xun Zhen said in his heart, "This must be Dong'e. He heard that I attacked myself, so I sent a crowd to help." After walking two li, he saw hundreds of young men standing by the road ahead.

There are not many of these young men wearing armor, most of them are clothed and straw sandals, and the weapons they use are also varied, including the Han army-style ring-headed sword, spear and halberd, as well as swords used by the common people. Although the weapons are different, the queues of these hundreds of people are evenly arranged. There were three people standing in front of this group of people.

The first thing Xun Zhen saw was the man in the middle. The first time I saw this person, it was not because of where he stood, but because of his height. This person was too tall, more than eight feet tall. He was the tallest person Xun Zhen had seen since crossing the road. It is estimated that it is almost equivalent to about 1.9 meters in later generations, with a high crown in black, a sword on his waist, and standing proudly. Because he was too tall, the two people standing on the left and right of him looked like children.

Xun Zhen waved his hand to stop the troops, and asked Xi Zhicai to temporarily take his place in command. The three people on the opposite side also walked forward.

The two slammed together on the official road, Xun Zhen dismounted from the horse, saluted and asked, "I dare to ask the name of your foot, but was it sent by Dong'ering?"

The tall man in the middle returned his salute and said, "In the next Chengli, it is the order of the magistrate of my county to help Master Wang break the thieves. Please ask me for help?"

At this time, the two sides were standing together, and Xun Zhen realized that the two people around Cheng Li were actually not short, each about seven feet or so. It was only because Cheng Li was too tall that they seemed short. Xun Zhen's height is not low, equivalent to about 1.76 or 77 meters in later generations, but she still has to look up to see Cheng Li's appearance. The first thing that entered his eyes was a beard, black and lush, with a small mouth, a high nose, eyebrows like swords, and piercing eyes. Judging from his appearance, he was about thirty years old, just in his prime.

Xun Zhen thought to himself: "Cheng Li, Cheng Li?" He vaguely remembered that the name seemed to be the original name of a famous advisor during the Three Kingdoms period, but he couldn't remember it all at once, and replied: "Under Xun Zhen, General Huangfu is under the command of Sima. Looking at the sword in Cheng Li's waist, he thought, "I heard that Cheng Li was originally a famous person from Dong'e. Because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Prince of Dong'e County gathered a crowd to rebel, and Dong'ering fled. The Xue family, a big family in the county, regained Dong'e, found the county magistrate, and defended the city together. .

Cheng Li said "Oh" and said, "It turns out that Xun Ruhu is under my feet! I have admired the prestige of the monarch for a long time, and I will finally see it today." Perhaps surprised by the young Xun Zhen, he looked at Xun Zhen up and down, and then gave Xun Zhen a look. Zhen introduced two people around her, but both of them were surnamed Xue, and they were supposed to be children of the Xue family in the county.

Speaking of which, this Cheng Li is indeed like Xun Zhen's evaluation that he is a "hero". Wang Du rebelled, and the county magistrate fled. Cheng Li and the county officials and people first fled the city and fled to Dongshan outside the county. Later, seeing that Wang Du had no intention of defending the city, they burned down the warehouse and looted and went outside the city. Stationed four or five miles west of the city, he decided to take back the county seat. First, he persuaded the big family Xue, who was reluctant to give up his family business, and then used a trick to deceive the officials and people who were unwilling to recover the city from him. When Ken returned to the city from him, he said to the Xue family: "The foolish people do not care." He secretly dispatched a few knights to raise the flag on the East Mountain, shouted: "The thief has arrived", and then took the lead down the mountain and ran to the city. Under the panic and panic, the officials and the people ran along with them, recovering the county seat in one fell swoop. After regaining the county seat, he found the county magistrate again, defended the city together, and repelled Wang Du's attack.

This whole process seems very simple, but if you don't have enough insight and courage, change to an ordinary person, let alone success, I'm afraid you won't even dare to do it. Not to mention anything else, first of all, Wang Du's rebels were just a few miles west of the city, and Cheng Li could be said to have recaptured Dong'e under the eyes of the rebels; second, there were yellow scarves everywhere in Dongjun at that time, and in such a big situation However, Cheng Li was not afraid. Not only was he not afraid of the revenge of the Yellow Turbans in, but he also firmly defended the county seat. Courage and wisdom are indispensable.

Not only is he courageous and wise, but also from the words he said to the Xue family: "The foolish people can't do things", but also the arrogance of this man, and from the tricks he used to deceive the people to return to the city, we can also see this. ruthless means. The people were not willing to follow him back to the city. If he failed, it could be said that these people were all tricked by him and sent to death.

Xun Zhen said: "Cheng Jun and the Xue clan lords recaptured Dong'e, so that Dong'e was saved, and the people of the county were saved, which was a great contribution. General Huangfu also knew your name and once praised him for his bravery and resourcefulness. Now, I have led the crowd to help Master Wang, and my loyalty and righteousness is commendable." Cheng Li looked at the Han soldiers behind Xunzhen, seven or eight thousand Han soldiers stood in many banners, and their horses neighed. He asked: "Xunjun came from Cangting, so Bu Ji must have been captured?"

"General Huangfu sent me to pursue Bu Ji, but luckily I didn't lose my life." Xun Zhen introduced Xun You to Cheng Li. Xun You was famous earlier than Xun Zhen, and Xun You's fathers were also more famous than Xun Zhen's elders, but Cheng Li had already heard of Xun You's name. The Xun family is a famous family in the world, and Cheng Liyan is very polite when talking. After talking for a while, Cheng Li said: "The road is not a place to talk for a long time, I don't know where Xun Jun is going?" Xun Zhen smiled and said, "After General Huangfu ordered me to annihilate the defeated army, I will wait here. Follow the order. I am going to Dong'e." Cheng Li said, "The county has prepared wine and meat for Lao Jun, Xun Jun, please."

Xun Zhen passed down the military order, and thousands of Han soldiers set out, with Cheng Li and others leading the way. Xun Zhen rode on the horse, looking at Cheng Li's tall figure in front of him, standing out among the crowd of young and strong people, a move in his heart, suddenly remembered the name of this person later changed: "Cheng Li, Cheng Li, isn't it? Cheng Yu?"

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