The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 119: 3 Battles of Fudong County (4)

w[nbsp;Thanks for the sweet tooth, it's all a lot of money, a flick is a monthly pass that becomes ten, you don't need to say if you love or hate love, hate is... There will be two more tomorrows, this is a lazy horse who travels ten miles a day, Now I'm about to be spurred into a good horse in the day trip


In the Han barracks, the soldiers were busy building the camp, Xun Zhen, Xun You, and Xi Zhicai looked at Zhuangzhong from afar

Xun Zhen looked at it for a long time, and said to Xun You and Xi Zhicai: "The guards in Zhuangzhong have also started to eat. They seem to believe that our department is going to stay with them for a long time and wait for the arrival of General Huangfu."

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "It seems so" and said to Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, I asked you yesterday what was your plan to attack the village, but you refused to say. You just told me today that it was a good plan."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "What trick? It's not worth it, it's not worth it." Zhuan said to Xun You, "It's just Shigongda's wisdom."

Xi Zhicai and Xun You both laughed

Xun You said, "I can't say that. I didn't think of your rude scheme. How can you say that you are picking up my teeth?"

Xun Zhen smiled but it turned out that: when he was observing Weixiangzhuang yesterday, he found that the guards in Weixiangzhuang were all waiting, and the defenses were strong, and the roads and fields outside the villa were not easy to walk, which was not conducive to attacking, so he decided to give up the strong attack. He decided to find a way to defeat the enemy instead, and suddenly remembered that when he attacked Runan and conquered Qiang, the defenders of Qiang were also so guarded that it was difficult to overcome them urgently. He pretended to be arrogant, in order to paralyze the defending enemy and make him slack. After he relaxed his defenses, he attacked him urgently. In that battle, Xun You used this strategy. Dao: Since Weixiang's defender and Zhengqiang's defender are heavily guarded and well-defended, they have something in common, so can it be possible to replicate Xun You's strategy of defeating the enemy?

After careful observation and consideration, he felt that it was feasible, so he decided to repeat the old trick and use Xun You's strategy again: "Aren't Weixiang's defenders full of enemies and ready to fight? Then I'm not in a hurry to attack. He just pretended that he wanted to endure it for a long time, and waited for it to relax before finding an opportunity to attack it.” Therefore, he humbly said that it was “the wisdom of picking up Xunyou’s teeth”.

However, Xun You did not think that he was "picking up his own wisdom", and he was not wrong.

It is said that there is no constant trend in the art of war, but under the seemingly ever-changing appearance, in the final analysis, it is still the same. , in other words, the core content of the art of war is just this, anyone can understand it as long as they pay attention, but the difficulty is to use "the magic of application, keep one mind", such as the thirty-six strategies of later generations, many people can memorize it like a fluent, but These thirty-six strategies are here. It is not difficult to memorize them, but it is difficult to use them in the right place. That is to say, the difficult thing is to "apply." Ya Hui

Take the previous expedition to Qiang and the current Weixiang, although the strategies to defeat the enemy are similar, they are all "paralysing the enemy and making the enemy relax", but the specific implementation is very different: when attacking the Qiang, it is pretending to be. The arrogant soldier, this time it is pretending to be persistent

A arrogant soldier and a long-lasting soldier, it seems that there is not much difference, but in fact the essence of Xun Zhen's strategy is "long-lasting." Second, if you copy Xun You's strategy completely and still pretend to be a arrogant soldier, this is definitely a lie. What's wrong with those who don't live in Wei Township as guards? The situation is different

When attacking Qiang, the main force of Huangfu Song was outside Xihua City, and the defenders of Xihua did not dare to rescue Qiang. Qiang was like a lonely city. Therefore, Xunzhen could pretend to be a proud soldier, and the defender of Qiang was because It is known that Huangfu Song has just pacified Yingchuan, and now he is besieging Xihua again. It can be said that he is a triumphant legato. Therefore, after seeing Xun Zhen's "arrogant soldier state", he will believe that he is true, and the two sides will "hit it together".

However, the current situation is that Xun Zhen’s lone army arrives first, Huangfu Song’s main force is still in Chenliu, and the defenders of Puyang and Baima have no external threat, so they can send troops to rescue Wei Township at any time. Weixiang's guards brought psychological advantages, and at the same time, Huangfu Song and Xunzhen's achievements in pacifying the two counties in two months would definitely bring great pressure to them. On the one hand, in the face of the pressure of a strong enemy, they should expect more long-term persistence than a quick decision.

If at this time, Xun Zhen pretended to be arrogant, they would definitely not be fooled, then Xun Zhen would meet their expectations and simply pretend to want to last for a long time.

Xun You smiled and said: "Zhenzhi, your plan is really good, and Cui Bing believes that he has the support of Puyang and Baima, and will not want to fight me quickly, but wants to fight with me for a long time and look back at our army, my main force has not yet come out of Chenliu County. There are only 3,000 people in our army. It is inferred from common sense that when the reinforcements from Puyang and Baima are readily available, it seems that our army will not take the initiative to attack first. Then look for an opportunity to move your troops to build a camp. In my opinion, it should be in line with the guesses of Cui Bing and others, and I’m not afraid that they will fall into the trap.”

Xi Zhicai nodded and said: "Yes, Weixiang guards must want to stay with our team for a long time, not only because they rely on the help of Baima and Puyang, but also because they are fully prepared." Pointing to the fields outside the village, he said , "A tunnel was dug in the field..." Then he pointed to the outside of the village, he continued, "A deep ditch was dug outside the village" and then pointed to the watchtower, and continued, "The watchtower was erected, overlooking the outside of the village. The guards are commanding down from the top of the building, and they can shoot down from the upstairs, which is enough to repel the attack of a thousand people. The defense of Weixiang and the thieves can not be said to be lax! With the help of Baima and Puyang, and such a strict defense, I am afraid that they will see it. Come on, it is impossible for my ministry to be in Sukewei Township, so it is not surprising that they expect to stay with my ministry for a long time.”

Xun You and Xi Zhicai analyzed the mentality of Weixiang's guards thoroughly and clearly.

Xun Zhen smiled slightly and said, "I am also a last resort. The thieves are very defensive, and General Huangfu ordered my troops to pull out Wei Township first after entering Dongjun, to clear the way for the army to enter, and there are enemies of Baima and Puyang outside. We will come to rescue at any time, Weixiang has a strong defense in front of it, and we cannot win without this trick.”

As the sun reached the middle of the sky, it gradually turned westward. He pressed his sword and looked at the guards on the walls and the towers.

Xun You and Xi Zhicai followed from afar. After Xun Zhen and his troops arrived, a large number of yellow turban soldiers came out of the village and climbed the wall to strengthen the defense. At this time, these reinforcements all went down the wall and returned to the village. , and Zhang Shi on the watchtower seems to be no longer full of expectations, and the number of people is also less, and at the top of the watchtower, I don’t know when Cui Bing and others have already gone down.

Xi Zhicai laughed and said, "Indeed, the thief has been attacked!" asked Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, since the thief has been attacked, when will my unit attack the village?"

Xun Zhen looked up at the sky, the sun was still blazing at the moment, and the evening was still far away, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Although the thief has a plan, this time he is on guard, and the day is bright, if our troops move, the thief will be able to defend from a distance. See, we made countermeasures before, now it’s not the time to attack, let’s wait until evening.” Looking at the soldiers in the camps in the headquarters who are in full swing, he smiled, “Let the soldiers build the camps with all the strength, it’s better to be paralyzed again. Paralyze the guards!" Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others responded, and some of them went to each camp to give orders

In any battle, if there are too many temple counts, the guards in Wei Township have already fallen for Xun Zhen's plan, so with the strength of Xun Zhen's warriors and soldiers, there is no suspense in this battle.


When the sky was about to end, Xun Zhen ordered the various tribes to make rice. When the rice was cooked, he first ordered the guards on the fence of the battalions to pretend to be cooking meals. Seeing the Han soldiers having meals, Xun Zhen also ordered meals. Xunzhen knew that it was time to attack the village, so as not to disturb the village, he did not beat the drums, but ordered his own soldiers to send orders to the various ministries, and again summoned the generals. Said: "The thieves in the village have been relentless, and this is the time for me to attack the village! The food is already cooked, and all the ministries will stop eating first, and it will not be too late to eat after the village is settled!"

The generals had already heard Xun Zhen's strategy, and it was not surprising that He Yi volunteered to be the first to hear the order, saying: "The villain is willing to be the first to strike this village!" Only in this way can the enemy be defeated before he reacts, so Xun Zhen did not agree to He Yi's request, smiled and said to him: "Along the way, Junying is always the vanguard, Duoduo It’s hard work, but I don’t need your army to attack the village this evening, so please bring your headquarters to watch the battle with me, and when the other camps enter the village and open the gate of the village, you will lead your troops to rush in and expand the victory for me.” He Yi received order

Xun Zhen looked at the generals, but at this time, Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai were named. , the two of you took the right camp and divided it into two routes, attacked from the south and north sides of Zhuang, attracting Laodian and Shuzhi, the guards in Zhuangzhong. I am the main attack, Bo Qin, A Bao, Zhong Ren, you three will follow this song, wait for Lao Dian and Shu Zhi to climb the wall, from the upper wall, and attack Yu Lang, you and the knight wait Outside the village, after the village is breached, you don't have to go inside, just chase the thieves everywhere." The generals responded loudly.

Xun Zhen encouraged everyone and said: "Puyang and the White Horse Bandit will send reinforcements at any time. We are waiting for three thousand people. General Huangfu is still in Chenliu. If they are surrounded, they will surely die. If you want to survive, you must attack Wei Township has Wei Township Diaobi as a defense, it may be able to block the attack of the enemy reinforcements, and when General Huangfu arrives, do you dare to fight to the death?"

The assignment was finalized. Xun Zhen was in the middle of the army, with only dozens of personal soldiers and He Yi's Runan Zuoying guards around. ring, all the time

Xun Zhenxuan's attack timing is very good

Fortunately, there are three aspects. One is that he built a camp for a day during the day, which has lightened Zhuangzhong's alert. The other is that it is evening again, the sunset is in the west, the main attack direction is Zhuangdong, and the Han soldiers are facing the sunset. This is a self-inflicted disadvantage, which is even more unexpected by Zhuangzhong, making the guards unable to take precautions. In addition, there are three reasons for seldom launching an attack in the evening, because if you can't overcome it quickly, the night will come soon, and When night comes, as long as you don't make up your mind to attack continuously day and night, you usually have to withdraw your troops.

Zhuang Zhong was caught off guard by the fact that the guards on the wall and the watchtower were eating. How could he have imagined that the Han soldiers were ready to eat, but they did not eat, and launched an attack at this time?

Xun Zhen beat the drums in person, and the drums rumbled. The two thousand Han soldiers who entered the battlefield attacked the village from three sides. Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Dian Wei, and Chen Da competed for each other, carrying the floating bridge over the deep ditch and crossing the ditch. , or holding a spear and a halberd, or a long knife, holding a long ladder, shouting to kill the sky, swarming to kill the Zhuang wall, the setting sun is like blood, shouting the position, while brave as tigers and leopards, supporting the wall, and hurriedly throwing away their jobs, going to With spears, halberds and crossbows, they hurriedly confronted the battle, and the battle entered a simmering state.

As soon as the drum was over, Xun Zhen saw that Cui Bing rushed to the watchtower with a group of personal soldiers in a panic. When he came up, a soldier in the yellow turban was caught by a spear dragged on the ground by someone next to him, and fell to the ground. The soldier behind couldn't hold his foot, and he tripped again, and rolled down the ramp leading to the wall one after another. Xun You said with joy: " The thieves are so flustered, Zhenzhi, your surprise attack has worked!"

After the second drum, the Han soldiers who were storming the east wall of the village broke out into an earth-shattering cheer. Xun Zhen looked at it, but Dian Wei climbed the ladder with a halberd, carrying the arrows of the guards, and climbed to the crenel. Leaping, Xi Zhicai said with joy, "Dian Wei has the inappropriate courage of ten thousand husbands. If he kills the wall, Zhuang will be destroyed!" If Xi Zhicai expected, Dian Wei soon stopped on the wall. At his feet, in response to the soldiers below, dozens of yellow turban guards came up, led by a young handsome, spears and halberds were scattered, trying to knock him down, but Dian Wei stood upright at the crenel, and a long iron halberd danced, thousands of men. Don't stop, be easy

Xun Zhen beat the drums hard and ordered He Yi, "Get ready to enter the village!" , all looking up, watching the battle on the wall

With Dian Wei's assistance, more and more Han soldiers killed the guards on the east fence of the Walled Village, unable to resist them. Xu Zhong and Liu Deng, who were retreating from the north and south, took advantage of the east wind and took advantage of the rain of arrows to take advantage of the situation. The three sides of the wall joined forces to attack, and the defenders finally couldn't support it. I don't know who was the first to shout, throw away their weapons and run away, just want to stay away from these killing gods on the wall as far as possible. It caused the overall collapse of the guards on the fence, and more and more people joined the ranks of escape.

Chen Dao, Xun Cheng, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao and others also attacked the wall one after another, and divided their troops into two groups. One was led by Dian Wei, Chen Dao, and Jiang Qin to chase the fleeing enemy on the wall, and the other was led by Xun Cheng and Chen Bao. , killed the enemy in front of him, rushed to the bottom of the wall, and then divided into two roads. Chen Bao led people to attack the watchtower, while Xun Cheng led people to capture the Zhuangmen.

The door of the village opened with a bang, and He Yi, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately gave the order, raised his spear and shouted, and personally led the nine soldiers of Runan Zuoying and rushed into the village. At this time, Xun Zhen was not finished.


The three drums are not finished yet, Zhuang Yike

Cui Bing hurriedly got down from the watchtower and wanted to escape outside the village, but he ran into Chen Bao on the third floor of the watchtower.

Among the generals under Xun Zhen, Chen Bao was not well-known for his martial arts. When facing the enemy, he was rarely able to kill generals like Dian Wei, Liu Deng and others. Shuai guards rushed downstairs. He didn't know Cui Bing, but he also judged that this must be Qu Shuai, the yellow turban defender of Zhuangnei. Thinking about it, but not competing with Cui Bing in martial arts, he took a step back and ordered the soldiers behind him: "Release the crossbow!"

The soldiers under his subordinates are all soldiers and infantrymen, and there are no squatters, but the yellow turban guards in the bunker are all squatters, all with bows and crossbows. Thirty enemies grabbed dozens of bows and crossbows. At this moment, under the command, the soldiers who had captured bows and crossbows immediately directed their arrows to shoot. The space inside the tower was limited, and there was no room for dodging. Below, the personal soldiers and young marshals around Cui Bing were hit with arrows, some rolled down the stairs, some fell down, and screamed constantly.

Relying on the thickness of his armor, Cui Bing tried to dash through the rain of arrows, but he hadn't come down from the stairs. He even hit a dozen crossbows in a row. It was the main general, and many of Chen Bao's subordinates regarded him as the first target to strike. No matter how good the armor of Zhongyaozhi was, it couldn't stop the powerful volley of more than ten arrows. The distance between them was only more than ten steps, such a short distance. , even a three-stone crossbow can penetrate iron armor enough. Cui Bing only felt as if his whole body was deeply stabbed by countless sharp blades. Hold on, fell down the stairs

Chen Bao jumped out, grabbed him and dragged him to the main formation, took down his sword, chopped off his head, in the middle, held it high, and faced the rest of the yellow turban soldiers who had gathered on the stairs and were at a loss. He shouted angrily, "Wait until Shuai Qu is dead, why don't you surrender? First surrender to avoid death, and whoever surrenders later will be executed!" Once Cui Bing died, the Yellow Turban soldiers no longer had the will to fight, and they all knelt down and raised their weapons to surrender.

Chen Bao easily killed him on the top floor of the watchtower, lifted Cui Bing's head with a bamboo pole and hung it upstairs, instructing his subordinates to shout to the village and the courtyard walls, "Cui Bing is dead, Cui Bing is dead!"

To the guards, this news was like rolling thunder. After seeing Cui Bing's head, most of the guards gave up their resistance and knelt down and begged Chen Bao to surrender. Yi took Runan Zuoying into Zhuangzhong, and while sweeping away the remnants of Zhuangdong, he dispatched two villages to Zhuangbei and Zhuangnan to help Xu Zhong and Liu Deng attack and grab Zhuangmen. , the village gates on both sides of the north and south were also snatched, Xu Zhong and Liu Deng's tribes outside the village scrambled to enter the village first, and the overall situation in the village has been determined.

Chen Bao looked at Zhuangxi from afar, and saw that the gate of Zhuangxi to the west was also opened. There was no Han army besieging here, but Zhuangxi's guard saw that the general situation was gone, and he figured out that Zhuangfu escaped and a subordinate said: "Oh, but Zhuangxi was besieged by Zhuangxi. The thieves have escaped!" Chen Bao smiled and said, "I can't escape." He pointed to the outside of the village and said, "Look, Yulang has already led someone to chase after him."

Xin Ai and the knights of the headquarters waited outside the village for a long time. They were waiting for this time. They went from the east to the north, bypassed the village, and then turned west. Like a group of hungry wolves, they rushed towards the yellow turban guards who came out of the west gate. Chen Bao was watching Xin Ai and the others galloping to kill the enemy, and suddenly heard the cheers from the Zhuangmen. Xun Zhen rode his horse in armor and led Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and other soldiers into the village slowly. All kneeling and bowing their heads, not daring to look up

Chen Bao said with a smile, "Master Xun has entered the village, let's go, let's go and greet you." Everyone took off Cui Bing's head, went down to the watchtower, and went to see Xun Zhen before Xun Zhen's horse. Cui Bing's head saluted and said, "Report to Sima, the soldiers of the Baobu shot and killed Cui Bing. This is his head, and I specially brought it to Sima."

Xun Zhen glanced at Cui Bing's head inadvertently, bloody, then turned her eyes back, smiled at Chen Bao and said, "Have you seen enough of the head of a mere thief, Qu Shuai? I have seen enough. What do you dedicate to me? Take it, take it, put it in a box, and when General Huangfu brings the main force, I will give you credit for it.”

Chen Bao smiled and handed Cui Bing's head to his subordinates and told them to find a box and pack it in.

"The head of a mere thief soldier Qu Shuai", Xun Zhen said this very loudly, and he couldn't help but be so. , Wu Ba, etc., there are countless Huangjinqu Shuai and Xiaoshuai who died directly or indirectly on the Xun Zhen clan, and it is true that there is not much more than one Cui Bing, and there is not much less than one Cui Bing.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If this is the head of one's self, it's more or less the same."

Chen Bao replied sullenly: "I will fight against Bu Ji in the future. As long as there is a chance, Bao will fetch Bu Ji's head for you."

Xun Zhen laughed and looked at Zhuangzhong, and saw that everywhere had entered the final stage. Except for Zhuangxi, there was no large-scale fighting in the north, south, and east. The contact immediately ordered: "A Bao, you take this song to Zhuangxi, and kill all the soldiers who will not surrender." Chen Bao answered the order and rushed to Zhuangxi with this song

Xun Zhen looked back to the outside of the village, the twilight was deep, and it was about to fall into the night, and he ordered again, "Let the troops and warp speed up the battle, make sure to clean up the village before and after nightfall, and gather the prisoners in a centralized manner and order them to go. After cleaning up the village, Junqing and A Deng took the main camp to stay in the village, and the rest followed me out of the village to build a camp in the east of the village, in case the thieves from Baima and Puyang attacked.”

Everyone should

Shortly after nightfall, Zhuangzhong's screams of killing fell silent. Each department finished cleaning up Zhuangzhong, and the prisoners were collected in Zhuangdong, leaving two people to look after them. The rest were divided into two parts, one led by Xu Zhong and Liu Deng, Climbing up the walls, watchtowers, and guarding the village, one of them was brought out of the village by Xun Zhen, and then the camp was built just now, and the camp was set up to the east of the village.

The next day, Xun Zhen returned to the village to clean up and seize it, and the grains were piled up like mountains. If Xi Zhicai expected, it would be enough to feed a thousand people for two years, Xun Zhen said in his heart, "It seems that this Cui Bing was indeed a friend of mine. My long-standing idea! Fortunately, I used a plan to break it, otherwise, it would be really difficult to explain to General Huangfu"

Just came out of the treasury in the village, and a scout horse galloped towards him, rolled off his horse, and said, "Urgent report!"

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