The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 113: Demanding Dong County to leave Runan (Part 2)

wThank you muatu5, Little Foot, Drunk Cherry, Genting Moon Viewing, ttlebear, lp, Zongheng v5, Midnight Cucumber, qsmy, No Problem, Fu Ze, Z119, Long Ai Tingting, etc. for your monthly passes, support, and red envelopes.

Thank you for the big red envelope of Fengshen who has three points in the dream, alas, it is so powerful, and the pressure is heavy, it is not enough to want to be lazy, there will be two more tomorrows.


In addition to inheriting the galloping road of the former Qin Dynasty, the two Han Dynasties also built roads for hundreds of years. The official road was well constructed. From Pingyu, along the official road, there are two ways to reach Chen State, one is Deviating to the northeast, to Nandun, and then entering the territory of Chen State, one is going straight north, reaching Ruyang, and then entering the territory of Chen State. These two roads, the northeast direction points directly to the hinterland of Chen State, and the Ruyang direction leads to the west of Chen State.

Chen Wang Liu Chong is good at crossbow fighting, and is famous inside and outside the country. The people of Chen country do not dare to cause chaos. The Yellow Turbans in the outer county are too busy, and there is no time to enter the territory. Therefore, there are no Yellow Turbans in the territory of the Chen country, and there is no need for "Master Wang". "Being settled, therefore, in order to save time on the road, Huangfu Song chose to go straight north. After traveling fifty miles a day, he left Pingyu and arrived at Ruyang in the evening of the next day.

In order not to disturb the people in the county, Huangfu Song did not enter the city, but camped outside the city to rest.

Xun Zhen got off the road and looked at Ruyang County from afar. He suddenly thought of Zhou Xun. He summoned Chen Dao and asked, "Tonight our army is going to rest here for the night. Uncle Zhi, do you want to see Zhou Xun?"

Without thinking about it, Chen Da immediately shook his head and said, "Mr. Xun, you ordered me to take over the role of Lord Xu, and when you let me be the leader in defeating the enemy, you said to me: 'For the generals, don't leave the soldiers lightly, but share weal and woe with them. Only then can I get my troops to serve.” Today is wartime, and I am in the army. All the soldiers in my Quzhong are camping and Anzhai. How can I abolish the public for personal reasons and leave the camp without going to Ruyang to see Zhou Jun? "

Hearing his answer, Xun Zhen was very relieved, and said in her heart, "Uncle Zhi is a prudent person."

He and Chen Dao had not known each other for a long time. Strictly speaking, it was less than a month. However, after getting along day and night, he knew Chen Dao well. Chen Dao is a man of military courage and seriousness. He is brave on the battlefield and does not hesitate to die, and he is cautious and heavy on the battlefield. After this period of observation, Xun Zhen felt that this person was worthy of great responsibility and could be of great use. Hearing Chen Dao's words, he said, "Okay, if that's the case, then wait until the next time to see your 'old old'."

Watching him leave, Xun Zhen became suspicious, and unconsciously recalled a previous doubt, and said to herself, "I seem to have heard the name Chen Dao, but why can't I remember who this person is? What deeds have you ever done?" Since he has heard of Chen Dao's name, then Chen Dao should not be a nameless person, and he is such a brave and cautious person. He also had some achievements. He was expected to be in a high position, but why can't he remember his deeds?

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, no matter who this person was in the original history, it belongs to me now anyway."

Camping is a very demanding job, and it is very knowledgeable. It is not just one person who can command a group of camps. If you have not learned, the camp you will build is at most like the First World War in Xihua, when Liu Pi and Wu Ba were there. The camp set up outside the city is just a form of reality. Chen Dao had never learned the art of war and could not set up a camp. Xun Zhen didn't have time to teach him now, so he sent Li Bo over to help him and let him learn while practicing. Dian Wei's side is the same, but Xuan Kang is replaced to help.

Li Bo and Xuankang had been with Xun Zhen for many years. They often listened to Xun Zhen's lectures on military affairs, and fought with Xun Zhen in several battles. They were quite familiar with camping. Speaking of which, the days of Li and Xuan following Xun Zhen were not too short, but Xun Zhen never let them go and gave them a chance to direct a song and a tune. If they didn't let them go, the second reason was that Xuan Kang was fine, he was young and strong, and could do some cavalry and martial arts, while Li Bo was a complete Confucian scholar, so he couldn't do such a thing as rushing into the enemy.

Xun Zhen looked at the Pingyu county town from a distance for a while, the twilight was getting darker, the county town was dark, slowly sinking into the twilight, and gradually it became unclear. A group of men and horses came out from the central army of Huangfu Song in the distance, and marched towards the county center in the twilight. This group of people was the county magistrate, county officials, and elders of Pingyu, who came to pay homage to Huangfu Song. It was probably over now, so I went back to the city.

Xun Zhen turned to look at the headquarters, and each battalion was setting up camp. He said to Xun You and Xi Zhicai, "Gongda, Zhicai, let's go to each camp to see."

The two agreed.

Since the last time he saw Xu Shao, Xi Zhicai has become a little taciturn these days, looking at the sky from time to time. Xun Zhen once noticed that there was a firm light in his eyes looking at the blue sky. Stimulate so make a decision. Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai are called chief ministers, and they are really good friends. Just as Xi Zhicai knows him, he also knows Xi Zhicai very well, and he can guess what decision Xi Zhicai made without asking. "One day I will be famous all over the world, so that the heroes in the world know that I am loyal to Yang Zhai." It's just that among friends, some things can only be seen through, but cannot be seen through, so he knows and doesn't ask.

However, since Xi Zhicai has set such a great ambition, as a friend and as a lord, of course he will help it achieve it.

"It's just that Zhicai is a genius who is famous for later generations. Even without my help, he can achieve his ambition."


Xun Zhen, Xun You, and Xi Zhicai inspected the camps, and when they arrived at He Yi's camp, He Yi greeted them and went out.

Xun Zhen dismounted, picked him up, and said with a smile, "You are busy with your work, why did you come out? You don't need to use these false courtesy."

Xi Zhicai has become taciturn these days, while He Yi has become more cautious these days. Needless to say, this is the effect of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun's beating on him. He is much older than Xun Zhen, but facing Xun Zhen, he smiled and said, "Sima is patrolling the camp, and the villain will greet him." Xun Zhen laughed, threw the reins to Yuan Zhongqing, and said, "Let's go, Check out your camp."

For He Yi, who was originally a commander of the party, but is now a condescending general, it is necessary to win over, but it cannot be too used to it. "Only a villain and a woman are difficult to raise. If you are close, you are not inferior, and if you are far away, you will resent". This sentence can also be used for a general like He Yi. If he is too close and too used to it, he might make him He underestimates his own family, so he has a different mind, and if he is too far away, he will always look at him coldly, but he will definitely resent him, and maybe one day he will stab you. In short, it is a degree that needs to be grasped.

He Yi led the way, and Xun Zhen and others entered the camp.

The soldiers of He Yi's department were moving stones, digging soil, planning areas, and erecting tents. When Xun Zhen arrived, they put down their work and bowed down to the ground. Xun Zhen said to He Yi, "Tell them to do their own thing, and they don't have to bow." He Yi agreed and said loudly, "Sima is sympathetic to you, and I asked you to be excused from the ceremony. Let's go and do our own thing!" The soldiers thanked and got up. , and then busy with the work just now.

While patrolling, Xun Zhen spoke to He Yi and said, "Tomorrow we will leave Runan and enter Chen State. Although there are no large groups of thieves in Chen State, there are still small groups of robbers. Afterwards, you should be the vanguard of our team. If you encounter pirates on the road, if there are many people, wait for me to help you, if there are few people, you will exterminate them."

He Yi respectfully agreed.

Xun Zhen glanced at him and asked again, "Is there any shortage in the camp?"

He Yi replied respectfully: "Everything that Sima has allocated, Li and Xuan Erjun will send someone to ask the villain to pick it up immediately, and there is no shortage of various materials." Xun Cheng was originally in charge of Xun Zhen's department. In the transport camp, Xun Zhen had previously changed Xun Cheng to be the song director of Hu Shiqu, and Li Bo and Xuan Kang were both responsible for the logistics and transport.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "That's good." She asked him again, "Before leaving Pingyu yesterday, I told you to go home and say goodbye to the old family members. Have you gone back? Your family members and clans are still there. All right? Getting used to their new home?"

He Yi said gratefully: "It's all due to Sima's kindness. The villain's family and clan are doing well now. The villain's old father said: The new house is better than the villain's old house, and the fields given by Sima and the mansion are all To anoint the beautiful fields. The villain's old father ordered the villain to cherish the opportunity, to die for Sima, to thank Sima for not killing him, and to thank Sima for giving the villain the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds."

After Xun Zhen brought He Yi to Pingyu, in order to better control him, in the name of concern, he asked him to migrate all his family and clan to Pingyu and put them under Zhao Qian's nose. In this regard, He Yi has no resistance. He is a surrendered general. It is normal for him to be treated like this. If Xun Zhen does not do this, he will be uneasy. What's more, Xun Zhen was really kind to his family and gave him a lot of money, asking him to buy farm houses for his family and clansmen. Zhao Qian also helped Xun Zhen in Xun Shuang's face. The unowned fields allocated some to the He Yi family.

Xun Zhen said with an "en" and said, "Your family has a big surname in the local area, you have an innocent family name, and you are living a good life, and you are not a follower of the Yellow Turban Dao, so why bother going to be a thief? You also saw the battle between Xihua and Xihua. Master Wang's celestial majesty, within half a month, 80,000 thieves and soldiers were washed away in one go, you and other generations of self-proclaimed brave and knowledgeable soldiers, such as Peng Tuo, Gong Du, Liu Pi, and Wu Ba all gave their heads, and it was you. Luckily, I was captured by me. I am not a good person to kill, and I was fortunate to have the kindness of the two generals Huangfu and Zhu, so you have only one life left. You have to think about it, and you can no longer be rebellious without a father and a king. If there is chaos, if there is more chaos, even if I want to spare you, General Huangfu can't spare you! Not only you, but your parents, wife, clan elders and children, I am afraid that they will all be punished, ranging from frivolous to serious. Abandon the city."

He Yi respectfully agreed.

"But having said that, now that you have changed your mind and changed your mind, you don't have to mention it since the thief. Since ancient times, there are not a few people who have made great achievements and made great achievements. You should follow them as an example. Country, I will not treat you badly. Think about it, how happy and proud your parents will be when you have a black robe, a tall horse, and you return home.”

He Yi replied, "Yes."

After visiting He Yiying, Xun Zhen asked Xun You, "How is it?"

Xun You said: "When the soldiers in He Yi's camp saw you, most of them were terrified and respectful.

"What about He Yi?"

"His family and clan have all moved to Pingyu, and there are hardly any of his old minions in his current ministries. You have wooed him with kindness and righteousness, deterred him with military coercion, and given both kindness and power. It seems that he will not be rebellious. "

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "So, this camp is still available."

After the tour of He Yi's camp, he went on to tour Xu Zhong, Liu Deng's camp, and then to the Central Army. After the three battalions patrolled, it was already dark. When the men finished their meal, the soldiers of each battalion lit a bonfire and ate by the light of the fire. After the meal was over, the guards were left behind, and the rest went into the tent to rest.

However, Xun Zhen could not rest, and was summoned by Huangfu Song to the Central Army with Fu Xie and others to discuss the upcoming war.

There is nothing to discuss about the war in Chen State, nor for the war in Chenliu County. It is mainly to discuss the battle after going to Dongjun.

Huangfu Song had already sent scouts to Dongjun to inquire. Although the people had not yet arrived in Dongjun and the army had not yet left, they already knew the situation in Dongjun very well. As for Huangfu Song, Xun Zhen learned it humbly. The Art of War said: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you won't suffer in a hundred battles." This principle is understood by everyone, but it is difficult to do it. The Han soldiers have won consecutive battles and pacified two counties one after another. This requires a arrogant general. Nine times out of ten, he will not send someone to Dongjun to inquire about the enemy's situation before he sets off, but Huangfu Song did so. After the Yingchuan Yellow Turban was pacified earlier, Huangfu Song sent people to Runan to inquire before leaving Yingchuan, and this time it was again. This caution is worth learning.

However, although I know the enemy situation in Dongjun, after all, the army has not yet arrived, and the content of the discussion cannot be too detailed. It is only a rough set. After leaving Dongjun and entering Chenliu County, the troops will be divided into two groups. The main force took the middle route to Dongjun, and the other route was led by Xun Zhen to the east route to Dongjun.

Xunzhen was only a military Sima, and logically he was not qualified to lead an army alone, but after defeating Xihua in Runan County first, Huangfu Song ordered him to go after He Yi alone, and now he decided to let him lead the way alone. This is an obvious promotion and love, and it is an opportunity for him to make meritorious deeds. Although the pressure of leading all the way was great, Xun Zhen had no objection to this since he realized Huangfu Song's intentions.

At dawn the next day, the whole army pulled out of the camp and moved forward for four or five li, leaving Runan County and entering the territory of Chen State.

Not far from entering the Chen country, I saw a group of people stopping on the road ahead. m

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