The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 104: Destroying the Enemy's Camp (Part 2)

w Peng, Gong Du, and He Yi in Xihuacheng sent an army out of the city to save Liu Pi, but Zhu Jun blocked him. (br/>

Liu Pi took advantage of the opportunity to make his rearguard, and thousands of yellow turban soldiers shouted, all shouting: "The sky is dead, the yellow sky stands." The wind picked up the dust. The wind came from the west and blew to the east, facing the Han soldiers. Wind and sand mí eyes, dust entrance, the fierce offensive of the Han army is stagnant.

With the help of this strong wind, Liu Pi's troops were joined by fresh troops in the front line of the hard-fought battle, and they all shouted wildly: "Kill the Han thieves, establish the yellow sky!" and launched a counterattack. After a long battle, the Han army was exhausted. Not only was it blocked by the strong wind, but it was also counterattacked by the fresh forces of Liu Pi's army.

Han soldiers are in the middle of the army.

Huangfu Song, Zhao Qin, two captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army, Fu Xie and other battalion school Sima heard the shouts of the Yellow Turbans that shook the world, and then saw a sudden gale, and the dust was blowing, Liu Pi called out the back line of more than ten thousand The people launched a counterattack, and the Han army was defeated and retreated. The two captains of the five schools of the Northern Army were panicked, looked at each other in shock and wanted to run, and said to Huangfu Song: "General, things are urgent! Why, how, why suddenly If there is a strong wind? If the thieves take advantage of the situation to counterattack and profit, our army will be defeated. Quickly send the order to retreat and go back to the camp!"

Huangfu Song sat still, turning a deaf ear to their words.

These two captains, I looked at you, I looked at you, and said to Huangfu Song: "General, the headwind is not good for our army, we can't win this battle, it is better to return to the camp first, rest the army, and fight again in the future. ."

The two of them persuaded again and again, but Huangfu Song had no expression on his face, as cold as frost, he took out his sword from his waist, pointed at Hanjie standing beside him, and said, "I am under the order of the Son of Heaven, and I will lead the division of the Son of Heaven and send out thieves. The Son of Heaven gave me this festival,..." He put the sword back on his knees, and pointed the sword again, "Give me this sword, and give me the right to specialize in killing. Now I will fight against the thieves in Runan, the victory or defeat is here, and I will retreat. , slash!"

Huangfu Song usually loves soldiers like a son. As long as his subordinates do not violate his military orders, he will greet each other warmly and treat each other with kindness. At this time, his face is straight, but he is dignified and comfortable, and the two captains dare not say retreat. Huangfu Song withdrew the sword, put it into his waist calmly, knelt down on the couch, watched the battle ahead, slowed down his tone, and said to the messenger, "Pass my command, just say my banner is here." , He said it once before the war, and now he says it again, but the meaning is: I will not retreat, and you are not allowed to retreat.

Dozens of messengers received the order, drove their horses into battle, and ran to the front. When they reached the front line where the Han army and the Yellow Turban soldiers were fighting, they rode their horses and galloped behind the line, shouting in unison: "General's order: 'My banner is here'. Here'! General's order: 'My banner is here'!"

Tens of thousands of people were fighting, killing the sky, coupled with the shouting of the Yellow Turbans, and there were strong winds. Few people could hear this order, but it didn't matter. Soon, more than 10,000 Han army reserves behind the Central Army received Huangfu Song's order. , they shouted in unison: "The general's order: 'My banner is here'!" More than ten thousand people shouted in unison, which immediately overwhelmed the screams of killing in front and the shouts of the Yellow Turban soldiers.

This voice came to Xun Zhen's ears, and Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Suddenly the wind blows, which is not good for our army, so we should retreat slowly now, but Liu Pi has already called out more than 10,000 soldiers from the rear, and our army is in front. After a long battle, the soldiers are tired, if you retreat easily, you will be defeated." He thought again, "Our troops are at the forefront and have already left the rest of the troops behind. If they really retreat, I will be the first unlucky one. Ministry." Thinking of this, he came out with a knife and ordered, "General Huangfu's flag is there, and I am here!"

His troops are very sharp. Under the sudden attack of the strong wind, after the enemy joined a large number of fresh troops of the Yellow Turbans, it was not like the Han soldiers of other ministries could not support it and retreated steadily. Now With this military order from Xun Zhen, from Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, etc. below the chief officials, to the colony, team, Shi, and Wu's colony leaders, team leaders, Shichang, and corps leaders. Most of the officers were Xun Zhen who had followed Xun Zhen when he was in Xixiang, and they immediately shouted and fought bravely.

At this time, if you look at it from mid-air, you can see that more and more Yellow Turban soldiers are coming out from the rear to join the battle in the eastern half of the battlefield, while in the western half, Huangfu Song's flag is on The Chinese army stood still, and the more than 10,000 Han army reserves behind the Chinese army also stood still. In the middle of the east and west is the battle field. The Han army assaulted the first five square formations and five military flags. At this time, four military flags were all moving backwards, but the third military flag from the left did not retreat. , instead move forward.

This scene was seen by the people on the watchtower of the Han army, and Zhao Qin exclaimed in amazement: "Whose part is this? It stands out."

Fu Xie replied, "It's Xun Sima's part."

Zhao Qin said: "What a brave general, what a brave general. Alas, if there were such a person in my Runan County, there would not be today's thieves. Maybe Peng, He Yi, Liu Pi, and Gongdu thieves would have been pacified! "

Huangfu Song watched Xunzhen's military flag for a long time, and saw it fluttering in the wind, slowly but firmly advancing forward, surrounded by dozens of hundreds of flags of the Yellow Turban Army, this military flag was like a A small boat, going against the current and against the wind in the vast ocean. He also nodded secretly in approval.

Fu Xie paid more attention to the rest of the Han army formations and the situation of the Yellow Turban soldiers behind him. He said to Huangfu Song, "General, many of the thieves in the rear formation have already joined the battle, and our army's front formation is here. Ten thousand people are afraid that they will not be able to withstand it, do you want to throw the remaining more than ten thousand people into it?"

Huangfu Song calmly said, "Wait a minute." He didn't look at the other Han army formations, only Xun Zhen's formation.

Another quarter of an hour passed. It was an unbearable quarter of an hour for the people in the watchtower. They were condescending and could clearly see the entire battle situation. At this moment, except for Xun Zhen's team, the rest of the Han army were constantly retreating, and it was no longer a slow retreat at first, but a large step retreat. , has almost returned to the position where he initially contacted and fought with the Yellow Turbans, and the advantages won on the battlefield before were almost completely recaptured by the Yellow Turbans.

Fu Xie said anxiously, "General, if you don't increase your troops, you won't be able to hold on!"

Huangfu Song stared at Xun Zhen's military flag and saw that Xun Zhen's indomitable military flag gradually stopped moving forward. He abruptly stood up and said, "It's time! Pass my order, and the whole army will attack! The infantry will attack the thieves from the front, and the knights will attack from the flanks."

Drums beating on the watchtower. Huangfu Song turned his eyes to Fu Xie, handed his sword to him, and ordered, "You supervise the battle for me, and those who shy away from entering will be killed." Fu Xie promised loudly, took Huangfu Song's saber, held it in his hand, and turned around. After descending from the watchtower, he summoned the troops of the headquarters and urged more than 10,000 Han soldiers in the rear to fight. According to Huangfu Song's order, the Han soldiers in the rear formation were divided into two groups. Nearly 10,000 infantrymen crossed the central army to reinforce the front troops and attacked the Yellow Turban soldiers from the front, while the other 3,000 Sanhe knights attacked from the flanks.

Some of these three river knights have not participated in the war from the beginning, and some have participated in the war—that is, the more than a thousand knights who fought with the Yellow Turban cavalry earlier on the north side. Huangfu Song's general order did not continue to attack, but turned back to the rear army. Now, it's time for them to go all out. The reason why Huangfu Song did not use cavalry to charge in the first place was to call out the more than 10,000 soldiers in Liu Pi's back formation. If he used cavalry to charge, it might be easier to win, but Liu Pi would definitely retreat to the camp after losing, so he would have to attack the Yellow Turban camp again, rather than annihilating it on the battlefield in one fell swoop.

Fu Xie jumped on his horse and swung his sword and led his troops to supervise the battle. Nearly 10,000 Han soldiers entered the battlefield, preventing the Han army from retreating. More than 3,000 Sanhe knights attacked from the flank and broke into Liu Pi's flank formation, who was caught off guard. With both sides exerting force, the pressure on Xun Zhenbu's face instantly eased. Xun Zhen didn't even have to look at it to know that it was Huangfu Song who had sent the rear army and cavalry.

He pointed his sword in front of him and loudly ordered: "The general has transferred his troops and cavalry to battle, and the decisive battle will be won at this moment! Those who enter the bandit camp first will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan! Those who kill Liu Pi will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan!"

There are more than a thousand soldiers under his subordinates, and they have no strength to fight until now, but after hearing that Huangfu Song has sent the rear army and knights into battle, the victory is in sight, and those who kill Liu Pi and enter the enemy camp first can each receive a reward of 100,000 yuan. After that, one by one was full of strength.

Xun Zhen's reward is very skillful. Killing Liu Pi requires force and luck. Most of the soldiers cannot do it, and it sounds easier to enter the enemy camp first. The enemy's troops are basically outside the battalion, and the battalion is almost unguarded. It is similar to the empty battalion. As long as it penetrates the enemy's line and enters the enemy's empty battalion, you can get a reward of 100,000 yuan. Everyone works hard and fights forward.

On the watchtower of the Central Army, Huangfu Song stood up, walked to the handrail of the watchtower, held down the handrail, leaned towards the center of the battle formation, and saw Xunzhen's flag and began to charge forward again. The enemy was invincible. He sincerely admired and admired Xun Zhen very much, and sighed: "This son's achievements in the future may be far better than mine. In the future, he will be determined to fight the thieves to settle the Han family, this son?" If there are more "thieves" in the future, or If the Qiang people in the frontier invaded the Han territory again, then this person may be the one who calmed the war and stabilized the frontier.

In the battle, Chen Dao invited to fight again.

Xun Zhen said earlier: Wait until the decisive victory and then send Chen Dao out, now is the decisive victory. He happily agreed to Chen Daozhi's request, gave him twenty dead soldiers, and gave Dian Wei twenty dead soldiers. Xin Ai ordered, "Take your knights around Junqing, A Deng, Boqin, etc., and attack the thieves from the flank." The three responded to the order, and each led a man and a horse, like a tiger out of the cage, bypassing the front of the song, attacking the thieves from the flank. To the opposite Yellow Turban pawns.

Xin Ai's subordinates originally had 200 cavalry. After entering Runan, they went through various battles, and more than 10 cavalry were injured or killed. Now there are still more than 180 cavalry. They galloped out, bypassed each track, and slammed into the opposite yellow turban. In an array of soldiers. They have been raising their weapons for a long time, their horses are fast and their spears are long, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans cannot resist. Dian Wei and Chen Dao took over the positions of Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, and Jiang Qin, each with twenty dead soldiers, shouting and charging forward, each swiping a long iron halberd. Under the heavy iron halberd, no enemy could last a round. , A horse mounted a spear and rushed into the formation, suddenly shouting and circling, suddenly rushing with a spear, and all the enemies in front of him were beheaded by him.

Chen Zhi has been looking for Liu Pi's general flag, but there are too many enemies in front of him and he can't find them, so he has to fight with Dian Wei to kill the enemy in front of him. Not to be outdone, Liu Deng and Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin and others led the troops to follow up. Xun Zhen led Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal soldiers to lead Chen Bao and Xun Cheng to stand up for them. On the flanks, there were Han army knights attacking, and in the front there were nearly 10,000 Han soldiers who were urged by Fu Xie to join the flank. Liu Pi sent the reserve team up too early. At this time, there were no troops to send, and he was in a dilemma.

The Han troops, Qi Qishu, fought to the death, bloodshed outside the city, smashed Liu Pi's army of more than 30,000 troops, and made persistent efforts to attack Liu Pi's camp.

Suddenly, the wind stopped. Xun Zhen did not know when he broke through Liu Pi's army, and among the tens of thousands of Han troops, he was the first to enter Liu Pi's camp. Facing the empty barracks in front of he turned his horse and looked back. Behind him, there were corpses lying on the battlefield and rivers of blood.

He turned his face and looked to the south. Zhu Jun also stopped fighting. Liu Pi fled the flag to the south, was rescued by Peng and He Yi's troops, and was retreating to the city. He looked at the central army of the Han soldiers again. Beside the high watchtower in the central army, the flag of Huangfu Song was fluttering. Behind the watchtower and the flag of the general, the sky was full of red clouds and the sun was setting in the west. This fierce battle lasted from Shen Shi until dusk fell.

He turned to look at the soldiers around him. They were all exhausted. Some of them were barely standing with their weapons, while others were sitting on the ground. smile. Chen Da, covered in blood, came to Xun Zhen with a spear, dismounted and knelt down to ask for an order: "Mr. Xun, please call the fifty cavalry soldiers, and please go after Liu Pi!" m

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