The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 103: Destroy the enemy camp in a desperate battle (middle)

w The sun is full of white. The classmates are really powerful, the first update. It's useless to take medicine for a cold. I'll go to lose some water later, and the second update will be after I come back.


Although Liu Deng admired Dian Wei's supernatural power because he lost to Dian Wei in the corner, admiration is one thing, and willingness to bow down is another.

He was not a person who was willing to live under the people, otherwise he would not have said to Yin Xiu in Xixiang: "My generation learns swords, and what we learn is the sword of murder. My husband carries a seven-foot sword and lives happily. How can it be like that? In front of an entertainer like a monkey?" And inspired by Xun Zhen's words, "It is the ambition of a man to make meritorious service in the battlefield and obtain the title of lord." At this time, he suddenly heard a loud cry from the back of the formation, saying: "Dian Wei beheaded Wu Ba", and he regretted it too late.

Don't think about it, the dozens of Yellow Turban cavalry that came from the right wing just now must have been brought by Wu Ba! Why didn't he stop first? This Wu Ba is a brave general of the Runan Yellow Turbans. In the battle with the Han soldiers these days, he has rushed into the formation many times, beheading several Han army generals, and now almost everyone in the Han army knows about this. People, it is a great achievement to be able to kill this person in the formation.

While Liu Deng regretted it, he was also secretly surprised. He remembered that from the moment when the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army was discovered, to the cheers of Dian Wei's slaying Wu Ba from the rear, he only took four or five steps forward in total. In just four or five steps, Dian Wei actually killed Wu Ba! So brave? When the corners arrived, he saw Dian Wei's divine power. When he and Dian Wei's guard Xun Zhen stepped out of the Yellow Turban barracks last night, he saw Dian Wei's martial arts. Now, he further saw Dian Wei's bravery, but this did not hit him.

He is a self-confessed person. Influenced by Dian Wei's swiftness to slay Wu Ba, he became more and more motivated, waving his long iron halberd to speed up his advance. Under the stimulation, he exerted 12 points of great courage. The Yellow Turban soldiers couldn't stop him before, and now they can't stop him. With his rapid advance, the phalanx of Xun Zhen's division left the Han army formations of the remaining divisions far behind.

Liu Deng guessed it well. The dozens of Yellow Turban cavalry that came from the right wing were indeed brought by Wu Ba, and the reason why Wu Ba brought these dozens of cavalry here was because he and Jiang Qin were advancing too fast. This aroused Liu Pi's vigilance, so he was sent by Liu Pi to lead his cavalry to intercept him.

Wu Baxiao had a strategy. He saw Liu Deng's incomparable bravery in the distance, and he was secretly frightened. He thought that if he intercepted from the front, he might get into a hard fight, so he planned to cut the Han army into two sections from the middle, and then split them up. kill. His plan is very reliable. If it can be successfully implemented, with the speed of his dozens of cavalry, and the cooperation of the surrounding Yellow Turban infantry, Xun Zhen and Liu Deng may really be divided and wiped out. , but his only miscalculation was that he did not expect that Xun Zhen's subordinates not only had Liu Deng, but also Dian Wei.

He had just rushed with his cavalry, and before he could reach the edge of Xun Zhen's group, he saw a knight with a long iron halberd slowly marching out from Xun Zhen's formation and approaching him. He fought bravely. He had killed several Han soldiers in the past few days. He didn't pay attention to this Han army knight dressed as a personal guard. He suddenly urged the horse to speed up, and in a blink of an eye, he ran to his horse and smashed the iron halberd in his hand.

At that time, he still thought in his mind: "This thief can't use a halberd." The usual use of a halberd is to stab or pick, how can it be smashed when it meets? He raised his spear to greet him, thinking to himself, "I'll block it, then the spear swept across and swept him off his horse." He shouted sharply, "Wu Ba is here!" Before he finished speaking, the iron halberd fell on him. on the spear. He only felt as if there was a big mountain pressing down, and before he recovered, the spear broke with a "click". He is also a brave man. The spear he used was not an ordinary spear. The handle of the spear was not made of wood, but made of fine iron, but it was broken by this iron halberd! The spear was broken, and his arms were in severe pain, but the bones in his arms were also broken. His mount couldn't support this enormous force, and with a whimper, he knelt down on his front legs.

Unsteady on the saddle, he rolled forward and fell to the ground, thinking, "Oh no!" Seeing the iron halberd stab straight at it, it shattered his armor and penetrated deep into his chest and abdomen. He screamed in pain and died.

This Han soldier knight is Dian Wei. He saw the cavalry of the Yellow Turbans coming towards Xun Zhen and asked for orders to fight. Killing Wu Ba with a single halberd, without stopping, he killed the dozens of cavalry Wu Ba brought.

Wu Ba was killed by Dian Wei in a single turn. The dozens of cavalrymen were shocked, some were stunned, some were shocked, but they still didn't recover. Ai Yi transferred the cavalry over, and inadvertently killed most of the dozens of cavalry, and the rest fled. Dian Wei returned to his horse, and when he reached Wu Ba's corpse, he dismounted and cut off Wu Ba's head.

Xun Zhen was overjoyed and laughed, "Wu Ba beheaded many generals in our army these days, but he didn't intend to die under Awei's hands today!" The more he looked at Dian Wei, the more he liked him. say. He thought to himself, "Evil is like this, but I don't know what Huchi is like?" He didn't know Xu Chu's place of origin, so he couldn't find it. Even if he knew his place of origin, he vaguely remembered that Xu Chu seemed to be from a powerful landlord. , but it is not necessarily possible to get this person to agree, so this idea is just thinking about it.

Liu Deng and Jiang Qin were rushing forward without stopping. Dian Wei attacked and killed Wu Ba with a single halberd. This made Chen Dao see the **** rush, and he shouted loudly: "Xunjun! The army is leading the formation, there are more and more bandits, and the bandits are getting thicker and thicker, I would like to help Liu Jun and Jiang Jun break the formation!" When he came out of the Yellow Turban Barracks last night, Chen Da was brave and good at fighting, and Xun Zhen had already recognized it. He put him on the same level as Xu Zhong and Le Jin. It was just that Chen Da was a newcomer and he just joined his tent. He was not yet familiar with Liu Deng, Jiang Qin and others, and even less familiar with the soldiers of each song. , if you send him rashly, I'm afraid it will disrupt the formation, so he laughed: "Uncle, don't be in a hurry, the battle is only halfway through, let's wait for A Deng and Bo Qin to defeat the enemy in front, and wait for the victory to pursue the attack. , you have the place where you can use your weapons."

Xun Zhen watched from the back and watched Liu Deng and Jiang Qin rush into the formation, looked at the sky, and thought, "It's the end of Shen Shi." By this time, the fierce battle had been going on for an hour. He rode on his horse, and from a distance, he could see that there were about ten layers of yellow turban soldiers in front of Liu Deng and Jiang Qin. Because their troops were the fastest and most advanced of all the Han troops, the Yellow Turbans also regarded them as their main defense. The enemy in front of them was the most and densest. It is estimated that the There are two or three thousand people.

He thought: "At this point in the battle between Ah Deng and Boqin, their two soldiers should be exhausted, and relying on them alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat the enemy in front, ... It's time for Jun Qing and the others to go up! Yin Ling said: "I ordered Liu Deng and Jiang Qin to guard the two wings of the enemy, and Chen Bao guarded the rear formation." The military order was passed, and the formation in front changed accordingly. Again, the foot soldiers are in the front, but the squatters in Xu Zhongqu's song are in the front. It is said that Jianzhang Shi is in front, but in fact, there are still some infantry left in front of Jianzhangshi. Under the protection of the front and rear, left and right soldiers, Xu Zhong ordered that the two hundred squatters held up their shields and crossbows, and shot arrows in a salvo.

Chen Dao kept his eyes on the battle situation ahead.

He saw: Xu Zhong led his troops with shields and crossbows, fighting forward, Liu Deng and Jiang Qin followed him to attack, and Chen Bao was behind Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, and Jiang Qin, and made three of them. No worries. Next are them, Xun Chengqu and Xin Ai.

Xun Zhen summoned Xin Ai and said, "Gather your troops and prepare for the charge. After Jun Qing rushes forward for a while and clears out an open space for you to charge, you will lead the charge. Come out, be sure to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!" Xin Ai's cavalry would be the last straw to overwhelm the Yellow Turban soldiers on the opposite side. Xin Ai answered the order, gathered the knights of the headquarters, and prepared to charge. Xin Ai is usually a romantic and indulgent character, but on the battlefield is a person who strictly obeys orders and is a qualified officer. Xun Zhen was very satisfied with him.

At this moment, Xun Zhen suddenly heard a high-pitched sound of a war drum. He looked at the direction from which the drum sound came, but it was the head of Xihua City.

In Xihua City, Peng Tuo, Gong Du, He Yi and other Yellow Turban Commanders finally couldn't sit still. The city gate slowly opened, and a group of soldiers and horses came out of the city to support Liu Pi. Zhu Jun, who had been waiting for a long time, led his troops to greet him.

Xun Zhen couldn't see the situation of the fighting there, but judging from the shouting and killing that broke out, there were quite a lot of yellow turban soldiers coming out of the city. Looking from a distance, he couldn't see the details of the battle over there. He only saw the banners of Zhu Jun's department, which were like a forest, raised high, and the banner of Sun Jian was at the forefront. Sun Jian's injuries have not yet recovered, and he is still recovering in the camp. Now his brother-in-law Wu Jingzai takes his place and directs his subordinates.

Although Zhu Jun is not as good as Huangfu, he is also a famous general. With nearly 20,000 men under his command, he should be able to block the Yellow Turbans from leaving the city.

Xun Zhen turned around and paid attention to the battle situation in front of his own troops. Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Jiang Qin and others were still struggling to fight forward. Put more than 10,000 people behind the formation together, and once he does this, the momentum of our attack will probably slow down." Like Huangfu Song, Liu Pi also divided his group into two parts. , one is more than 10,000 people in the front line, and the other is more than 10,000 people in the back line. Up to now, more than 10,000 people in his back line have not moved.

Xun Zhen's soldiers fought hard for an hour, and most of them were exhausted. The task is handed over to the Han soldiers behind, so that in the end, it will be someone else who will make great contributions, not him. He turned his face and looked back to find Xin Ai. Seeing that he had gathered the cavalry, he was about to raise his hand and order him to charge forward when he heard another high-pitched sound of war drums, this time from Liu Pi. from the back line. He sank in his heart, turned back hastily, put his legs between the horse's belly, straightened up and tried his best to look forward, but saw the enemy's rear formation with flags flying, and the yellow turban soldiers who had been sitting still stood up and began to move their feet. Moving forward, it was Liu Pi who mobilized more than 10,000 soldiers from the rear. This means that the struggle is yet to come. m

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