The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 98: Xun Zhen's Courageous

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There was a sudden commotion around the Yellow Turbans surrounding Sun Jian. Sun Jian vaguely heard someone shouting in the distance, "Where is the Wentai? Where is the Wentai?"

The voice was familiar. He lost a lot of blood, and he almost lost his strength. His mind was blurred. He couldn't remember whose voice. He was refreshed, his consciousness returned to his head, and he shouted, "I'm here! I'm here!"

He heard it, it was Xun Zhen's voice.

Hearing that, Xun Zhen came to save him, and when he saw the formation of the Yellow Turbans surrounding him in chaos, he did not know where the strength came from. The dead are coming!"

After he entered the Yellow Turban army, although the front team of the Yellow Turban Army deliberately released water because of Liu Pizhi's order, the deliberate release of water did not mean that he was willing to die. When his life was in danger, the resistance of the Yellow Turban soldiers was also very fierce, but no one could stop him. After he was besieged again, hundreds of Yellow Turban elites could not take him down. He persisted until now, and the number of Yellow Turban soldiers who died under his command was more than dozens. The cavalry was timid. At this time, he saw that he had obviously lost his strength, but he was helped by a god, and suddenly jumped up again. Although his clothes and armor were bloody, like a **** man, his armor was covered with arrows, like a hedgehog, but he held his sword in anger. Huh, fierce and powerful, I couldn't help being horrified, but no one dared to step forward for a while.

The stalemate between the two sides only lasted for a moment. The formation of the Yellow Turbans outside was in chaos, and dozens of knights rushed into the formation.

One person in the lead, wearing armor and holding a spear, with extraordinary heroism, it is Xun Zhen! The cavalry behind him, either holding a double iron halberd, or a ring-headed sword, or a bow and a crossbow, or a spear and a halberd, are all in the spirit of dragons and horses, as brave as tigers and leopards, flying horses rushing spears, string crossbows with bullets, and those who block them are invincible. But it was Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Xu Zhong, Chen Dao, Xin Ai, Jiang Qin, Han Dang, Zu Mao, Cheng Pu, Gao Jia, Gao Bing, Su Ze, Su Zheng, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou, etc. people.

It turned out that after Xunzhen reported Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to the police and asked for an order to rescue Sun Jian, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun also saw the strangeness of today's Yellow Turban Army from a high place, and immediately woke up and allowed it. Xun Zhen's request. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun ordered the ten thousand people in the rear to launch an attack to rescue Sun Jian, and Xun Zhen also ordered Xun Cheng, Chen Bao and others to lead the rear to respond, and personally brought Xin Ai, Dian Wei, Xu Zhong and other warriors to the camp. Rush out the door.

The 10,000 people in the rear of the Han army were all foot soldiers. Although they were in front of Xun Zhen and others, they were quickly left behind by Xun Zhen and others. Xun Zhen led all the warriors, and they were all valiant generals who could defeat ten or even a hundred. Under their attack, the front team of the Yellow Turban Army was fighting with the soldiers led by Wu Jing, and they couldn't stop it. them. Everyone rushed in all the way. First, they met Wu Jing and others. After asking about where Sun Jian was, they left them and rushed forward. Then they encountered Han Dang, Zu Mao, and Cheng Pu, and the three of them were separated from the siege. After being rescued, everyone joined forces and fought bravely, and finally found Sun Jian in time.

Xun Zhen took the lead, attacked the Yellow Turban soldiers who surrounded Sun Jian, stabbed with spears, kept going, leaving behind the bodies of several Yellow Turban soldiers who were blocking the way, and rushed in front of Sun Jian. He held the spear in his left hand and stretched out his right hand, dragged Sun Jian onto his horse sideways, and rode the horse back. Go back and kill. On the way back, Wu Jing was rescued again, and under the cover of the tens of thousands of soldiers in the rear of the Han army, he returned to the camp smoothly.

Xun Zhen attacked, saved, and turned around very quickly. It only took more than two quarters of minutes from leaving the camp gate to saving Sun Jian and the others. Liu Bigen didn't have time to react, and there were 10,000 soldiers in the rear of the Han army to respond. Under the onslaught of these 10,000 people, Liu Bi had no time to take care of Sun Jian and Xun Zhen, and watched them get out of trouble.

After Sun Jian was rescued, Huangfu Song and Zhu Junming stopped their troops. Liu Pi also gathered his troops and returned to the camp.

Returning to the camp, Liu Piji regretted: "It's a pity, it's a pity, he almost killed the thief Sun, but was rescued by Xun Zhen. One is Sun Jian, and the other is Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen entered our Runan County, first captured Zhaoling, killed Huang Shao, then attacked Zheng Qiang, killed Liu Xiang, and was invincible. When I saw him today, he was indeed a strong general. Today, I will kill these two thieves as much as possible."

Xun Zhen rescued Sun Jian and returned to the camp. Sun Jian lost too much blood and fell into a coma on the way to respond. He hurriedly called a military doctor for treatment.

The generals Wu Jing, Zu Mao, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu bowed down before Xun Zhen and thanked him. Wu Jing was grateful and said, "If Sima had not rescued him, my brother-in-law would have been killed in battle! Sima rescued my brother-in-law once by the Yingchuan River last time, and now he rescued my brother-in-law once outside Xihua City. The grace of saving two lives is unforgettable. The great kindness is not reciprocated. If you need it in the future, please feel free to tell Sima!"

Xun Zhen helped them up and said with a smile: "I see Wentai as my brother, Wentai sees me as my brother, if my brother is in trouble, I will save it myself, just like if I am in trouble, brother Wentai will definitely save me. Why do you have to do this?” He thought to himself: “That’s right, in the two battles between Yingchuan and Runan, I actually saved Sun Jian twice. This Sun Wentai is called the Tiger of Jiangdong, brave and light, and Mushang Jieyi. The great kindness of saving him twice will surely be repaid in the future." Although I thought so, even if Sun Jian didn't repay him, he would still save Sun Jian. He saved Sun Jian last time because of selfishness and wanted to get Sun Jian's gratitude, but this time he saved Sun Jian purely because he was in sympathy with Sun Jian. He and Sun Jian are regarded as brothers. During the period of contact, he clearly felt that Sun Jian was a generous and righteous person. He really treated him with sincerity, and regarded him as a brother. Since he treated me as a brother, I am He also treated him as a brother, as he said to Wu Jingmen: if he was in trouble, Sun Jian would definitely save him.

Looking back on the rescue of Sun Jian this time, it can be said that it was a near miss. The reason why it was so smooth is mainly due to the contributions of Sun Jian and Wu Jing. Sun Jian's valiant prey broke down the spirit of the Yellow Turban soldiers, and Wu Jing led his troops to fight with the front team of the Yellow Turban Army, creating a good opportunity for Xun Zhen to enter the battle to save people. The second is the contribution of the 10,000 infantry in the rear of the Han army. Without these 10,000 infantrymen, it would have caused great pressure on Liu Pi. Xun Zhen only brought dozens of cavalry. Without Sun Jian, even if Sun Jian was rescued, he would not be able to return to the camp smoothly.

Sun Jian was Zhu Jun's leading general, and he was one of the best in the entire army. In this battle, not only did he fail to defeat the enemy, but he almost died among the "thieves", which greatly lowered the morale of the Han army. Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian, the captains of the Fifth School of the Northern Army, Fu Xie and other officers over a thousand stones in the army visited the still unconscious Sun Jian, inspected the camp, and returned to the tent.

Fu Xie said worriedly: "The thieves are cunning, and the defeat of Sun Sima has made our army's morale low. Three days after the war started, there are still 50,000 thieves in Xihua City, but the morale of our army is already low, this can't be done. Ah! We need to find a way to boost the morale of our army, otherwise Xihua will be difficult to overcome."

The people in the tent agreed, and they discussed it for a long time, but it was a bitter and no good solution. To boost morale, there is only one way, and that is to win the battle, but it has been three days of fighting with the Yellow Turbans. People like Sun Jian, who were brave and skilled in battle, almost died in the battle, and the other generals were even more uncertain of being able to lead their troops to a big victory.

Xun Zhen has taken a big step from the army soldier Cao Ye to the army Sima, directly from 100 to 600 shi, but his rank in the army is still relatively low. The waiting time is more than 600 shi. Among the tens of thousands of people in the army, there are hundreds of people with a rank like him. It is only because he has made many military exploits and is a son of the Xun family, so he can Participate in military meetings.

Sitting under the tent, he saw that the generals and captains were frowning and had nothing to do, so he stood up and said, "Zhenyi has a plan, which may boost morale, and may help our army to fight in the next step."

Huangfu Song was overjoyed and asked, "What's the plan?"

Xun Zhen said, "I have observed the thief camp these days and found that although there are trenches and fences outside the thief camp, they seem to be neat and tidy, but they are not."

Although the combat effectiveness and discipline of the Runan Yellow Turbans are stronger than those of the Yingchuan Yellow After all, it is not a regular army, but a newly formed army that has not undergone rigorous training. In military affairs, most of the generals are just ordinary farmers and merchants, and have not received military study and training. Therefore, the camp they set up outside the camp just looks like a decent, in fact, they just learned a way, like a cat and a tiger. , the vigilance in the camp is not strict, and it can even be said to be loose.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun nodded and said, "That's true."

Fu Xie said, "Does Sima want to rush to the bandit camp again? Today, Sima Sun fought, and Sima saw it with his own eyes. Although the fortress built by bandit soldiers is not good, the bandit generals have some resourcefulness, and the bandit soldiers are brave, so With Sun Sima's bravery, he still can't break the bandit. If Sima also wants to rush into the bandit camp, I'm afraid Sima won't be able to win." What he said was not very pleasant, but he was telling the truth.

Xun Zhen was not annoyed that he despised herself, and smiled: "Fu Sima said it very well, I really don't have the confidence to break the bandit formation or attack the bandit camp, so I don't want to leave the camp and fight the bandits again."

Fu Xie asked curiously, "What does Sima mean?"

Xun Zhen said, "I want to be like this." After speaking, he stood upright with his sword raised, and consulted everyone, "What do you think?" m

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