The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Under the City (Part 1)

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Xun Zhen led an army to the Qiang and went to Xihua.

Because of the rebellion, there are few people on the road. Occasionally, most of them are refugees who are fleeing from the army. Their clothes are scanty and their faces are unkempt. When they pass by, they kneel on the side of the road with a dull expression, or pull their feet up from a distance. escape. After going on an expedition to Qiang for more than 20 li, at an intersection, a fork in the road turns east. The township leader in the army guided the road and said, "Follow the road we are taking now. If you don't get off the road, you will be Xihua after walking for more than ten miles." Xuankang glanced at the fork in the road and asked, "This is Where does the road lead?"

The village guide replied, "Ruyang."

Xun Zhen rode on the horse, holding a map in his hand, comparing the road shape with the map, and said, "Oh? Is this fork to Ruyang?" Ruyang is a dozen miles away." Xunzhen put away the map, put up a pergola, looked east, and vaguely saw a black spot on the horizon in the distance, which should be Ruyang.

He thought to himself: "When Xihua is defeated, if you have time, you have to go to Ruyang to see it."

Ruyang is a famous city, there are many gentry in the county, the Runan Yuan clan of the fourth and third princes is the Ruyang Guan clan, and there is another famous clan, the Ruyang Zhou clan. The ancestor of the Zhou clan in Ruyang was Ji Lie, the second son of King Zhou Ping, who was sealed in Ru Tomb and was the first ancestor of the Zhou surname. Rufen is Ruyin County in Runan County. Ruyin is low-lying and humid. Later, many Zhou clansmen migrated to other places. It is said that one branch came to Ruyang.

There are fields on both sides of the official road. Due to the disaster of the army, the wheat seedlings fell down, leaving traces of being trampled and trampled by people, and no one was looking after them. Xuankang saw four or five people walking together in the field in the far east, and asked, "Who is that?" Li Bo guessed and said, "Could it be the sentry of the Yellow Turban bandit?" Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou led more than a dozen personal soldiers to gallop into the fields.

Xun Zhen and others restrained their mounts and stopped by the side of the road, urging the troops to move forward, while watching Zuo Bohou and the others.

Zuo Bohou and the others quickly caught up with those people, drew their swords and turned their horses, surrounded them, and stopped for a while, probably because they found out the origin of the other party, they did not use force, but politely invited them Come here, take it to the road, and send it to Xun Zhen's horse.

Xun Zhen looked at them and saw that these people were in ragged clothes, disheveled faces, and armed with swords. Although they looked embarrassed, most of them were strong and not like ordinary people. One of them was guarded in the middle, like a leader. In his twenties, his face was full of dust, and he couldn't hide his fair complexion. Standing in front of Xun Zhen's horse, despite his embarrassment, he behaved politely. He seemed to have read books.

Xun Zhen looked at him with familiar eyes and had known him for a long time, and suddenly remembered, isn't this Zhou Xun? When he was serving as the head of Fanyang Pavilion, there was a man named Zhou Xun who passed by with his wife, fresh chariots and angry horses, dozens of tyrants, cavalry soldiers, and beautiful maids. They stayed at Fanyang Pavilion for one night. Xun Zhen was deeply impressed by this person's demeanor as a celebrity. Looking at it at this time, isn't that the person in front of him?

Xun Zhen jumped off the horse, clasped her hands and said, "Isn't this Zhou Jun? How did you end up here?"

He recognized Zhou Xun, but Zhou Xun didn't recognize him anymore.

When Zhou Xun passed by Fanyang Pavilion, Xun Zhen was only a small pavilion chief, Zhou Xun never looked at him, how could he have thought that this majestic young general in fine armor and black robe, wearing a red cape, would be a few years old. A small pavilion in front? He was quite surprised and said, "Do you recognize me?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Aren't you Ruyang Zhou Jun?"

Zhou Xun said, "Exactly." After hesitating, he asked Xun Zhen, "Ask your name taboo?"

Xun Zhen didn't answer him first, because he remembered that he was Zhou Xun, and when he looked at the people behind him, he recognized most of them. Most of them were servants and guests of the Zhou family who passed by Fanyang Pavilion with Zhou Xun a few years ago. It was the brocade-clothed slave with a very rude attitude. Another person was not tall. The robes he wore were loose and his face was smeared with dirty mud. It was the maid who lived in the pavilion with Zhou Xun.

Only one person did not recognize it. This man was in his early twenties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a black and red face, a sturdy and sturdy face, and a knife with a ring on his waist. Although he faced Xun Zhen and was under the surveillance of Xun Zhen's personal soldiers, he was neither humble nor arrogant, and his chest was erect. Quite bold.

Xun Zhen took a few more glances at the young man, and then smiled at Zhou Xun and said, "You may not remember me. Under Xunzhen, now I am the Sima of General Huangfu's army." The place of origin is Yingyin, Yingchuan?" Xunzhen smiled and said, "Exactly." Zhou Xun said, "I passed by Yingyin a few years ago and had a relationship with Xun Wenruo.

Xun Zhen thought to himself: "A few years ago?" Guess he probably stopped by Yingyin the next day after passing by Fanyang Pavilion last time, and visited the Xun family. He smiled and replied, "Wen Ruo is my clan brother." He asked, "Where did Zhou Jun come from and where did he go? How did he end up in such a mess?" Zhou Xun sighed and said, "I am from Nanyang County. Come, go to Ruyang."

Xun Zhen asked in astonishment, "Why did you come from Nanyang County?" Zhou Xun said, "Xia Yuezhang was from Nanyang County. When the Yellow Turban thieves started, I was at Yuezhang's house with Zhuojing. The family died in the thieves, and the subordinate Zhuojing also died in the hands of the thieves, and under the desperate protection of the guests at home, he was lucky to escape."

Xun Zhen said: "So it is!" Xin said, "I remember that when he passed by Fanyang Pavilion a few years ago, he brought his wife to his husband's house with his wife." I don't remember exactly what his wife looked like, but I remember her appearance. Ordinary people, but now unexpectedly died in the chaos of thieves.

Together with the yellow turban, many people died in various places. Xun Zhen had seen this kind of thing a lot, so he comforted Zhou Xun, looked at the burly young man, and asked Zhou Xun: "Zhou Jun, this person is very handsome, and his appearance is extraordinary, I don't know what it is. Who is it? Is it a guest of the Jun family?"

Zhou Xun looked back and replied, "No, no. This is my savior."

Xun Zhen said "Oh" and asked, "How do you say this? I don't know who this strong man is?"

Zhou Xun introduced: "This person is from Langling, my county. His surname is Chen Mingzhi, and his courtesy name is Shuzhi. After returning home from Nanyang, passing through Langling, I met dozens of thieves in yellow turbans, and these thieves saw my house. This maid was beautiful, so she was malicious and besieged us. Most of the guests below were killed and injured. Fortunately, Uncle Zhi met on the road and drew his sword to help us, so we were rescued. After saving us, my uncle and I were rescued. After exchanging names, he heard that I was going to Ruyang, and saw that half of the guests around me were killed or injured, so he helped him and took the initiative to send me home. This way, it is all up to him!"

When Xun Zhen heard the word "Langling", his heart moved. Langling is a county in Runan. Like Zhengqiang, it is also a lord. Xun Shu was the prime minister of Langling here. He thought: "Chen Dao Uncle Chen?"

He doesn't seem to have heard of this name, and he seems to have heard it before. He can't remember whether he heard it in a previous life or in this life. Regardless of whether he has heard of it or not, he only wants to draw a sword to help this person when he encounters an injustice. The bravery of the Yellow Turban Soldiers' killing and dispersing has made him want to recruit. He smiled and asked Chen Dao, "Is Chen Jun from Langling?" Chen Dao replied, "Yes."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "My grandfather is taboo, he used to be an official in Langling, I don't know if Chen Jun knows?"

When Xun Shu was the prime minister of Langling, he was sensible and was known as the "God King". Although Chen Dao was young, Xun Shu was not born when he was an official at Langling, but he heard the elders mention the name of Xun Shu, so he respectfully replied: " I heard the elders say the name 'Shenjun'."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You and I are also connected." He asked Zhou Xun, and said, "Zhou Jun, I just conquered Zhaoling and Zhengqiang counties, and now I am ordered to rush to Xihua. General Huangfu led tens of thousands of elites. The troops have been stationed under Xihua City, and will soon have a decisive battle with the main force of the Yellow Turban thieves. Are you going to Xihua with me? Or go home?"

Thinking of Zhou Xun's romantic attitude when he saw Zhou Xun in Fanyang Pavilion, but today he is in a state of embarrassment. If in Taiping, with his family background and talent, he may be a famous person, but in the war, he is a phoenix that is not as good as a chicken. From Nanyang to this place, Zhou Xun has gone through hardships and encountered dangers many times. Now there are only a few of the dozens of guests guarding him. He has long been frightened and exhausted, and just wants to go home, saying: "I am on the way. When I met the refugees, I heard that the Yellow Turban thieves failed to capture Ruyang, I have been away from home for many months, and I don’t know what happened to my parents.

Ruyang has several great clans. The Yuan clan, the Zhou clan, especially the Yuan clan, have been dignitaries for several generations, and they have eaten many of his family's guests and followers. Under the resistance of their organization, Ruyang was one of the few county towns in Runan County that did not fall.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "This place is still more than ten miles away from Ruyang. How about I send a team of people to **** you home?"

Zhou Xun was very grateful.

Xun Zhen smiled and said to Chen Dao, "You have a high righteousness, and you have the style of an ancient chivalrous person. I have a sentence, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Chen Dao said, "Xun Jun, please speak."

Xun Zhen pressed his sword and looked at Xihua in the distance, and said spontaneously, "Today the Yellow Turban thieves are rising, and the common people are suffering. This is when the strong men are using force to contribute to the country. You have not left your way and sent Zhou Jun to this place, not far from Ruyang. Far away, with my troops and horses, Zhou Jun will be able to return home safely. His steps are brave and righteous, respectable and praiseworthy, such a good man, why not join the army and kill thieves?

Chen Dao hesitated and said, "This..."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If you don't want to, I won't force it." She said to Chen Dao, "Langling in Junxian County has now fallen into the hands of thieves, and you have no home to go back to. I wonder if there are any relatives who will agree with you? There is no entanglement. Come, take 100,000 money and give it to this righteous man."

While Xun Zhen was talking to Zhou Xun, Chen Dao and the others, the army continued to march on the road. Defeating the enemy, falling into battle, tiger warriors, cavalry, and the troops and horses sent by Huangfu Songzeng passed by. The ears that have been harvested and the murderous aura are exposed. Anyone with heroic aspirations will not feel their hearts surging when they witness this scene. Chen Dao looked at the marching cavalry soldiers, then looked away, looked at Dian Wei, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other tiger soldiers standing behind Xun Zhen, and then looked at Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang and other scribes, I think these people are extraordinary people.

He thought to himself: "Runan has been in chaos for several months, whether it's a county soldier or a bandit soldier, I have seen many soldiers and horses, but I have never seen such a fine soldier as before. This Sima's name is Xun Zhen, but he is Xun Zhen. The grandson of the Shu clan is also from a famous family. I think he is not very old, he is similar to me, at most in his early twenties, but he has become a military Sima of six hundred stone. I just heard that he had just broken Zhaoling and Zhengqiang. , I heard the rumors from the people on the road that recently there was a general of the Han family who first captured Zhaoling in the middle of the night, and then attacked the Qiang again in another battle, but it turned out to be him!" I pondered in secret, "Because of the famous family, he is brave and brave, or Can avenge my **** vengeance."

He made a decision, fell to the ground, and said, "A month ago, the thieves attacked Langling, and the villain's parents were killed by the thieves. The revenge of my parents will never be shared. Son! It's just that I'm alone and weak, but I have no chance, so I can only wander outside Langling County, slaughtering the lonely thieves. By chance, I met Zhou Jun, and with Zhou Jun here, I saw my step. This is an opportunity for God to avenge me!  …, I am willing to seek thieves from Sima!”

When Xun Zhen heard the words, she thought: "I said Langling had fallen long ago, but why didn't he leave the city? But it turned out to be to avenge his parents. This is a dutiful son." He lifted him up and asked solemnly Said, "I don't know which thief in the Yellow Turban Army is the one who broke Lang Ling?"

Chen Dao gritted his teeth and replied, "It's Liu Pi!"

Xun Zhen said, "Liu Pi is now in I will help you to avenge this deep revenge." Looking at him up and down, he saw that his clothes were tattered and the cloth shoes on his feet were rotten. With his toes exposed, he immediately ordered Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou to say, "Bring me my clothes and shoes, and then lead a horse."

Not long after, Yuan Zhongqing came with clothes and shoes, and Zuo Bohou led the horse.

Xun Zhen first handed the clothes and shoes to Chen Dao, and said, "It is difficult to make clothes and shoes on the road. You and I are of the same stature, so just wear mine first!" Then he took the reins of the horses brought by Zuo Bohou and asked him, " Is it possible to ride?"

"Untie clothes and clothes, push food and eat", this set of tricks that win people's hearts, Xun Zhen is now handy. This kind of skill might not be of much use to the sly people in their thirties and forties who have been rolling around in the world for a long time, but it is a nirvana for a young man in his early twenties like Chen Dao who is still in his early twenties. Chen Dao was moved immediately, but he was a bit like Xu Zhong, not a person who could speak. He took the clothes and shoes, took the emotion in his heart, and replied, "I can ride."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Then this horse is yours!" He gave him the reins, and asked the soldiers to fetch food and water, and distribute them to Zhou Xun, Chen Da, and others. After they had a full meal, they ordered a The troops sent Zhou Xun and others to Ruyang, and Chen Dao, Dian Wei and others continued to Xihua.


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