The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Hearing that Dao Shang insulted the county chief (Part 2)

Many thanks to the sun is white, the top of the sky is full of moon, ng73, the name of the starry sky, the little feet, the foolish fool, leaning on the railing to watch the Big Dipper, Yehui 19938269, saurusdh3, left-hand casting, moonlight like water, me and other children's shoes for cheering, cheering There are too many children's shoes, and it is difficult to list all the names here. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*Thank you for your subscriptions. For those who have not subscribed, thank you for your red tickets, clicks and support. For those who encourage me and criticize me, thank you. I wish you all New Year's Day hapiness.


After the greetings between Wang Yun and Prefect Wen, Prefect Wen invited Wang Yun to enter the mansion. Xun Zhen and other county officials bowed to greet him on both sides of the mansion gate. Wang Yun entered the mansion accompanied by Prefect Wen, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others. When they passed by, Xun Zhen stepped out of the queue and bowed down beside Xun Shuang. Xun Shuang was following Wang Yun into the mansion, when he was suddenly bowed by Xun Zhen, stunned, and immediately woke up, stopped immediately, let Kong Rong and others go in first, and asked, "Are you Xun Zhen?" Xun Zhen bowed to the ground, Respectfully replied: "Zhen pays respects to the clan father."

"Get up, get up." Xun Shuang ordered Xun Zhen to get up, looked at it for a moment, nodded with satisfaction, a smile on his face, but didn't say anything, only said: "First, Fang Bo, Fu Jun, and two generals will go to the hall, and I will meet you later. narrative."

When Xun Shuang left home, Xun Zhen was just a boy, but now she has grown up and her appearance has changed a lot. Xun Zhen almost didn't recognize him, and he didn't recognize Xun Zhen. The reason why he didn't recognize him and guessed it was because Wang Yun told him on the way to Yingchuan that there was a son of their Xun family in Yingchuan. Chuan, an official, came to Yingchuan and met Wang Lan, the head of Yingchuan County. Wang Lan also introduced Xun Zhen's achievements to him, so he guessed that the young man who fell in this big worship should be Xun Zhen.

Entering the mansion, Prefect Wen, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Yangzhai County magistrate, Xun Shuang, Kong Rong and others took their seats. Fei Chang, Han Liang, Zhong Yao, Wang Lan and other county officials sat with them. Xun Zhen was the county Cao Ye and was not qualified to accompany him, but because he made a great contribution in pacifying the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, and because he was Xun Shuang's nephew, he was also able to accompany him at the end of the seat. Du You, Guo Jun and the others no longer have this qualification, and are standing in the courtyard outside the hall. Although Xun Zhen had to sit with him, he was not allowed to speak in the hall. Wang Yun, Prefect Wen and others spoke, and he listened.

Wang Yun first asked a few words about the process of pacifying the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan, praised the military exploits of Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Prefect Wen, and then asked Prefect Wen's measures to appease the people. The topic changed to the Yellow Turbans in Runan, Chen Guo and other places In the army, he asked Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun when to send troops.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun replied: "The date for the march has not yet been set, and we are waiting for the emperor's will."

Wang Yun said: "Before I left the capital, the Son of Heaven ordered me to assist the two generals to pacify the thieves. If the two generals need anything, even if they say it, I will do my best to help."

Huangfu Song said: "There is no shortage of anything else, only grain and arrows."

Wang Yun said, "How much is the shortage?"

Huangfu Song said two numbers. Wang Yun said, "I'll make it up for you as soon as possible." His words were all-inclusive, and it was obvious that he was about to intervene in local government affairs, but Prefect Wen's expression did not change. Prefect Wen is the best person to take power, but he can't take care of himself now, not to mention that Wang Yun has an imperial decree, even if it is useless, he has no time to care about it now.

Wang Yun was very concerned about the enemy situation in Runan, Chen Guo and other places, and talked with Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun for a long time, and it was not until the twilight was deep that he left to pass the house.

Prefect Wen set up a welcome banquet for him to wash away the dust. He declined and refused to go. Prefect Wen left him to live in the prefect’s mansion. There was no choice, so Prefect Wen had to send two governors in the county to send him to the post office. The postal supervisor is the immediate boss of the postal service. Xun Zhen followed along with him.

Wang Yun and his party rode dozens of vehicles and dozens of people. Fortunately, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun did not live in the post office.

The two supervisors said goodbye, and Xun Zhen stayed behind.

Wang Yun's servants, servants led horses, unloaded cars, and they made a mess, making the post office that was originally deserted in the twilight lively. Wang Yun stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, watching them busy, waiting for the people in the post office to clean up the room, saw Xun Zhen left alone, and smiled at Xun Shuang: "Sir, your nephew has made great achievements in battle. I see his appearance. He is elegant, but I heard Wang Lan say that when he was in the final battle, he was very heroic and military, and he was a handsome man with talents in both civil and military affairs." When Xun Zhen was able to accompany him at the last seat, Wang Yun already knew him.

Xun Shuang smiled humbly, and said, "The Yingchuan bandit soldiers are determined by the virtue of the Son of Heaven, and the power of General Huangfu, General Zhu, and Lord Wenfu. If you are a virtuous person, what can you do for the younger generation?"

"Hey, you can't say that, merit is merit, you can't have merit or nothing just because he is the son and nephew of Gong Gong." Wang Yun called Xun Zhen to the front, stood upright with his sword, and praised him for his merits. Xun Zhen was very humble. Wang Yun gives people a very strong feeling, even when he praises people, it also makes people feel very rigid.

Kong Rong was instructing the officials to unload their luggage. Seeing Wang Yun talking to Xun Zhen, he paced slowly over, looked Xun Zhen up and down, and curiously asked him about the battles he had participated in to pacify the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, especially I asked him carefully about saving Sun Jian on the shore of the Shushui River and breaking waves in the south of Wuyang City.

Wang Lan had told them about Xun Zhen's two battles, but the words were vague. After listening to Xun Zhen's detailed answer, Kong Rong's eyes lit up, and he praised Xun Zhen continuously, patting Xun Zhen's arm and saying, "Ying Wu A warrior, a warrior!" He said to Xun Shuang, "The son of the public family is unparalleled in martial arts, and Yingchuan is the leader of the future. In ten years, you and I will give way to him!"

Kong Rong is very popular, and he is curious about differences. Probably because he is not talented in horseback and archery, he likes to plagiarize light people. At the same time, he is tolerant and less taboo. . Xun Shuang knew his character very well, and after hearing his praise for Xun Zhen, he smiled slightly.

Wang Yun and Xun Zhen talked mainly because he was a son of the Xun family. After a few words, Zhi Qiang, who was in the post office, trotted over and said that the room was tidy up, and he said to Xun Shuang, "Mr. I have been away from home for many years, and today I see my son and nephew in the clan, and I will have a lot to say, and Wen Ju and I will not bother." Greeting Kong Rong, the two left and entered the house together.

The house where Xun Shuang lived was also tidied up. The people and horses in the courtyard were chaotic, and it was not a place to talk. Xun Shuang said to Xun Zhen gently, "Come with me into the house."

Xun Zhen respectfully complied with the promise. The candle was already in the room, and he entered the room from the dimly lit courtyard. His eyes lit up. After Xun Shuang was seated, Xun Zhen stood in front of him. Xun Shuang smiled and pointed to the seat on the side, and said softly, "You and my family don't have to be polite. You also sit down."


Although Xun Shuang's speech and behavior strictly abide by etiquette, it does not make people feel deliberate, as natural as running clouds and flowing water. If Wang Yun's impression of Xun Zhen is like a sword, then Xun Shuang is like the candle in this case, warm and bright, but not hot.

Xun Zhen sat down and thought: "Xu Zi will comment on Xun Shuang and Xun Jing, saying: 'Both of them are jade, kind and bright outside, uncle kind is moist inside', this comment can be said to be accurate." Xun Jing is Xun Shuang's third brother, courtesy name Shuci, had the utmost virtue, lived in seclusion for life, and died at fifty. Xun Shuang is the most famous in the Eight Dragons of the Xun family, followed by Xun Jing.

Xun Shuang sighed: "I have been away from home for more than ten years. When you left home, you were still a young boy, but now you have become an adult, and you are famous in the county.' Zi Zai Chuan said: "The dead are like a man." This life is like a white horse. Spring and summer are in a hurry, and I don’t realize I’m getting old!”

"'The Master said: The year is cold, and then the pines and cypresses will wither after that.'

Xun Shuang laughed and said, "Sixty isn't the youngest?... But I'm very pleased to see your achievements today. Are your parents and your mother healthy?"

"During the reign of Emperor Yanxi, Yingchuan was plagued by an epidemic, and Xiankao and his concubine were no longer affected by the epidemic."

"Ah? Are you not in the epidemic?" Xun Shuang was taken aback and felt sad, and said, "I used to be at home, buried in scriptures, and didn't have much contact with your ancestor, but I also knew that your ancestor was a loyal person. It’s a pity that I passed away so early that I can’t see you again. Alas, after more than ten years of being away from home, things are different. … During the Yanxi period, wasn’t that when you were not yet ten years old?”


"Where are your brothers?"

"I haven't been in the epidemic one after another."

"How have you been all these years?"

"Fortunately, the fathers in the clan took care of him, so that Zhen was able to live without food and clothing, and he was fortunate to have brother Zhongtong's education, so that Zhen was able to learn to read the scriptures."

"I've suffered you!  …, 'Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people of this country, and they must first suffer their minds and wills, labor their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions. You must keep in mind what Mencius said."


"Have you ever been married?"

"We got married last August."

"Whose daughter will you marry?"

"Xu County Chen's daughter."

"Xu County Chen? Well, well, the official document of Taiqiu is a virtuous example, and Fan is a scholar. He is the elder of my county. He knows the way of modest retreat. The girl in his family must be your sweetheart." Wen De Xunzhen Married to a good wife, Xun Shuang was sincerely happy and laughed out loud.

Xun Zhen said, "It's getting late today. I'll bring her to see the clan father tomorrow."


After being away from home for more than ten years, I thought that I would never have the chance to meet the clansmen again, but I didn’t expect that not only would I be able to meet the clansmen, but when I came back, I met an outstanding son like Xun Zhen, and heard that he had married a good wife. Xun Shuang was extremely happy, and after laughing for a while, he stopped laughing, and then asked again, "How are the fathers in your clan?"

Xun Zhen knew that Xun Shuang was asking about his brothers, so he replied: "All the fathers are in good health. . Xun Shuang sighed: "My second brother is more than ten years old. When I was young, he and my eldest brother taught me to read. The eldest brother died young, and now the second brother is also old." Having said this, he smiled to himself, "I am old, not to mention the two Brother?" He said to Xun Zhen with a smile, "The future of our clan will depend on you! ..., you just said that you have been studying with Xun Qu all these years?"


"Is Xun Qu still the same temperament as before?" Although Xun Shuang had been away from home for many years, he still remembered Xun Qu's wild body shape, so he asked this question.

"A month ago, the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan rioted and ravaged the county. After Brother Zhongtong heard the news, he rose up with determination to eliminate thieves and protect the country and the people. This is not what it used to be."

"This is good, this is good!"

Speaking of Xun Qu, Xun Shuang unconsciously thought of Xun Qu's father and uncle, and sighed with emotion, saying: "Xun Qu's father and Congfu, brothers are both talented and talented, and they are determined to eliminate eunuchs, and conspire with the old general Dou Wu to execute eunuchs. It's a pity that things leaked, Yu and Li Yuanli died together, and Tan was also imprisoned. Xun Qu was hit by this, and since then he has let go of his past, and now he can finally get back on his feet. would be very happy."

Xun Qu's father, Xun Tan and his concubine, Xun Yu, are the sons of Xun Shu's elder brother and Xun Shuang's concubine. They are much older than Xun Shuang and became famous much earlier. Xun Tan was the prefect of Guangling. , Xun Yu did Pei Xiang. Xun Yu, courtesy name Boxiu, was as famous as Li Ying, Du Mi, and Zhao Dian, and was listed among the Eight Jun. In fact, in the early days of the Xun family in Yingchuan, the two sons of the elder brother Xun Shu were much more famous than the eight sons of Xun Shu.

Xun Shuang said: "Bo Xiu is good at making friends with heroes in the world, and has a wide range of friends. He is called 'the world is good friends'. Zhenzhi, you and Bo Xiu have some similarities. I heard that you were a well-ranked husband in Xixiang. , have been with a lot of brave rangers?"

Xun Zhen replied, "Yes."

Xun Shuang pondered and said: "The so-called rangers are thieves in the bottom, with faith in their hearts, and those in the top are saving the times and helping others. Now that there are thieves and soldiers everywhere, it is the time for the warriors to use their martial arts. These rangers you associate with can be used, but when After quelling the rebellion, clearing up the demonic atmosphere in the dynasty and appeasing the people of the county, it still needs the efforts of the scholars, and you still have to communicate with the scholars more in the future."

Xun Shuang is fifty-seven years old this year. He is nearing sixty years old. He became famous as a young man. He had a rough life. Now he is old and not much interested in politics. Achievement, children are the future of the family, as long as the children are outstanding, the family can thrive. Therefore, he taught Xun Zhen Dun Dun.

Xun Zhen knew that he was well-intentioned, and did not refute it, she should be respectful.

Xun Shuang has been away from home for many years, and he misses the people in his family very much, and he asks Xun Yue, Xun Yu, Xun You and others. Xun Zhen informed Xun Shuang of their current situation one by one, and finally said, "Xun Cheng and Xun You are in the camp outside the city right now, or I will ask them to visit the clan father tomorrow."

"No need, military affairs are important, and you can't abolish the company for personal reasons. Now that the party ban has been lifted, I don't plan to leave this time. I have more opportunities to meet my sons and nephews." Ye Luo returned to his roots, if it wasn't for the raging of the Yuzhou Yellow Turbans, he would not even accept Wang Yun's removal. After asking the clansmen, he also asked if there were any changes in the county and Gaoyang.

Xun Zhen answered truthfully and said, "Not much has changed." He thought to himself, "Seeing Xun Shuang's appearance, he is very homesick." He must be homesick. Xun Shuang started his official career at the age of thirty-nine. At that time, when he was in the party, he lived in seclusion in Hanbin for more than ten years. He left his hometown and lived in different places. It was so easy for the imperial court to lift the ban on the party. He wanted to go home immediately after returning to the county this time, but he was in a public office. Although the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans were fixed, the Yellow Turbans in Runan and other Yuzhou prefectures had not been pacified, but he could not go back immediately. .

After asking about people and things in the family, Xun Shuang turned to Xun Zhen: "You have made some contributions to the suppression of the Yingchuan bandits this time. What are your plans for the future?" An official, Xun Shuang is now working for Bianjia, and he can speak well in the state and county. The meaning of asking this sentence is to see if there is anything he can help him.

Xun Zhen replied, "General Huangfu wants me to get out of the county from him, and he has already recommended me as Sima of the army."

"Sajun Sima?"

Xun Shuang stroked his beard and pondered for a while, then said, "Even though he is a military officer, it's ok for now." Although the Han people are not as heavy on literature as in later generations, there are many scholars who have both literature and military, but the scholars who have both literature and military and only brave warriors There is still a difference. The scholars despise military officers who only have courage, such as Sun Jian. He has no reputation and is not proficient in Confucianism. It is still acceptable to be a military attache. If you go out to fight in the county, you will have the opportunity to make military merits, and you will be promoted again if you make military merits.

Xun Shuang told Xun Zhen, and said, "General Huangfu recommended you as Sima of the army, and asked you to go out of the county to pacify thieves. This is because you value your ability. You must not be slack, and you can't be complacent just because you have made some contributions."


"According to my estimation, the next step for General Huangfu is to go to Runan to pacify the thieves. After arriving in Runan, you see Zhao Qian, the prefect of Runan, and say hello to him on my behalf. I heard that the thieves in Runan are strong. Zhao Qian is losing streak, you can help him."


Zhao Qian's son-in-law, Zhao Dian, was named Bajun, and he was as famous as Xun Yu. In the ninth year of Emperor Yanxi's reign, Zhao Dian, who was Taichang at the time, considered Xun Shuang to be extremely filial. Xun Shuang was worshipped as Langzhong because he was admitted to the court. Xun Zhen knew about this and understood why Xun Shuang had such an explanation.

By this time, the candle on the case had been lit for a little while, Kong Rong pushed open the door and came in, smiling: "Don't just talk to the nephew of the clan, don't you even care about your stomach? Chuan Chu has finished the meal, Your Majesty Ask me to come and please don't drive into the table." He smiled at Xun Zhen, "You too!" Xun Zhen, a county official of Baishi, knew that Kong Rong's words were just polite words, so he quickly said his thanks.

Xun Shuang got up and said to Xun Zhen, "You go back first. It's getting late, so slow down on the road, don't gallop on the street and disturb the people."


Xun Zhengong walked out of the house from Xun Shuang and Kong Rong, and sent them to the house where Wang Yun lived, saying goodbye and leaving, Xun Shuang stopped him again, looked at him with a smile, and said in a harmonious voice: "Between the soldiers, the corpse stands. So, you have done a good job killing thieves for your country, but you must also pay attention to your own safety, and you must not be arrogant and unprepared. '."

Xun Zhen agreed.

After leaving the Post Office, Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing, who were waiting outside the hospital, brought their horses over. Xun Zhen mounted the horse, took the reins slowly, and walked slowly on the street, bathed in the moonlight of the spring night, he thought: "The Eight Dragons of the Xun family are well-deserved. The Confucian scholar's modest and gentle demeanor, talk to him..." Looking up at the bright moon in the night sky, he said, "Just like bathing in the moonlight on this spring night, he is really a wise and humble person." He thought again. Said, "Xun Shuang's character is afraid that it is related to his past experiences. He is old and has experienced hardships, so he is gentle and elegant. I don't know what he was like when he was young when he had the reputation of 'Xun's Eight Dragons, Ciming Unparalleled'. What about his admirable demeanor?" He thought of Sanlong Xun Jing, who was as famous as Xun Shuang, and thought, "I don't know what kind of person Sanlong is? 'Uncle Ci Neirun', but unfortunately he passed away early and was not seen. "


Back at the Bing Cao's house, Chen Zhi welcomed him into the house and asked, "Why did you come back so late?"

"The Inspector Wang Yun arrived today, and my father, Mr. Liulong, was hired by him as a driver, and he followed. I haven't seen my father for many years, and we talked for a while."

"Mr. Liulong is back?"

"Yeah, I'll take you to see him tomorrow."

Although Chen Zhi was virtuous, she was a teenage girl after all. When Xun Zhen said she would take her to meet Xun Shuang, a senior in the clan who was famous all over the world and had never seen before, her heart pounded, and she said again. Shy and nervous, he subconsciously began to stroke his bun and tidy up his dress. Xun Zhen smiled and said: "I will take you to see you tomorrow. Now that you have packed up, are you planning to stay up all night? My father is a very kind person, don't be nervous. Oops, I'm starving, go and serve food. ." Chen Zhi blushed with shame, answered and hurriedly went to serve the meal.

Go to bed after dinner.

Early the next morning, Xun Zhen was awakened by Chen Zhi's dressing up and selection of dresses. She turned to look at the window, and the sky was white.

He didn't know whether to laugh or but he also knew that this was because Xun Shuang was too famous, and Chen Zhi was afraid that he was not prepared at any point, which would cause his dissatisfaction. Female appearance was also one of the virtues of a woman.

She couldn't fall asleep anyway, so Xun Zhen simply leaned on the side of the bed with her hands and watched her dress up carefully.

Watching the beauty in the morning in the morning is one of the joys in life.

After Chen Zhi finished her make-up, she noticed that Xun Zhen was looking at her, and her face turned red again.

Xun Zhen laughed and was about to speak when someone from the courtyard entered. This man walked so fast that he almost ran outside the door, shouting: "Xunjun, it's not good!" But it was Uncle Zuo.

"What's all the fuss about?"

Zuo Bohou is a stable person, but now he became inarticulate due to anxiety, and said: "Liu Deng and Gao Su, they..."

"What happened to them?"

"They are beating up Fei Chang, the county chief, on the street!"

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