The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 69: Zhihuai Shuangxue Cao Mengde (Part 2)

Although the generals of the Yellow Turbans in Kunyang City had many ignorant soldiers, could not defend the city, and lacked defensive equipment, it was probably because they had nowhere to go, their will to fight was firm. .+?(.+nbsp;\\s*

He Manqin oversaw the battle at Chengtou and fought to the death with the Han army. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun attacked the city day and night for three days, but failed to make it to the top of the city.

During these three days, Bocai sent troops out of the city twice and tried to cross the Li River to rescue Kunyang, but was repelled by Wei Xiaowei and his troops.

On the third day of the siege, Sun Jian was still at the vanguard. From morning to afternoon, except for a short break during lunch, Sun Jian never took a break. However, until sunset, he still failed to reach the city. During the three days of fierce fighting, Sun Jian's troops suffered a lot of casualties, more than a hundred people were killed and wounded. Sun Jian was also slightly injured, and his arm was bruised by a stone the size of a wooden basin thrown from the city.

Sun Jian fought hard, while Xun Zhen was very leisurely.

The task Zhu Jun gave him was to surround the east city wall of Kunyang, not let anyone out of the city, and appropriately launch a feint to contain the enemy's forces in the city, so that it could not fully defend the main attack direction of Huangfu Song. In the afternoon of Shen Shi, he cooperated with Sun Jian who was attacking the city outside the south city wall, and ordered Jiang Qin and Liu Deng to lead the troops to launch a feint attack on the east city wall. The feint attack lasted for more than an hour, and in the middle of the Youshi, the twilight was getting darker, and he sounded the golden gong to retreat. Jiang Qin and Liu Deng retreated after hearing the order.

After retreating to the army, Jiang Qin wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head to look at the city head, spat, and said to Xun Zhen, "The thieves are crazy, no matter how hard they fight, they will not retreat. The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, We have pretended to attack three times. In all, we have to kill two or three hundred thieves, but we have not even touched the city head once! Compared with Xiangcheng and Jia, this time is too laborious. It's still exhausting!"

Although these troops under Xun Zhen had conquered the two counties of Xiangcheng and Jia, they were both captured by means of tactics without much effort. Strictly speaking, they had no experience in attacking cities. Kunyang, when encountering He Man's stubborn guard again, must not be used to it.

Xun Zhen understood this, and looked up at the city. The Yellow Turban soldiers repelled their attack for the third time. Some of them sat on the ground because of exhaustion, leaning on the battlements to rest, and some threw their weapons and cheered loudly. .

He smiled and said: "Back then, we were defending the city in Yangzhai, commanding a commanding position and occupying a favorable location, so it cannot be compared with the current siege. This time, the two generals did not use us as the main force in the siege, but ordered us to attack the city. Assisting in the siege and feinting attack, and taking good care of us. We have little experience in siege before, so we can take the opportunity to learn. Bo Qin, A Deng, tomorrow, you two will go to the south city wall and look at General Mo Huangfu to attack the city."

Xun Zhen is a swift and resolute person, since she has decided to learn a few tricks from Huangfu Song, of course she will not delay, and has already put it into practice.

Not only did he steal lessons by himself, he also asked his subordinates to steal lessons. The day before yesterday, in the name of assistance, he sent Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, Xiao Xia, etc. to Mohuangfu Song outside the southern city wall to attack the city. Yesterday, he sent Gao Su, Feng Gong, Jiang Hu and others to observe it. Li Bo, Xun Cheng, Ren Du (Xiao Ren), etc. went to observe, and tomorrow it's Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, etc.'s turn.

Jiang Qin, Liu Deng Yingnuo.

In today's feint attack, Jiang Qin was mainly in command of the city, and he didn't go into battle in person. Liu Deng couldn't stay under the city, so he personally led people to attack the city twice. The enemy was forced by four or five spearmen. Once, the yellow turban defenders pushed the ladder down and fell from the mid-air more than 20 feet high. Fortunately, he was caught by the soldiers below, so he didn't fall to his death. The soldier broke an arm. Xun Zhen was watching the battle on the bank of the moat at the time, and when he saw this thrilling scene, he was shocked, and immediately ordered him not to go into battle in person. Liu Deng was loyal and brave, Xun Zhen was going to use him, but he didn't want him to die here.

In all the past experiences, Liu Deng killed Bolian, and Cong Xunzhen attacked the enemy. They were all unfavorable. How could he ever suffer such setbacks? Annoyed and frustrated.

He stared at the yellow turban soldiers who were cheering on the city, waved the unsheathed ring-headed knife in his hand, and slashed twice on the small mound on the side, as if to vent his anger, and said bitterly. : "I couldn't get to the top of the city after I attacked twice! The first time I was able to go up in just two steps! But I was forced to come down. It's hateful, hateful! I couldn't go up, it's cheap for these thieves! Xunjun, I'll be there tomorrow. Don't you want to watch General Huangfu attack the city? I'll lead the team to attack the city! I'll be on the top of the city tomorrow!"

Xun Zhen raised his face and said, "Climbing into the city bravely and fighting thieves hand-to-hand, this is the courage of a man. You are now Qu Chang, with hundreds of people, and all of your subordinates are elites of our department. How about being brave? No matter how strong and brave you are, can you defeat Kunyang alone?"

"can not."

"'The bravery of an ordinary man is against one person'. With your strength, you may be able to defeat ten people, but can you defeat a hundred people?"

"can not."

"General Huangfu is an enemy of ten thousand people! I told you to watch him attack the city, just want you to learn his skills against ten thousand people!"

"The art of defeating ten thousand people?"

"The courage of a man depends on his strength, and the enemy of ten thousand people depends on his ingenuity. In order to win Kunyang, courage is not enough, but ingenuity is necessary. Let me ask you, why do people have their heads on the top and their limbs on the bottom?"

Liu Deng shook his head blankly, and answered honestly, "I don't know."

"The head is the leader, and the ingenuity is also. The four limbs are the members of the public, and the courage is also. The head is on the top and the limbs are on the bottom, it is telling you that you need to 'wisdom to control the brave'. Mencius said: 'Those who work hard to manage people' , The laborers govern others', which is the meaning. If you rely only on courage, you are at most an enemy of ten people, but if you can learn from General Huangfu how to defeat ten thousand people, you will be at least an enemy of a thousand people. Would you rather be a ten-person enemy who glares with anger, draws swords and splatters blood at the township pavilions in the city? ?"

Liu Deng opened his eyes wide when Xun Zhen finished speaking, returned the knife to its sheath, knelt down and bowed his head in front of Xun Zhen's feet, and said loudly: "My husband should be the enemy of ten thousand! forward!"

Xun Zhen laughed loudly, lifted him up, and said, "That's right." He greeted Jiang Qin, who was also smiling, and said, "Come, come to my tent, let's have a small military meeting."

Xun Zhen and his subordinate generals did not have much experience in fighting. If they wanted to improve their abilities as soon as possible, they had to learn by playing. Therefore, these days, every time after the army was withdrawn in the evening, Xun Zhen would gather all the subordinate generals together. Summarize the experience and lessons of today's siege and attack, and let people who have watched Huangfu Song attack the city tell you how Huangfu Song attacked the city and what they learned from it. At the same time, he also took the opportunity to tell some ancient siege battles to his generals, and made a simple city sand table, and set a few rules, so that the generals could be divided into two factions to deduce attack and defense on the sand table, and he and Xi Zhi Just be the referee.

Although it has only been three days so far, because of the combination of study and practice, Xun Zhen feels that the generals of his subordinates have improved their understanding of siege, especially Chen Bao, Jiang Qin, especially Chen Bao and Jiang Qin. It was Chen Bao, who made inferences from one case, made great progress, and was the leader among the generals. In last night's sand table game, Chen Bao, Xu Zhong and others were the attacking parties. With Chen Bao's advice and Xu Zhong's steady leadership, it took only three rounds to capture the "city". Of course, this is also because the opponent is not too strong.

Xun Zhen brought Jiang Qin, Liu Deng and others to his tent, and was about to order Cheng Yan to summon the future, but a man came from outside the tent, but Zhu Jun conveyed Huangfu Song's order to go to Huangfu Song's handsome tent. discussion.

The commander had an order, so he had to go, so he had to put off tonight's class. Xun Zhen ordered Jiang Qin and Liu Deng to return to their camps, led the order, and called Xi Zhicai. The two rode to meet Zhu Jun first.

In Zhu Jun's army, several people have arrived first. Zhu Jun asked them to wait for a while, and after a while, two or three more arrived. Zhu Jun got up and said, "Let's go."

Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai followed Zhu Jun and his party to the outside of the southern city wall, passed through the endless battalions, and arrived at Huangfu Song's handsome tent.

A dozen people sat in the tent. Xi Zhicai looked around quickly, and said to Xun Zhen with a light smile, "Everyone in the army with more than six hundred stones is here. Zhenzhi, you are the only one!"

There were more than 30,000 cavalrymen attacking the city, and there were many officials, but only Xun Zhen came. This was Huangfu Song's favor for him.

Xun Zhen saw that Sun Jian was already present. Sun Jian greeted him with a smile.

Huangfu Song hadn't come yet. Taking advantage of this time, Xun Zhen came to his seat and asked with concern, "Brother, is your arm injury any better?"

"Skin trauma, what is it? Do not delay the siege of the city and kill the thieves! Brother, I heard that you have done a good job of feinting in the past two days, killing and wounding hundreds of thieves. The siege is on all sides, and the three sides are feigned, and the three places you have feinted are counted as killing you. Thieves kill the most!"

Xun Zhen glanced at Zhu Jun, who was sitting in the upper seat, and said humbly: "This is all the work of General Zhu." Outside the east city wall, in addition to the three thousand people from Xun Zhen's army, there are also two thousand capital soldiers sent by Zhu Jun. brave.

Sun Jian laughed loudly and said, "The thieves are fighting to the death. The past few days have been so hearty and happy, it's a pity that I can't stand side by side with my virtuous brother!"

"My brother is attacking in the south, and my brother is helping out in the east wall. It can be regarded as a side-by-side effort."

While he was talking, Huangfu Song arrived. Xun Zhen hurriedly stopped her words, left Sun Jian, tucked her sleeves back to her own seat, and sat down on her knees.

Before Huangfu Song came, everyone in the tent who knew each other was whispering about the war. When Huangfu Song arrived, everyone hurriedly returned to their seats, and the tent fell silent.

Huangfu Song wore no armor and black plain clothes. He sat down, looked around the tent, and said, "We have been attacking the city for three days, and Bocai sent troops twice to try to forcefully cross the water, but they were all repelled by Captain Wei. , I invited you here today, not to discuss the siege, but to discuss the wave."

The captain of the Shesheng Battalion asked, "Negotiating with Pocahontas?"

"That's right." Huangfu Song nodded and said, "To be honest, I'm not worried about attacking the city. Although the thieves are stubbornly resisting, their fighting spirit is quite strong. However, our army has been attacking for three days and nights, and the thieves have suffered heavy casualties. There are not only strong thieves and soldiers, but also some women, children, old and weak, and maybe in two or three days at most, our army will be able to capture Kunyang. Kunyang is not enough to worry about, but the worry is Pocai.”

"Bocai sent troops twice and failed to cross the water, so what's the point of worry?"

"I'm only worried that he hasn't crossed the water."

"What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that he will escape. He failed to cross the Shushui twice when he sent troops. Will he simply abandon Kunyang and escape alone?"

Bocai is very "righteous". After Kunyang was besieged, he not only did not go south alone, but sent troops and horses to rescue twice, which made Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun overjoyed, but now that the city has been besieged for three days, Bocai rescued both times. If he failed to succeed, would he simply give up Kunyang, change his mind, and escape alone because he could not be rescued? This made Huangfu Song a little worried.

The captain of Shesheng Battalion said: "Before our army crossed the Shushui, we had a discussion with the army in Jinche Township, didn't we already discuss this? , fleeing south alone will not harm the overall situation. . . . If this is the case, why worry about it?"

Huangfu Song replied, "This moment, that moment."

As the battle situation changes and develops, the goals of the battle will certainly change accordingly. Before crossing the Shushui River, Huangfu Song's primary goal was to surround the large Yellow Turban army in Kunyang. Now Kunyang has been surrounded. Although it has not been conquered for the time being, it is not far from the capture, and it is a pleasant surprise. The only thing was that Bo Cai was so righteous, he didn't flee alone, but stayed in Wuyang. In this case, the goal of the battle could not just surround Kunyang, but changed accordingly. What Huangfu Song is now thinking about is: Can Bo Cai be annihilated while surrounding Kunyang?

Zhu Jun replied: "I've been thinking about this for the past two days. Now that the thieves in Kunyang City have become rats in the urn, it's nothing to worry about. If we can go further and keep Pocai as well, it would be best. ."

Huangfu Song asked, "Does the general have a plan?"

Zhu Junren is very smart, but there are many kinds of smarts, and not all of them are good at battle tactics. He is not good at this. He shook his head and said, "There is no good plan yet." When you came, you must have made up your mind? I would like to hear the details."

Huangfu Song said with a smile: "I can't talk about 'confirmation', but I do have some ideas."

"Oh? What's the trick?"

"If you want to keep Pocai, there are two strategies, either annihilate him in the field, or divide your troops to surround Wuyang."

"There are also 20,000 thieves in Wuyang City, and our army is only more than 40,000 people. I'm afraid it will be difficult to surround Kunyang and Wuyang cities at the same time."

"Yeah, I think so too, so now there is only one way left: annihilate them in the field."

"Bo Cai is in Wuyang City, how to annihilate him in the field? Although he has sent troops to cross the Lishui twice in the past few days, he only sent four or five thousand people both times. , he still has more than 10,000 people. After knowing that the bandit soldiers he sent have been wiped out by our army, he will immediately abandon the city and escape. In this way, his more than 10,000 people can no longer be retained."

"The general is very concerned. I was thinking, can I wait for this?"


Huangfu Song stood up from the seat, walked to the tent calmly, ordered Sima under the tent to fetch the map, spread it on the ground, stood beside the map, motioned for everyone to gather around and look at it, pointed at the map, and said, "So, so, so. Like this. General, Duke Wen, and gentlemen, what do you think?"

Zhu Jun pondered for a while, then frowned and said, "The plan is a good one, but it's a little risky. If this plan fails, then not only will the Bocai Department not be annihilated, but He Man may be able to escape."

To lead tens of thousands of people to fight against the enemy is to walk on a tightrope. The victory or defeat is often in one thought, and the difference between victory and defeat will change from victory to defeat. Every choice is a choice. Just like a game of chess, if you make an inadvertent move, you will lose the whole game. The only difference is: playing chess, losing is chess, fighting, losing is human life, and even national luck. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were given orders this time. If they were defeated, not only would the more than 40,000 cavalry they bring with them would be killed or injured, but the Yellow Turbans would definitely rise sharply, and Luoyang would be in danger. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were under a lot of pressure, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were walking on thin ice. Every choice was made very difficult.

Huangfu Song thought about this plan for two days and two nights. At this time, after listening to Zhu Jun's words, he said, "Yeah, that's why I've been hesitant to decide."

He asked everyone's opinion: "What do you think?"

Xi Zhicai stood behind Xun Zhen and said softly to Xun Zhen, "It's a good plan, but it's a bit risky. If our army can add a few thousand more troops, then this plan will be much safer."

Huangfu Song heard his looked at him and asked Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, who is this?"

"This is the right soldier Cao Shixizhong in my county."

Huangfu Song smiled and said to Prefect Wen: "Your county is full of talented people!" He asked Xi Zhong, "What is the name of Xi Jun?"

"The lower clerk expresses his talent in words."

"You are right! If our army can add a few thousand more troops, I will not be so embarrassed."

A person from outside the tent came in, bowed down and reported, "General, a group of people has come from outside the camp."

"A man and a horse?"


"Where did it come from?"

"The scout reported that the leader of the army called himself Cao Cao, and the official worshipped the captain of the cavalry."

Huangfu Song was overjoyed and said, "Is Meng De here? God help me too!"

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