The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 63: ? 桭 ? Choking You Bank ??

It took a while to revise, and it was too late.

I wrote an article "From Zhu Jun's View on the Difficulty of Entering Officials in the Eastern Han Dynasty and On Zhu Jun's Military Ability", which is related to the work. The article is not long, just a short comment.


Hundreds of people suddenly jumped out on the other side, the battering soldiers shouted, and then there were sparse arrows shot, and everyone by the river was startled.

Cheng Yanben rushed forward immediately after Xun Zhen's horse, and stopped in front of Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen originally thought that the Yellow Turbans would not dare to fight in the city, but did not expect that they would be ambushed on the other side of the river, and were almost knocked off their horses by the frightened horses. He hurriedly controlled the reins, leaned over the horse's neck, stroked the horse's mane, whispered softly in its ear, calmed the mount, took two steps back, stretched out his hands to play Zhicai, Xu Zhong, Gao Su, Jiang Qin, and Chen Bao. , Liu Deng, Xin Ai, Xuan Kang and others were summoned. In fact, there is no need for him to call, these people have quickly rushed to the left and right of his mount.

Xuankang stared nervously at the hundreds of figures on the other side of the river, and said, "Xunjun, the thieves are ready, what should we do?"

Chen Bao squatted down and pulled out the crossbow bolt that was shot in front of Xun Zhen's horse. He weighed his weight and said, "This is a three-stone crossbow." He stood up and looked towards the opposite bank. The arrows of the crossbow shot sparsely, some from close range and some from far away, but none of them could hit people or horses. The water is only a few feet wide, and the range of the three stone crossbows is enough to cover most of our troops within the range. Near the river bank, it can be seen that thieves with crossbows can’t shoot.” The three-stone crossbow has a range of more than 130 steps, which is more than 100 meters in meters. Only this arrow just now could knock Xun Zhen off the horse.

Chen Que is a careful and meticulous person, and at this moment he is still thinking about analyzing the archery of the enemy on the other side.

Xu Zhongli stood at the forefront of the generals, looked up at Xun Zhen, held his saber and asked, "Master Xun, do you want to fight back?" His subordinates had 200 bowmen who had received simple training. , he is very sure to defeat the enemy on the other side.

A crossbow arrow shot over, rubbing Gao Su's shoulder and shooting it a dozen paces away. Gao Su jumped, and subconsciously touched the shoulder where the crossbow arrow had swiped. He was not injured. He drew his sword and scolded the other side: "Little boy! Do you want to shoot Nai Gong?" "Xun-Jun, there are only a few hundred thieves on the other side. It's not worth mentioning, so I ordered Junqing to counterattack. Let's take advantage of the situation and kill them!"

Xi Zhicai stopped his impulse and looked worriedly to the northeast. The sound of war drums and shouts of killing continued to follow the night wind. He said, "The thieves are already prepared! Not only where we are 'crossing the river' The ambush was arranged, and General Zhu and the others also encountered the ambush of the bandit soldiers!"

Regardless of the danger, he walked quickly to the river, observed the flow of the river, picked up a small stone and threw it into the water.

He returned to his body and said to Xun Zhen, "General Zhu said that if he was attacked by thieves in the middle of the crossing, then he would cheat and retreat, lure the thieves to cross the river, and then remove the soil bag from the upper stream, causing the water to flow down sharply. This is to drown the thieves. I just saw the river surface and the water flow did not change. Either General Zhu has not moved the earthen bag, or this plan cannot work. They are in danger! Zhenzhi, let's go and help them."

Xuankang put forward an opinion: "If General Zhu is in an ambush and is attacked by the bandits while he is half-passing, then even if we go to the aid of General Zhu, it will not be of much use, and we can only hope in vain. Xunjun, I think What Zixiu said just now is quite right, we might as well kill across the river to defeat the enemy on the other side, then rush to the place where General Zhu and the thief are fighting, and attack the thief's flank, so that General Zhu is on this side of the river, and we are on the other side of the river, If you attack from both sides, it is easy to defeat the enemy! Isn't it the best policy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zhong suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "The thieves have left the city!"

Everyone hurriedly raised their heads and looked into the distance, only to see a fire dragon coming out of Kunyang City in the distance. After leaving the city, it was divided into two groups, one large and one small. The large group rushed towards the battle of Zhu Jun, and the small group folded to On the other side of the river from Xun Zhen's side. The marching speed of these two groups of enemies is very fast, judging from the speed, they must be cavalry.

Chen Bao murmured: "There are so many torches, these two thieves are afraid that there are thousands of people!"

Not long after, another enemy came out of the city. If the cavalry just now was likened to a fire dragon, then the enemy who is leaving the city now is a sea of ​​fire, continuous before and after, without any gaps, everyone watched for a long time, but still did not leave the city, it is almost suspicious that it is endless, and I don’t know if there is any How many people are in action.

Xuan Kang was stunned. He stopped talking about crossing the river and attacking the enemy on the other side. He clicked his tongue and said in shock, "This is the infantry of the bandit soldiers. , As soon as we got to the shore, the thieves came out of the city in large groups, how could the reaction be so fast? Oops, bad! The thieves were tricked!"

When things have developed to this point, no matter how slow the response is, people can see that their side has been caught in the Yellow Turbans.

Xin Ai said hesitantly, "There are also wise men among the thieves. They actually pretended to retreat from the city and lured our army to cross the river, then set up an ambush on the bank, and then the main force rushed to help. Zhenzhi, General Zhu's army is in danger."

Xun Zhen rode on the horse and turned to look after the soldiers under his command. Fearing that they would be shot by the stray arrows, the soldiers stepped back a little, and at this moment they all stared dumbfounded at the two large and small galloping fire dragons on the other side and a sea of ​​fire that was leaving the city. Two fire dragons and the boundless sea of ​​fire lit up the dark night, and the Kunyang city wall was clearly visible, giving people a great shock.

Compared with just now, the drum sound from the northeast was louder and more exciting, and the shouting of killing was also more high-pitched. If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear the sound of weapons crashing. It stands to reason that it is difficult to hear the sound of fighting at a distance of ten miles. This is either an illusion, or the battle is so intense that the sound of fighting can be heard ten miles away.

Xun Zhenxin said: "Zhu Jun may have just arrived at the crossing of the river now. At most, he will just send the striker to the opposite bank. If he can't get out of the battle quickly, when the enemy's main force arrives, not only will the striker fall, but the main force that has not crossed the river will also be in danger. "According to Zhu Jun's arrangement when he crossed the Rushui last time, the striker who crossed the river first is likely to be Sun Jian's team, which means that it is Sun Jian's troops who are now struggling.

He made a decision and ordered: "The reinforcements of the thieves on the other side have arrived, and our unit cannot cross the river. General Zhu will be attacked by the main force of the thieves, and we shall help him quickly. Yulang, you lead the white-haired knight first. , Bo Qin, A Bao, A Deng, led Er and other tribes to rush forward one after another, and immediately go to help General Zhu. Junqing, let your troops attack with crossbows and shoot three arrows in salvo."

The generals obeyed their orders and dispersed, and returned to their headquarters to act according to the orders.

"Bai Mao" is another name for the Central Army. "The army of the lieutenant colonel is all white clothes, Bai Mao, Su Jia, Su Yu, and looks like a full bloom." Xin Ai brought twenty-three cavalry from home, forty or fifty cavalry in total. Xin Ai galloped to the place where the knights gathered, greeted them, and they all mounted on their horses, whistling and galloping ahead. Forty or fifty war horses galloped at the same time, their hooves stepped on the soft shore, bringing up pieces of soil, the hooves were hurried, and they disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Liu Deng and others led their troops to set out one by one, and ran along the river to where Zhu Jun was fighting.

Xu Zhong ordered the left and right foot soldiers of Xiangcheng to follow the brigade first, leaving behind Jian Zhangshi of the two camps, lined up in line, and fired three salvos towards the opposite bank with the password. The Yellow Turbans on the other side didn't have many crossbows, and from the number of crossbow arrows, the maximum number was seven or eight crossbows. They probably did not expect that Xun Zhen's subordinates would have so many powerful bows and crossbows. Call again and again. Xu Zhong's subordinates, Zhang Shi, received a brief shooting training during the Yangzhai military training. There was no war a few days ago, and they received training again in Xiangcheng. Although they could not see the other side at night, the enemies were all gathered together. Son, as long as the range is sufficient, you can basically hit the target, three salvos, roughly estimated to hit more than 100 enemies.

After three salvos, two hundred people from the two camps put away their bows and crossbows, lined up, and trotted to catch up with the large army.

Xun Zhen led Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yan, Xuan Kang and others in front of the team. Two thousand people spared no effort to rush towards Zhu Jun.

The Yellow Turbans on the other side of the river had received three salvos, so they dared not cross the river to follow and pursue them. When the small group of cavalry to assist them arrived, they left the dead and wounded, and the rest of the group ran towards Zhu Jun.

The gushing water slowly flowed down, and the two teams on both sides of the river, which belonged to the enemy and the other, ran in the same direction.

As he got closer to the destination, the shouts of killing and the drums of war became louder and louder. First, the sound of the collision of weapons became clear, and then the screams could be heard in the distance. The screams came one after another, and they were disturbed by the night wind, and it was unknown whether it was from the enemy or one's own side. Xun Zhen and the Yellow Turbans on the other side quickened their pace almost at the same time.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

After traveling for four or five miles, you could see the flames several miles ahead. The flames spread across both sides of the Shushui River. Not only did the enemy have torches, but Zhu Jun, who had been crossing the river in the dark, also set up torches.

Traveling for five or six miles, with the help of firelight, you can see that people are densely packed on both sides of the river ahead.

There were about three or four thousand enemies on the other side of the river. About two thousand of them were armed with shields and spears. They were lined up by the river, and they were on guard. They were supposed to be on guard for Zhu Jun's main force to cross the river. Hundreds of people were fighting, and the screams of killing came from here. The hundreds of people surrounded by them must be the forwards sent by Zhu Jun to cross the river.

As far as the eye can see, there are also dots of torches on the river. Judging by the scale, there are about hundreds of people. These should be the people Zhu Jun sent to assist the forwards on the other side.

After rushing for six or seven miles, this group of troops was killed and scattered by the enemy's troops on the shore before they landed.

The large group of enemies that had come out of Kunyang City earlier rode to the battle area. After a brief pause, it was divided into several groups. Most of them were stationed on the shore of the horses to assist the two thousand infantrymen with shields and spears to monitor the other side. Join the fighting team.

A horse is coming. Cheng Yan rode his horse forward, pulled out the ring-head knife, and shouted, "Who is coming?"

"It's me!" cried the ride.

Xun Zhen and the others heard the knight's voice. It was a knight who followed Xin Ai first. Cheng Yan put the knife back into its sheath and put him in front of him. The knight came to Xun Zhen's vicinity, shouted and controlled the reins, turned his horse's head, and changed to run in parallel with Xun Zhen. The ambush of the soldiers is fighting!"

"Who is the striker?"

"Secretary Sima Sunjian."

Sure enough, it was Sun Jian.

"How many people did he take on the other side of the river?"

"More than five hundred people. There was no one on the other side of the river. Sun Sima led a team to cross the river. Just after four or five hundred people passed, suddenly there were thieves ambushing soldiers. At first there were only a thousand people, but as the battle, the thieves soldiers became more and more. There were five or six shares, each with five or six hundred people.

"Five or six shares? Five or six hundred people per share?"

Xun Zhen's thoughts turned around, and she guessed Bo Cai's arrangement from these words, and said to herself: "Yes! I was still wondering how Bo Cai and He Man knew where our army was crossing the river, and they were with me at Zhu Jun crossing the river. There are actually ambush soldiers at the crossing of the river. Now it seems that Bo Cai and He Man are casting a net all over the sky this time. They must have set up ambushes at all the places suitable for crossing the river! The five or six thieves who arrived later are obviously the original ones. The ambush that was set up elsewhere came one after another after hearing the war."

He guessed right. This time, Bocai set up a total of ten lines of ambushes. They were all warriors selected from the army. There were five or six hundred men in each line. Halfway there was an ambush all the way. A mile and a half, the distance is not far, so after Zhu Jun was discovered, other ambush soldiers could quickly arrive for reinforcements. The "thousands of people" who trapped Sun Jian first were the two closest people who were ambushed in one place.

"Then the cavalry of the thieves will arrive." The knight pointed to the opposite bank, "The main force of the thieves is about to arrive!"

On the other side of the river, the knight was referring to the sea of ​​fire that was leaving the city. The front end of the sea of ​​​​fire was about two or three miles away from Xun Zhen and the others, and the last end was still in the city. In other words, this sea of ​​fire has fully lit up the distance of seven or eight miles. Xi Zhicai rode his horse closely to follow Xun Zhen, and the horse was so fast that the crown he was wearing was twisted upside down. "

The knight who came back to report the news went on to say: "Sun Sima was entangled by the bandits as soon as he crossed the river, and he couldn't come back. Therefore, General Zhu has not been able to take away the soil bag upstream." Sun Jian was still on the other side. Taking away the soil bag is equivalent to leaving Sun Jian to the enemy. Zhu Jun and Sun Jian were little fellows, and they had known each other for a long time, so he couldn't do such a thing.

"As you just said, there were not many bandit soldiers on the other side at first. Why didn't General Zhu send troops to help Sun Sima when he was entangled?"

"General Zhu has sent people to help. The river is too muddy to walk, and it is impossible to send too many people to cross the river at the same time. There were three batches, each with more than 200 people to help Sun Sima, but there were many thieves in ambush on the other side of the river. Fierce, his banner is the word 'fall into battle', most of them are wearing armor, and he fights extremely bravely, which is completely different from the thieves we have encountered before.

The "Trapped Camp" was compiled in Xiangcheng by Bo Cai who studied Xun Zhen and selected dead men who had hatred between officers and soldiers. It was one of the two elites of the Yellow Turban Army. Before the reorganization of the Yellow Turban Army, Jingzhuang was mixed with women and children, and could not exert their combat effectiveness. After the reorganization, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. The first thousand dead soldiers who fell into the camp could actually entangle the Jiangdong Tigers with hundreds of them, and resist Zhu Jun's three rescues.

The knight continued: "The last aid was just now, and the thieves were killed and scattered before they landed."

It was useless for the Yellow Turban soldiers to send reinforcements when they were young. Now there are more and more Yellow Turbans, and hundreds of knights have come. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "I'm afraid Zhu Jun will not send people to cross the river again." Asked, " Besides sending people across the river to rescue, what other countermeasures does General Zhu have?"

"General Zhu ordered the Sanhe knights who are good at shooting to gather on the shore and shoot arrows at the densely populated area of ​​thieves on the other side, hoping to help Sun Sima break through."

The enemy is gathering more and more, and the large force will arrive soon. When the enemy is on the shore, our army crosses the river by attacking from the back, and the bottom of the river is muddy. With one step, we sink into a pit, and we cannot charge and take no advantage of the terrain. The enemy is numerous and occupies a favorable territory, and our army is at a disadvantage. Xun Zhen could imagine Zhu Jun's mood at this time, it must be a conflict. He didn't want to sit back and watch Sun Jian fight hard, but he couldn't send someone to help him.

Two miles passed in an instant, and Xun Zhen arrived at the place where the battle was fought.

The small group of infantry and knights of the Yellow Turban Army who came with him also arrived on the other side. They did not join the battle group, but lined up on the shore with the two thousand infantry with shields and hundreds of knights. .

When he got close, he could see clearly that the enemy who surrounded Sun Jian was indeed 2,000 people up and down, and they were fighting **** battles. The one or two hundred cavalry separated from the enemy cavalry also galloped into the fighting formation, assisting the infantry in attacking the position that Sun Jian was holding. Sun Jian gathered his followers, and surrounded by the enemy, most of them turned their backs inwards and their faces outwards, forming a ring formation, wielding spears and halberds to fight the approaching enemies, while the remaining few soldiers Act as a backup in the squad. In the case of being surrounded, forming a ring formation to defend against the enemy is a formation tactic commonly used by the cavalry of the Han army, and the infantry can also use it.

The formation of pawns was wounded or killed from time to time, causing a short-term gap in the ring, but soon there were alternate pawns in the formation to fill in.

Hundreds of corpses were piled up around their ring formation, including enemies and their own.

Xun Zhen restrained the horse, squeezed her legs, pinched the belly of the horse, and stood up to look at it, and saw at a glance that there were two extremely brave horses in the ring, one was not wearing a hood, the other was red and black, and the other was a green cong. The other cavalry was wearing heavy armor and holding a strong bow. The two cavalry cooperated with each other to rush out of the ring, and penetrated into the enemy's center. The enemy in the vicinity was attacked by the knight with a spear, and the enemy in the distance was shot by the knight with a bow. The two cavalry galloped past, like a gust of wind destroying the forest, and the enemies fell to the ground one after another. More than a dozen enemy cavalry tried to stop them, but before they got close, they were either stabbed by the red-haired knight, or shot down by the bow-wielding knight. However, although the two of them were brave, they were too few to break through and disrupt the enemy's siege. After 20 or 30 steps into the enemy line, the red-haired knight's spear broke. He abandoned the spear for a knife, took out the steel knife around the head, shouted loudly, and charged forward a few more steps before turning his horse back into the formation with the knight with a bow. This time the two cavalry assaulted, let alone killing dozens of enemies. After returning to the battle, the red-haired knight changed his spear, and after a short rest, he jumped into the battle and charged again.

Xi Zhicai also saw these two horses, there was no way, they were too prominent, anyone watching the battle would see them first. He pointed at the whip and said, "The red-skinned horse, is the person holding the spear Sun Jian?"

Xi Zhicai first saw Sun Jian outside Yangzhai City. At that time, Sun Jian was clothed with a sword and his head was wrapped in red silk. Later, he saw him in Xiangcheng. At that time, he was riding a horse in armor. He was riding a Qingcong horse, more than seven feet high. , very handsome. At that time, Sun Jian boasted to Xun Zhen that the mount was obtained from a horse dealer in the North, and it was a Dawan Tianma, and he bought it with 100,000 yuan. Regardless of whether what he said is true or false, the Qingcong horse he rode was indeed a rare good horse. Xi Zhicai was very impressed with this horse, and with the red robes that Sun Jianxi wore, it could be concluded that It must be Sun Jian.

Xun Zhen looked at him from a distance, and the knight with the bow who was cooperating with Sun Jian couldn't tell who it was, but from the heroic appearance of the man shooting arrows on a flying horse, he could guess that it was Han Dang. Among the warriors under Sun Jian's command, Han Dang, a native of Western Liaoning, was the best at riding and archery.

On the other side of the river there was endless fighting.

On this side of the river, Zhu Jun's men stopped at fifty paces from the river, and seven or eight hundred three river knights galloped back and forth on the bank, shooting arrows and firing crossbows at the opposite bank. Unfortunately, the Yellow Turbans had shields, and bows and crossbows were of little use.

Xun Zhen ordered his subordinates to stop on the spot, and brought Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, and Cheng Yan to Zhu Jun.

All the soldiers under Zhu Jun knew him, and when they saw him coming on horseback, they got out of the way.

Xun Zhen rode on the horse and asked, "Where is the general?"

A soldier who was more than six hundred stone stretched his hand to the northeast and said, "There!"

Xun Zheng watched and saw Zhu Jun's general flag among the banners standing in the forest. He galloped on his horse. When he was about to arrive, he saw a group of knights in double armor sitting on the ground. Their mounts were scattered around.

Xuan Kang glanced curiously at the front of the group of knights sitting on the ground, recognized their origin, and said in a low voice: "It's a knight from the Yueqi Camp. Why are you sitting on the ground, covered in mud? "

Cheng Yan said, "Maybe it was made while crossing the river."

Xi Zhicai said: "Yes. These knights not only have mud on their bodies, but also on their horses. General Zhu may have ordered the knights to cross the river to relieve the siege of Sun Sima. These knights must have fallen while crossing the river and had to Back again." Zhu Jun brought more than 2,000 earthen sacks, and it is difficult to completely cut off the river water with these earthen sacks alone, and can only make the water level drop. There is still water in the river today, knee-deep. There is water, and the soil at the bottom of the river is soft. Of course, it is not easy to ride a horse. However, it is not easy to cross the river, but Yueqi Camp is one of the five schools of the Northern Army, and it is a well-known elite cavalry in the world, but it is not so embarrassing, right?

Xuan Kang was quite puzzled by this, but now was not the time to ask questions.

Xun Zhen found Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun was surrounded by a group of officers such as the Sima and the Sima of the other divisions. Prefect Wen, Fei Chang, and the Yueqi school captain with the surname Wei stood around him.

Zhu Jun is frowning and looking at the other side.

Xun Zhen got off the horse, threw the reins to Cheng Yan, strode forward, squeezed into the crowd, gave a military salute, and said, "General."

Zhu Jun turned his face and glanced at him. He didn't stop for a while, then turned his eyes to the other side and said, "Xun Ye is here."

"Yes. After my department arrived at the designated position for crossing the river, before we could pretend to cross the river, we heard the shouting and killing masterpieces here. I guess the general must have encountered a thief, so he came here."

Zhu Jun sighed and said, "I underestimated the thief Pocai, but I didn't expect him to have the courage to set up an ambush on the other side. Now the Wentai is trapped on the other side, and I have sent troops several times and can't save it. What is Xun Ju's opinion?"

Xun Zhen had nothing to do.

He looked at the other side and said, "The main force of the thieves will arrive soon. When the main force of the thieves arrives, it will be even more difficult to rescue Sun Sima. Right now, there is only one strategy." After the main force of the Yellow Turbans arrived, It was not a question of saving Sun Jian, but a question of whether the Yellow Turbans would kill him. If you want to save Sun Jian, you can only do it as soon as possible.

"Oh? What policy?"

Xun Zhen heard the sound of teeth clashing on the side, turned her face to look, but it was Fei Chang.

Fei Chang's face was pale and trembling, his teeth collided involuntarily because of fear.

Xun Zhen turned her face back and said to Zhu Jun, "The thieves have come out in droves. If you want to save Sun Sima, you can only send warriors across the river before they arrive, and see if you can bring Sun Sima back."

How could Zhu Jun not know this strategy? He has even sent three troops to cross the river, but they have not been successful. The most elite knights under his command are the knights, but they can't play a role at the moment. Although there are many infantry, they are all recruited temporarily near Luoyang. They are far from being elite. can not.

A young officer in black armor knelt down beside Zhu Jun, bowed his head and begged, "General! Send me across the river! I would like to take the rest of the headquarters to cross the river and rescue Wentai!"

Xun Zhen recognized this man, Wu Jing, who was Sun Jian's wife and brother.

Zhu Jun lifted him up and said, "After Wentai was surrounded, I first ordered Cheng Pu to take a hundred people across the river to rescue him, but not only did he fail to rescue Wentai, but Cheng Pu also fell into it, and then sent two elites. It's not that I don't want to send you across the river, nor do I want to save Wentai, I'm just afraid that even sending you there will be useless!"

Xun Zhen looked at Wu Jing. He didn't have much impression of this person in his previous life. From what he saw in front of him, this person was loyal to Sun Jian. After thinking for a moment, he pulled Xi Zhicai to the side and asked him in a low voice, "Zhi Cai, I want to save Wentai, how about it?"

Xi Zhicai was shocked and said, "No way! There are hundreds of cavalry and more than 3,000 foot soldiers lined up by the river. If you want to save Sun Sima, you must first rush through them, and after rushing past, you have to attack again. Encirclement! After entering the encirclement, after finding Sun Sima, you have to fight again. The main force of the thieves is about to arrive. The time is short, and there are too many thieves, it is too dangerous. "

"How much does it count?"

"Up to two points."

"Two points is enough!"

Xun Zhen thought to herself, that day, outside the city of Yangzhai, I took 300 cavalry and came and went freely among the thousands of Yellow Turbans, but now the Yellow Turbans on the other side are brave, only a few thousand, as long as I can do it. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately retreated. Even if he couldn't save Sun Jian, there would be no problem in returning with his entire body.

There is definitely danger in crossing the river to save Sun Jian, but danger and reward always go hand in hand. If Sun Jian can be rescued, he will gain both fame and fortune, not only can he gain the friendship of a fierce man like Sun Jian, but also gain a good reputation. Even if Sun Jian cannot be rescued, he will gain a good reputation and gain the respect of Wu Jing and the rest of Sun Jian’s clan.

He made a decision, returned to Zhu Jun, and said loudly, "Zhenbu Jiang Xian, Jiang Qin, and Liu Deng are all warriors, and Zhen Yuan will take them to rescue Sun Sima!"

When Zhu Jun heard the words, he heard a few misunderstandings and asked in surprise, "Would you like to cross the river?"

"Of course! Although Sun Sima and I have known each other for a short time, we are still together. How can we sit back and watch Sun Sima fall into the thief and not save him? I would like to lead the warriors of our headquarters to cross the river and fight the thief to save him."

"Good, good, good!" Zhu Jun even said a few good words, and sincerely praised, "Qing is really a yin milk tiger!"

Xun Zhen was different from Wu Jing. Wu Jing was not a heroic general, but Xun Zhen’s heroic name Zhu Jun was often heard when he entered Yingchuan.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "My Yingyin milk tiger and Sun Jian, the Jiangdong tiger, join forces and hope to make a smooth return!" He said, "Zhen bold, ask the general to mobilize all the thorns in the troupe. When Zhen and Sun Sima return from crossing the river, there will be thieves chasing them, and when that time comes, ask the general to order Qi Zhangshi to shoot arrows in volley to cover us and wait for our return."


As requested by Xun Zhen, Zhu Jun immediately arranged for someone to transfer all the bowmen under his command to join the Sanhe knights who were riding and shooting on the shore. A total of 2,000 people gathered on the shore.

Xun Zhen returned to the headquarters and said to Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin and the others: "Sun Sima and I have seen each other like each other. Now he is caught in a thief, and I can't help but save him. People are extremely dangerous, gentlemen, who will come from me?"

The generals did not hesitate and said, "I would like to go with you!"

"Okay! But the river is muddy and it's not good for a large group of people to pass by. This time, the soldiers are precious and brave, not too expensive, but they don't have to go all the way. Bo Qin, Zixiu, A Deng, A Bao, you and others follow you In the song, select a few elites, and make up to two hundred soldiers. For these two hundred people, twenty shield hands and fifty spearmen are required. Also select fifty brave men from your army to cross the river with me." Two hundred warriors and fifty crossbowmen. Xun Zhen was ready to take the two hundred and fifty people across the river.

The generals promise.

Xun Zhen then had to assign specific tasks to the generals: "When crossing the river, twenty shield-handers walked at the front, and Junqing took fifty crossbowmen to hide behind the shields, and then they shot arrows at the opposite bank. Qin, you will follow Junqing with fifty warriors with halberds. When you go to the opposite bank, that is, under the cover of crossbowmen, use your long halberds to stab the enemy on the shore. Ah Deng, take fifty warriors with you. The armored soldier with the ring-headed sword was behind Boqin, and when Boqin attacked the enemy with his halberd, he led people to the shore. Zixiu, Abao, you two and I brought the remaining eighty armored swords. The soldiers are at the promise!"

"Zhicai, Yulang, Shuye, the three of you don't have to cross the river from me. When Sun Sima and I return, you two can urge the Sanhe Knights and others to cover me."

Xin Ai and the cavalry came to aid Zhu Jun first, but after arriving there was nothing to do. As soon as Xun Zhen came, he returned to Xun Zhen's department.

Xuankang wanted to go with Xun Zhen very much, but he knew that he was not brave. If he went with Xun Zhen, not only would he not be able to help him, but he would probably drag Xun Zhen back, so he reluctantly agreed.

Xi Zhicai had known Xun Zhen for a long time, and said: "Zhenzhi, I will only know your martial arts tonight." He thought he knew Xun Zhen very well, but Xun Zhen repeatedly did things that he didn't expect.

He said, "Please go ahead with confidence. If you fall, I will take the rest of the army across the river to save you."

In such a short period of time, Sun Jian's troops on the other side suffered dozens of casualties, and the formation of the formation shrunk considerably.

Xun Zhen stared at the sea of ​​​​fire in the distance. The main force of the Yellow Turbans who left the city was still several miles away, and could arrive in less than half an hour.

He adjusted his armor and waited for Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, Gao Su, Chen Bao and others to choose the warriors to cross the river, and then listed their formations.

The night is deep, the fire, the river, the stars and the moon are reflected.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of cavalry on this side of the river and thousands of cavalry on the other side of the river, their small force of more than 200 people descended into the river and rushed towards the opposite bank.

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