The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 61: 5 More tragic drum horns (middle)

The cold is much better, and it will probably be normal tomorrow. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*


Battles involving tens of thousands of people cannot be fought in a rush. There needs to be a specific division of labor and an order of advance.

In "Wei Liao Zi", it is said: Divide the fighting army into four branches: the pawn, the Xing army, the back army, and the large army.

The army is the main attacking force. The legion set out ahead of the main army, was a hundred miles away from the main army, brought three days of food, and made an appointment with the main army for a battle time. The Xing Army set off ahead of the Hei Army, a hundred miles away from the Heel Army, and two hundred miles away from the main army, and brought six days' worth of food to prepare for the follow-up troops. The pawns are responsible for occupying favorable terrain, chasing the enemy when the battle is won, and pressing the enemy when they are temporarily stationed on standby.

Xun Zhen's team of 3,000 people was equivalent to the back army.

After arriving in Xiangcheng, he returned directly to the camp and called Xun You, Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Gao Su, Chen Bao, Liu Deng, Xun Cheng and others to hold a pre-war meeting and assign pre-war tasks.

Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yan and others walked very fast on the road, and it took only half a day to return to Xiangcheng from Yangzhai.

At noon now, it is time for the army to eat. According to Xun Zhen's order, the officers had to eat together with their soldiers. Xu Zhong and others were eating more. After receiving the order, they threw the food box and rushed over. The corners of Gao Su's mouth were still stained with grains of rice, and Liu Deng's clothes were covered with soup stains. After arriving, he asked Xun Zhen in a fuss: "Why did you go yesterday and come back today?"

After being reminded by Chen Bao, Gao Su wiped the grain of rice from the corner of his mouth and asked enthusiastically, "I heard that General Zhu brought the Fifth School of the Northern Army and the Sanhe Knights. I don't know how powerful the military is? It must be very spectacular! With them coming, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the wave?"

Liu Deng, Jiang Qin and others were also very curious about Zhu Jun, the Fifth School of the Northern Army, and the Knights of Sanhe, and couldn't stop asking.

No wonder they were curious.

Zhu Jun was a famous general in the imperial court. The establishment of the Northern Army began in the former Han Dynasty. It was originally the Suwei Army in the capital. At its peak, there were as many as eight schools, reaching tens of thousands. Later, it gradually transformed into a field army. Five schools, three or four thousand cavalry, but as long as there is an expedition, they will definitely be among the expeditions. They often go out to expeditions from the generals, or attack the Qiang people in the northwest, or go south to set up chaos, and some even stay in the frontier for a long time. A well-known ace field army. Three rivers, namely Hanoi, Henan, and Hedong, are located in Gyeonggi, so in the land of Han and Wei, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were many warriors, and the folk customs were fierce. Moreover, the most important thing is: they are the "Heavenly Soldiers" and "Wang Shi" sent by the imperial court.

The people under Xun Zhen, whether it be Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Gao Su or Chen Bao, don't look at how many military exploits they have made recently, to put it bluntly, they are actually all rural buns. Before they met Xun Zhen, Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin were only a little famous in Xixiang, Gao Su was only the son of a rural landlord, not to mention Chen Bao, a small ye Ting Ting pawn, so although they followed Xun Zhen had defeated the Yellow Turbans many times, but in front of the "general" from the imperial court, the famous five schools of the Northern Army, and the Sanhe Knights at the foot of the emperor, they would inevitably be excited and curious, and at the same time feel ashamed.

Xun Zhen said: "I arrived in Yangzhai yesterday evening. After discussing the matter in the prefectural mansion, I came back early this morning. The army led by General Zhu is stationed outside the county. How mighty the army is, I have no chance to see it, so I want to come and respond. It's excellent."

"After the discussion? What did you discuss?" After the generals finished talking about Zhu Jun, the Fifth School of the Northern Army, and the Sanhe Knights, they remembered and asked, "Yes, why did you go yesterday and come back today? Xun Jun, What reward has the lord given us?"

"The reward has not been mentioned yet. General Zhu decided to rescue Wuyang and cross the river to attack the thieves, so I and Zhicai returned to Xiangcheng first to prepare for the arrival of the army."

"You want to rescue Wuyang and cross the river to attack thieves?"

When the people in the tent heard this, most of them smiled and said, "Master Wang is here, the thieves will definitely fight back! Xun Jun, what task did Fu Jun and General Zhu give us? What kind of preparation?"

"Two tasks: one is to send more sentries to the other side to inquire about the current situation of the thieves; the other is to cut down trees and make earthbags to prepare for the army to cross the river."

Gao Su was a little disappointed, and said, "Didn't you call my department to be the vanguard?" He, this bun, wanted to show his bravery in front of the imperial master.

Xun Zhen had objections to Zhu Jun's eagerness to go south, why would he still be vying to be the pioneer? He said perfunctorily: "General Zhu is good at fighting, and he must have a plan. Whether to be a pioneer or not, we will talk about it when General Zhu leads his troops."

The generals took orders and acted separately. Some commanders went to cut down trees, and some collected cloth bags from the county to hold soil.

After they left, Xun You said to Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, Master Wang arrives, the thieves and soldiers will be settled soon, why are you so unhappy?"

Xun Zhen sighed and said, "It would be the best if the thieves and soldiers can be determined sooner or later. I'm just worried that I won't be able to win."

"how do I say this?"

"Although the army led by General Zhu has thousands of people, most of them are temporary recruits from Gyeonggi. In other places, such as formation, military discipline, etc., they are not much better than the bandit soldiers. They set out from Luoyang, traveled hundreds of miles, crossed Luyuan Pass, entered Wu County in the east, and fought against Lunshi and Yangcheng counties first. Without a rest, and now we have to continue south without a break, I am afraid this battle will not be easy to fight."

Xun You thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid that General Zhu is in a hurry to attack the thieves because he considers that many of his troops are recruited from Gyeonggi on a temporary basis!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"If it is a veteran of a hundred battles, then it is not a bad idea to rest in Yangzhai for a few days. Today, General Zhu brings Gyeonggi heroes who are recruited on a temporary basis, and those who rely on it are just one breath. When the anger is vented, it is not easy to bring soldiers."

What Xun You said was also true. The bravery recruited temporarily is no better than the veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. If they stay in Yangzhai for a long time, let the Yellow Turbans attack the city on the south bank of the Rushui River. When the news of their success comes again and again, I am afraid that their morale will fall, and it will not be good for the Yellow Turbans. Army combat.

"What you said makes sense."

Xun You smiled and said: "Master Wang has regained two counties in a row, and his morale is high, but in turn, although the thieves have also captured two counties one after another, but Wuyang has been unable to go down, this shows that their soldiers are exhausted, and this battle is not a problem. Can't fight."

Zhu Jun has already made a decision, Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and the others are useless if they say anything else, they can only do their best to complete their tasks.

Zhu Jun brought tens of thousands of horses, and the speed was much slower than Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai, and they arrived in Xiangcheng the next morning.

At this time, Xun Zhen had already collected a lot of information about the Yellow Turbans on the other side.

He took Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Le Jin, Chen Bao, Jiang Qin, Gao Su and others, as well as Li Zan and other county middlemen, to greet Zhu Jun outside the county.

To his surprise, Prefect Wen also came with the army.

On second thought, it is not surprising.

As the prefect of a county, Prefect Wen is his duty to protect the environment and the people. Previously, he could stay in Yangzhai on the grounds that he was in command, but now Zhu Jun came with Master Wang. As a landlord, he had no reason to stay and not enter. What's more, he is still a "criminal body", and it is estimated that he also wants to take the opportunity to make a contribution, so that Zhu Jun can help him speak a word in the court and reduce his guilt.

The number of people reaches 10,000, and there are no boundaries.

Zhu Jun and the others came from the northwest. Xun Zhen and the others greeted him in the northwest of the county. Looking from afar, they saw carriages and flags on the official road, spears and halberds like forests, and the marching procession was several miles long, with knights in front. After the infantry. Two or three thousand knights rode their horses to show their might, and six, seven or eight soldiers marched forward with spears. From a distance, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the military was very prosperous.

At the front are Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, and the captain of the Yueqi cavalry school surnamed Wei. None of the three of them rode a car, but all rode on horses. The county officials followed. In the crowd, Xun Zhen saw Fei Chang, Zhong Yao, Wang Lan and others, as well as Sun Jian. He and the people under the tent and Li Zan and other surnames in the county greeted In addition to them, there were hundreds of county residents who were selected to help the old and the young, kneeling on the side of the road, Food pots and wine, a total of welcoming teachers. Several old men who were leaning on a nine-foot-long dove-headed cane followed Xun Zhen and the others.

Going to the front of the army, Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen, Wei Xianwei and others dismounted. Li Zan welcomed Master Wang on behalf of the elders in the county. The dove cane is the king's cane, and the method of giving the cane to the young and virtuous began in the Zhou Dynasty. Han law: over 70 can be given a king's staff, the treatment of holding the staff is the same as that of holding a festival, and the status is higher than that of the six hundred stone officials.

Zhu Jun hurriedly stepped forward, took the wine, and said, "How dare the elders greet you!"

Li Zan said: "I heard that the general led Master Wang to arrive, and the people of the county were overjoyed. Since the beginning of the thieves, our county has been suffering from torment. Come on! This bowl of wine will wash away the dust for the general, please drink it."

"This time, I led 30,000 elites first, and General Huangfu led a 50,000-strong army to come to Gui County to kill thieves for the country and pacify the people!" Zhu Jun took the wine bowl and drank it, holding it in one hand. Wan, holding the hilt of the sword in one hand, said generously, "The day after tomorrow, I will lead my troops to cross the river to get rid of these robbers for the elders!"

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