The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 59: Just Filial Piety and Righteousness Zhu Gongwei (Part 2)

Zhu Jun is like the timely rain, it came in time, and Xun Zhen's dilemma was solved at once. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

In the letter, Prefect Wen urgently urged him to arrive at Yangzhai before night. After a brief discussion, Xun Zhen decided to leave Xun You in charge, and returned with Xi Zhi. Before leaving, he went to Li's house and told Li Zan and his son about the arrival of reinforcements from the imperial court. Li Zan was very happy and said: "Huangfu and Zhu are both famous generals in the world. There will be peace, and the thieves will be at peace! The people will no longer have to suffer from the trouble of the thieves."

Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yan and others left Xiangcheng and went to Yangzhai.

It was afternoon when we left the city, and the wheat fields were green.

After the people heard that Xun Zhen took hundreds of people across the river to lure the enemy and return safely, they became bold and dared to go out to the ground. Going all the way, I see farmers working in the fields.

After seeing their small team, some working peasants stood up and watched, seeing Cheng Yan and other guards wearing armor and holding spears, they were timid and thought it was a bandit attack again, or they were lying in the fields, or Turn around and run away. Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai saw these ridiculous actions, but neither of them laughed. Xi Zhicai sighed: "After the army is over, there will be a year of disaster. Although the army of the imperial court arrives and the thieves and chaos can be pacified in a few days, this year's farming will definitely be delayed. There will be no ploughing in spring and no harvesting in summer. I am hungry and suffering. I just hope that after the thieves are pacified, the court can distribute some food for disaster relief to appease the people. Otherwise, the people will have no food to eat, so they will take desperate risks. Disciples gather the crowd to make trouble!"

Xun Zhenxin said, I remember that after Zhang Jiao and Bocai were pacified, Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Baiqi and others gathered to resurface. The Yellow Turban Rebellion lasted for almost ten years. There are various reasons for this, but fear of lack of food is one of the main reasons.

He couldn't say these words to Xi Zhicai, he just nodded yes.

In order to hurry, they all rode on horses. February has passed, and March has entered. In the spring of March, the flowers are blooming and the trees are green, the trees along the road are lush, the wildflowers are a little bit, and the farmers are busy in the fields in spring.

Xun Zhen had been in Xixiang for a year or two, and these sights were commonplace, but now, looking at them, they had a different feeling in their hearts.

He sighed and said to himself: "When there was no military chaos, such a scene would not be surprising, but seeing this scene after the military chaos is amazing. Now that the Yellow Turbans have risen, this big man's world will become more and more chaotic from now on. Cao Mengde Poetry Cloud: The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no **** crowing for thousands of miles. Compared with the tragic situation in the future, it is still good. The 1.4 million people in Yingchuan County do not know how many will be left in ten years. This spring is busy. I don’t know how many years it will take for people to become accustomed to the idyllic scenery again.”

Xun Zhen came from later generations and has never experienced war, and since the ZTE era, although there were few wars in the Central Plains, there were constant wars in the frontier and the south, so Xi Zhicai was not as deep as he felt.

Xi Zhicai turned to Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, the governor of the government said in the letter that the right middle officer Zhu Gong led ten thousand people to Yangzhai first. Do you know this Zhu Gong?"

Xun Zhen really knew "this Duke Zhu".

He knew this person before he crossed, and he knew that this person was the hero of the Han Dynasty who wiped out the Yellow Turban Army. After the crossing, he never heard about this person in the first few years, until the first year of Guanghe, that is, he asked himself to be Fanyang Pavilion. Two years ago, I heard someone mention the name Zhu Jun. The first time I heard this name was to be associated with peace and chaos. In the first year of Guanghe, there was a rebellion in the Jiaozhi Department. Liang Long and the Nanhai prefect Kong Zhi rebelled, and the prefectures and counties were conquered. The locality could not be banned. Five thousand people entered from two places, and the chaos was settled in ten months.

Xun Zhen said, "I heard my brother Zhong say this gentleman, saying that he is a native of Shangyu, Kuaiji.

Zhu Jun was not from a noble family. He was young and orphaned. His mother was a merchant. Zhu Jun was very filial to his mother, and because of her fame, he embarked on a career as a secretary of the county, equivalent to the secretary of the county magistrate, in charge of keeping records, documents and other matters. It is not false to say that he "made his fortune in solitude".

Xi Zhicai was not from a noble family, so he knew Zhu Jun better and said: "'Just being filial and righteous, and making a fortune in a lonely place', Zhenzhi, what your brother Zhong said about him is very appropriate!"

"Just filial and righteous", Zhu Jun made a name for filial piety and entered the official career, and because of "good righteousness", he rose to the sky.

Xi Zhicai asked, "Zhenzhi, do you know that he stole the rope to pay back the money for others?"

"Slightly heard."

In Zhu Jun County, there was a man named Zhou Gui who was detained by the government. Before leaving, he borrowed millions of money from the county treasury, thinking it was a fee for the crown. Later, he hurriedly pressed for the money. Zhou Gui’s family was poor and could not afford it. He stole his mother's string and paid the money back for Zhou Gui. When his mother found out, she was very angry and scolded him. He replied: "Small damage should be a big benefit, and it is natural to be rich after the first poor."

If what he said, Du Shang, a native of Shanyang, who was then the governor of Shangyu, heard about it and was surprised and recommended him to Wei Yi, the county governor. Du Shang is a celebrity, and together with Zhang Miao and other seven people, they are collectively called "Eight Chefs". As a cook, words can save people with money. Zhu Jun's move was right against Du Shang's temper. As a result, Zhu Jun was promoted to the prefecture's office, where he briefly took up the post of prefecture. Later, the prefect Yin Duan who took over made him the county administrator.

Later, in the first year of Xiping, Xu Chang and Xu Shao and their sons revolted from Kuaiji, and Yin Duanzai was unfavorable for punishing the thieves. In the custom of the world, the officials of the prefecture looked after the ruler like a ruler. When the ruler was in trouble, the ministers should be in a hurry. Zhu Jun went to the capital and brought hundreds of gold to the capital to bribe the officials who presided over the memorial, and changed the memorial of the state shepherd. Therefore, Yin Duan was exempted from the death penalty, and was lost as a left school, that is, to serve in hard labor. Yin Duan was overjoyed at the waiver but didn't know the reason, and Zhu Jun finally said nothing.

——This Yin Duan is not very well-known, but he served as Sima under a famous general, namely Zhang Huan and Zhang Ranming, one of the "Three Mings of Liangzhou", and worked with another person who was about to run amok in the world, namely Dong Zhuo. In the first year of Yongkang (167), that is, seven years ago, Zhang Huan, who was protecting the Huns at the time, sent Yin Duan and Dong Zhuo, who were also Sima of the army, to attack the Qiang people who were offending the border, and broke them.

Zhu Jun's rescue of Yin Duan was finally known. As soon as he was named Xiaolian, his worth would be different. Zhu Jun rose steadily, and then moved to Lanling Ling. Later, he was worshipped as the governor of Jiaozhi and pacified the rebellion of Kongzhi and Lianglong. After the turmoil was settled, he was named Marquis of Ting Du and enlisted as a counselor.

Xi Zhicai said: "'Small loss is a big benefit, and it is natural to be rich after the first poor'. Zhu Gong is a resolute and decisive person. Losing big profits, in other words, is venture capital. Everyone knows this truth, but how many people can make up their minds to help a county person with all their wealth in order to get a bigger harvest? Zhu Jun was able to make this determination, and he succeeded.

"Just" people, Xun Zhen has seen many. As early as in Xixiang, he had seen Qin Gan's stubbornness, and when he arrived at the prefecture, he had seen Zhong You's stubbornness. After Yin Xiu left office, he had seen Wen's stubbornness again, and now he will meet Zhu Jun's again. fortitude. He thought to himself: "Zhu Jun is strong, I wonder if he is a good person to deal with?" As soon as Zhu Jun and Huangfu Song came, he, the county soldier Cao Ye, had to fight with them. If Zhu Jun did not speak well, the future would not be easy. Zhu Jun came and solved his dilemma, which is good, but if this person is not easy to deal with, it is not very good.

In his wild thoughts, he went outside the county.

It's been half a month since I left Yangzhai, although it's only half a month, it seems like a long time. In the past two weeks, he has done several major things, rehabilitating two counties, crossing the river to lure the enemy, and expanding his army to 3,000 people. When he came back this time, he looked at the old city wall from afar, and recalled the difficult battle against Bocai here more than half a month ago, and then recalled the danger of going south, with a lot of emotion. Now the imperial army has come, and finally got out of this difficult time.

It was already evening, and the people working in Tianzhong returned home with hoes. They met Xunzhen on the road and ran to tell each other. The people along the road gathered more and more. The story of him recovering the two counties and crossing the river to lure the enemy has been spread, and the people have spread the word about these two things like a god. Yangzhai is the seat of the county government, and the people of the county are better informed and have long heard of it. If Xun Zhen was only showing his military talents when he solved the siege of Yang Zhai, he is now a legendary hero of the county. How can we not welcome the return of the hero?

Xun Zhen dismounted, led the horse on foot, and smiled at the people.

Xi Zhicai also dismounted, followed behind him, and asked with a soft laugh, "Zhenzhi, you lured the enemy back ten days ago. When you entered Xiangcheng, the people of Xiangcheng crossed paths to welcome him. Zhai common people greeted him again, how do you feel?" Xun Zhen smiled and did not answer him.

After crossing the moat and approaching the bottom of the city, Xun Zhen noticed that there were four men in black clothes and swords standing in the crowd, not like ordinary people.

The person on the left has an extraordinary appearance, the person on the right is strong and strong, and the other person can be seen standing behind the two. Ten, wrapping his head in a red shawl, with a short beard under his chin, while stroking his beard lightly with his hands, he looked at him with great interest.

Xun Zhen thought, "Who is this person?"

The other three were nothing. The man wrapped in red robes wore a black ribbon with a bronze seal on his waist. Although his rank was not high, he was undoubtedly an official. Xun Zhen, an official with more than a hundred stones in the county government, knew him, but he did not recognize this person. He thought: "Yes, Zhu Jun's army came to aid our county, and there must be a lot of generals and officers in his entourage, and this person should be one of them."

He did not want to be rude in front of the officers from the imperial court, so he immediately showed his usual modesty and politeness, brought a horse to the front of these people, handed the reins to Cheng Yan, bowed his hands and said: "Xunzhen, all the gentlemen have extraordinary looks. , with a sword and a seal, he doesn't look like a person in my county, I think he must be the handsome man under Zhu Gong's account?"

The man with his head wrapped in red robes probably did not expect that Xun Zhen would come over to say hello, he paused while stroking his beard, then returned the hand and said: "It turns out that Xun Jun is at your feet!" The accents around Wu and Yang sounded a bit laborious. Maybe he also realized this problem, and quickly switched to talking, and then said, "Under Sun Jian, Duke Zhu is under the command of the military Sima."

"..., but Sun Wentai from Fuchun, Wu Jun?"

"Huh? Does Jun Xun know you're here?"

"The seventeenth plan of the year of the king to kill the pirates, the first year of Xiping broke Xuchang and Xu Shao, and the fame spread far and wide, and it has been famous for a long time!" It is also thanks to Xunzhen that since the time of crossing, Xunzhen has cultivated his self-cultivation and cultivated a deep city. He didn't turn pale after hearing this person's self-reporting, but just stayed for a while and then his face was as usual.

Sun Jian laughed and said: "I didn't expect that I would also hear the name of the inferior. Killing pirates, breaking Xuchang's father and son, it's just a trivial matter, how can it be compared with the one! Famous. Keeping Yangzhai, Fuliang County, and crossing the river to lure the enemy is worthy of a big tit! Jian's little effort in the past is not worth mentioning compared to his single step, and he is willing to bow down."

Although it was the first time he met Xun Zhen, Sun Jian was not restrained, and his conversation was quite straightforward.

"My steps are too modest." Xun Zhen turned to look at the three people standing behind him and thought, "I don't know who these people are? I think these people are very respectful to Sun Jian, like his followers. , wait for me to ask a question." He asked, "Excuse me, do you know who these heroes are?"

"Oh, this is Zu Mao, this is Han Dang, this is Cheng Pu."

Zu Mao was the burly man with Kong Wu, Cheng Pu was the man with extraordinary looks, and Han was the man with his legs rounded immediately. Following Sun Jian's introduction, the three of them bowed to Xun Zhen. Listening to his three accents, Zu Maoying is also from Wu County. Cheng Pu and Han Dang have Western Liaoning accents. Xun Zhen was secretly surprised, and said in her heart, "I have heard the names of Cheng Pu and Han Dang in my previous life, and I know that they are strong generals under Sun Jian's subordinates, but why do they have a Western Liaoning accent? Sun Jian is from Wu County, and both of them are from Western Liaoning. , how did you get together?" I was puzzled, but when I met Sun Jian for the first time, it wasn't easy to ask questions, so I smiled back.

His gesture of returning the courtesy immediately won the favor of Han Dang and others.

Among the three of Han Dang, Cheng Pu was also a state and county official. The other two were only warriors and had never been in official positions. Although they were close to Sun Jian, they were also characters like Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin. Xun Zhen, as a son of the Xun family and a military soldier Cao Ye, was not arrogant, and returned the courtesy to them, which was a courtesy they had never received before.

Sun Jian saw Xun Zhen's actions in his eyes, and secretly admired it, and said to himself: "I heard the words of Yingchuan people, saying that although this person is a child of the Xun family, he has always been modest and prudent, not proud of his identity, and sincere and sincere in his relationships with others. I thought it was a local reputation, but when I saw it today, it turned out to be true. Rare, rare."

Sun Jian's background is similar to Zhu Jun's. He also came from a humble background. He entered the office with martial arts. To the famous scholars and scholars, he was just a brave man. The celebrities and Confucian scholars he met before were so arrogant and rude to him, so just now after hearing from the county people that the person who returned to the city was Xun Zhen, even though he came to the county and heard his name, he had no idea of ​​getting acquainted at all, just Unexpectedly, Xun Zhen not only took the initiative to come to say hello and respect him, but also treat his servants with respect, which is really different.

Xi Zhicai didn't know why Xun Zhen was so polite to these people. In his opinion, these people were lighthearted in their words and deeds. They seemed to be vulgar and rude, and they were just a few brave men who didn't pay much attention to them. He had never heard of the name Sun Jian before. , I don't understand why Xun Zhen paid attention to it. He looked at the twilight and said to Xun Zhen: "The twilight will be heavy, you and I will go to the prefecture to meet the ruler [The Most Romantic Chapter 59 of the Three Kingdoms]!" He added, "It's getting dark, and the city will be closed for curfew. It's not appropriate for so many people to surround the city. It's going to be a long time in Japan. If you want, you can talk to Sun Sima and everyone in the future."

Sun Jian didn't know who Xi Zhicai was. Seeing that he was dressed in black, with a high crown and an extraordinary bearing, he expected to be a friend of Xun Zhen, perhaps a famous person in the county. "What this gentleman said is. Xun Jun, when we arrived in Yangzhai yesterday afternoon, as soon as we entered the city, Duke Zhu asked the prefect of Guijun to summon his steps to come back, and said: When you come back, you must ask the bandit soldiers carefully. The matter. Military affairs are important, please go to the county seat first. I'm going back too."

"I don't know where to rest now?"

"The prefect of Guijun allocated a house to Duke Zhu, and I am fortunate enough to live with Duke Zhu."

Sun Jian was a native of Fuchun, Wu County, and Zhu Jun was a native of Shangyu, Kuaiji. Wu County and Kuaiji County were merged into one county in the reign of Emperor Jing of the former Han Dynasty, but were divided into two counties in the first year of Yongjian (159) of this dynasty. Fuchun is only a hundred miles away from Shangyu, and Zhu Jun and Sun Jian are little fellows. Sun Jian didn't kill the pirates, and Zhu Jun stole the money for others. The two of them were good friends. In the first year of Xiping, when the rebellion between Xuchang and Xu Shao was pacified, the two met. At that time, Zhu Jun was the head of Kuaiji County, and Sun Jian was the Sima of Wu County. In the pacification, Sun Jian's bravery left a deep impression on Zhu Jun, so this time he ordered to pacify the Yellow Turban Army and specially wrote a petition to transfer Sun Jian as a military Sima. The two of them were from similar backgrounds, and they were old friends. They had a good relationship, so Sun Jian could accompany Zhu Jun in the same room.

Xun Zhen didn't know the details of this, but he could guess from the origins of Zhu Jun and Sun Jian that the two of them must have known each other for a long time, because she heard the words and said, "If that's the case, let's go to the city together."

Sun Jian is invincible. He and Zu Mao, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu did not ride a horse, nor did Xun Zhen ride a horse, but walked into the city with them.

Sun Jian turned his face and looked at Cheng Yan, who was behind Xun Zhen. Zu Mao's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he supported him. He stood up, bent over to pick up the stone, and threw it twice. Although he almost lost his temper just now, there was no embarrassment on his face, and he smiled and said to Xun Zhen, "Just looking at the warriors, I almost tripped over this thing. Down!" He threw the stone to Zu Mao, and said, "Today I am happy to see Xun Jun and the warriors under his command. It is a joy in my life! Don't throw this stone away, take it back and store it to remember today." Zu Mao Catch the stone and promise.

As he walked, Sun Jian asked Xun Zhen, "I heard that there are Le Jin, Jiang Xian, and Jiang Qin under my feet. They are all warriors, especially Liu Deng, who is too brave. I wonder if this warrior is one of them?"

Yue Jin led Tie Guan and his disciples to rescue Yang Zhai, Xu Zhong served Xun Zhen in the morning and evening, Jiang Qin was known as the "Western Bird of the County", and Liu Deng attacked and killed Bolian. These people are now well-known in the county. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Le, Jiang, Jiang, and Liu people are now staying in Xiangcheng and Jia to prepare for thieves.... His name is Cheng Yan, and he has been beheaded by more than ten ranks since I fought with thieves, and now he is me. Guard."

"Oh? It's also a warrior!" Sun Jian praised Cheng Yan, and then said regretfully, "It's a pity, it's a pity! I can't see Le, Jiang, Jiang, and Liu Zhujun today."

"If you want to see them with your steps, you will have the opportunity to attack thieves in the future."

"Speaking of attacking thieves, Xun Jun, I heard that the thieves are besieging Wuyang?"

"Exactly." Xun Zhen sighed and said, "I have been surrounded by Wuyang for many days. We have few soldiers and it is difficult to attack the thieves head-on. We are preparing to take risks and attack Kunyang in order to save Wuyang. With one step, a large army came! This is really a blessing for the people."

"Jian hates chaotic ministers and thieves the most in his life! Today, to seek thieves from the general, he will fight with blood.

"With one step, the fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River, and with one step from Duke Zhu, the thief must be broken!"

"Jiangdong Fierce Tiger?" Sun Jian murmured again and again, liked this title very much, and laughed, "The people of Yingchuan County call their feet a milk tiger. In front of this milk tiger, I dare not call it a tiger."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I am the tiger of Jiangdong under my feet, and I am the tiger of Yingyin. The well water does not violate the river water."

The two laughed at each other. I met Sun Jian for the first time and had a great conversation.

After entering the county seat and walking for a while, Sun Jian left and took Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Zu Mao back to their residence.

After seeing them off, Xun Zhen asked Xi Zhicai, "Zhi Cai, what do you think of Sun Wentai?"

"He's quite arrogant, maybe he's a brave general." He just met on the road and said a few words, and Xi Zhicai couldn't see what was special about Sun Jian, and asked, "Zhenzhi, I see that you treat him like that. It's not like treating others, why? Is there anything special about him?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Dao and Zuo meet, just chatting a few words."

Xi Zhicai had known Xun Zhen for a long time, and knew him very well. He didn't believe what he said, and said, "It takes so long to chat a few words? The mansion is waiting for you and me in the county palace!"

"I saw him in red and black, standing in the middle of people. He didn't look like an ordinary person.

Xun Zhen didn't want to say changed the subject and said, "I just heard Sun Wentai's words, this time the lord of the government called you and me back to Yangzhai because of Duke Zhu's request. Duke Zhu wants to see me, it must be for inquiries. Military. Duke Zhu and General Huangfu split their troops. He only brought 10,000 people to arrive first, and he doesn't know when General Huangfu will arrive? When will he be able to attack the thieves? If it's too late, Wuyang may still be difficult to protect.

"Let's talk after seeing Duke Zhu."

In the deep twilight, Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai and others arrived in front of the prefect's mansion, and ordered Cheng Yan and the others to stay outside the mansion, while he and Xi Zhicai entered the mansion.

Prefect Wen was in the main hall of the front yard, and soon called the two of them in. The two of them took off their shoes outside the hall, straightened their clothes, and entered the hall.

The candles were brightly lit in the hall, and there were many officials in black with seals kneeling on both sides.

The first two people, one in the main seat and one in the guest seat.

The person sitting on the throne was short, thin, and listless, and it was Prefect Wen. The person sitting in the guest seat is a prime-age man, with a black face and long beard, sitting with his head held high, wearing a light gauze robe, a crown and a crown, and a silver-printed blue ribbon. . Zhu Jun sat upright on the back of the case, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Xun Zhen.

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