The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 220: Words are not in the dark (4)

"Enemy" means equal power, and "enemy country" can be understood as a hostile country or a country with equal status and power.

Wu Chu of the former Han Dynasty rebelled, Zhou Yafu was the prefect, and he was about to travel to Henan in a chariot. There was a commotion, and it was said that Zhou Yafu had acquired Ju Meng, as if he had acquired an enemy country. When this dynasty was founded, when the battle formation was unfavorable, the generals were afraid and fearful, and those who lost their fighting spirit, Liu Xiu sent people to see what Wu Han was doing, and Wu Han was in the same spirit as usual, and he was repairing the weapon of attack. Xiu sighed: "Wu Gong is not good enough, and it is like an enemy country."

These two enemy countries both mean "equivalent to a country", and they are vaguely enemy countries, which means praising someone's role as equivalent to a country.

However, if only from the surface, it seems to be understood as: it seems to be a hostile country.

Then Xun Zhen used this word to describe Cao Cao, what was his original intention?

Cao Cao's heart skipped a beat again, the more chaotic his heart became, the more stable his expression became.

Another sigh came into Wang Yi's ears, but it was still from Cao Cao.

This time, there is no need for Man Chong to come to support him again. Xun Zhen asked with a smile, "Brother Xian, Zhenyu wants to keep brother in court to help Zhen, but brother doesn't answer, but why is he sighing again?"

Cao Cao knelt down on the seat, a short man with a straight waist, a black face full of solemnity, a calm demeanor, and looked at Xun Zhen, and said, "Since Gong also treats Cao as a confidant, calling Cao a brother, the so-called consensual relationship, Cao Cao Not sticking to customary etiquette, not being self-sufficient, and boldly calling himself a brother."

"Brother Xian, between you and me, there should be no restraint between you and me. Brother Xian, restraining manners, this is the fault of this brother! Brother Xian, although Zhen has three elder brothers, when Zhen was young and young, the three elder brothers died early or died. I was infected and passed away one after another. Zhen is alive today, my parents have passed away, I have no brothers, I am alone, I often feel lonely, and I have always hoped to have another brother!

"Yuan Henry Zhen", Xun Zhen originally had three brothers, he was the fourth, but all three of his brothers died when he was young.

Cao Cao said: "Okay, then I will be more respectful than obeying my orders. Brother Xian, I have not only recited the book "Nineteen Poems" that you have compiled, I have not only recited it over and over again, but I can't put it down. The literary talents in the county are discussing together. Brother, do you know which one of the songs is the best for my brother?"

"Fool brother doesn't know, wise brother please tell me."

Cao Cao said: "'Returning to the car, driving the words, walking the long road', this chapter is the favorite of Brother Yu!"

Xun Zhen asked, "Why does Brother Xian like this chapter the most?"

Cao Cao said in a loud voice: "'Go back to the car, drive and walk long and long. Looking around, the vastness of the east wind shakes all kinds of grass. If you encounter no old things, how can you not get old quickly? , How can longevity be tested? Suddenly, it turns into things, and the honorable name is a treasure.'..., virtuous brother, 'It is not early to stand up in life', 'Rongning is a treasure', these two sentences are touching my heart!

"The wise brother claims to have passed the age of standing, but he has not achieved anything yet. Looking back at the foolish brother, I am not confused now, but what achievements are there to speak of?

"In the past, when we asked Dong, the virtuous younger brother and Sun Wentai were victorious against the Dong bandits, but the older brother was unfavorable in the battle and was defeated by the bandits. Therefore, Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou, was stabbed to death by the yellow turbans bandits. , led the troops to attack, but it was unfavorable to attack again, and immediately, wise brother, you are welcome, and under the welcome of the people of Yanzhou, you entered Yanzhou, the yellow turban of Yanzhou was decided because of this, Chen Gong abandoned me; Although he helped the prince, he finally won a battle and defeated the white wave yellow scarf thief, but the minor achievements were not worth mentioning.

"This time, King Qin, first of all, he slammed his troops in Xiagui, and could not advance an inch, and then stopped at Weibei. It was really not helpful for the virtuous brother to defeat the two bandits.

"Brother Yu, in the more than 20 years since my brother entered office, the only thing that can be praised today is Brother Yu's youthful spirit of hanging a five-color stick for the Wei Shi in the northern part of Luoyang. Brother, you know Taiyuan's What do those shihao call me behind their backs?"

Xun Zhen asked, "What's your name?"

"Call me 'Bang Gong'."

Cao Cao was born in the first year of Yongshou, and this year is already forty-two years old. In his 20th year, he was named Xiaolian. When he entered the dynasty, he was first appointed as a Lang, and soon he was appointed as a lieutenant of the northern part of Luoyang. After all, his career as an official, It has indeed been more than twenty years, almost twenty-two years.

When Xi Zhicai and the others in the tent heard Cao Cao's remarks, some of them, such as Xuan Kang, who were not too deep in the city, couldn't help showing smiles on their faces.

The word "Bang Gong" is really not very pleasant.

This name is not a temporary fabrication by Cao Cao, but it does exist. Cao Cao was in power, with the style of legalism, and he used heavy code in troubled times. He used it very heavily in Taiyuan.

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Xun Zhen said, "How can one regard a hero as a success or failure at the moment? You know what a wise brother can do! You don't need to pay attention to what the common people say."

Cao Cao said with a wry smile, "I really don't care about it." After a pause, he continued, "However, wise brother, since the first year of Zhongping, when the Yellow Turban chaos began, Brother Yu has been in the prefecture and county, never in the court. In China, and even in the past, the idiot brother was only in the court for a few short years, and he was only the lord and the minister. In the local area, to appease the people for the imperial court, to negotiate dissatisfaction, so as to help the virtuous brother succeed in reviving the Han family?"

Speaking of

Here, Cao Cao let out another sigh—this was his third sigh in a short period of time.

Wang Yi looked at it and saw Cao Cao sitting on the table. At this time, his expression was mixed with expectations.

Cao Cao finished three times, and said: "In this life, Cao only hopes to make merits for the country, wants to seal the marquis, and be the general of the expedition to the west. "Sincerely looking at Xun Zhen, he said, "Because of my brother's wishes, may my virtuous brother understand? Maybe Yucheng?"

Xun Zhen was silent for a long time, and then sighed. Between sighs, he looked around at the people in the tent, and said, "If everyone in the world were like my worthy brother, who would be loyal to the monarch and serve the country, be practical, and be diligent and willing to work, how could the world be in chaos? Why can’t you make a quick decision even though you are in chaos?” Ying met Cao Cao’s gaze, and he also showed a sincere look, and said to Cao Cao, “Brother wise is willing, and brother fool knows! Help? Leave Chao Yunyun and don't mention it again, how about you?"

Cao Cao was overjoyed, got up and bowed and said, "I knew that my wise brother would definitely understand me and know me!"

"Of course..."

"Of course?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Taiyuan is a county, which is not enough to show the talents of Brother Xian. I heard it just now. Brother Xian seems to be really unwilling to be the prefect of Bingzhou. Brother Youzhou Governor!"

Cao Cao was stunned and opened his mouth to think about what to say, but he had already resigned from the state, and the second resigned to stay in the court. If he resigned from Youzhou again and again, what excuse should he use to say it?

Thinking about it carefully, it is really difficult for him to find an excuse to decline his appointment as the prefect of Youzhou.

He is unwilling to be the prefect of Bingzhou, so he can use Yuan Shao's appointment as the prefect of Bingzhou as an excuse, and the high cadre is well received by the people of Bingzhou. Thief, but what about the governor of Youzhou?

The former Youzhou Mu Liu Yu was murdered by Gongsun Zan, and now in Youzhou, not only has the court not yet appointed a new chief, Yuan Shao and other feudal lords who are qualified to be elected have not yet appointed a new Youzhou governor, only one. Liu He was recommended by Xian Yufu, Yan Rou, etc. as the main, but that was obviously uncountable, that is to say, Youzhou is currently without a leader. The excuse for resigning from being the prefect of Bingzhou is useless.

Youzhou is now raging with war, and Cao Cao just said that his ambition is to fight thieves and pacify the chaos for the court, and making him the prefect of Youzhou is also in line with his ambition. The excuse of resigning to stay in the court is also useless.

At this time, Cao Cao, regretted it!

If I knew today, why was it in the first place?

This King of Diligence, he should not have come; he has come, and when he sees that there is no hope of achieving the goal he wants to achieve, he should immediately return to Taiyuan, but he has made the wrong choice for both. As a result, he fell into such a difficult situation.

——In fact, this is not to blame for Cao Cao's wrong choice. King Qin must try it. Since he is King of Qin, it is extremely inappropriate to leave without making a pilgrimage. Neither of his choices was wrong. The mistake was that he didn't know how much Xun Zhen valued him.

Common sense, you Xunzhen have already achieved great achievements, the Son of Heaven has arrived, and Wei Zhenhai is in front of you, but how can you care about Cao Cao, who is now the prefect of a county? So for that? In any case, this was something Cao Cao could not have imagined.

Youzhou, Cao Cao is absolutely unwilling to go, this appointment is even more reluctant to accept than the governor of Bingzhou.

Unwilling to accept four.

First, if he takes this position, there will be an irreparable rift between him and Yuan Shao.

Second, he has worked so hard in Taiyuan for so many days, and finally managed to basically win the two counties of Taiyuan and Xihe, and also brought Hedong County over. He already has three counties, and the folk customs here are fierce. , the output is also abundant, give him a few more days, he is confident that he can build a strong army and really revive its momentum, but if at this moment, suddenly leave Taiyuan and go to Youzhou, that is All efforts were lost.

Thirdly, the current situation in Youzhou is even more chaotic than in Bingzhou. Bingzhou only has Hu Hu in the north and Zhang Feiyan in the east. In Youzhou, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Yan Rou Xian and Yufu have already been in chaos. Going to Youzhou, the situation is difficult to open, not to mention the time to develop, I am afraid that it will not be easy to gain a foothold.

Fourth, in terms of the best assumption, after he arrived in Youzhou, he stabilized the situation and truly took the post of Governor of Youzhou, but what development could there be in the remote area of ​​Youzhou? If he wants to develop, in the end he can only go south to Jizhou like Gongsun Zan, but if he goes south to Jizhou, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shao are not just suspicious of each other, but have a big fight.

After waiting for a while, Cao Cao didn't see any more refusal words, he just sat there, speechless.

Xun Zhen wanted to stop, but she did not continue to talk about this topic. She looked at the sky outside the tent, and it was almost evening. She instructed Chen Yi, the chief clerk, to set up a banquet, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhen and Xian I haven’t seen you for many years, see you again today, I’m happy to meet a defeated thief, today, I’m going to have a drunken break with Brother Xian!”

In a wine, everyone drank ups and downs, and everyone had different thoughts.

Before the second watch, Cao Cao was unable to drink and could not afford to lie on the case.

Xun Zhen personally helped him to rest in the tent prepared for him. After settling him down, he called him a few times, but when there was no response, he instructed Cao Ang and Man Chong to take care of Cao Cao and return to the tent. , and then had a drink and chat with Wang Yi.

Wang Yi came from Weibei

An, non-stop, less rest on the road, today I arrived in Chang'an, I met Liu Xie in the morning, and Xun Zhen in the afternoon, and I could not rest for a day. Although I was not weak, I was quite tired, and soon I got drunk.

Xun Zhen still personally helped him to live in the tent.


Early the next morning, before Xun Zhen woke up, Chen Yi rushed to report.

Outside the tent, Chen Yi said: "Duke Ming, Cao Taiyuan left the camp early in the morning, returned to his own wall, and left a letter to Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen hummed and muttered something.

Zou, who was lying beside him, was awakened by Chen Yi's announcement, and did not hear Xun Zhen's words clearly, and asked, "What did the general say?"

Xun Zhen opened her eyes, sighed, and said, "My virtuous brother, why didn't you say goodbye to me, so I went back to the camp!" There was no dissatisfaction on his face, but he was talking. , laughed.

After Wang Yi woke up, he was quite surprised to learn that Cao Cao had gone, and said to Jia Kui, "Yesterday in the tent, when Zhendong said that he wanted to raise Mengde Bingzhou's prefect, although the atmosphere was quite uneasy, then the situation has eased, Mengde and Zhendong, One sip of a 'virtuous brother', one sip of a 'virtuous brother', the evening banquet, the two even held hands and danced several times, really like confidants, but why did Meng De leave without saying goodbye early in the morning!"

Cao Cao had already left, and since he could not stay in Xunzhen's camp any longer, he also resigned.

Xun Zhen sent him out of the camp.

After sending Wang Yi away, today is the day to meet Zhong Yao. Before meeting Zhong Yao, Xun Zhen had to meet Xi Zhicai and wait for him to meet again. After dinner, he and Xi Zhicai met in the tent.

Xi Zhicai and the others knew about Cao Cao's early departure.

After reading the letter left by Cao Cao that Xun Zhen showed them, there was no words in the letter, but it was written that he did not want to wake Xun Zhen, so he resigned and returned to the camp. Guo Jia smiled and said: "Ming Gong said yesterday. Biao Bingzhou and Youzhou's remarks were so powerful that Cao Taiyuan was forced to leave, and he did not dare to say goodbye to Duke Ming."

Xi Zhicai shook his fan and said with a smile: "Not only did he leave in the desert, Duke Ming, Zhong Yizhi, I am afraid that Duke Cao will not stay in Chang'an, I am afraid that today he will cross the Weibei and return to Taiyuan. "

"If it's what the supervisor said, Duke Ming, does that make Cao Taiyuan the prefect of Youzhou?" The person who asked the question was Xuankang.

Xun Zhen stroked his short moustache and said with a smile, "I'm waiting to enter the court, but today is only the fourth day. I have not yet taken office, and I have not yet taken office. The matter of showing my virtuous brother as the prefect of Youzhou is now. Not yet."

Xuankang asked: "Then why did Duke Ming reveal this in the tent yesterday? Aren't you afraid of scare the snake?"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Sima is a sincere man! The purpose is to scare the snakes!"

Xuankang murmured, "Is it for the purpose of stunning snakes?"

Guo Jia said, "What Duke Ming said to Cao Taiyuan in his account yesterday was for the purpose of testing Taiyuan, and the second was to release the news early so that Yuan Benben would know."

Xuankang said: "So that Yuan Benchu ​​would know."

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Sima guess, what will Yuan Benchu ​​think and do when he finds out about this?"

Xuankang's eyes lit up and said: "If Yuan Benchu ​​knew about this, he would definitely have suspicions about Cao Taiyuan, and in order to prevent Cao Taiyuan from serving as the governor of Youzhou, he would most likely urge Qu Yi and others to increase their offensive against Gongsun Zan. , has created the fact that Youzhou was acquired first."

Xi Zhicai nodded and said, "That's right! The job of 'Lu Shangshu Shi' has already been obtained, and the next important thing is to move the capital. Before the capital move is implemented and completed, it is necessary to ensure that Cao Mengde is also good. , Yuan Benchu ​​would not do anything to obstruct him. Therefore, although Duke Ming did not have the time to call on Cao, he said it in the account yesterday."

Only then did Xuankang understand the purpose of Xun Zhen's words yesterday, but he killed two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, although it is not yet time to formally request the decree to pay tribute to Cao Cao's Bingzhou Inspector or Youzhou Inspector, but if the rumors are released, it can already be used to provoke the discord between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

The two are also to make Cao Cao, mainly Yuan Shao, have no time to influence the next move of the capital. Taiyuan overlooks the two capitals, and Yuan Shao's territory borders Henan Yin. If they, especially Yuan Shao, send troops, it may hinder the movement of the capital.

Xuankang suddenly realized, and said, "Duke Ming's strategy is brilliant!" He couldn't help but asked again, "Duke Ming, it means that this matter of Cao Taiyuan, I don't know when Duke Ming intends to implement it?"

"Let's wait for the relocation of the capital to be completed, and then we will discuss it later."

As long as the relocation of the capital is completed and the imperial court is completely under control, by then, won't it be available at any time?


Cao Cao didn't actually get drunk last night, but pretended to be drunk. He made a decision last night when he was having a banquet and dancing with Xun Zhen. Chang'an couldn't stay, and he had to go back to Taiyuan immediately, lest Xun Zhen really invite Liu Xie. The imperial decree came down, - although he has Ding Cong and others who can help in the court, but after all, the risk of this matter is too great, and he can't take any risk, because as Xi Zhicai expected, this morning After leaving the Xunzhen camp and returning to his own camp, he immediately gave Liu Xie a form, saying that he suddenly heard that there was a rebellion in Taiyuan, and he needed to go back to quell the rebellion. .

On the way back to Taiyuan, Cao Cao was worried all the way, thinking about future countermeasures. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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