The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 215: Huangfu coping with 3 puzzled

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty has been thinking too much, it must not be because of this."

Liu Xie said, "Isn't it because of this?"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, not only did the minister have an old acquaintance with Xun Zhen, the great-grandfather of the Zhen family, Xun Shu, the great-grandfather of the minister, the father of Taifu Han Rong, and the father of Duke Chen, the old minister, were all respected by the village in the past, and were called '' The four chiefs of Yingchuan', the courtiers and the Zhen clan are also family friends.

"Since Xun Shu's descent, the Xun clan's successive dynasties have all used the name of the Qing Dynasty to be more important in the sea. Therefore, Sikong Xun Shuang, the sixth son of Xun Shu, once lived in hiding in Hanbin for more than ten years. Although Dong Zhuo was famous for his brutality, he moved to Sikong in ninety-three days, as His Majesty knew!

"Your Majesty, the Xunzhen family expects this and has good family education. How could they have delusional thoughts of dissatisfaction with the edict of the state? Because the minister asserted that the chastity speech was not accepted, it must not be because of dissatisfaction with the award."

Liu Xie said: "I have also heard the name of Xun Shu; therefore, Sikong Xun Shuang is indeed just like the words of the emperor, his morality is high, and he is worthy of being a teacher's example. Therefore, I miss it to this day.”

Liu Xie was the emperor appointed by Dong Zhuo at the end of September in the sixth year of Zhongping. Xun Shuang died in the following year, that is, in May of the first year of Chuping. Therefore, Liu Xie and Xun Shuang knew each other, and not only did they know each other, but Xun Shuang was worshipped. After becoming Sikong, as one of the three princes, Liu Xie met with him a lot.

The "four chiefs of Yingchuan" mentioned by Zhong Yao are Xun Shu, Han Rong's father Han Shao, Zhong Yao's great-grandfather Zhong Hao, Chen Ji's father, and Chen Qun's grandfather Chen Yu. In Zhong Yao's words, "the old minister of the ancients, Duke Chen," said that Chen Ji once served as the minister of Shangshu when Dong Zhuo was in power.

The four Xun Shu were in the same famous prefectures in the past, and the "long", which means teacher, was the model of learning for the younger generation of scholars in Yingchuan.

Zhong Yao and Xun Zhen have not seen each other for so many years, yet they have been able to keep in touch with each other in letters, and Han Rong's happiness after seeing Xun Zhen, and when Yang Biao accused Xun Zhen in the tent, he also spoke for Xun Zhen, except for Xun Zhen. In addition to their own status, strength, ability and other reasons, the relationship that the elders of the three of them once existed is also one of the reasons. This is the power of the nobility.

If you analyze it a little deeper, Zhong Yao and Han Rong's more active attitude of keeping in touch with Xun Zhen and more active contact with Xun Zhen is actually related to the folk customs of Yingchuan.

As mentioned in the previous article, Yingchuan was the land of Korea during the Warring States Period. In Korea, there was Shen Bu harm reform first, and then there was a Legalist giant like Han Feizi. Its people were deeply influenced by Legalism, and the folk customs were more utilitarian. , because it is customary to litigate and have many cronies, the same is true for scholars, any gentleman who is not a party, can't listen to it, and likes to form a party. It is already a family friend of each other, plus they like to hold a group. This kind of holding group is based on the current local scholars' inherent exclusion. In other words, it is a more centripetal cohesion. It is not surprising at all to treat Xun Zhen with such an attitude of active assistance and even solidarity.

However, the reason why Guo Tu, Xin Pi, Xin Ping and other Yingchuan scholars who were under Yuan Shao's tent in Jizhou competed fiercely with the local scholars in Jizhou represented by Ju Shuo and Shen Pei, because they were from other places. If you want to gain greater benefits and gain a firm foothold in Jizhou, you have to compete with the local scholars in Jizhou. Moreover, there is no reason for the long-standing ethos of Yingchuan scholars. .

After listening to Liu Xie's words, Zhong Yao said, "Your Majesty, besides this, has your Majesty never heard of it? Before Xunzhen arrived in Chang'an, when crossing the Ba River, he ordered Buqu to put up a flag in front of him..." At this point, Zhong Yao paused and deliberately sold off.

Liu Xie really asked, "A flag is raised? Zhong Qing, what flag is raised?"

Zhong Yao said, "Your Majesty, only five characters are written on the flag that Xun Zhen erected."

Liu Xie was intrigued by him and asked, "Which five words?"

Guan Zi sold enough, Liu Xie's curiosity was hooked enough, Zhong Yao this

Only then did he say the subject and said, "Your Majesty, these five words are..." He said word by word, "Han and thieves are incompatible!"

The five words were in his ears, and Liu Xie's soft heart seemed to be hit by something. Suddenly, he couldn't tell what it was, and he repeated these five words in a low voice: "Han and thieves are incompatible." Although this is only five words, but as a minister of a big Han and a rebel, the meaning of swearing is inseparable, but it is vividly expressed in this mere five words, and it is resolute and unusual. "Han and thieves do not stand apart," Liu Xie repeated repeatedly, constantly smacking. His eyes were wet, his pale youthful face showed a moved expression, and his thin figure leaned forward unconsciously.

"Han thieves do not stand against each other, ... Han thieves do not stand against each other!" Liu Xie's voice grew louder and he said, "Zhong Qing, I have loyal ministers in the big Han!"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, if you are full of loyalty and loyalty to Your Majesty, how could you set up this five-character banner? Fortunately, do not doubt it!"

Liu Xie believed what Zhong Yao said.

But it was one thing to believe what Zhong Yao said, and it was another matter what was the reason for Xun Zhen's refusal to accept Che Qi's worship.

He said: "Zhendong's loyalty, I have no doubt! But Zhendong refuses to be worshipped, but why?"

Zhong Yao said, "Your Majesty, since Huangfu Li left, he has been at Xun Zhen's side all the time. He should have a better understanding of what Xun Zhen is thinking. Why didn't Xun Zhen say goodbye? Why didn't His Majesty invite him to come and ask?"

Being reminded by Zhong Yao's remarks, Liu Xie nodded again and again and said, "If you don't mention it, I forgot about this section." Then he sent an order and called Huangfu Li to see him.

Because Yang Biao and other ministers wanted to ask Huangfu Li a lot of things, Huangfu Li did not go back with Xun Zhen, but stayed in the camp.

Liu Xie's decree went down, and in less than half an hour, Huangfu Li arrived.

After entering the tent, Huangfu Li bowed down and saluted.

Liu Xie said: "Qing is flat." When Huangfu Li stood up, he said, "Calling Qing, I have something unclear and I want to ask Qing."

Huangfu Li said, "I dare to ask, but I don't know what is wrong with Your Majesty?"

Liu Xie expressed his doubts about why Xun Zhen refused the title of chariot general, and asked Huangfu Li, saying, "If I don't know, why does Zhendong refuse to be granted the title of chariot by the imperial court?"

Huangfu Li said: "It turns out that Your Majesty is doubtful about this matter. Your Majesty, this minister dared to say it, and it is not surprising that Xun Zhen does not want to receive this title!"

Liu Xie said, "Oh? Why does Qing think so?"

Huangfu Li said: ""Your Majesty, the minister said something that shouldn't have been said. If Xunzhen did not lead the righteous teacher to the king, Yu Hongmenting defeated Li Jue and Guo Si, and the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si would still be rampant in Chang'an. Wreck the DPRK! Thanks to Xun Zhen, the two thieves are now defeated, and they have fled far away, and the court is safe. If you talk about Xun Zhen's merit in reviving the diligent king, it is truly an extraordinary merit! In my humble opinion, Xun Zhen could have been rewarded according to the old story of Situ Wang Yun, but the imperial court only awarded Xun Zhen the general of chariots and cavalry. "

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Liu Xie hesitated, as if he had something to say.

Zhong Yao answered Huangfu Li on behalf of Liu Xie by the side, and said, "To be honest with you, it is not His Majesty's intention to honor the General of Zhendong chariots and cavalry."

"Oh? Who meant it?"

Zhong Yao said: "Before Zhendong arrived in Chang'an, the ministers of the DPRK and Zhongzhong had a special meeting to discuss how to reward Zhendong. At that time, there were also servants Han Gong and others, as Jun Shicai said, suggesting that it should be Therefore, the story of Wang Yun, the Situ, was awarded to Zhendong, and the sage heard it, and it was quite agreeable. However, Yang Gong, the prefect, did not agree. Town East."

Huangfu Li had actually found out about it just now, but he pretended not to know, and said, "The Holy One has already agreed, but I don't know why Duke Yang is against it?"

Liu Xiebu


Ding Chong replied: "Therefore, Situ Wang Yun had served as Situ and guarded the minister's decree before he executed Dong Zhuo, but after he executed Dong Zhuo, he was promoted to worship the minister and made the minister in charge of the affairs of the state. However, General Zhendong, the general who worships the chariot and cavalry, is already a sage who has greatly moved, and he has given him a generous reward, so how can he compare with the old Situ Wang Yun?"

Huangfu Li smiled and said, "If you follow Ding Shilang's words, then I think the old Situ Wang Yun can't really be compared with General Zhendong."

Ding Chong asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Huangfu Li said: "Thus, although Situ Wang Yun had done a good job in killing Dong Zhuo, he was not able to destroy the group of thieves, which led to Li Jue and Guo Si causing chaos in Chang'an, until the arrival of the diligent king's troops in Zhendong, which lasted for more than two years. For a long time! Looking back at the battle of Zhendong and Hongmenting, Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated, and the bandits were almost swept away, and the rest were just remnants of soldiers, and they no longer had the power to disrupt the court. Situ Wang Yun has not done enough to eliminate the evil, and Zhendong will sweep away the group of thieves now, and the judgment will be handed down! So how can Situ Wang Yun's achievements compare to Zhendong?"

After speaking, Huangfu Li bowed down on the ground and said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty! I have three puzzles!"

Liu Xie said, "What are the three puzzles?"

Huangfu Li said: "Although the two thieves Li and Guo can be wiped out overnight, there is no need to worry about it, but looking at the country today, the war has been turbulent for a long time. The crowd of people each considers himself a prince and does not pay tribute to the court; only talking about the three assistants, now there are as many as more than ten separate divisions, big and small. When Xun Zhen said something to Xun Zhen, the minister took it seriously, and His Majesty said to Zhendong that the country is sloppy, and it is very true when employing people.

"Since Your Majesty knows that when you are employing people, you need to use the power of Xunzhen to pacify the sea, assist Your Majesty, and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, but you are stingy with awards. ."

Liu Xie said: "It's not that I am stingy with the reward."

"Your Majesty, Li Jue is a thief, you still have to worship the big Sima, Xun Zhen is a loyal minister, but you can't worship the three princes and Lu Shang Shushi, the second of the ministers is puzzled!"

Liu Xie was very helpless, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said again: "I am not stingy with rewards."

"Your Majesty, I have a poem for Your Majesty."

Liu Xie asked, "What poetry?"

Huangfu Li stood up, took out a roll of writing paper from his arms, and said, "Your Majesty, this is a poem that Zhendong dictated when he was crossing the Ba River. The minister was there at the time, heard it with his own ears, dare to ask Dedicated to Your Majesty, please observe it."

Zhong Yao stepped forward to catch it and forwarded it to Liu Xie.

Liu Xie opened it and saw that the book on it was the Haoli Xing that Xun Zhen dictated.

When Liu Xie read it, he was affected by the depressing emotions in his text, and he burst into tears, saying, "It's all my incompetence, which has affected the whole world and my trillions of people!"

Huangfu Li said: "Your Majesty, even as Ding Chong said, Wang Yun is the chief minister, Xun Zhen is not suitable to worship the three princes, Xun Zhen has this heart of worrying about the country and the people, and if Your Majesty wants to use Xunzhen to sweep away the unruly ministers, how can you not make him in government affairs? ? You can’t be respected for the affairs of the Master Lu? When you hire someone, you know their loyalty again, but you don’t use it. What’s your Majesty’s suspicion? What’s Yang Biao’s doubt?

Liu Xie said, "I know what your minister means!"

Huangfu Li said: "In the past, in order to achieve a great cause, although the great ancestor was angry and worshipped King Qi of Han Xin, now he knows that Xunzhen is loyal to his ministers, but he is stingy with rewards, and the ministers are afraid that if your majesty is to rely on Yang Biao, the prefect, although he is pleased with Yang Biao, he will lose him. The heart of the world is full!"

Liu Xie wiped away his tears and said, "Your words are very true!" After reading "Hao Li Xing" again, he said, "Such a minister who is loyal to the monarch and worried about the people, I should be proud of myself, and I will be proud of it and give me a great responsibility!"

On the same day, the edict came out: to worship Xunzhen on the holiday, the general of the chariot and the cavalry, the secretary of the book, and the captain of the commander.

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