The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 207: Hongmen 1 battles the world (5)

This "crying dragon and phoenix" is the word used by Chen Yi in the original words of Xunzhen's persuasion to surrender Li Jue and Guo Si after reading the imperial decree of Liu Xie's order to punish Xun Zhen and the crusade against Li Jue and Guo Si.

Hearing Li Jue's question, Li Ru scratched his head and said, "The wolong dragon is a dragon that has not yet risen, and the phoenix is ​​a young phoenix. Duke Ming, these are two words of praise. Xun Thief is praising Duke Ming and Guo. Generals are like Wolong and Fengchu."

Li Jue stroked his beard, hehe smiled and said: "Seeing that the Duke of Nai's army is strong, you know you're afraid? But he came to flatter. But it's too late. Today, the prince must catch Xun thief."

After Chen Yi finished reading, he was guarded by the three hundred soldiers and returned. Although he thinks that fighting is going to be a war, and that it is the real issue to be braver than anyone else, it is useless to shout something in the middle of the two battles before the war, but Xunzhen has already done so, if she does not respond, it seems that It's shorter than him. Li Jue asked Li Ru and said, "Should I also send someone to recruit Xun thieves in the battle?"

Li Ru said: "If you surrender in battle, the thief will not surrender, but you can shake the morale of the thief through this move. Confucianism thinks that Duke Ming's intention is okay."

Li Jue said regretfully, "It's a pity that Zhao Wen was ill and couldn't go out with me. Guo Duo was useless, and he didn't bring Yang Biao and the others. Otherwise, if I sent the three princes to the front to recruit and surrender, wouldn't it be more able to shake the hearts of the thieves. ?" He ordered Li Ru, and said, "Just you go! You also bring some loud soldiers to recruit Xun thieves for me to boost their morale."

Li Ru agreed to the promise, so he stepped down from the tall general platform and brought hundreds of sergeants to the formation. He didn't have an order to read, but there was an imperial decree - the emperor, under his control, marched to meet Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, Li Jue, and Guo Si, and naturally he would ask for an imperial decree from Li Liuxie to punish the thieves. Li Ru then read this imperial edict to the opposite Xun Zhen, and returned to Li Jue.

After regaining his name, Li Ru said: "Duke Ming, when Cai Ru was reading the imperial decree to the bandit formation, he looked closely at the formation of the bandit army. It was quite solid. Fight?"

Li Jue sat on the high platform, looked at the formation of Xun Zhen and Sun Ce several miles away, stroked his beard, and said, "I have seen it too, the formation is indeed quite strong, no wonder Duke Dong once said that Xun Zhen was a little arrogant, but it was only compared to Qi Nai Gong, his military ability is nothing! I will not attack him first, wait for him to attack, wait for me to defeat his vanguard, then I will take advantage of the victory to pursue and disrupt his position, this is called, this is called..."

Li Ru continued, "Ming Gong, this is called attacking someone after the fact."

"This is what this justice means."

Li Jue's words were in his ears, and his posture was in his eyes. Li Ru murmured in his heart and thought: "After being favored by the saint, and being worshipped as a great Sima by the saint, the general's day is different from usual, opening his mouth 'My Lord', and shutting his mouth 'Naigong'." I felt that Li Jue seemed to be getting more and more arrogant, and thought, "If Generals Ben, Yubizan, and General Guo are the most appropriate, but Xun Zhenzhi compares them with Wolong and Phoenix, why is that?" Wolong , Fengchu, what do you think of these two words, how should they be used to describe outstanding scholars, and it is very inappropriate to describe military generals. Li Ru vaguely felt that Xun Zhen used these two words to describe Li Jue, Guo Si, I'm afraid it's not a sincere compliment, but a sarcastic remark.

——These, at most, he would think about it, naturally he did not dare to tell Li Jue.

The drums of war rang in the opposing formation, and a passionate voice came.

Knowing that it was Xun Zhen's team that took the lead in launching the attack, Li Ru hurriedly gathered his thoughts and looked intently.

I saw a soldier coming out of Xunzhen's formation, more than a thousand people, all infantry, all holding shields, about two hundred armored soldiers in front, holding a tall general's flag in the team, with the words "Zhongjun Lieutenant Chen" Five characters. After leaving the formation, he slowly pressed towards Li Jue formation.

"Central Army", as the name suggests, is the most elite part of an army, even if it is not directly led by the main general.

Li Jue also saw the flag from a distance and said, "Did you send the Chinese army out?" He asked Li Ru, "Who is this general?"

Li Ru had done his homework before the war, and he knew most of the worthy commanders under Xun Zhen, so he respectfully replied to Li Jue, saying: "Hui Ming Gong, it's Chen Bao. This man belongs to Xun thief. People from the village, when Xun Thief was the pavilion chief, he was under Xun Thief’s subordinates, and he was always trusted by Xun Thief.”

Li Jue Fushou pondered, pondered for a moment, and said, "This must be a trick to lure me."

Li Ru said, "A plan to lure the public?"

Li Jue did not explain to him, and sent orders to Chen Bao and the soldiers in the front line of his own army, ordering them to "not move rashly", and ordered the archers in the back line to prepare for the battle. Just wait for Chen Bao and his minions to get close, then shoot him.

The soldiers Li Jue brought to participate in this battle were all well-trained veterans. When the military order came, the bowmen were quickly ready.

When Chen Bao and his troops advanced to the ground of the Jue Array, according to Li Jue's order, all the bowmen and crossbowmen shot them upward, and the arrows fell, like a shower of rain, and shot into Chen Bao's troops. On the high general stage, Li Ru saw that the more than 1,000 infantrymen led by Chen Bao, holding their shields, faced the arrow rain, and advanced a little distance. The dense rain of arrows spins back. This turned around and retreated, and turned into a back to the Jue formation. Even if the shield was raised sideways, the shield could no longer play a good protective role. Soldiers were constantly shot by arrows. Faster, less than a quarter of an hour, the formation has become a mess.

Li Jue laughed and said, "How can you be defeated so quickly since you are the Chinese army? As expected, Xun Thief is tempting me!"

Li Ru Zanpei said: "Ming Gong expects thieves to be like gods!" He hurriedly entered and said, "Ming Gong, Xun thieves failed to seduce the public, the praise department has been in chaos, and in the opinion of Confucian ignorance, it is time to urgently adjust the elite soldiers to pursue him. Take advantage of the situation to attack the Xun Thief formation, if you can move its footsteps and use your main force to forge ahead, you will be defeated!"

Li Jue didn't look at the two formations, Chen Bao and his men who retreated towards Xunzhen's formation turned his attention to the cavalry formation north of Xunzhen's main formation, and said, "Although Xunzhen's troops are not as good as this duke's, they are still the same. He is a skilled soldier, so he should not be taken lightly, he must be prepared to guard against him.”

Li Ru said, "Is Duke Ming worried that the Xun thief will attack? If so, with Duke Ming's high opinion, what strategy should our army use now?"

Li Jue smiled slyly and said, "He can be tempted, but can't I tempt him?" He ordered the commanding officer under the stage, and said, "Go to the Qiang cavalry in the north of the front to give orders to chase and destroy this group of escaped thieves and rush to them. Xun thieves lead the formation, and all the captured proceeds belong to them."

The military officer who sent the order agreed and ran to the north of the array.

Li Jue also ordered another military officer to send orders and said: "Tell Hu Feng and tell him to prepare for battle. If the Xun thief sends his cavalry to attack the Qiang cavalry, he will lead his own cavalry to attack the thief's cavalry!"

The commanding officer took the order, and also ran north of the array to find Hu Feng to convey the order.

Li Ru slapped his palms in admiration, and said, "The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Duke Ming has a brilliant strategy!"

"If you are not clever, how can you be called Duke Ming?"

Li Ru responded with a smile, "Yes, yes."

However, the Qiang cavalry was not as good as the regular troops under Li Jue's subordinates, and the speed of preparation for battle was relatively slow. This array.

Although this Qiang cavalry could not catch up, they were both stimulated by Chen Bao's "defeat" and Li Jue's promise that the capture would be theirs. Xun Zhen is the leader.

There are two or three thousand Qiang cavalry, two or three thousand cavalry galloping forward, the momentum brought by it is not comparable to two or three thousand foot soldiers.


Xun Zhen was behind the main formation, on the viewing platform.

Chen Ji looked nervous and said, "I heard that the Qiang cavalry was brave, and Li Jue used the Qiang cavalry to attack first. I'm afraid that Zhenzhi will not be easy to deal with!"

Huangfu Li smiled and said: "Zhendong must have a countermeasure, please don't worry."


Xun Zhen is in the main formation and will be on the stage.

Sima Xuankang spoke up and said, "The Qiang cavalry is brave, why didn't Duke Ming order Hengye to attack him? You can also defeat the bandit army first!"

Xun Zhen calmly said with a smile: "Qiang Luer, why do you need a cloud to grow, a tiger's son is enough."

"Tiger son" is also the son of Xunzhen clan, Xun Xi. In the early years, under the tent of Xun Cheng, the title of "Tiger Son" came from Xun Cheng. Later, because of his admiration for Guan Yu's might, Xun Xi was unwilling to follow Xun Cheng, and now Guan Yu is under the tent as a general.

When the order came, Xun Xi led five hundred troops of his headquarters into battle.

Xun Xi's troops were not all cavalry, three hundred were cavalrymen, and two hundred were strong crossbowmen on horseback.

Although there were two or three thousand Qiang cavalry, Xun Xi was not afraid to lead the headquarter, out of the cavalry formation to the south, passing by the main formation, under the watchful eyes of more than 10,000 main formation infantry, I saw Xun Xi leading his troops approaching the front of the Qiang cavalry, Just stopped. Xun Xi ordered the crossbowmen to dismount and fire the crossbow behind the shield.

Qu Shuai among the thousands of Qiang cavalrymen despised Xun Xi's army, and seeing that he dared to fight, not only were they fearless, but they were overjoyed, and urged their headquarters to surround him.


on the viewing platform.

Chen Jiguanzhi saw that in the yellow dust that covered the sun, thousands of Qiangs rode, drew bows, or wielded knives, some with two big horns on their heads, and some covered with animal skins, strangely called Pentium, to the Xun Xi's troops were approaching, and they had already formed a semi-encirclement situation. The five hundred people in Xun Xi's department were like a small boat in the sky, and it seemed to be in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Chen Ji changed color.


In the siege of the Qiang cavalry, Xun Xi had the style of Xunzhen. He stood still, with a sword in his hand, riding the Qiang cavalry far and near, and repeatedly ordered: "Keep your breath, keep your breath." The five hundred soldiers under his command were all disciples of Yingchuan. , both natives of Xun Zhen and Xun Xi, and from the war for a long time, under Xun Xi's calm example, they are all calm. When Qiang rode into the range of a strong crossbow, Xun Xinai raised his sword and gave the order: "Shoot!"

Two hundred strong crossbows were fired at once.

The arrow shot by the strong crossbow is by no means comparable to the arrow shot by the bow and arrow. Whether it is thickness, length, or penetrating power, it is far superior to the arrow. A crossbow arrow shot out, enough to penetrate several people. In an instant, the nearby Qiang riders fell off their horses one after another, and some were strung together by crossbow arrows. The horses wailed, and the wounded who fell to the ground cried out in pain. Those who were near retreated, those who were far were still moving forward, and the front and back collided. The crossbowmen in Xun Zhen's formation seized the opportunity and shot them in a volley of ten thousand arrows.

The Qiang Cavalry left more than a hundred human and horse corpses, and fled to the northwest side of the Jue Army Cavalry Formation in embarrassment.

Xun Xi gave a brief command: "Chase!" He put his legs on the horse, lightly tapped the horse's belly, and rode out first.

The three hundred cavalry followed closely behind, turning the defense into an attack, chasing after the fleeing Qiang cavalry.


In Li Jue's formation, he will be on the stage.

Li Jue's adviser, Li Ru, said, "Who is the young general?"

The distance was too far, and Li Ru could not see the flag of Xun Xi's "Captain of the Crossbow", but judging from the unique arrangement of strong crossbow and cavalry, he replied: "It is Xun Xi, and the clan of Xun Xi is also a thief. ."

The drum sound came from the opposing formation again.

But this time, it wasn't from Xun Zhen's formation, but from Sun Ce's formation in the south.

The first general led about 2,000 troops, went out of Sun Ce's formation, and attacked Guo Si's formation directly opposite.

It was Sun Ce who responded in time to Xun Xi's pursuit of the Qiang cavalry.

Li Jue glanced briefly, turned his gaze back, still threw himself into the battlefield between Ji's formation and Xun Zhen's formation, and said, "Xun thief has a clan, but this gentleman has no nephew?" Ling said, "Tell Hu Feng to capture it for me. This little thief!"

Although the Qiang Cavalry collapsed, Li Jue was not impatient.

With the passing of his military order, Hu Feng, who had been ready for battle, immediately led the thousands of Liangzhou iron cavalry in his headquarters and rushed out of the cavalry formation, first to disperse the retreating Qiang cavalry, and then to meet Xun Xi and his troops .

More than a thousand cavalry of the enemy and us, collided with each other, and fought on the side of the near-jue formation.

Xun Xi's cavalry was few, and Hu Feng was a strong general, and his cavalry was all strong, and Xun Xi's cavalry was not a rival. Not long after the strategic battle, when Xun Zhen heard the sound of golden drums calling him back to the formation, Xun Xi immediately led his troops to retreat while fighting, and retreated to the main formation.

Hu Feng knew that the leader of this cavalry was the son of Xunzhen, and wanted to capture him for credit. , very fast.

Seeing that Xun Xi was already in front of him, he opened his bow and shot at him, the arrow pierced the wind, brushed Xun Xi's war horse past, and almost shot Xun Xi.

The soldiers of Xun Zhen who were watching the battle three or four miles to the east all took a deep breath when they saw this scene.

"Oops!" Chen Ji exclaimed on the viewing platform.

In the north of the main formation, in the cavalry formation, Guan Yu's brows moved slightly.


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