The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 205: Hongmen 1 battles the world (3)

"Attack Chang'an?" Wang Yi was taken aback.

Cao Cao kept his beard calmly, looked at Wang Yi, and said, "I don't know what the general will is?"

Cao Cao went to Taiyuan because he was defeated by Xun Zhen in Yanzhou, and even Dongjun was defeated by Xun Zhen, and he completely lost his foothold. Wang Yi of course knew this very well. Although I have met Cao Cao again, Cao Cao has never complained about it, or said a few bad words about Xun Zhen, but it can be said that Cao Cao suddenly proposed this suggestion without any selfishness. It was just to help Xun Zhen and Wang Yi. Also absolutely do not believe.

He guessed that the reason why Cao Cao put forward this proposal may be to compete with Xun Zhen for the first merit of King Qin, he hesitated for a long time, and said: "Meng De, although Zhendong has been telling you and me, please help him and disturb Li Jue. After Guo Si, and the main force of Li Jue and Guo Si's bandit army, it is also true that Li Jue and Guo Si have been stationed in Baling, not in Chang'an. There are only 30,000 to 40,000 people in our army, and if we attack Chang'an, the Wei River will not be easy to cross, and the two will not be able to win."

Cao Cao waved his hand and said with a smile: "Wendu, Gong is really an honest man! How much is as much as you hear? How can there be as many as 30,000 or 40,000!"

Wang Yi said, "Not so much?"

Cao Cao said: "The total number of soldiers under Li and Guo is no more than 50,000 or 60,000 people; you and I have already confirmed that Zhen's army numbered about 30,000 to 40,000. People bring out Chang'an's soldiers, not only will not be less than this number, but only more, based on this, it is estimated that the two thieves remain in Chang'an's soldiers, at most more than ten thousand!"

Wang Yi said, "Only more than ten thousand?"

Cao Cao said: "That's right! Wendu, the two thieves of Li and Guo are currently guarding Chang'an, and they are at most as good as yours and mine. If you attack Chang'an now, you don't have to worry about the strength of your troops, and there is one more thing that will benefit me. military……"

"You mean, Li Jue and Guo Si are not in Chang'an, and the soldiers left behind have no heads."

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Why only this! In Wendu, Li and Guo are fighting with each other. If the two of them can't get along with each other, then their generals will also not get along. There is no Li and Guo in Chang'an now. After the repression from above, you said that the two of them stayed in Chang'an, will they fight each other even more? You and I take advantage of this disadvantage, how hard is it to lose? Chang'an has been restored, and the road to return has been cut off. The news spread to Li , In the Guo army, the soldiers under the two of them will inevitably lead to chaos. You and I will cross Bashui again and attack Zhenzhi on both sides. The two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si will not escape! ... Wendu, this is a The two great achievements of King Diligence and Elimination of Thieves, the opportunity is ahead, and it should not be missed."

"...The public statement is true, but the Wei River is afraid that it will not be easy to cross?"

Cao Cao said: "Wendu, you are concerned that the Wei River is not easy to cross, let me guess, is it because the ships are difficult to search in a short time, and the second is that there are enemies on both sides of the Wei River guarding the ferry?"


Cao Cao had the tendency to command Ruyi, and said: "In my opinion, both are not difficult. It is indeed not easy to collect enough ships for 10,000 people to cross the Weihe River at one time. Ships can always collect them, the big deal is that we can cross the Wei in several batches."

"The ferry crossings on both sides of the strait are guarded by the enemy, what should we do?"

Cao Cao said: "Since you and my army have arrived, if the bandit army at Weibei Ferry does not escape, they can be wiped out. As for Weinan Ferry, you have also read the military reports in the past few days, and Yang Feng's troops are stationed there. "

"Yeah, Meng De! This Yang Feng has a grudge against you and me, and he will definitely not let our army cross the Wei."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Yang Feng does have a grudge against you and me, but Wendu, could it be that you forgot that in Youyang's letter, you mentioned that Yang Fengmou assassinated Li Jue? The south bank of the Wei River. He has nowhere to go now. When you and my troops arrive in Weibei, I will send a letter and ask Han Xian to recruit him to surrender, and he will be willing to surrender."

"If he doesn't come down?"

Cao Cao smiled mysteriously and said, "If he is so stupid, it doesn't matter. I have other solutions."

"What is the countermeasure, dare to hear it."

Cao Cao refused to speak, but smiled and said, "If Yang Feng does not surrender at that time, the public will know what my strategy is!"

Wang Yi trusted Cao Cao's ability to use troops through the battle of Hedong. He thought about it again, and was persuaded by Cao Cao, and said, "Okay, then let's do it according to the public!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed and said: "The battle between Zhenzhi and the two thieves Li and Guo is about to start. Since the public agrees with this strategy, it is not too late. In my opinion, you and I will leave a group of soldiers and horses to guard the lower Gushou. Jun, then you and I are the main force, bypassing Xiagui tomorrow and heading for Chang'an, how about that?"

Wang Yi replied, "Okay!"

The two agreed on this event.

After sending the king away, one of the people in the tent asked Cao Cao and said, "Father, even as Father expected, there are no more than 10,000 guards in Chang'an, and we cannot work together. What if the emperor is unwilling to leave Chang'an after our army has conquered Chang'an, and go to Ye County with my father?"

However, it turned out that Cao Cao suggested that Wang Yi and his joint troops bypass Xiagui and rush to Chang'an, not only to win the first achievements of King Qin, but also to preempt Xun Zhen into Chang'an and persuade Liu Xie to leave with him. Chang'an, temporarily go to Ye County.

——But why not move to Taiyuan? This is because Cao Cao knew that, regardless of strength or fame, he was not enough right now, and relying on his strength alone was not enough to control the court, so even though he knew Yuan Shao was unwilling to welcome Liu Xie, he still made this decision.

Cao Cao lost his high spirits when he was talking to Wang Yi, and he was very worried, and said: "Zhenzhi now occupies the three states, and his troops and horses are strong, and the only thing he sends is the righteousness. General and Benchu ​​are in a passive state everywhere." He sighed and said, "I never expected Zhenzhi's advance! I haven't conquered Xia, he has already left Huayin, pulled Zhengxian, and will fight against Li and Guo!"

The person who asked Cao Cao's words was Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang.

Cao Ang said, "I hate Duke Yuan for not listening to Grandpa's good words! If Grandpa Yuan listened to Grandpa's good words, he would be willing to give Grandpa more troops and horses. Xiao Xiaoxiao, how come he hasn't come down yet!"

Cao Cao said: "I know who he was in the beginning, and he has this temperament! When doing great things, he cherishes his body, and when he sees small profits... Forget it, let's not talk about him. Zhenzhi will fight with Li and Guo, and Li and Guo will fight. There is no doubt that I will lose. Now, this is the last chance to avoid me and Ben Chu from falling into a deep dilemma! Whether the Holy Master will accept my petition is another matter, but we must give it a try!" After a while, he said again, "Even if the sage does not allow my request, at least if we can get ahead of Zhen and enter Chang'an first, it will be considered King Qin's first achievement, and if we can attack Zhen Zhi, we will be able to capture it. Li and Guo, this is also a great contribution."

Cao Cao didn't deceive Wang Yi when he said "two great achievements" to Wang Yi just now, but it was the lower of his two goals.

When Cao Ang saw Cao Cao was talking, he suddenly felt pain. He put his hand on his forehead. He hurriedly approached and helped Cao Cao to sit down and asked, "Father, is the head wind wrong?"

"Get the medicine!"

Cao Ang quickly and Cao Anmin boiled medicine for Cao Cao.

When the medicine was ready, Cao Ang served it himself.

Cao Cao frowned, closed his eyes, supported his head with one hand, caught the bowl with the other, and drank the medicine.

"Father, are these soldiers going to Chang'an tomorrow?"

Cao Cao said, "I slept for one night and everything will be fine. Tomorrow the troops will go to Chang'an, and it cannot be changed!"


The next day, Cao Cao's head wind slightly improved, leaving a group of soldiers and horses to guard Xiagui. He and Wang Yi led the main force of nearly 10,000 people, passed around Xiagui, and moved westward along the Wei River.

The defending generals of Xiajie and the main reinforcements sent by Li Jue outside the city of Xiajie saw the whereabouts of Cao Cao and Wang Yi's troops and horses. However, they did not have many troops and horses. He was able to conquer Xia Ji, but he also had a lot of tricks. The defenders and reinforcements at Xia Ji fell for him a few times and suffered losses a few times. After all, he led the ministry away.

After Xiagui, we marched westward for more than a day and arrived at the Gaoling boundary.

When the soldiers arrived here, they were already across the Weishui from Chang'an City, and they were only fifty or sixty miles away from Chang'an.

There are also Liangzhou soldiers stationed in Gaoling County. Cao Cao ordered a number of flags, dispatched suspicious soldiers to confuse the Gaoling generals, and at the same time dispatched competent military officials to carefully investigate the ferry crossings on both sides of the Wei River in this area to find a suitable crossing area. .

The military officials came to report in an endless stream, and the words of the reports were basically the same. All the ferry ports on both sides of the Weishui River were stationed by enemy troops; the enemy troops at the Weibei ferry port were all stationed by the defenders of Gaoling County, and the enemy troops at the Weinan port were under Yang Feng.

This information has not changed from what Cao Cao had previously learned.

Just in time, Wang Yi came to meet Cao Cao.

Cao Cao smiled and said: "Wendu, I have already made a clear investigation. The situation of the enemy troops on both sides of the strait is no different from what you and I have learned before. Today I will send troops to seize the Weibei ferry; Weinan Yang Feng is there, and I will immediately Write the recruitment document, and you and I will make a name together."

Wang Yi replied, "Okay."

The letter of surrender was written, with Cao Cao's signature in the front and Wang Yi's name in the back.

On the one hand, Han Xian was sent to cross the water, and he presented Yang with this letter of surrender; on the other hand, Cao Cao dispatched his troops to attack the Weibei ferry.

There were not many defenders at the crossings in Weibei, and Cao Cao easily captured two. The officers who collected the ships reported one after another, and the task went smoothly. But until the afternoon of the next day, Han Xian did not come back.

Everything is ready, just Yang Feng.

Cao Cao wanted to see through his eyes, and waited until nightfall when Cao Ang finally came to report: "Wen Ye is back!"

"Wen Ye...? Where's Han Xian?"

"Returning to my father's words, I haven't seen it."

Cao Cao was puzzled, and after thinking for a while, he could not get the point, and ordered, "Call Wen Ye to see you."

Not long after, a military official entered the tent.

This soldier's surname is Wen, which is what Cao Cao's father and son called "Wen Ye". When Han Xian went to Weinan Ferry to send Yang Feng a letter of surrender, he was one of his entourage. With a sad face, he fell to the ground and said, "Yang Feng is a thief! He refuses to surrender to Duke Ming! He even shaved the hair of the subordinate!"

When Cao Cao looked at it, he saw that the bun on the top of the official's head was missing, and he was bald.

"He is also swearing, insulting Duke Ming!"

Cao Cao asked: "Can you point out to him that he is desperate now, that if Li Jue and Guo Si win and come back, they will definitely take his life; if Zhenzhi wins, he will not let him go. You have no choice but to vote for me?"

"The subordinate said everything! He just won't surrender!"

"...Where is Colonel Han? What about the military officers who went to Weinan with you from Colonel Han?"

Wen Ye gnashed his teeth in hatred, then wept bitterly, and said: "The thief Han Xian! Stay in Weinan! All the princes who went with the subordinate officials were all killed by Yang Feng! If it was not a person named Xu Huang who persuaded Yang Feng, If you say 'don't cut the messenger', the life of the subordinate officials will not be guaranteed."

When Cao Cao heard this, he was shocked and angry. He didn't say anything for a long time, and the corner of his head was aching again. He pressed his forehead, and said with pain, "It's vain to push it with my heart, and it will be a thief. A thief is a thief after all! Han! Xian loses me! Han Xian loses me!"

A person outside the tent came in, it was Wang Yi who had heard the news.

When asked if he could not persuade to surrender, Han Xian turned to Yang Feng again. Wang Yi was worried and said, "Mengde, our army has already reached Weibei, but as expected by the public, Yang Feng refused to surrender. How to do?"

Cao Cao held back his anger, quickly took back his color, and said warmly, "Don't worry, sir! I still have something to follow."

"Yes, you said that Yang Fengru refused to surrender, and you have other plans. Meng De, what is the plan, can you tell me?"

Cao Cao rubbed his forehead and said: "Yang Feng has nowhere to go, but he still refuses to surrender to you and me. This must be because he still hates this battle in Hedong. But that's all! He refuses to surrender to you and me, but if there is an order from the emperor, he will Would you still dare to refuse?"

"You mean to say?"

Cao Cao said: "I will write a letter to Youyang, and ask him to ask the emperor to issue a decree, ordering Yang Feng to make way for the ferry!"

"The emperor's decree? Good, good! This is a very good policy for the public! As the public said, Yang Feng has nowhere to go, even if he still hates you and me, but if the emperor issued an decree to forgive his sins, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only I can make way for you and me to open the ferry and welcome our army across the Wei."


It was difficult for an army of more than 10,000 people to cross the Wei River, but it was possible to send three or four people to cross the Wei River secretly by boat.

Cao Cao's troops were stationed only fifty or sixty miles away from Chang'an, and his letter to Ding Chong was delivered to Ding Chong a day later.

Ding Chong hurriedly asked to see Liu Xie.

Seeing Liu Xie, he bowed down and said, "Your Majesty Hexi."

Liu Xie frowned and said in surprise, "But Zhendong defeated Li Jue and Guo Si?"


Liu Xie's delight faded, and he asked, "It's not that Zhendong has won, why are you happy?"

Ding Chong took out the letter from Cao Cao, presented it to Liu Xie, and said: "Your Majesty, although I haven't heard the news of the good news from the east of the town, Cao Cao has led a fine army of 10,000 soldiers and has now reached the border of Gaoling County on the north bank of the Wei River, only 60 miles away from Chang'an. That's it!"

The courtier forwarded Cao Cao's letter to Liu Xie.

Liu Xie stopped looking at it and said, "It turned out that Yang Feng was blocked in Weibei. This Yang Feng has already betrayed Li Jue, but why didn't he let Cao Cao's troops cross Wei?"

Ding Chong said: "Your Majesty, this is due to Yang Feng's hatred of Cao Cao's former annihilation of the White Wave Yellow Turbans in the West River, and he was defeated by Cao Cao in Hedong. Your Majesty, in the humble opinion of the ministers, Yang Feng's actions are too ignorant to understand the general situation, why did your Majesty not surrender Order together with him, pardon him for his crimes, order him to open the ferry, and let Cao Cao's troops cross Ma Nandu? Now, Li Jue and Guo Si personally lead their main force outside. As long as Cao Cao crosses Wei's troops, His Majesty will be able to get out of danger and get out of trouble. !" He bowed down again and said, "That's why this minister is congratulating His Majesty."

"I heard that there are still more than ten thousand soldiers left by Li Jue and Guo Si. Is it possible that Cao Cao can defeat them?"

Ding Chong was full of confidence, and replied: "Your Majesty, Cao Cao knows his troops are good at war, and all the men he leads are the best in a hundred battles. It is swept away, Your Majesty, do not worry about it."

Liu Xie was refreshed and asked Zhong Yao, who was next to him, and said, "How do you feel?"

Zhong Yao remained calm, and replied respectfully, "If Dong Cheng responds internally, and if Cao Cao's troops arrive, the bandits left behind by Li Jue and Guo Si can definitely be defeated."

Zhong Yao's answer was not only unexpected by Liu Xie, but also within Liu Xie's expectation. Unexpectedly, the first skill of the Qin King is not only important to Xun Zhen and Cao Cao outside, but also very important to the close officials around Liu Xie. Liu Xie knows that Ding Chong is biased towards Cao Cao, and Zhong Yao is biased. Xun Zhen's, but at this moment, Zhong Yao had no intention of competing with Ding Chong, which was beyond Liu Xie's expectation. As expected, Zhong Yao has always been aware of the overall situation, and everything is focused on Liu Xie. He is loyal, and he does not compete with Ding Chong. Unexpectedly and unexpectedly, Liu Xie valued Zhong Yao more and more.

Although the big head's hope is on Xun Zhen's side, if he can get out of trouble sooner, Liu Xie is naturally very willing.

He then said: "Then I will give Yang Feng a decree!"

Zhong Yao said: "I dare you to draft this decree for Your The more Liu Xie sees Zhong Yao, the more he likes it, and he smiles: "I'm sorry to bother you. "

Zhong Yao finished drafting this decree for Liu Xie and presented it to Liu Xie for viewing.

After Liu Xie saw it, there was no objection, that is, the seal of the emperor fell. They sent people out of the camp and hurriedly sent them to Yang Feng.

The order was sent away, and Zhong Yao asked Liu Xie to summon Zhao Wen and other officials, and discussed with Zhao Wen and others together. Everyone agreed that only after the news of Cao Cao's troops crossing the Wei River came, they would order Dong Cheng to raise troops and **** Liu Xie to go there. Dong Chengjun.

After everything was settled, Zhong Yao, Zhao Wen, Ding Chong and others resigned and left the room.

Back at his residence, Zhong Yao picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Xun Zhen, telling Xun Zhen about this.


When Zhong Yao's letter was delivered to Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen's troops had already arrived at Hongmen Pavilion, and there were only two days left before the battle with Li Jue and Guo Si.

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