The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 197: Evil Lai was presented to the scriptures (Part 2)

Xun Zhen quickly regained his senses, and was busy calming down the suddenly turbulent emotions. He still focused his attention on Taishi Ci, Liu Bei and the others, and encouraged them a few words. After it is completed, it will be rewarded together.

Xuankang promised to make a record.

Although it was captured by Taishi Ci, according to the custom, the prisoners are disposed of by the military government. After recording the merits, Xuankang asked Xun Zhen, "Duke Ming, how to arrange the wives and concubines of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu?"

Xun Zhen struggled to control herself, so that her eyes would not fall on Zou's body again. She pretended to be understatement and said, "After all, she is the wife and concubine of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu, and she is not an ordinary maid. Choose a good account and settle down first."

Xuankang complied with his promise, so he summoned the officials and ordered him to choose a good tent in the camp, and send the Zou family and other women to settle them first.

After Taishi Ci, Liu Bei and others finished their reports, they left first and returned to their headquarters.

Jia Xu, Duan Xun and others stayed in the tent.

Xun Zhen continued to talk with Jia Xu and others.

It was only when he was speaking that Xun Zhen might appear uneasy, and his eyes would occasionally glance outside the tent.

It's just that Duan Xun and Jia Xu are the descendants, and they don't have Xun Zhen's permission, so why would they dare to look directly at Xun Zhen? Therefore, before and after Zou's entry into the account until now, the two of them have kept their heads down and respectfully answered Xun Zhen's words, but they were unaware of Xun Zhen's unusual behavior.

As for Chen Ji, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Cheng Jia, Xuan Kang and others in the tent, when Zou entered the tent just now, they were just as surprised as Xun Zhen, so they didn't notice Xun at that time. Zhen's abnormality; after Zou's and others left, now that the troops have entered Huayin, they should be able to invade Guanzhong soon, and King Qin will rescue him. Chen Ji is very happy, and his attention is not on Xun Zhen for the time being. Xi Zhicai , Guo Jia and others settled down, then either began to ask Jia Xu and Duan Xun about the specific situation of Li Jue and Guo Si's subordinates, or began to consider the specific matters of King Qin in the next step. No one was aware of Xun Zhen's subsequent unusual attitude.

But there was someone outside the tent who felt the difference in Xun Zhen.

This person matched the seal of a hundred stone military officer, with a dark face, dark complexion, and a dark mass. However, his appearance was solemn, and he was Sima Yujing, another subordinate of Dian Wei's subordinates.

He secretly saw Xun Zhen in the tent again looking in the direction where the Zou family and the other women left, Yu Jin thought about it, and looking for an opportunity, he moved to Dian Wei who was standing next to the tent door, and said with a bow, "Wu Jin thought about it. Wei, there will be something to say at the end."

"Wuwei Colonel" is Dian Wei's military title, because it is forbidden to refer to him as "Wuwei".

Dian Wei asked, "What's the matter?"

Dian Wei's voice was very hoarse, but he didn't have a restrained tone. When he asked this question, all the tiger warriors nearby heard it and hoped to come over.

Yu Jin was startled, and hurriedly glanced at the tent. Seeing that it didn't attract the attention of everyone in the tent, he felt relieved and said softly to Dian Wei, "Dare to ask Wu Wei to move."

Dian Wei muttered, "What's the matter, it's still so mysterious." He also glanced inside the tent and saw that Xun Zhen was talking to Duan Xun and the others. He should not be used for a while, so he went to the tent door. Take a few steps.

Yu ban followed.

Dian Wei asked, "What do you want to tell me? Hurry up."

Yu Jin accompanied him with a smile and said, "Wu Wei is always so impatient."

Dian Wei said, "It's not that I'm impatient. Duan Xun and Jia Xu are already in the tent. I have to protect the general's safety." A series of voices urged Yu Jin.

But he thought that all the simmering city was dedicated, and now he is unarmed, is it possible that he will still be stabbing in the tent? Not to mention Jia Xu, a thin old Confucian in his fifties who really wants to assassinate, why does Dian Wei need Dian Wei, Xi Zhicai and other scribes can overthrow him. However, Dianwei's loyalty to Xun Zhen had always been known to Yu Jin, and he didn't dare to say that he was overly concerned, so he laughed twice, lowered his voice, and said, "Dare to ask Wu Wei, have you ever noticed that the generals are talented? Behaving differently?"

Dian Wei couldn't understand what Yu Jin said, so he asked him and said, "What's different about the general?"

Yu Jin said, "Didn't Wu Wei notice it? Just at the right moment, when the Colonel Taishi presented the women he had captured to the tent, the general's expression changed quite a bit, and the military officials led the women away. After the tent, the general looked at him several times, as if he was reluctant to part."

Dian Wei said, "Is there any?"

Yu Jin said, "Dare to ask Wu Wei to think about it?"

Dian Wei raised his head, thought about it carefully, and said, "You said that, it seems to be true!" Suddenly startled, he could not help but touch the short halberd at his waist, and asked, "Could it be that those women showed Was the murderer noticed by the general?"

Yu Jin laughed and laughed, and said, "Wuwei, no."

Dian Wei said, "What is that?"

Yu Jin said, "Wu Wei doesn't think that among those women, there is one woman who is particularly beautiful?"

Dian Wei said, "They're all women, what's the difference?"

Yu Jin laughed with him three times and said, "Wu Wei is brave, if he is different, but dare to ask Wu Wei to think about it again?"

Dian Wei thought about it again seriously, nodded and said, "There is indeed a woman, a little whiter, who seems to be Zhang Ji's wife. Taishi Ci called her Zou Shi."

Yu Jin quickly answered and said, "Wu Wei, it is this woman! I can speculate that the general's expression changed after several women entered and exited the tent. It must be because the general was moved by the beauty of this woman."

Dian Wei looked at Yu Jin strangely, and said, "Wen Ze, why are you telling me this? Even if you guess right, it's the general, not me, who is moved by his beauty."

Yu Jin was speechless. He didn't know how to answer Dian Wei's words for a while. In the end, he gritted his teeth and told Dian Wei directly what he thought, and no longer beat around the bush, he said, "Wu Wei, the general is so beautiful. How can we, who are officials and officials, remain indifferent? And this time, the general personally led his righteous teachers out of Changyi and went to King Qin in Guanzhong. It has been more than a month, and the journey has traveled more than a thousand miles, over mountains and mountains, and attacked Hongnong by surprise. , and the general led his troops on the trip in person, and it is expected that the general must be very tired now... Wuwei, if you send this woman and the general, the general may be relieved a little."

Dian Wei suddenly realized and said, "Wen Ze, do you want me to send this woman to the general's tent."

Seeing that Dian Wei finally understood what he meant, Yu Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is exactly what the subordinate means."

Dian Wei hesitated and said: "According to what you said, in order to relieve the general, it would be fine to send this woman to the general's tent, but the general just said that these women Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's wives and concubines are not ordinary maids. Choosing a good tent and placement seems to be very important. Is it appropriate for me to send her to the general's tent? Will the general be angry and blame me for waiting?"

Yu Jin said, "Zhang Ji has lost Hongnong County and fled to Chang'an. The number of soldiers he accompanies will be no more than a few hundred, and sooner or later they will be captured by our army! The Zou family is nothing but a thief's wife, so what's wrong? Besides, even if you and I guessed Duke Ming's intentions wrong, you and I are loyal, and I don't expect Duke Ming to blame me."

Dian Wei thought for a moment, then said, "Your words are very reasonable! Well, I will send Mrs. Zou to the general's tent tonight." He walked back to the tent door, before taking two steps, he paused and waved. Calling Yu Jin to come forward, he said, "I don't know which tent the Zou family was placed in by Sima. You go and find out first, and let me know."

Yu Jin readily agreed and went to inquire about the matter.

That night, Xun Zhen held a banquet and entertained Jia Xu and Duan Xun.

Because it was in the army, the banquet did not take too long, and the banquet was dismissed within the second watch. Duan Xun and the others did not return to the city, but stayed in Xunzhen's camp. Xunzhen personally sent him to the tent, and had a long conversation with him in his tent before returning to his tent.

There was still no review of the military affairs of the day. Xun Zhen turned on the lamp until the third watch of the night, and all the accumulated military affairs were completed.

Xun Zhen stretched her waist, and changed into a servant, washed briefly, and was about to go to bed when Dian Wei's buzzing voice came from outside the tent: "Is Duke Ming asleep?" Xun Zhen

Zhen replied, "Awei, what's the matter?"

Dian Wei replied from outside the tent, "If Duke Ming hasn't fallen asleep, he will give him a gift at the end."

When Xun Zhen heard this, she burst into laughter and said, "What gift do you want to give me? Come in."

The tent door opened, Dian Wei strode in from the outside, Xun Zhen looked up and saw a roll of things on his shoulders.

Because Xun Zhen was about to go to sleep, most of the candles in the tent had been extinguished, leaving only one lamp beside the bed. At first glance, he could not see what Dian Wei was carrying, but then he looked at it, it was a roll of brocade quilt. , bulging, as if something was involved.

Xun Zhen asked in surprise, "Awei, is this...?"

Dian Wei raised his other hand behind his head and scratched his head, as if he didn't know how to answer Xun Zhen, so he simply didn't answer. They put them on the bed together, turned around and bowed to Xun Zhen, and said, "This is Wei's gift to Duke Ming, for Duke Ming to relieve him."

Before Xun Zhen could speak, Dian Wei left the tent and closed the tent door to Xun Zhen.

A faint fragrance came out from the quilt and floated into Xun Zhen's nose. Xun Zhen glanced at the tent door that had been closed, then glanced at the quilt on the bed, guessed what Dian Wei had given him, walked to the bed, opened the quilt, and revealed a woman inside the quilt. .

This woman is beautiful and charming, but she is not the Zou family!

However, seeing Zou's eyes tightly closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her curly body trembling, like a frightened deer, she was obviously very scared at the moment.

The beauty caught the eye, and in the dim tent, the expression on Xun Zhen's face changed, and the shadow on the tent wall was reflected, and as the candle light went out, the duration became shorter and shorter. Reluctantly looking away, Xun Zhen turned to the front of the desk, picked up the tea bowl on the desk, gulps down the water in the bowl, and stood up to help the case, clenching her teeth for a while, and then she couldn't help but cast her eyes on the bed again. Repeatedly, he made a decision.

Back at the bedside, Xun Zhen picked up Mrs. Zou, pulled out the quilt under her, threw it on the ground, took off her shoes, and blew out the candle by the bed. In the darkness, there was a rustling sound, and there were other movements.

After a long time, the tent became quiet. Xun Zhen's voice sounded, and his tone was full of annoyance, and he whispered: "After drinking, it's so embarrassing for Zhen to take advantage of people's dangers!" After a while, a delicate voice sounded: "In troubled times~www.wuxiamtl. com~ I can't help myself, what can I say."

Not long after, there was another movement. When it is too much, the tent will be quiet again. Xun Zhen's voice sounded a second time: "Madam is charming, she can't help but feel ashamed!" Mrs. Zou didn't say anything else this time, she just said something ashamed, "General!"

The next morning, Xun Zhen woke up in a relaxed state of mind and body, looked at the beautiful woman who was still asleep in her arms, recalled the absurdity of last night, with a look of regret on her face, and murmured: "Ashamed, ashamed, Ashamed."


The second shift is over. There are two battles, one small, one big, one big, and you need to think about it again. For several battles of King Qin, the general idea of ​​the description method has already been developed, and you may have discovered that the side description is used for Hongnong and others, and the half-front description is used for Huayin. description, and the former is the foreshadowing of the latter; several battles are gradual, which is the so-called sweetness after eating sugar cane. The general idea is already in place, but the details need to be enriched, so there are no three shifts today. In fact, I don't like to write about wars now. I write too much, and it is difficult to introduce new ones. It is very tiring to write about wars again. Write as best you can.

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