The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 196: Hu Chi was presented with a speech scroll (Part 1)

For such a matter of surrender, one has to be a confidant and cannot be appointed as a representative. The official sent by Duan Xun was his younger brother.

His younger brother went out of Huayin and worked day and night. After more than a day, he went to the south of Hongnong County, more than a hundred miles away, to ask for an interview outside Xunzhen Camp.

After hearing his self-reporting, the gatekeeper Yuan did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly informed Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen called him into the camp to see him.

Duan Xun's younger brother entered the tent, bowed down and saluted, and respectfully reported to Xun Zhen Jin that Duan Xun wished to dedicate the city, took out two letters from his bosom, held the top of his head high, and said, "General, This is a handwritten letter from my brother and Mr. Jia Fengyu General."

Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Xuan Kang, etc. had all heard the news at this time and were all in their tents.

There was another person in the tent, short and ugly, it was Cheng Jia. The mission of the secret envoy to Chang'an, with Yang Feng and Dong Cheng joining forces to protect Liu Xie's safety at a critical moment, has been successfully completed. Cheng Jia just returned to Xunzhen's camp yesterday.

Xuankang stepped forward to catch the letter and forward it to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen first read Duan Xun's letter, and the words in the letter were what Duan Xun's younger brother just said, willing to surrender Xun Zhen.

After reading it, Xun Zhen opened Jia Xu's letter again.

Jia Xu's letter was relatively long, several pages, but what was written in the letter was not all about Duan Xun's offering to the city, but a few recent events in Chang'an, such as Li Guo's female alliance, Zhong Yao's With his strategy, he has already persuaded Dong Cheng and Yang Feng to protect the emperor Zhouquan, and also Yang Feng to lead his troops out of the camp to flee if he failed to assassinate Li Jue; only at the end of the letter, there are only a few lines, saying that Duan Xun is willing to surrender. He told Xun Zhen about this matter. Although Duan Xun had been persuaded by him and was willing to surrender the city to Xun Zhen, Zhang Ji might not be willing, but Zhang Ji had no power in Huayin, and his foundation was not as good as Duan Xun, so he used his Seeing that even if he refused to surrender, it was not a cause for concern, and he advised Xun Zhen not to hesitate.

The last few lines of the letter are different in ink color compared to the previous content. They were written in new ink. You can tell at a glance that the content in the front should have been written by Jia Xu long ago, and this short paragraph in the back. is added temporarily.

——Other things are fine, but the matter of "Yang Feng failed to assassinate and led his troops to flee", because it happened just now, Xun Zhen has not yet learned about it, but it was only from Jia Xu's letter that he learned about it for the first time.

Will this sudden situation have an impact on the key event of "protecting Liu Xie's safety" that Cheng Jia and Zhong Yao have already done? Without Yang Feng's department, can Dong Cheng alone be able to complete the important task of "protecting Liu Xie's safety"?

After reading Jia Xu's letter, Xun Zhen kept her face calm. While thinking about it first, she asked Duan Xun's younger brother to get up and take his seat. He handed the letter to Xuan Kang, and motioned him to take it to Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Cheng Jia, etc. people circulated.

The waiter came in with the soup, and Duan Xun took a few sips from his younger brother.

When Xi Zhicai and others read Jia Xu's letter successively, Xun Zhennai asked Duan Yu's younger brother and said, "General Duan has repented, and now I am willing to abandon the darkness and follow the light, I am very relieved, but I don't know what General Duan plans to do. Dedication of the city? Just looking at the words in Jia Xu's letter, Zhang Ji is unwilling to surrender, if Zhang Ji does not surrender, what will General Duan do?"

Duan Yu's concubine replied: "My brother is well aware of the mistakes of the past, and is willing to make amends, because he dares to ask the general to offer the city to the general. If the general is willing to accept him, my brother is willing to open the city gate after the general's troops arrive at the city. Welcome the general into the city. If General Zhang is unwilling to surrender, my brother has concerns about this. So that the general will know that the guards at the east gate and south gate of Huayin City are now the headquarters of all the brothers, and only the general will be at that time. When the righteous teacher entered the city from the east gate or the south gate, although General Zhang was reluctant to surrender, he was expected to be helpless."

There is nothing wrong with what Duan Xun's younger brother said, except for the sentence "General Ruokenzhi", which sounded a bit abrupt. What is "General Jokannazhi"? It was as if Duan Xun was worried that Xun Zhen would not accept the surrender, but Xun Zhen understood what Duan Xun’s younger brother meant. In fact, this sentence should be understood in reverse. It is not that Xun Zhen will not be willing to surrender, but Duan Xun is asking Xun Zhen for conditions, which means that if you can give me satisfactory conditions, then I will offer the city to surrender. .

Xun Zhen turned her attention to Xi Zhicai, Cheng Jia and the others, and said, "General Duan is willing to sacrifice the city and surrender, why do you think that's the case?"

Cheng Jia looked solemn and said, "Duke Ming, Duan Junyuan is here to deliver the letter. It must be hard work on the way. I dare to ask Duke Ming to ask him to rest first."

Xun Zhen nodded, and said to Duan Xun's younger brother in a pleasant manner: "You are indeed tired on the road, so please go and take some rest first, after you have rested, you have to work for you to return to Huayin, and give it to General Duan for me. back to the book..."

I thought that Xun Zhen would definitely not refuse Duan Xun's offering of the city, but Xun Zhen didn't seem to be in a hurry to reply to Duan Xun. The military officer led him to the tent to rest, and there was no need to say more.

But why did Cheng Jia suggest that Duan Xun's younger brother go to rest first? For no other reason, it was because he saw what Yang Feng said in Jia Xu's letter. Risking danger and working hard to complete the task given by Xun Zhen, but unexpectedly, the front foot just returned to the camp and the reward has not been handed out. Don't worry, if he escapes, will he be tired and make his and Zhong Yao's strategy of "protecting Liu Xie's safety" close to failure?

After Duan Xun's younger brother got out of the account, Cheng Jia was furious and scolded: "The more stupid you are, the better you can make up your own mind! Honestly act according to my and Zhong Jun's plan, and wait for Duke Ming's army to get it right? Don't make a mess! Stupid! Stupid!"

"Junchang, things have happened, don't be angry."

Cheng Jia put away his anger and replied, "Yes, Duke Ming."

Yesterday, Cheng Jia came back and reported to Xun Zhen that his mission had been completed. After Yang Feng and Dong Cheng had been set to protect the emperor Zhou Quan, Xun Zhen had already sent an order to the three armies to prepare for the battle, and planned to attack Huayin within three days. Logically speaking, it should be a good thing for Duan Xian to offer the city to surrender at this time, but what should I do next when Yang Feng's accident happened? Do you want to get this Huayin immediately?

Cheng Jiayin asked Xunzhen, and said, "It's just that Yang Feng was born now, and dare to ask Duke Ming, will this Huayin City be taken?"

"Zhicai, Fengxiao, what are you waiting for?"

Guo Jia said: "Ming Gong, in Jia's humble opinion, Duan Xun is willing to surrender, the opportunity cannot be missed, Hua Yin should take it immediately."

Cheng Jia said, "How comprehensive is that day?"

Guo Jia said: "Although there is no Yang Feng's army, if there is only Dong Cheng's troops, the strength may be insufficient, but after my volunteers enter the Guanzhong, Li Jue and Guo Si will definitely not flee immediately, they will definitely I will send troops to fight and try to see if I can repel our army. At this time of Li and Guo's attention and when our army is in the army, Zhong Shilang is a meticulous person. With his central planning, the safety of the emperor should still be guaranteed. , this is one of them; even if you work for Chengjun to make Chang’an, it is expected that Zhong Shilang and others will have no other good plan to protect the safety of the emperor, and the other is the second. Combining these two, Jia Yin thinks that although he is born Yang Feng changed and took Huayin, so there is no need to delay."

"Zhicai, what do you think?"

Xi Zhicai said, "Zhongyi sees it this way."

Xun Zhen made a decision and said, "Then tell Duan Xun that our army will go to Huayin in two days, and tell him to open the city and welcome our army into the city."

Duan Xun was not the culprit. Since he was willing to surrender, he agreed.

To save Xunzhen from attacking Huayin again, it can reduce the damage to the soldiers, and can enter Guanzhong earlier.

It was agreed to call Duan Xun from his younger brother.

Not long after Duan Xun's younger brother left the tent, he was called back by Xun Zhen again, and he bowed down and bowed uneasily again.

Xun Zhen said, "General Duan can improve after passing by. It is very good. Now that I am willing to dedicate the city, I will accept it."

Duan Xun's younger brother was overjoyed when he heard the words, and was about to speak when someone next to him said, "Huayin County, our army can pull it off in one fell swoop, but Duke Ming is willing to give Duan Xun a chance to surrender. ."

The speaker is Guo Jia, Guo Jia is young, but this sentence is not entirely out of his anger. Huayin and Xunzhen can be beaten if he is willing to surrender, so don't even think about bargaining for Duan Xuan.

Now that they are about to surrender, Duan Xun’s younger brother has to listen no matter how unpleasant the other party’s words are. Moreover, Guo Jia’s remarks are not bragging, but the truth. Duan Xun’s younger brother is only embarrassed and said to Xun Zhen, “That’s down here. Just return to the city and report back to my brother."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Go back and tell General Duan that I will file a report to the court, in recognition of his dedication to the city."

This is equivalent to promising Duan Xuan that as long as he is willing to surrender, he will not be held accountable for his previous guilt.

Duan Xun's younger brother quickly said, "Meng Ming sees the acceptance of General Ming, and General Ming's kindness will never be forgotten!" He asked Xun Zhen again, and said, "But I don't know when General Ming intends to enter the city?"

Xun Zhen said: "Since Zhang Ji seems to have the intention of stubbornly resisting, it may change later. I will lead the troops tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow can go to Huayin. If the day after tomorrow enters the city, can General Duan be prepared?"

Duan Xun's younger brother replied, "Please, General, rest assured, it will not delay the righteous teacher's entry into the city."


Duan Xun returned from his younger brother’s journey that day, rushed back to Huayin, and reported to Duan Xun.

Duan Xun listened, and finally discussed with Jia Xu again. According to Jia Xu's suggestion, Duan Xun quietly transferred troops to strengthen the strength of the east gate and south gate, and at the same time gathered troops and horses to station in the city to prepare for Zhang Ji's change.

Duan Xun has been stationed in Huayin for many years, and he is familiar with both inside and outside. The whereabouts of Yang Ding, who was stationed with him in Huayin before, are still unknown, and now he is not in the city. It can be said that he has the final say in all aspects. Therefore, all preparations for the dedication of the city are made. The work went fairly smoothly.

Until all the matters have been prepared, on the agreed day of dedicating the city, Zhang Ji is still kept in the dark and unaware.

Defend the city first and defend the wilderness. Anyone who defends the city must first defend the countryside outside the city. Zhang Ji and Duan Xun were both veteran generals on the battlefield, and naturally they were not laymen, so in addition to the defenders in the city, they also sent troops to guard the suburbs in the south and north of the city.

To the south of the city is Duanxiaoying, and to the north is Zhangjiying.

After Jia Xu's words of persuasion to surrender, Zhang Ji was unsure, so for the past few days, he had to leave the city every day to visit his camp in the north of the city.

This day is no exception.

Early in the morning, Zhang Ji left the city.

When he arrived at the battalion, Zhang Ji, governor of the soldiers, boosted his morale, and had dinner with the officers in the battalion at noon.

But the meal was not finished, and the urgent report was delivered as soon as it arrived.

It was reported that Xun Zhen's troops and horses had entered Huayin County, and the troops were marching very fast, and the front part was less than twenty miles away from Huayin County.

Zhang Ji was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered the generals in the camp to guard the camp and help the city defend the city, and then quickly left the camp and returned to the city.

When they arrived in the city, they saw Duan Xun, and the two divided their work. Zhang Ji was guarding the north of the city, and Duan Xun was guarding the east and south of the city.

Zhang Ji rushed to the north wall again and urged the soldiers to prepare for battle. As evening approached, another urgent report arrived, that Xun Zhen's troops had arrived near the city.

"The Xun thieves will never attack the city overnight, right?" Zhang Ji thought about it, and ordered the military order to go to Duan Xun and ask Duan Xun for his judgment.

After waiting for a long time, the military officials hurriedly reported back, looking for Duan Xun but not seeing him. He was not found in Duan Xun's military mansion, and there was no trace of him in his home. Zhang Ji was stunned, so when he looked for Jia Xu, he also disappeared. Zhang Ji felt that something was wrong, and secretly cried out in his heart.

The urgent report came again: Xun Zhen's front troops had reached the east of the city and began to attack the city.

He faintly heard drum horns, noises, and the sound of soldiers and war horses stamping on the ground from the east of the city. Zhang Ji glanced around and couldn't see the situation in the east of the city. Come on, from the front of the general, Zhang Ji showed the spirit of not being afraid of danger, and shouted sharply: "Follow me to strictly guard the North City! Choose a team of elite soldiers and go to the east of the city to help!"

The generals on the left and right, including Hu Che'er hanging his arms, Zhang Xiu on the side reclining seat, etc., responded with a bang.

The personal soldiers marched forward and put armor on Zhang Ji.

Suddenly I heard a sound like a wave coming from the east of the city. Several military officials rushed close, too late to salute, and exclaimed angrily: "General! General Duan opened the city gate and descended!"

Zhang Ji was stunned, the cuffs on his arms were already hung, but he forgot to retract his arms, hanging in the air, stunned on the spot.

Hu Che'er, Zhang Xiu and other generals all changed color.

Zhang Xiu said sharply, "Father! What should I do now?"

Zhang Ji's arm finally fell, slapped heavily on his thigh, and sighed in frustration.

Hu Che'er was the master to relieve his worries, and said vigorously: "The last general is willing to cut the head of the general to offer it!"

Zhang Ji looked at Hu Che'er and saw that he was hanging by his arms. Although he was angry, he couldn't hide his embarrassment. He heard that he only said to catch Duan Xuan, but did not mention Xun Zhen at all. He knew that he was Guan and Zhang Hanyong before. Deterred, I have no desire to fight anymore.

Zhang Ji said: "That's it!" He ordered Hu Che'er, and said, "You go to the house quickly, take my family, and go out of the city to Chang'an from me."

When Hu Che'er heard this, his face was relieved, and he took the order and left.

Zhang Ji and others brought Zhang Xiu and his generals and personal soldiers down from the northern city wall, stopped a little on the street, and looked towards the east of the city again. Zhen's troops have already entered the city. There was no time to delay, and he could no longer stay in the city, so he rushed out of the city from the north gate after waiting for Hu Che'er to pick up the families of Zou, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Ji had already sent officials to the camp in the north of the city to give orders, and ordered the lieutenant soldiers to evacuate with him.

When they arrived at the North Camp, all the troops were not ready yet. Zhang Ji didn't have time to wait any longer.

After walking for about three or four miles, the sound of shouting and killing came from behind.

Zhang Ji looked behind him and saw the dust flying. He knew that Xun Zhen's troops were chasing him. He asked left and right, and said, "Who is willing to stop it for me?"

Hu Che'er answered the order and said, "The last general dares to ask the general to break the queen!"

Although Hu Che'er injured his left arm, the thin dead camel was bigger than a horse, and his bravery was still better than that of other generals. Only after he was cut off could Zhang Ji be at ease. He went to block.

Zhang Ji rode on a horse, Zhang Xiu, Zou and others rode in a car, and the group speeded up their escape.

Not long after, the sound of chaos came from behind, and it was Hu Che'er who had already engaged with the pursuers.

Zhang Ji and others frequently looked back, worried, and traveled for two or three miles. Seven or eight cavalry chased from the direction of the battle. They found Zhang Ji among the soldiers, and reported to the chief cavalry: "General! Hu Xiaowei is defeated. The thief general was unfortunately killed by his formation."

Zhang Xiu, who was lying on the car, was startled. He held on to the armrest of the flatbed car, leaned over and asked urgently, "Yu, Feiye?"

The cavalry replied, "The thief who killed Colonel Hu called himself Taishi Ci of Donglai."

The name is very unfamiliar, but now is not the time to find out who this general is, Zhang Ji asked: "How far is the pursuit of soldiers from me?"

Before he finished speaking, the rear team of hundreds of cavalrymen who followed Zhang Ji retreated into chaos.

Zhang Ji looked at it, and the dust that was still far away was now shrouded in the back team of his escaped small army. There is no need to ask how far the chasing soldiers are, they are already close at hand; I can hear the shouts from the rear, in addition to the Liangzhou accent, there are also various accents from other places, which are the attack of the soldiers under Xun Zhen. Killing screams.

The enemy's voice can be heard!

Zhang Ji lost his temper in a panic, and Zhang Xiu could no longer lie on the flatbed with peace of mind. He grabbed the military officer beside him and urged him to bring the horse over. Resisting the pain in his thigh, he turned over on the horse. The uncle and nephew desperately whipped the horse, just wanting to escape as soon as possible.

In addition to Taishi Ci's troops, Xun Zhen's troops who were chasing after him were also part of Liu Bei's troops.

In these battles since Hongnong, not only did the Tibetan tyrant have no credit, but Liu Bei also did not give any credit. He really did not want to be entrusted by Xun Zhen with the task of transporting food in the future, and at the same time he wanted to be the Qin King this time. Zhong was able to shine so brightly that when Xun Zhen reported his merits to the imperial court, he could attract the attention of the imperial court, so after Duan Xun offered the city, he did not enter the city, but came to chase Zhang Ji with Taishi Ci and others.

He swung his sword and chopped down the two soldiers behind Zhang Ji. Liu Bei wiped the blood on his face. Although he couldn't see where Zhang Ji was, he knew that he must be among the soldiers in front of him. In a more anxious mood, Zhuo Ying, Cheng Ding, Shi Guan and other generals who were taking care of you said: "Don't fight in love here, follow me to chase the generals, and make sure to capture Zhang Ji alive!"

Zhuo Ying and the other generals agreed loudly, slaughtered and scattered the rebels who were blocking the front, and followed Liu Bei in pursuit.

However, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu were fast on their horses, and Liu Bei and others chased them into the night. Although they gained a lot, they failed to catch up with Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu.

Liu Bei searched for a high place, rode his horse up, and tried to look forward, but in the darkness, where could he see the shadows of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu? It was night, and Liu Bei was not familiar with the terrain of Hongnong County. If he wanted to chase, he didn't know where to go. Liu Bei had no choice but to stop his pursuit, rein in his horse, and reluctantly ordered the retreat.

On the way, he met Taishi Ci and saw that Taishi Ci's soldiers were holding two carriages on his left and right. Liu Bei asked Taishi Ci and said, "What did the captain of the school get? Who is in the carriage?"

Taishi Ci replied, "In the car is the wife of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu."

——The thing that Zou's most worried about happened. In the eagerness to escape, Zhang Ji couldn't take care of her. Zou couldn't ride a horse, and the carriage was too slow, so he was captured by Taishi Ci's soldiers.

After hearing this, Liu Bei lost interest, looked away from the carriage, smiled and said to Taishi Ci, "Congratulations to the captain, even though Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu were not captured, it is a credit for getting their wives."

Return to Huayin and rest for a night.

The next day, Xun Zhen led the main force to arrive.

All the generals who arrived first came to see him, and Duan Xun and Jia Xu also came to see him.

Xun Zhen comforted Duan Xun with kind words, and ordered Dian Wei to send tiger soldiers to protect Duan Xun's house outside the city, and no soldiers were allowed to harass him. Although it was a small matter, the details were the most attentive, Duan Xun was completely relieved, and thanked Xun Zhen endlessly.

Xun Zhen knew about Jia Xu's in a previous life, knowing that he was a man of outstanding ingenuity, good at understanding people's hearts, and seeing him now, he did not think that he was the conspiracy of Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, etc. The fault of the Lord is very respectful. Jia Xu could feel Xun Zhen's sincerity, and he felt at ease.

After Xun Zhen had talked with Duan Xun and Jia Xu, Liu Bei, Taishi Ci and others stepped forward to report to Liu Bei their results when they entered the city and chased the enemy yesterday.

Taishi Ci ordered the soldiers on the left and right to **** a few women in, and reported to Xun Zhen, "Duke Ming, the last commander went after Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu yesterday, and obtained their two wives and concubines, and presented them to Duke Ming."

With a smile on her face, Xun Zhen asked Taishi Ci to get up, and glanced at the women with her peripheral vision.

As if being swayed by the divine light, Xun Zhen's eyes that were about to turn away settled on one of the women.

But I saw this woman with her head lowered, her eyes dazed, and her face swaying like autumn water. She was beautiful. Against the background of the fierce generals, she looked like a spring willow supporting the wind, and she was really beautiful.

Xun Zhenru was struck by thunder, and a thought came to her mind, thinking, "Who is this woman? She's even more beautiful than Qin Yilu's wife!"

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