The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 188: Huangfu welcomes the army to report the thief's situation (2)

Although Duan Xun's defenders in Xin'an County still had four or five thousand capable soldiers, these four or five thousand were composed of Duan Xun's troops, Yang Ding's troops and Zhang Ji's troops. Also, as the main general, Duan Xun has already fled westward, so although there are still many soldiers and horses left behind, we know how to defend Xin'an County?

Therefore, Sun Ce was able to easily take down Xin'an City, which had not been captured by previous attacks, not long after Duan Xun escaped.

The same is true. Duan Xun has already escaped, and the army is in chaos. Even if there are two or three thousand defenders who broke through Xin'an City and escaped, how much combat power can they have? Under the blocking of Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others and the pursuit of Sun Ce and other generals, Xun Zhen attacked from east to west. It took more than two days to get rid of the few who had crossed the Yellow River north and entered Hedong County. Most of them were wiped out.

So far, the two strategic intentions of raiding Hongnong County have been fully realized.

After the war, he recorded meritorious deeds for the generals, obtained nearly 1,000 heads and nearly 2,000 prisoners.

——Actually, there shouldn’t be so many heads. The enemy army that escaped from Xin’an has long since lost the will to fight, and most of them are willing to surrender. However, he did not accept surrender, or even killed prisoners, so there were nearly a thousand heads. Sun Ce's generals did not mention that this behavior of Xun Zhen's generals violated Xun Zhen's military discipline, but Xun Zhen did not have the time to investigate their faults, but of course he could not let it go easily, because it was the commander's responsibility. The military mansion Sima Xuankang first recorded the matter, and he would investigate it after Chang'an was defeated and Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated. And don't need to say much.

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Three days later, Sun Ce and Xu Rong respectively led their troops to Hongnong County, where they joined Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen led the lead over the Xiong'er Mountain, and the five thousand soldiers who made a surprise attack on Hongnong County had basically finished resting by this time.

Therefore, Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, Xu Rong, and Chen Ji, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and others who came to Hongnong County with Sun Ce to discuss the next battle strategy. ——Crossing the mountains and ridges and attacking Hongnong County by surprise, not only the road is hard, but also the risk factor is high, so Xun Zhen did not ask Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and others to join the army, but let them follow Sun Ce's army.

There are 20,000 soldiers and horses in Liangzhou in Hongnong County, and the three defenders Zhang Ji, Duan Xun, and Yang Ding are also famous for their bravery. Chen Ji originally thought that Hongnong County would not be easily defeated, but he did not expect that Xun In just ten days, Zhen took over most of Hongnong County. Zhang Ji and Duan Xun swarmed Huayin. Killing more than 10,000 people is already severely damaged.

——This battle, Xun Zhen’s victory seemed to be simple and easy, but in fact it was not. Dare to take risks in person, the courage to lead a surprise attack, etc., etc., just follow Xun Zhen through Luhun Pass, over mountains and mountains, and detour through Xiong'er Mountain for more than 300 miles, and the five thousand soldiers who rushed to Hongnong County, no After a long period of rigorous practice, it is extremely difficult to obtain. It's just that Chen Ji is a scribe and doesn't understand this.

However, inspired by Xun Zhen's victory in defeating Hongnong, taking Xin'an and Yiyang, Chen Ji was full of excitement, and he said to Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, Hongnong has gone, Qin Wang's passage to Chang'an has been opened, and I want to come here to spread the news. After entering Chang'an, the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si must be horrified, and the princes in the court will be very excited, and the sage will be pleased and happy, and treat Qing Qiao enough. In my humble opinion, I should take advantage of the victory and enter the customs quickly. middle!"

Xun Zhen was respectful, replied Chen Ji, and said, "The public statement is very true."

Chen Ji was overjoyed and said, "Zhenzhi, do you agree with the old man's suggestion? Then I don't know when Qing plans to enter the customs?"

Xun Zhen said: "Chen Gong, if you want to enter Bingguan, there is still one place that needs to be captured."

Chen Ji said, "The speaker is Huayin?"

Xun Zhen nodded and said

Said: "Exactly. Huayin is the gateway to Guanzhong from Hongnong. Its city is strong and the surrounding terrain is dangerous. Although Zhang Ji's thieves were defeated and fled, they still joined them. Together with Duan Xun and Yang Dingyuan The defenders who remain in Huayin number three or four thousand, and Huayin's battle should not be taken lightly."

Chen Ji took it seriously, asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Zhenzhi, how are you going to fight this battle?"

Xun Zhen looked at Sun Ce, Xu Rong, Zang Ba, Liu Bei, etc., and asked, "What are your views?"

Zang Ba said: "Yesterday's military report said that both Cao Mengde and Wang Wen have already reached Puban, and looking at their behavior, they are probably going to cross the river from Pabanjin and enter Guanzhong in the west. It is true that Yuan Benchu ​​should have no intention of joining forces with Cao Mengde to join forces with the King of Diligence. As Chen Gong said, he is also the teacher of King Qin, and our army should work together with him, but if he is the first to enter Guanzhong, the head of King Qin will fail. In the ignorance of the tyrant, our army should attack Huayin as soon as possible."

Xun Zhen asked: "How to fight, can the general have any plans?"

Zang Ba said: "When the two armies meet, the brave one wins. Besides, our army has successively won great victories, and we have taken the whole territory of Hongnong except Huayin, and Zhang Ji and the thieves defeated the army! Although Huayin's city is strong, as long as our army It's not difficult to pull it off with added force. I wish to conquer this city for Duke Ming."

In these battles in Hongnong County, Xin'an was commanded by Sun Ce, Yiyang was commanded by Xu Rong, and although Zang Ba made a surprise attack on Hongnong County from Xunzhen, this battle was commanded by Xunzhen himself, conquering the city and defeating the enemy. Those were Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals, and he had no merit in them, so he was eager to try, and wanted to fight for the merits of Huayin.

Xun Zhen didn't say anything about Zang Ba's initiative to ask Ying, but just smiled and encouraged him: "I know the bravery of the general." Turning to Sun Ce and the others, he said, "What's your opinion on the leader?"

Sun Ce, Xu Rong, Liu Bei, etc. had the same opinion as Zang Ba. They all believed that one should not let Cao Cao enter Chang'an first. Although the two Huayin were strong, they should not be difficult to conquer.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Xun Zhen finally looked at Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, and said, "Zhi Cai and Feng Xiao, why are you two silent?"

Xi Zhicai pondered for a while, slowly shook the feather fan, and said, "Zhongyu thinks that Huayin is not easy to get quickly now."

When the words came into his ears, Chen Jide was surprised and couldn't help interrupting Xi Zhicai, saying: "The only one who is blocking our army from entering Guanzhong is Huayin. Once Huayin is down, our army can drive straight in and go to Chang'an to save King Qin. Car, the emperor has long hoped for the teacher of King Qin, and the people of Chang'an suffered from thieves, and hoped that the righteous teacher would be like Yunni in the great drought, and it has been a long time. Zhicai, why did your minister say that it is not suitable to quickly pull out Huayin?"

Zang Ba didn't understand either, and said, "What Duke Chen just said was right. Li Jue and Guo Si would be panicked when they heard that our army had conquered Hongnong. The two thieves can be easily defeated, but why is it not appropriate to take Hongnong quickly? If it is delayed for a long time, wouldn't it give Li and Guo more time to react?"

Xi Zhicai got up with the feather fan, first bowed to Chen Jixing, and then said: "Chen Gong, Zhong said that Huayin should not be taken quickly, it is for the emperor's consideration."

Chen Ji said: "Considering for the emperor?"

Xi Zhicai nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Ji asked, "Zhicai, what do you mean by this?"

Xi Zhicai said: "As the Duke said, Li Jue and Guo Si must have been terrified when our army is now in Hongnong, but if our army were to conquer Huayin again, Li and Guo would definitely be even more terrified. At that time, Duke Chen, if Li and Guo jumped off the wall and took the risk, what should I do?"

Chen Ji said: "The dog jumped over the wall and took the risk... Zhicai, what do you mean?"

Xi Zhicai said: "The two of them quit the army to make peace, and together they prevent our army from entering Chang'an.

What's more, the two thieves Li and Guo are extremely rebellious, and what if the son of a day suffers from it? But how can it be good? Duke Chen, you and I came here to rescue King Qin. If such a thing happened, wouldn't we be turned into criminals instead? This is a must. "

Regarding Liu Xie's attitude towards life and death, Xun Zhen was in fact no different from Yuan Shao, and he didn't care about Liu Xie's personal safety at all. But the problem is, if Liu Xie dies, he will come to Chang'an as King Qin, and it will be nothing more than a waste of time, and the big man will have no "co-owner" from now on, then it will be troublesome. ——In other words, if Liu Xie is dead, can Xun Zhen establish another Han clan as the emperor? Of course it could, but Xun Zhen could, and at that time, Yuan Shao and the others could too, but the righteousness of relying on the Son of Heaven to command the vassals would obviously be out of hand.

So will Li Jue and Guo Si jump over the wall and cause Liu Xie to be killed? This issue does require careful consideration.

Chen Ji's eagerness and slightly dissatisfied expression with what Xi Zhicai said just now gradually disappeared because of Xi Zhicai's explanation, he stroked his beard, thought about it for a while, and said, "Zhicai really has to think about it. Discuss." He asked Xi Zhicai, and said, "Zhicai, if that's the case, what do you think?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Zhongzhi's foolish opinion, in order to solve this worry, it is not advisable to attack Huayin urgently, this is the first one; you should immediately choose a cadre to sneak into Guanzhong, get in touch with the princes in the court, and first discuss the way to ensure the integrity of the emperor. , is the second."

Chen Ji said: "After getting in touch with the princes in the court and ensuring the safety of the emperor, then take Huayin and enter Chang'an."

"Loyalty is like that." Xi Zhicai turned to Xun Zhen and said, "Loyalty can't be achieved with haste. At this moment, how to decide, please consider it."

Xun Zhen saw that there were no more objections from the people in the tent, so she nodded and said, "Your thoughts are very true, and what you have said is very true."

——He didn't immediately agree to Zang Ba's invitation to fight just now, that's what he was worried about.

Zang Ba opened his mouth again and said: "I am worried about the safety of the emperor, of course it is, but Duke Ming, even if our army does not take Huayin first, then after Cao Mengde crosses the river from he is probably He won't stop there, right? If he goes to Chang'an, how will he clean up?"

Zang Ba is right. For the safety of the emperor, Xun Zhen's subordinates may not advance to Chang'an first, but Cao Cao may not be willing to garrison troops. If he continues to march to Chang'an, according to Xi Zhicai's speculation , Is Liu Xie still in danger?

And if Xi Zhicai guessed wrong, Liu Xie was not in danger, but Cao Cao entered Chang'an ahead of schedule, and the emperor was caught by him, so what should we do? Wouldn't the ending be worse.

Xi Zhicai said: "After Cao Mengde and Wang Wendu joined forces, there were more than 10,000 soldiers, and even the Hedong soldiers under Wang Wendu's army were unable to pacify the Baibo and Yellow Turban thieves earlier. Guanzhong, Li Jue and Guo Si must not be afraid of it, this is one of them; even if Cao Mengde crosses the river from Pubanjin and enters Zuofengyi, if he wants to reach Chang'an, he still needs to pass through Linjin, Xiagui and other places, and also It is necessary to cross the Wei River, there are troops stationed in Linjin and other places, and the Wei River is naturally dangerous, and he cannot easily reach Chang'an.

Xun Zhen made a decision and said: "We are waiting for King Chang'an of Qin to save the Son of Heaven. If the Son of Heaven suffers unbearable things because of this, our sins will not be redeemed even if we die. In order to protect the safety of the Son of Heaven, Hua Yin is not suitable for the time being. And after getting in touch with the princes in the DPRK and discussing the perfect strategy to protect the emperor, our army will go to war."

Chen Ji asked: "Zhenzhi, who do you want to sneak into Chang'an, contact the princes in the court, and protect the emperor?"

Xun Zhen turned her gaze to a person in the hall.


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