The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 166: Qin Wang Qin Wang (3)

Generally speaking, the DPRK meeting is once every five days, but now it is in a state of emergency, so it doesn't matter that we wait for the DPRK meeting every five days.

Every day, high officials and high officials would gather in the palace.

This morning, while coming to the palace, Zhong Yao sat in the car and asked, "But I don't know where my letter to Zhenzhi is now?" After calculating the distance, he thought again, "Should It's coming to Lushi County soon."

Lushi County is the first county along the Luoshui River from Jingzhaoyin to Hongnong County. After passing the Lu family, go east and cross the Xiong'er Mountain, which is Luhun County. Leaving Luhun County and passing through Luhun Pass, it is Henan Yindijie. From Lushi to Yin in Henan, there are still two hundred li.

If you are fast, you can arrive in about two days.

After arriving at Yin in Henan, go northeast again, enter the boundary of Yanzhou, pass through Chenliu County and Jiyin County, and then arrive at Changyi. This section of the journey is seven or eight hundred miles in total. In order to strengthen the connection, Xunzhen has set up post stations along the lines of Yin, Chenliu and other counties in Henan, and the speed of this journey will be faster.

With the two journeys added together, Zhong Yao estimated that in about ten days at most, Xun Zhenying would be able to receive his letter.

On the road from home to the palace, Zhong Yao had walked many times. He had a rough idea of ​​how long it would take him to walk, but he felt that he should have just walked most of the way before he stopped in the car.

Hearing the noise coming from the front, Zhong Yao stopped his thoughts and asked the servant outside the car, "What's going on?"

The servant's tone of voice panicked, and he replied, "Reporting to the Lord, there are soldiers and horses in front of you!"

Zhong Yao was stunned for a moment, then said, "Are there soldiers and horses blocking the way?" He lifted the curtain of the car and looked forward with his head.

However, he saw that as the official said, more than a hundred soldiers with bright helmets and armor set up roadblocks on the road, prohibiting pedestrians from passing through.

Zhong Yao's heart sank, and he secretly screamed badly, and hurriedly ordered the servants: "Go and find out who is behind the soldiers blocking the road."

Take the order from the official. Zhong Yao listened carefully. Following the wind, the chatter of the officers came from the army blocking the road ahead. Zhong Yao could clearly hear that they were speaking with a Liangzhou accent.

Not long after, the servants who went to inquire came back, reported to Zhong Yao, and said, "Report to your lord, the soldier who blocked the road claimed to be under the command of Li Xian, the general of the deputy chariot."

Li Xian is Li Jue's brother. "Secondary car" is also the meaning of the emperor's subordinate car.

Zhong Yaoqiang calmed his mind and said, "Why did General Li send troops here?"

The subordinate replied, "This..., the subordinate did not ask."

Zhong Yaoling said, "Go and find out!"

The subordinate promised to promise, and hurriedly went back again. After a short while, he was about to return, his expression became more and more panicked, and Zhong Yao said, "It's not good, Langjun!"

Zhong Yao's eyes narrowed, and he asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong, so panicked?"

The subordinate replied: "Langjun, the subordinate asked clearly, the reason why Li Xian, the deputy general of the chariot, sent troops to block the road, was actually because of the order of chariots and cavalry, and led his troops to welcome the emperor's Linxing chariots and cavalry camp! "

Taking advantage of Zhong Yao's shrewdness and composure, his face paled after hearing this.

After Li Jue and Guo Sibing fought, the worst outcome he feared would come out so quickly.

The servant asked Zhong Yao and said, "Langjun, what should I do? Are you still in the palace?"

Zhong Yao's thoughts turned, but his face regained his composure, he lowered the curtain of the car, and ordered the charioteer: "Go forward!"

The chauffeur then drove his horse tremblingly and continued to move forward.

After a while, the car stopped again.

A Liangzhou accent sounded outside: "On the order of the deputy car Zhonglang, the idle people are not allowed to pass."

Zhong Yao's servant said, "In the car is Zhong Jun, the servant of the Yellow Clan."

The voice of the Liangzhou military official who was blocking the road sounded again, and said impatiently: "What is the Huangmen servant! What is the Zhongjun drumming, no passage, hurry back!"

Zhong Yao opened the car door, got out of the car, stood proudly, looked at the person blocking the road, and said calmly: "I am Zhong Yao, the servant of the Huangmen, and the servant of the Huangmen is a close minister of the emperor. When you enter the palace to meet the Holy Master, there is a major event to report, you are blocking the way for no reason, why is it?"

When Zhong Yao was a child, he was considered to be born with a noble appearance. This year, he is forty-five years old, and he is in his prime. Because he is in the court, and he is well-dressed, he stands so proudly. the majesty of man.

Forced by his momentum, the Liangzhou military official who was blocking the road involuntarily took a half step back, then came back to his senses, and took another step forward, instead approaching two steps, holding down his waist with a knife, with a little embarrassment In this state, he glared at Zhong Yao and said, "I am waiting for the order of the deputy chariot, not to mention your little Huangmen servant, even if the third prince is here, it will not pass." He drew his sword and threatened Zhong Yao. , and said, "Are you going to retire? If you don't, don't blame me for being rude."

Where will Zhong Yao suffer immediate losses! Seeing that it was really impossible, he had to return to the car and ordered the guard to turn around, but he did not go home the same way, but hurried to the residence of Taiwei Yang Biao.


Yang Biao is not in the mansion, he has already arrived in the palace and is in the palace.

It was originally a solemn occasion for the court meeting, but now it is a military academy where dozens of wolves like tigers gather. The military academy was surrounded by one person, it was Li Xian.

Li Xian, clad in armor, wearing a sword on his waist, and walking on his feet, stood on the hall with an arrogant expression, and repeatedly urged Liu Xie, who was sitting on the dragon chair, to hurry up and follow him out of the palace to Li Jue Camp.

Li Xian turned slightly sideways, pointed to the door of the palace, and said, "Your Majesty, the carriage for you is ready, please don't delay any longer, and quickly accompany the ministers out of the palace, and I will be in the camp."

Although Liu Xie had been coerced since he was established as the emperor of the Han family, it was the first time he was humiliated like this. He clenched the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, and the young face was blue and white, and uncontrollable anger spurted out of his eyes. Listening to Li Xian's aggressive words, he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Yang Biao was also full of anger, wearing a black official robe, trying his best to straighten his body, sheltered in front of the dragon chair, and said, "Since ancient times, no emperor has been in the family of others.

Li Xian glanced at him and said, "The general's plan has been decided, and it is useless to say that the captain is useless." He opened his eyes, glanced at the courtiers in the hall, and said, "I advise the public to wait, it is best not to do any more. Dissuade me." He turned his eyes to look at Liu Xie again, and said, "Your Majesty, I have been ordered to welcome Your Majesty to the camp. The chariots have strict orders for His Majesty, and he ordered His Majesty to take His Majesty to the camp before noon. Your Majesty , out of the city and there are still more than ten miles away, please don't delay any longer, your majesty, and leave quickly!" As he spoke, he took a step closer to the dragon chair.

Because it is still early, just like Zhong Yao, who has not yet entered the palace, so there are not too many vassals in the palace, only about ten people.

Under the arrogance of Li Xian, under the oppression of dozens of military academies in the hall and the Liangzhou soldiers in groups outside the hall, although these ten ministers are all noble in status, and they are not young, but they are very different. All of them were silent, daring to be angry and not to speak.

Yang Biao said: "Even if you want to invite Your Majesty to the camp, you can't let His Majesty ride a chariot! When the emperor travels, there are regulations on chariots and guards of honor. Otherwise, the general will wait here first and wait for the old man. After going out for the emperor's decree, and after preparing the chariots and guards of honor, how about coming to the fortunate chariot camp?"

Li Xian sneered and said, "Could it be that the captain treats me as a fool."

Yang Biao asked, "What does the general mean by this?"

Li Xianyi looked at Yang Biao and said, "The captain's strategy is called slowing down troops, do you think I can't see it?" Fu stretched out his stomach again and said with a smile, "Prefect, don't be smart anymore, your strategy, I will first I won’t be fooled, and secondly, I’ve been fooled by you, you can’t welcome the emperor to the chariot camp today, do you think that the emperor can continue to stay in the palace without incident?”

Yang Biao asked, "What does the general mean?"

Li Xian said, "Captain, I won't lie to you, why did the chariots **** to the chariot camp to welcome the emperor today? Do you know the reason?" Before Yang Biao could answer, Li Xian said to himself, "It's because of Guo Duo has already made up his mind to hijack the emperor into his camp! Fortunately, Guo Duo is rebellious, tyrannical, and unpopular, so someone from his subordinate school learned about the news last night and hurriedly informed Che Qi. That's why I made me come to welcome His Majesty's charioting camp early this morning. What kind of person is Guo Duo? Suffering; by contrast, is it better to go to a cycling camp?"

Yang Biao was indeed a plan to slow down the army just now. Now, after listening to Li Xian's words, he knew that it was impossible, so he slowly turned to Liu Xie, bowed down, and said, "Your Majesty, please get up." Choked up, he covered his face and fell to the ground, unable to kneel for a long time.

Many ministers in the hall wept because of anger, and they all fell to the ground following Yang Biao's bow.

Liu Xie had no choice but to follow suit.

Li Xian only prepared three cars for Liu Xie.

And as Yang Biao said, all of them can only stand, open on all sides, and only use a horse to drive a narrow chariot.

Liu Xie took one of them.

Among the concubines and concubines in the harem, the highest-ranking Fu nobles ride in one.

Zuo Ling, who was in the hall at the time, shared a car with Jia Xu, who came with Li Xian.

Jia Xu did not agree to get Liu Xie into Li Jue's camp, but Li Jue refused to listen to him, and he had no choice; he followed Li Xian to welcome Liu Xie into Li Jue's camp, Jia Xu was even more reluctant to do it, but Li Jue insisted on him Come on, there is nothing he can do. However, although he had no choice but to follow Li Xian, Jia Xu basically did not speak much after he went to the palace because of his reluctance.

But when Liu Xie boarded the car, Jia Xu came to Liu Xie's side, held Liu Xie's arm, and said to Liu Xie in a low voice, "The charioteer insisted on welcoming His Majesty to the fortunate camp. I can't follow you, but please rest assured Your Majesty, when you get to the chariot camp, I will do my best to protect Your Majesty."

Liu Xie laughed like weeping, and said in a hoarse voice: "There is Lao Qing." He bowed and got into the car, his expression was blank, and he didn't say a word.

Around the hour of the hour, Li Xian led more than a thousand soldiers and drove to the camp of Li Jue in the south of the city.

As soon as the wheels moved here, Liu Xie suddenly heard the sound of clamoring. Looking back, he saw that hundreds of Liangzhou soldiers wearing red uniforms of the Han family rushed to the various palaces noisily.

It turned out that Li Xian went back to the palace to force Liu Xie into Li Jue's camp. He brought three or four thousand soldiers and horses in total. Except for the more than one thousand soldiers who were both coercion and guarantee that Liu Xie would not be kidnapped by Guo Si on the way, the rest Those, Li Jue also gave him another task, which was to loot the palace. Now that Liu Xie has just left the palace, and has not left the palace, these Liangzhou soldiers can't wait and start to plunder.

Under the blue sky, in the majestic palace city of Eran, the chaos of soldiers is everywhere, and the majesty of the Han Dynasty has disappeared.

Although he was young, at this moment, Liu Xie couldn't help but feel a downhearted state of mind.

Not far from leaving the palace, among the ministers such as Yang Biao who followed Liu Xie's car on foot, someone exclaimed in a low voice. Liu Xie looked back again and saw black smoke rising from Miyagi, and it was the soldiers under Li Jue who set it on fire.

Liu Xie stood on the trolley and grabbed the railing forcefully, so that his wobbly body did not fall down.

He thought in his heart: "I'm sorry for my ancestors, I'm sorry for my ancestors!" Two lines of hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

It was March, and the spring flowers were blooming. Walking on the road in the city, there were green grass and safflower on both sides. It is a spring that makes people feel at ease, but Liu Xie is like falling into an ice abyss.

Going south along the avenue, when they were about to exit the city gate, more than a hundred people came behind.

Some of the military officials who had been adjourned came forward to report: "Situ, Sikong and other ministers are asking to see the emperor."

However, the more than 100 people who came were ministers from the court, such as Situ Zhao Wen and Sikong Zhang Xi, who hurriedly chased after hearing the news. Zhong Yao and Ding Chong were among them. Zhong Yao went to Yang Biao's mansion and fluttered, and then he went to Situ's mansion, so he and Zhao Wen chased after him.

Li Xian was too lazy to see Zhao Wen and others, and said, "The chariots are waiting in the camp! The emperor has to hurry, how can I see them?"

"Then..., drive them away?"

Li Xian said, "However, it's a noble person, so how can you be rude."

"Then how will you answer them? Dare to ask the general to show you."

Li Xian waved his hand and said, "Since they want to see the emperor, let them follow them to the chariot camp."


Until nightfall, the fire in the palace city was still not extinguished.

Liu Xie and others who had already entered Li Jue's camp looked at the city from the camp, and they could still see the blazing fire, almost illuminating half of Chang'an city red.

This fire not only burned the vast Miyagi to the ground, but also burned more than 10,000 houses around the Miyagi to white ground. It took two or three days to burn before the fire stopped. Needless to say.

Only that that night, Yang Biao and others were with Liu Xie.

Liu Xie grabbed Yang Biao's hand, asked him, and said, "Yang Gong, I was forced to leave the palace today. When I saw the chariot in the afternoon, the father saw his attitude towards me. How could he still think that I am the emperor? You only treat me like a child! I don't take me seriously at all! Duke Yang, what should I do now?"

Yang Biao burst into tears and said: "Your Majesty, it's all the incompetence of the ministers, which caused His Majesty to suffer this humiliation. There is no other way, and the minister's stupid opinion can only choose another minister, try again, and see if you can make peace. The countermeasure of Che Qi and General Guo is feasible."

In order to ensure Liu Xie's safety in the chaos caused by Li Jue and Guo Si, all the methods that can be used have been used.

For example, three days ago, Hu Ben, Yulin, Tunqi, Yueqi and other battalions were transferred to the outside of Miyagi to protect the safety of Miyagi, but today Li Xian's troops arrived, Huben, Yulin and other battalions The soldiers were not rivals at all, or they were killed by the soldiers of Li Xian's army, or they fled without a fight. Today, the Hu Ben and other soldiers who are still with Liu Xie, there are only about 400 soldiers left. The 300 people led by Cao, King Huben, were still Li Jue's party. "Palace envoy" means eunuch.

Certainly there is no other way but to try again and conciliate.

Liu Xie said: "Last time I troubled Yang Qi, Shangshu Wang Long, etc. to go to talk and mediate, but it couldn't be done. Yang Gong, will it be useful to ask someone to mediate again?"

Yang Biao lifted the corner of his clothes, wiped away his tears, and said, "Your Majesty, Zhong Yao, the servant of the Yellow Clan, made a suggestion to the minister a few days ago, and the minister still had time to play your majesty."

"What's the suggestion?"

Yang Biao said: "Zhong Yao suggested that if you send someone to mediate again, you might as well shoot Huangfu Li with his servants. Huangfu Li is a fellow of the chariots and General Guo, and his people have special talents. If you use him as an envoy to mediate for His Majesty, it may be successful."

Liu Xie was thinking about it, and the person next to him disagreed with Yang Biao's opinion and said: "There is really no good way to do this, but to choose someone to reconcile and explain, but the last time His Majesty sent close ministers, it would not work, if this Sending Huangfu Li back, I'm afraid it will be even more useless."

Liu Xie asked: "So, from the public's point of view, who should bother me to go to mediation and say what is appropriate?"

The person who spoke was Sikong Zhang Xi, Zhang Xi said: "Last time I served Yang Qi and others, so if the reconciliation failed, the minister thought it was because of the humble position of Yang Qi and other officials, this time the mediation, the minister's stupid opinion, might as well The ministers and Yang Gong, Zhao Gong and others will go there in person."

Liu Xie asked Yang Biao and Zhao Wen, and said, "How do the two of you feel?"

As the third prince, Zhang Xi took the initiative to ask Ying, and he said so, can Yang Biao and Zhao Wen still refuse? If they refuse, they will inevitably be suspected that they are afraid and have the name of losing their loyalty to the king. Because of this, the two replied: "I will obey your majesty's order."

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