The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 150: Military and Civilian Banquet Shihao (Part 1)

Cao Cao's letter was not too long, but not too short. It was nearly two pages long on good paper.

The specific content can be roughly divided into two parts.

The front part is about recounting the old and different feelings, and the latter part is about what Cao Cao saw after he arrived in Bingzhou, and some local customs and customs in Bingzhou. Celebrities and heroes, describe their good points separately. At the end of the letter, Cao Cao borrowed a poem from the previous generation of this dynasty, "Abandon donations, don't return to Taoism, and try to add meals" as the end of this letter.

After reading Cao Cao's letter, Xun Zhen couldn't help sighing secretly, thinking: "Anyone who can achieve things must be able to endure what others can't bear, and what others can't do. Meng De is really a generous person."

If you put yourself in the situation of Cao Cao and consider it, if you are the one who was defeated in Yanzhou, and Cao Cao is the winner, then as the winner, Cao Cao sends a letter to yourself, will you feel the same way? Cao Cao not only replied to the letter like this, but also observed the entire words in his letter, without any resentment. Xun Zhen is really not sure.

In the letter, there is a gift list, on which is written a gift from Cao Cao to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen saw that the gifts written on the gift list were: Taiyuan Fenqing, Shangdang linen, Heli Lehu wine, Wujinshi, Zhao Guotu Haobi, Hedong Baiyan, etc., as well as two horses from Bingzhou. Four orchids who can sing and dance.

The "Fenqing" on the gift list is the predecessor of Fenjiu in later generations. In today's wine, you can see at a glance whether it is good or bad. The bad wine has many impurities and is cloudy, and the good wine is clear. "Fenqing" is also the name of the wine with a "qing" in the name, which shows the goodness of this wine.

Shangdang's linen is well-known, and like Fenqing, it is a local product of Bingzhou, needless to say.

Wujinshi is carbon. Like Zhao Guotu Haobi and Hedong Baiyan, it is not native to Bingzhou. The most famous place of origin is Linhue County, which belongs to Hanoi County, and its western boundary borders Shangdang County of Bingzhou. The reason why the Wujinshi of Hanoi County, the rabbit pen of Zhao State, and the white salt of Hadong were also sent to Xunzhen as gifts, it is expected that there are only two reasons. One is that these three counties are all adjacent to Bingzhou, and the other is the special state of Zhao, where Xun Zhen had served as an official here earlier and served as a lieutenant of the state of Zhao, so Cao Cao also added these three things to the gift.

There is no need to say more about horses, and Bingzhou is a place for producing horses with abundant water and grass. As for Hu Ji, there are many Hu people in the northern and southern parts of Bingzhou. Hu females may be relatively rare in most areas of the mainland, but they are not uncommon in Bingzhou.

But what is this Heli Lehu wine?

Xun Zhen took a few glances and thought about it. As if she had never heard of it, she asked the people in the hall and said, "Among the gifts that Meng De gave me, there is an item called Heli Lehu wine. What is this?"

Chen Yi had quite a bit of knowledge, so he replied to Xun Zhen, saying, "When the servant heard this wine, it is a medicinal wine produced in the Western Regions."

"Medicinal wine?"

Chen Yi said: "Helile is a medicinal material that is said to be able to cure many diseases. This Helilehu wine is made from this medicinal material."

Xun Zhen laughed, took the letter and shook it to the crowd, saying: "So it is, no wonder Meng De specially commented next to the name of this wine, and wrote, 'This wine is recommended by alchemists, saying that it can cure all diseases, It has a magical effect. . . . How can Meng De have the wine of the Western Regions?"

Chen Yi guessed and replied: "Although Bingzhou is not connected to the Western Regions, it is bordered by Bingzhou and Liangzhou. Perhaps the Sogdian Hu merchants from Liangzhou went to Taiyuan because Duke Cao got this wine."

Although this guess is not accurate, it is not far off. The origin of Heli Lehu wine is Persia and India, but there are quite a few Sogdian Hu merchants in Liangzhou who brew this wine. After being brewed, it was brought to Bingzhou for sale. Cao Cao got the recommendation of his servants, and bought a lot of them in order to treat and relieve his headache.

Xun Zhen nodded and looked at Cao Cao's gift list again.

The gifts that Cao Cao gave to Xun Zhen were clearly said to be a return gift from Pei County that Xun Zhen had given him before. A little weird.

Xun Zhen pondered his heart and said, "It seems that putting the Wujinshi and other items on the gift list is not simply because these three counties are adjacent to the same state, right?"

What other reason?

Xi Zhicai also saw the strangeness in this gift list, shook the feather fan with one hand, stroked the beard with the other, and said with a smile: "Ming Gong, Cao Mengde is probably protesting to Ming Gong in the name of returning the gift."

"What are you showing me?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Fenqing, Heli Lehu wine, that's all, that Orchid, Duke Ming, and Cao Mengde seem to be telling Duke Ming that he is now in Bingzhou and has captured the Hu people in the north. , Cao Mengde seems to be saying that his cavalry strength has also been restored; and Hanoi Wujinshi, Zhao Guotuhaobi, Hadong Baiyan, ... Ming Gong, do you think Cao Mengde wants to tell this? Duke Ming, he has not only settled down in Bingzhou, but also has foreign aid from Jizhou and Hanoi as an alliance?"

Xun Zhen laughed, pointed at Xi Zhicai, and said jokingly: "Zhi Cai, you can't save Meng De's gentleman's belly like this."

Xi Zhicai covered his fan with a smile and said, "Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Xun Zhen said on his lips that he should not take the heart of a villain and save Cao Cao's gentleman's belly, but in his heart he thought: "I think as much as you!" Holding the gift list, she looked around, thinking for a while, but she didn't know what it was. He and Xi Zhicai are more attentive, or perhaps Cao Cao really meant it.

After all, people gave gifts in return with good intentions, but if they guessed that they had bad intentions, it would be inferior. Cao Cao can be generous. Xun Zhen learned from him, so he simply put down this section and kept Cao Cao's letter and gift list. After putting it away, he said to Chen Yi, "Meng De's

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ ceremony, we will arrive in time, we have just arrived in Rencheng, and the gift will arrive soon. Fenqing, Heli Lehu wine, you can bring it later, let's taste it together tonight and see how it tastes. "

Chen Yi agreed.

Xun Zhen laughed at Gu Xunyue, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others, and said, "When I was a lieutenant in Zhao State, I really didn't use Zhao State's rabbit hair brush. This brush is really easy to use! Later, When I left the state of Zhao and took office as the prefect of Wei County, I bought more than 100 rabbit brushes to take away. But it has been many years, and these pens have been used up long ago. Meng De sent me some this time, It can be said to give charcoal in the snow." Ling Chen Yi said, "Take out more rabbit brushes and distribute them to my eldest brother, Zhicai, Wenruo, and Gongda."

"Big brother", said Xun Yue.

Chen Yi agreed, seeing that Xun Zhen had nothing else to ask, and the farewell was about to come out, Xun Zhen stopped him, and added: "There is another Orchid, leave me two, and you will send the rest. People were sent to Zhicai and Fengxiao's residences respectively."

Among the officials under Xun Zhen's account, the most romantic were Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.

Both of them were originally poor, and they were both chivalrous and uninhibited people. Now that they have power and wealth, they have never been willing to wrong themselves when it comes to alcohol and sex. With a smile, Chen Yi answered yes, and went out of the court respectfully to carry out Xun Zhen's orders.


Xun Zhen said that when Hu Ji was forwarded to Xi Zhicai and Guo Jiashi, most of the people in the hall laughed, only Xun You pondered.

Noticing Xun You's expression, Xun Zhen asked, "Gongda, what are you thinking?"

Xun You came back to his senses and replied, "You are thinking, the military report sent by Yin of Henan just said that the court worshiped Yuan Benchu ​​as the right general..."

Xun Zhen said, "How?"

Xun You said, "Could it be that Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou, the thieves, are going to use troops against Henan Yin?"

Xun Zhen looked at Xi Zhicai and asked, "Zhi Cai, what do you think?"

Xi Zhicai shook his fan and replied, "The imperial court's decree must have been forced by the thieves Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou. Between the two Yuan, Li Jue and the thieves had previously focused on Yuan Gonggong, and Yuan Benchu ​​was What they are most afraid of is that two years ago, they forced the emperor to worship Yuan Gonggong as the left general, and they were hostile and away from Yuan Benchu; but now, the thieves of Li Jue are uncharacteristically, forcing the court to worship Yuan Benchu ​​as the right general. ,... Duke Ming, to be loyal to him can only come from two reasons."

"Come and listen."

Xi Zhicai said: "Yuan Benchu ​​defeated the thieves in Montenegro last winter, and last year he won Xian Yufu, Su Puyan and others as allies with him, so he once again defeated Gongsun Zan at Baoqiu a while ago. Bi, it's a big boost, even though Li Jue's thieves are still afraid of him, but the situation dictates that they have to win over him, which is one of the reasons."

"What about the second?"

Xi Zhicai said, "The second one is Gongda's concern."


Xi Zhicai said: "Ming Gong, as we discussed earlier, Hedong County is important enough to dominate the world, if the thieves of Li Jue want to compete with our army for Henan Yin and Hedong County, they must solve it first! The solution is either to use troops to fight, or to find a way to let Cao Mengde and Wang Yi sit and watch. At this moment after the battle between Li Jue and Ma Teng and Han Sui, and the confrontation for a long time, if the army is used to fight, then the next step is to fight with Ma Teng and Han Sui. Our army may struggle to compete for Henan Yin, because the best way is to make Cao Mengde and Wang Yi sit and watch, and let them compete with our army for Henan Yin without interfering.

"This way of worshiping Yuan Benchu ​​was the order of the right general, and maybe there is this level of intention of Li Jue's thieves."

"You are saying that the thieves of Li Jue want to show their goodwill to Yuan Benchu ​​through this seal of worship, and then use Yuan Benchu ​​to control Mengde and Wangyi, so that they can finally no longer have to worry about it. The retreat of his army will not be cut off by Mende."

Xi Zhicai nodded and said, "Exactly."

In the official system of the Han family, the order of honor and inferiority of military attachés is that the generals are the highest, followed by the hussars, the next is the chariots, the next is the generals of the guard, and the next is the four generals. The general Zhendong appointed by Xun Zhen, as well as the general title starting with the word "zheng", in other words, the generals of "four expeditions" and "four towns", were actually not very long ago, they were still generals with miscellaneous names, only because After the chaos at sea, the feudal lords rose up in groups, in order to appease and win over the feudal feudal feudal lords, the imperial court may have the names of four expeditions and four towns to be given to them. Shu, only in recent years, its status has gradually improved, and it has become a "heavy general". Compared with the old generals below the generals, up to the four generals, the four expeditions and the four towns are still inferior. .

Compared with Yuan Shao's self-proclaimed "General of Chasing and Cavalry" when he was discussing Dong, the right-handed general is a bit lower, but there are also points that are stronger than the general of chasing and cavalry. , "General Right" is serious, this cannot be said to be a very generous win, but it can be regarded as a win with similar conditions.

"Wen Ruo, Chang Wen, eldest brother, what do you think?"

Xun Yu said, "What Gongda thinks is right. After paying respect to Yuan Benchu ​​as the right general, in the next step, Li Jue's thieves may indeed use the troops of Henan Yin to start a fight with our army." After a pause, he continued. He said, "But in my humble opinion, there is no need to worry too much about this. First, whether Yuan Benchu ​​is willing to accept this edict is still a matter of choice. Even if he accepts it, will he succeed Li Jue's thieves? The meaning is also between the two; the two are still discussed before. Li Jue’s thieves have lost their vitality now, and they have not recovered for a month or two, or even two or three months. He used troops in a big way to Yin in Henan."

"Zhicai, what about Wen Ruo's words?"


Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Zhi Cai said: "Wen Ruo makes sense."

Xun Yu said: "Brother, the plan for now is to go to Henan Yin first, and ask Zhang Gong and Xu Rong to make more preparations for this."

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, agreed with Xun Yu's judgment and suggestion, and didn't say more about the matter. Following this, Xun Zhen told Xun Yue and Xun You about his plans to stay in Rencheng for two days and so on.

Xun Yue and Xun You naturally had no objection to the The two of them respectfully agreed.

Talking about it, twilight has come, and today it is impossible to go out of the city, and it is impossible to inspect the military, civilian and folk villages.

Xun Yueling cooks in the kitchen of the prefectural government.

Not long after the lamp was in hand, the food came, and Chen Yi, as ordered by Xun Zhen, ordered the servants to bring the Fenqing and Helilehu wines that Cao Cao had brought, and then they had the food, and everyone drank some. Xun Zhen tasted it, Fen Qing slightly resembled the taste of Fen wine of later generations, but he was really unaccustomed to drinking Li Lehu wine with a strong medicinal taste. Tomorrow was busy, so Xun Zhen didn't drink too much, and before the second watch, she left the feast.

Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai and others still returned to the guest house for a temporary stay.

Chen Yi was a sensible person. Chen Zhi and others were all in the guest house, and the guest house was cramped. He did not send the orchids left by Xun Zhen, and found another place to settle them. Send it to Xun Zhen's house.


One more later.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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