The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 135: Cao Mengde borrows troops to break thieves (middle)

Cao Cao led his troops into Hedong County and went down the Fen River.

Not long after the trip, a military official from the former army's Lu Qiang came to report, saying that someone claimed to be the emissary of the king's city and asked to see Cao Cao.

Cao Cao ordered him to be brought to the Chinese army.

Soon, a small group of Cao Jun knights came with several cavalry.

Cao Cao looked at it and saw that although all of these horses had their hair tied in a bun and had a Han hairstyle, they were dressed in sheepskin folds and short-waisted leather boots. They were dressed by Hu Mu.

However, it turned out that Hedong is adjacent to the Yellow River in the south and Luliang Mountain in the north. The vegetation is lush, and the local people are already grazing for a living. In recent years, the Central Plains have been in great chaos, and quite a number of Hu tribes have moved south for various reasons. Some came to Hedong. The county also made animal husbandry more common in the county; and under the influence of Hu Mu, some Han people would wear Hu people's clothes when riding or grazing. Open the hakama", or the pleated hakama of the Hu people is more convenient for riding a horse.

The officer who led the Cao Jun knight said: "The one who wears armor and rides a red horse is Duke Cao."

Those who were led here, with hair styles and clothes mixed with the characteristics of Han and Hu, jumped off their horses, approached, and bowed down to the ground.

The leader reported his name to Cao Cao, and he was a military official in the Hedong Prefecture, and said, "My lord received a letter from Duke Cao yesterday, knowing that Duke Cao's department is coming to our county, and ordered the officials to come to welcome the Duke, and they came in a hurry. , I didn't bring much of the army's belongings, and only brought more than a hundred sheep and ten jars of wine, which have been taken over by the military officials under the official account."

"Please get up." Cao Cao sat on the horse, holding the handle of the horse whip in his right hand and the front of the whip in his left hand. He glanced up and down at the military official's attire, and asked with a smile, "Why do you look like this?"

"Did the public ask about the subordinate's folds?"

Cao Cao said, "Yes."

"Li Le, Han Xian, Hu Cai, and Qubei thieves have been ravaging our county for a long time. The current location of Li Le's thieves' army is in Anyi. Dress up."

Cao Cao said "Oh" and said, "That's right. ... Li Le's band of thieves is now stationed in Anyi. Let me ask you, where are the Han and Xian thieves now stationed?"

"Report to Duke Cao, Hu Cai's department is in Pi's, and Han Xian's department is in Yi's."

Anyi is the county seat of Hedong County. The two counties of Pi's and Yi's are one in the northwest of Anyi and the other in the southeast of Anyi. The two counties are not too far from Anyi. There are two large rivers in Hedong County, one is Fen Shui and the other is Dong Shui. Fen Shui is in the north and Wei Shui is in the south. Cao Cao's current location is about three hundred miles away.

Cao Cao asked, "Where is King Youxian of the Southern Huns going to the lower ranks?"

The military official replied, "When King Youxian of the Southern Xiongnu went to the lower ranks, he usually grazes along the water, and he has no fixed place to live. Now they are probably nomadic in Pi's and Puban in the east of the river."

This "Hedong" refers to the east bank of the Yellow River. The Yellow River is the dividing line between Hedong County and Zuo Fengyi; in other words, the Yellow River is the entire eastern boundary of Hedong County. To the north of Zuo Fengyi is Shangjun of Bingzhou. Shangjun and Hedongjun also border, and the boundary between the two is also the Yellow River.

But it is said that Hedong County is already considered to be inland. Why is the right Xian King of the Southern Xiongnu going to the inferior department now in Hedong?

This will take four years from Zhongping, when Zhang Chun, the former prefect of Zhongshan, rebelled.

Zhang Chun's rebellion not only affected the situation in Youzhou, but also affected Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu in the future, and also affected the Southern Huns.

After Zhang Chun's rebellion, Emperor Ling of Han sent troops to the Southern Xiongnu, who were herdsmen in the northern Xinjiang of Bingzhou.

The Southern Xiongnu was in charge of Shanyu Qiang Canal, so he ordered his son Yu Fuluo and others to ride to Youzhou. However, the Hu chiefs of the Southern Xiongnu tribes and their "national people", that is, the people of their own species, were afraid of Shan. Yu Hui sent troops endlessly, so in the following year, that is, the fifth year of Zhongping, the right tribe of the Southern Xiongnu, the tribes of Xiutu and Baimatong rebelled and killed the Qiang Canal.

In order to prevent Yufuluo's revenge, the rebels disregarded the tradition of the Xiongnu's inheritance, and established the Duke of Bogudu as Shanyu. When Yufro heard the news, he went to the Que to sue himself, hoping that the court would send troops to help him restore his country. At this time, in the court, where can there be soldiers to help him? The following year, Emperor Ling collapsed and the world was in chaos. Yu Fuluo could not return to the country, and he could not get food and silk supplies from the imperial court.

Later, when the feudal lords attacked Dong, Yu Fuluo led his troops to change his body, followed Zhang Yang and became a member of the allied army against Dong; and later, he threatened Zhang Yang and wanted to betray Yuan Shao, but was defeated by Qu Yi; Reunited with old acquaintances such as the Baibo Yellow Turbans and the Montenegrin Army, and they scattered in Hanoi, Hedong and other places. Yufu Luo himself is now in the area of ​​Hanoi; Qubei is his son and nephew, and he leads thousands of people to shepherd in the east of Hedong.

The name of Qubei is not well known to future generations. However, it has a descendant. In the original time and space, it was quite famous in the Sixteen Kingdoms period, that is, Helian Bobo, the founder of the last Hu people’s regime in this period, Hu Xia. . - Yuvluo also has a descendant, who was very famous during the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, that is, his grandson, Liu Yuan, the founder of the former Zhaozhi who opened the dark age of Wuhua chaos.

Hedong is the site of Baibo Yellow Turban, Qubeiyin and Li Le have always maintained close contacts, similar to the relationship of attachment and ally.

Cao Cao knew about this for a long time, so he heard that the military official did not mention Gobei, so he specifically asked.

Although there were not many Hu cavalry who went to Beisuo's army, there were thousands of them in total, and there were only a thousand tribal soldiers who could fight, and they were all light cavalry.

After inquiring about the situation of the enemy, there was no change or discrepancy with the information he had obtained before. Cao Cao let it go slightly.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I am relieved.

The military official said: "In the letter to my lord, I didn't mention the strategy of this battle. My lord ordered the officials to dare to ask Yugong, if I don't know this battle, how does the lord plan to fight?"

Cao Cao smiled and said: "I didn't mention it in the book because I was worried that my book might be intercepted by the soldiers of Li Le's bandit division. I have a plan for how to fight this battle. You go back and report to Wangfujun. , I said, please Wangfujun, quickly send the guide he promised to me!"

The military official replied: "Yes." He asked Cao Cao again, and said, "The official dares to ask Ming General again, and after more than 100 miles ahead is Linfen, an important town in my county. Do you want to wait for your master's guide to arrive before attacking the city, or not wait?"

"I'm going to travel another twenty miles, and I'll be stationed in the camp."

The military official thought that Cao Cao wanted to wait for his guide to arrive before making plans to attack, so he didn't ask any more questions, and answered yes.

"Guide" so, in fact, this military official can be a guide, but Cao Cao's "guide" does not mean simply "guide". Confidant." This means.

The name of this military official, first of all, Cao Cao has never heard of it, and secondly, it can be seen from his speech and behavior that he is indeed a man of his job, but he is just a man of martial arts. That’s why Wang Yi sent him to welcome Cao Cao. Come and explore a way, just get in touch with Cao Cao. Since this is the case, it is obvious that the specific battle plan cannot be shared with this military official. Therefore, Cao Cao sent the military official back and asked Wang Yi to send a heavyweight representative.

This military official might not understand what Cao Cao meant, but Wang Yi did.

With the reward of this military official, Wang Yi no longer delayed, so he immediately dispatched two confidants to accompany him to lead the way. He quietly left the prefecture and county seat that day, and traveled north day and night. Two days later, he arrived at Cao Cao's camp. middle.

At dusk, Cao Cao heard the news and immediately summoned him.

This military official and the two confidants of the two kings entered the tent, and Cao Cao opened his eyes to look at the two.

One of them I know is Wang Yi's younger brother. Cao Cao met him when he was in Luoyang in his early years. The other, who did not know him, knew his name after asking about his name. His surname was Wei, his given name was Gu, his style was Zhongjian, and he was from Anyi County. He was one of the most useful county officials around Wangyi.

Although the Wei family in Anyi cannot be compared with the three famous Hedong clans, Pei, Liu, and Xue in later generations, but at this time, it is also one of the right surnames in Hedong. Several are good at calligraphy and are well-known outside.

Cao Cao met Wang Yi's younger brother in the old years, knew him, knew that he was just a middle-of-the-road man, and had no ingenuity, and this other person named Wei Gu, Cao Cao had in his letters with Wang Yi several times. The second time I saw Wang Yi mention his name, he praised him greatly. Cao Cao knew in his heart that the two people who came today, although Wang Yi's younger brother was close to Wang Yi, the one who could really make the decision must be Wei Gu.

As he expected, after seeing the ceremony, Wei Gu and others took their seats separately.

After accompanying Cao Cao to talk about Luoyang, Wang Yi's younger brother did not speak much, and Wei Gu became the protagonist of the three officials in Hedong.

After a few simple greetings, he told Cao Cao that the journey was hard, and then he turned to the topic and said to Cao Cao: "Cao Gong's troops are very fast. It has already entered my Hedong, and it is worthy of the name of using soldiers like a god, but I don't know what will Duke Cao's strategy for the next battle?"

Cao Cao didn't say his plan first, he asked Wei Gu and said, "You are a handsome man in the east of the river. The prince is full of praise for you. You must have a plan. I would like to hear the details."

Wei Gu was young, about twenty or thirty years old. Cao Cao was far superior to him in terms of age, official position, background, and reputation, but he was not intimidated at all, nor did he pretend to be modest. When Cao Cao asked this question, he answered happily, saying: "Bai County is adjacent to Hongnong to the south and Zuo Fengyi to the west. Liangzhou soldiers are stationed in these two places, and Xihe in the north of Bi County is surrounded by thieves of Baibo and Yellow Turbans. Therefore, after negotiating with General Ming to deal with the thieves of Li Le, my lord, after careful discussion with the subordinate officials, agreed with the subordinate officials that this battle should also be decided quickly and should not be delayed for a long time. Troops came to aid the thieves of Li Le, and the troops of Liangzhou from Hongnong and Zuo Fengyi may also come to attack, and the thieves of Baibo in Xihe County will definitely attack me south. Enemies on three sides, let alone attacking and destroying Li Le, Han Xian, and Hu Cai, the Hedong County will also be in danger!”

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Qing Yan is very true."

He praised Wei Gu twice, but Cao Cao kept calm and didn't tell Wei Gu that he had already sent Xiahou Dun and other generals to lead his elite troops over Luliang Mountain and rushed to the Yellow Turbans on the Xihe River, but he asked Wei Gu again, "It is indeed a quick decision, but of course How can I make a quick decision, what can you teach me?"

Wei Gu said: "General Ming and my lord secretly joined forces on this matter. The thieves of Li Le still don't know about it. This is beneficial to our allied army. Before I came to see General Ming, the subordinates offered a strategy to my lord, my lord. Sure enough."

Cao Cao said: "What is the plan? It must be a brilliant plan to get the prince's approval? Please tell me."

Wei Gu said: "This policy by the subordinates is the cooperation between our department and General Ming's department!"

"Should the inside and outside be combined?"

Wei Gu said: "When the news spread that General Ming's troops have arrived in Hedong County, it is expected that Li Le's thieves will lead the troops to attack because they despise General Ming, and they will definitely order the leader to lead his troops together. Going to battle. At that time, my Hedong County soldiers pretended to obey the orders of the thieves, but when the thieves confronted the general Ming, our troops defected, and the general Ming took advantage of the situation to attack him, then Li Le and the thieves will surely be defeated! "

What Wei Gu said that Li Le and others heard that after Cao Cao entered the country, they would definitely lead the troops to attack Cao Cao because they despised Cao Cao. It is not for no reason, but there is a reason for it. His remarks alluded to Cao Cao's previous battles with Baibo and Yellow Turbans, but all

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ No great merit, no upper hand in this story. So since Cao Cao is nothing more than this, Li Le and others think that Hedong County is their territory, and Cao Cao is now entering as a guest army. The most important thing is that Li Le and his generals lack resourcefulness and are all brave and aggressive. The disciples, it is expected that they will despise Cao Cao. As Wei Gu deduced, nine times out of ten, they would indeed lead his troops to attack Cao Cao easily.

Although Wei Gu hinted that he had failed in the previous battles, Cao Cao had no shame or anger, and said with a smile: "Your lord's strategy is very good."

Wei Gu said, "Does General Ming agree?"

Cao Cao said, "Your Majesty's strategy is exactly in line with my intentions!" After a pause, he said, "I will make a little supplement to your Majesty's strategy."

"Dare to ask General Ming, what is the supplement?"

Cao Cao said: "Tomorrow I will pull out the camp and continue to the south, but the speed of my march will slow down. This is one of the supplements. During the march, I will deliberately make the marching formations of the various troops loose. This is the second supplement."

Wei Gu immediately understood what Cao Cao meant, and said: "Slowing down the marching speed is to give Li Le's thieves enough time to gather and come to fight; the marching formation is sloppy, it is for the pride of Li Le's thieves. Great strategy!"

Cao Cao stroked his beard, looked at Wei Gu again, and asked with a smile, "You are now in the Hedong Prefecture, any position?"

"The lord of the contemptible does not think of being stubborn and humble, and the current Cao Ye."

Cao Cao took care of all the officials in the tent and said, "Quit your talents!" Turning around, he smiled and said to Wei Gu, "With the talents of a monarch, how can you limit the officials? When the bandits are defeated, I will definitely advise the prince. , in terms of reward for meritorious deeds, and promote the monarch."

Wei Gu stood up and bowed, "Thank you General Ming for your kindness."

Cao Cao went down to the hall and personally helped Wei Gu up.

However, Cao Cao is not tall and his appearance is not good. Wei Gu thinks he is a heroic talent and has the style of light chivalry. When he first saw Cao Cao, he actually couldn't say that he valued Cao Cao. After such a brief conversation with Cao Cao, for some reason, perhaps after hearing Wei Gu's "implied" meaning, Cao Cao was able to keep his face unchanged. Ren Xia, who is similar to Wei Gu, may be Cao Cao's two "supplements", showing his military strategy. In Wei Gu's mind, Cao Cao's image seems to be close and much taller.

- This may be the charisma of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, although they are different in nature.

Wei Gu was a representative sent by Wang Yi, and after deciding the strategy with Cao Cao, he temporarily stayed in Cao Cao's army.

Wang Yi's concubine and the military officials rushed back to the prefecture and reported to Wang Yi that Cao Cao had already agreed to this matter.

Wang Yi's younger brother, Nawu Li, sneaked among the road, returned to the county seat, and informed Wang Yi of Cao Cao's answer.

Wang Yi was in his 40s, with a big beard, a handsome appearance, and a tall stature. Although he was a civil servant, he had the majestic spirit of a northerner.

After listening to his brother's report, he called in the county officials he was close to, and first told everyone about the matter, and then ordered everyone to prepare quietly and inquire about Li Le's side.

But after the officials dispersed, one person turned back.

This person is young, the age of Fang Weiguang, the clothes are simple, but the aura is high, and the appearance is upright.

This person's name is Jia Kui. He lives in Xiangling County, Hedong County. His family is based on his surname. However, he is young orphan and poor, and he doesn't even have cotton pants in winter. Once he stayed at his wife and brother Liu Fu's house. Wearing Liu Fu's trousers and leaving, because of this, he is quite well known as Tongjian in the county. When Jia Kui was a child, he teased the standing staff. His grandfather disagreed and said to him, "You will be a leader when you grow up." Although his family was poor, they belonged to a wealthy family with a right surname, and there was no shortage of cultural heritage. His grandfather dictated tens of thousands of words to him on the art of war.

After Wang Yi was appointed as the prefect of Hedong, he heard about Jia Kui's deeds and name, so he summoned him to the prefecture, and like Wei Gu, appointed him as an official. Wei Gu said to Cao Cao that he negotiated with Wang Yi that "the decision must be made quickly", and that he gave to Wang Yi the "integration of the inside and the outside". Great contribution and credit.

When Wang Yi saw Jia Kui turn back, he called out his name and asked, "Liang Dao, Li Le's thieves probably have already learned that Duke Cao has entered the country, and the battle is just around the corner. If you don't hurry up to prepare, why did you turn back? "

Jia Kui said, "Ming Mansion, Kui has a doubt. I don't know whether to ask or not."

Wang Yi admired Jia Kui very much and liked him very much. Hearing what he said, he smiled and said, "If you have any doubts, feel free to ask."

Jia Kui said: "If it is said that before the Duke of Cao came to the government to communicate with the government, hoping to get the help of the government and annihilate the Baibo bandits, it is not impossible to promise him; but now Luoyang is under the command of Xu Rong, who is under the command of General Zhendong. Sun Bofu's troops entered the base.

"Mingfu, this Duke Cao is no match for Xun Zhendong! It is precisely because he lost to Xun Zhendong that Duke Cao lost a foothold in Yanzhou, so he turned to Duke Yuan in the west, and then went to Taiyuan in Bingzhou. Since Zhendong's department has already reached Yin in Henan, why didn't Mingfu contact Zhendong and plan to exterminate Li Le's thieves, but still join hands with Duke Cao?"

After hearing Jia Kui's question, Wang Yi did not hide his own thoughts, and replied: "Liang Dao, I don't know that in terms of military strength, Duke Cao is not as good as Zhendong! Luoyang, I'm afraid I won't have the spare power to help me defeat the Li Le thieves; both, I don't know Zhendong, and his government is far away in Xuzhou. Even if I want to ask him for help, it's inconvenient to contact him.

"The folk proverb says: Two birds in the forest, UU reading is not as good as one bird in hand. Therefore, I decided to still join forces with Meng De.

"And now, just as Meng De said, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou are facing off against Ma Teng and Han Sui in Chang'an, and Li Jue must have no extra troops for Yang Feng now.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^, help him to help the thieves of Li Le, the opportunity is not to be missed!

"So, let's join forces with Duke Cao first, and when the thieves of Li Le are destroyed, the whole county of Hedong will be returned to me. Downstairs, my county can connect with Duke Cao in the north, Luoyang in the south, and news from the east of the town. Wouldn't that be more beneficial to me, Hedong?"

Jia Kui thought about it for a while, and felt that Wang Yi's remarks made a lot of sense. He bowed down and saluted, and said, "The Ming government has foresighted and far-sighted, and it is not comparable to Kui."

Wang Yi said with a smile: "Okay, Liang Dao, if you have no other 'doubts', just prepare."

Jia Kui complied with his promise.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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