The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 133: Liu Gongwen's decree to return to Tan (Part 2)

Xun Zhen said: "On your way back, you should already know that I ordered Xu Rong and Xuande to take Henan Yin."

Liu Ru said: "On his way back, Ru came to pass Yingchuan and learned about it."

Xun Zhen said: "With all the preparations in the early stage, it is not difficult for Henan Yin to take it. As long as our army can block the counterattacks that Li Jue, Guo Si, the bandits and Yuan Benchu ​​are likely to have in the future, then Henan Yin can be imprisoned by me. Luoyang is close to Guanzhong, and it will be convenient to communicate with Chaozhong. After that, I plan to repair Luoyang City first, and then wait for the opportunity to enter Guanzhong and rescue the emperor.”

When I summoned Liu Ru today, Xun Zhen was the first to ask him, not how he met the Son of Heaven, but the Liangzhou Legion under Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, etc. What was the military strength?

Of course, Liu Ru did not have the opportunity to enter the camps of the generals Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou, but Liangzhou soldiers were rampant in Chang'an and Sanfu. , are everywhere outside the city. He has also seen several times that Liangzhou generals and commanders lead the troops with great momentum and hunt the countryside, but from this, he also glimpsed one or two of the Liangzhou soldiers. It can be described as agile, with excellent armor. In the battle with Ma Teng, Han Sui, etc. at Changpingguan, the Liangzhou Army suffered considerable losses, but it did not hurt its bones. Therefore, according to the current situation of the Liangzhou Army, Xunzhen's side It is indeed the best policy to take Henan Yin as the front line, or to consume or temporarily tug at the Liangzhou Army, wait for Henan Yin to gain a firm foothold, and then wait and see the situation and find opportunities to attack Guanzhong.

This is the future strategic direction Xun Zhen decided immediately after hearing Liu Ru's introduction. Of course, he would have to discuss with Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others later on whether to implement this, or when to implement it, and the specific details.

After turning back to the case, Xun Zhen picked up the roll of paper on the case, unfolded it again, and took a look.

This piece of paper was not an ordinary piece of paper. It was an order that Liu Ru had brought back to Xun Zhen from Chang'an in the handwritten decree of today's child.

This decree was secretly written to Xun Zhen by Zi today, so the paper was not what the imperial decree used, nor did it have the emperor's seal. The content of the decree is not long, and it probably means a sentence: authorize Xun Zhen to order the heroes of Guandong to go to Chang'an to rescue them.

Xun Zhen read this order carefully again, carefully rolled it up, raised her head, and said to Liu Ru: "Li Jue and Guo Si thieves, just let them run wild for a while, and treat me in the future. If I am well prepared, I will raise troops to fight for him! And if the emperor has this purpose, I will definitely succeed in the battle! Kumon, the day to rescue the emperor is not far away!"


Soon after Liu Ru said goodbye and left, the two of them came to see Xun Zhen.

It is Chen Ji and Chen Qun father and son.

When Xun Zhen heard the news, she hurried to greet him outside the hall, personally helped Chen Jishang to the hall, and asked him to take a seat.

After being seated, Xun Zhen said, "Eunuch Chen, why are you here? What's the matter? The Eunuch gave an order, wouldn't it be better for me to see Eunuch?"

Chen Ji said, "Zhenzhi, I know you're busy, so I won't bother you easily. I'm here today because I heard that Liu Gongwen had been summoned by you just now. Is there any such thing?"

Xun Zhen stroked her short mustache and smiled, and said, "Mr. Chen, your news is really well-informed." Glancing at Chen Qun, he knew that Chen Qun must have told Chen Ji, but he did not blame Chen Qun. Tell Chen Ji about this. Needless to say, it must be Chen Ji's instructions to Chen Qun. Chen Ji is Chen Qun's father, and the father's instructions must be obeyed by the son.

"Where is the official document?"

Xun Zhen said: "Chen Gong, Gong Wan is a step ahead. After all, Liu Gong has a hard journey, and his arm injury has not yet healed. I talked with him for a while, and seeing that his energy was low, I asked him to go back to rest."

Chen Ji said, "Have already gone back? But I came here by accident." After pondering, he looked at Xun Zhen, and said, "Zhenzhi, Liu Gongwen is returning from the court, the situation in the court, Zhenzhi, you should It's clearer."

Xun Zhen said, "I really understand it better."

Chen Ji said, "The Son of Heaven is in Chang'an, and today it can be said to be in a precarious situation! Zhenzhi, what are you going to do?"

"The Son of Heaven has sent a decree to me, asking me to order the heroes of the Kanto region, King Qin to save him."

Saying that, Xun Zhen showed Chen Jiguan the handwritten decree written by today's son.

Chen Ji looked at it and said, "This is indeed the handwriting of the emperor." This is the intended meaning of the title. Without much discussion, Chen Ji returned the decree to Xun Zhen and asked, "Since the emperor has this decree, Zhenzhi , I don't know what you mean?"

Xun Zhen told the truth and said: "Chen Gong, just before the official arrival, I just received a good news from Xu Rong that I have taken Henan Yin! I expect Yuan Benchu, Li Jue, Guo Si, etc., will not be willing to take Henan Yin to Henan Yin. If you give it to me like this, nine times out of ten, they will send troops to counterattack. Successfully taking Henan Yinzai in hand means that I have a bridgehead to enter Chang'an, and as long as I can repel the counterattack of the first generation, then In the next step, you can plan to gather the heroes, attack Chang'an, destroy the thieves, and rescue the emperor!"

"Henan Yin won? Okay, okay!"

Xun Zhen said, "But there is only one thing to worry about..."

Hearing Xun Zhen's plan, Chen Ji was very happy. Hearing that Xun Zhen said that he was worried, he hurriedly asked: "What is it? But Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou and the thieves, Zhenzhi, are you worried? Are the soldiers and horses of this generation strong?"

Xun Zhen said: "Zhen's concern for now is not the thieves of Li Jue and Guo Si, but Yuan Benchu."

"Yuan Benchu?"

Xun Zhen said: "Chen Gong, Yuan Benchu ​​has now occupied Jizhou, and has entered into Bingzhou. He has recently reached an alliance with Xian Yufu, Su Puyan, etc., and the troops are already advancing from two directions, and they are about to attack Gongsun Bogui. Gongsun Bogui is going to take the world. Bu Wei, killing Liu Youzhou, aroused the anger of the people in Youzhou, Yuan Benchu ​​would definitely win this battle. How could Xian Yufu and others fight against Yuan Benchu

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ The original confrontation? After the extermination of Gongsun Zan, the situation of Youzhou will return to its original state! It can be seen that Yuan Benchu's momentum and strength will be a step further from this.

"Jizhou is in the north of Yinzhi, Henan. If I send troops to Chang Anqin, ... Duke Chen, I'm worried that Yuan Benchu ​​might go south to intercept our army!"

Chen Ji said: "Zhenzhi, you have a secret edict of the emperor, so why worry about that?"

Xun Zhen said: "Chen Gong, if all the people in the world can be as loyal to the imperial court as you and me, why would there be today's turmoil? Chen Gong, you know, today's son's income was established because Dong Zhuo's arrogance and abolition Li, Yuan Ben originally did not recognize the son of today, and in the early years he even tried to support Liu Youzhou as the son of the emperor to compete with the imperial court, so it is, so it is..."

"That's why you have this worry."

Xun Zhen frowned and said worriedly, "Yes, Duke Chen, I am afraid that Yuan Benchu ​​will not only refuse to obey the secret edict of the emperor, but even slander me, saying that this edict is false, and that I should not hide evil intentions!"

Chen Ji thought for a while, and according to Yuan Shao's style, this is really possible.

He lowered his head, stroking his sparse gray beard and thinking.

After a long time, Chen Ji raised his face and said to Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, I have a plan, I don't know if it is feasible or not?"

Xun Zhen said: "The public policy is bound to be a good policy. The public please speak, and Zhen is all ears."

Chen Ji said: "Then before you start the army, Zhenzhi, you will seize the righteousness first, and use this to persecute Yuan Benchu. Even if he refuses to send troops to help, he will not dare to send troops to stop him!"

Xun Zhen said: "Chen Gong, the emperor's secret order, and I am worried that he might not obey, where does this righteousness come from? How can we persecute him?"

Chen Ji said in a firm tone: "Before you raise your army, I would like to send a letter to the prefecture and county!"

Comparing force and strength, although Chen Ji couldn't compare with Xun Zhen at all, but Chen Ji's reputation and status in Shilin were not comparable to Xun Zhen. Mingde's reputation is something that can't be seen or touched, but it has a very important influence.

If there is such a highly respected, veteran-level person among the scholars before he starts the army and goes to attack Li Jue, etc., if he is willing to pass on Xun Zhen to Hainei Prefecture, it will indeed play a very important role in Xun Zhen's occupation of the righteousness. .

——Especially at this time after Qin Xiang poisoned Kong Rong.

Xun Zhen was overjoyed when she heard this, got up and bowed to Chen Ji, saying, "In this way, Zhen will thank Duke Chen in advance."

Chen Ji said: "As long as the emperor can be rescued, and the Han family can be helped to rejuvenate again, what a pity! I hate that I am old, and I can't send troops to kill thieves in person, and only one word? Zhenzhi, you don't have to thank me. ."


In the evening, Xun Zhen returned to the back house.

Chen Zhi heard that Xun Zhen summoned Liu Ru today, and Chen Ji and Chen Qun went to see Xun Zhen in the afternoon, so he asked Xun Zhen during the meal: "Husband, I heard that when you summoned Liu Gong today, I don't know what to say. What? But what about the Chang'an court?"

Xun Zhen briefly explained to Chen Zhi the content of the conversation with Liu Ru.

Chen Zhi sighed for a while about the difficulties of the Son of Heaven, and then asked: "The concubine heard that my father also came to see my husband today. I saw my husband, and when my father left, he was very strong. I don't know why?"

Xun Zhen threw it, picked up the saber in her hand, held the hilt, and drew the sword a bit.

Chen Zhimiao looked at Xun Zhen.

The sword light reflected Xun Zhenying's martial appearance, he smiled and said, "Young Master, today I have been encouraged by Duke Chen to be Huo Guang of my Han family!"

Seeing Ji Xia lying on the side, eating quietly, Xun Zhen returned her sword to the sheath, patted the table a few times, and called him to come forward.

Ji Xia walked over obediently.

Xun Zhen asked, "I heard that you have been running out on horseback to shoot arrows recently. Is that the case?"

Ji Xia replied respectfully: "Dare to ask Father, what is 'always'?"

"..., how much time do you spend on reading the Bible every day, or do you spend more time on horseback and archery?"

Ji Xia replied, "More time on horseback for archery."

Xun Zhen asked, "Why is this?"

Ji Xia said: "In the past Qin Dynasty, when the First Emperor was traveling, the Great Ancestor saw him and said that a man should be like this. As a man, he should take his fame and fame immediately. Now there is chaos in the sea, and it is the autumn when people with lofty ideals make merit. For also."

Xun Zhen snorted, turned to look at Chen Zhi, pointed at Ji Xia, and said, "Young Master, look, what a good son!"

Ji Xia thought that Xun Zhen was complimenting him, a small smile appeared on his face, and he was about to pretend to be humble and say something, but when he saw Xun Zhen turned around, his expression became serious. Xun Zhen said, "Haven't you heard the words 'Wen Zhi Wu Gong'? When there is a civil strife at sea, it should be pacified immediately, but to rule the world, do you want to rectify it immediately?"

Ji Xia was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Xun Zhen said: "The six arts of a gentleman are what the Master teaches. Why among the six arts, rituals and music come first, then archery and imperialism? During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the wars of the various kingdoms could not be said to be without chaos; There are not too many people who take military merit and fame. But why does the Master still emphasize ritual and music? Have you ever thought about it?"

Ji Xia said: "This..."

Xun Zhen said: "Civil and martial arts can't be neglected. You like riding and archery, and you have the style of being a father. This is good, but you can't waste classics and classics. Although today's chaos, no matter how chaotic it is, it's not a father's year. In Lent, don’t you think that being a father can’t pacify the chaos? Do you think that being a father will leave this messy world to you, and when you grow up, you can clean it up again?”

Ji Xia is Usually Zhuge Liang and Xun Zhen eat together sometimes, but today he happened to be in

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^.

Xun Zhen motioned for him to come over and said to him: "Kong Ming, you will supervise Ji Xia on my behalf in the future, if he doesn't study hard, I will give you the right to reprimand!... This kid, I'm afraid that just admonishing is not enough, when it's time to beat you, you Just beat him!"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said yes.


Henan Yin has already started, and he has received a secret edict from the emperor, and the grand political plan of the princes may be implemented in the not too distant future.

When the emperor ordered the princes, he unknowingly thought of Cao Cao, who was now in Bingzhou. When he got up early the next morning, Xun Zhen picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Cao Cao, ordering someone to send it to Cao Cao immediately.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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