The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 123: How to Ride a White Horse (Part 2)

Returning to the tent, Odun was still outraged.

He turned around in the tent a few times, opened the curtain and exited the tent, heading to Xian Yufu's tent.

It was already night, and there were faint lights in the gaps of the auxiliary tent.

When the guards outside the tent saw that the tail was begging to see him, they went inside to report. Not long after, Xianyu asked Wei Dun to see him.

Wei Dun entered the tent and saw that Xian Yu Fuzheng was writing something at the desk with a candle on a golden tray, so he said, "Are you dealing with military affairs?

Xian Yufu was not dealing with military affairs, he pointed to the paper on the case, and said: "But it is not military affairs. Liu Youzhou used to be in the state, and there were many blessings. Now I will raise troops to avenge Liu Youzhou. There are many scholar-bureaucrats and righteous people who want to respond, and they have sent me a lot of letters, and I am replying to them.”

Otto said, "That's it."

Xian Yufu put down the brush, asked Wei Dun, and said, "Jun Kuiye came here at night, I don't know what is the important thing?"

Wei Dun said: "Today I was discussing matters in the tent. Dun heard the words of Su Puyan and other Hu chiefs, and was very afraid of Gongsun Zan. He heard that Gongsun Zan arrived and even proposed to withdraw Shanggu. Dun was really indignant! They are not thin. They not only opened a mutual market in Shanggu, allowing them to trade with Han Jia, but also gave them rewards again and again. The rewards were taken away by Gongsun Bogui, and Liu Youzhou gave them again! At the critical moment, when they heard that Gongsun Zan personally led the troops, they became frightened and completely forgot the kindness Liu Youzhou gave them!" The more he talked, the more angry he became, and he said, "I really complied with Gongsun. Bo Gui's words, Hu Er can't be trusted."

Xian Yufu subconsciously looked at the letter on the case, a sentence came to his mouth, and he swallowed it back.

He thought in his heart: "There are more than Hu people who are chasing profit, even my Han family's scholar-bureaucrat, are there any less of them?"

However, just before Xian Yufu and others contacted Yan Rou and prepared to raise troops to attack Gongsun Zan, Xian Yufu also sent letters to the chief officials of the counties and counties in the prefecture and the right-surnamed Guan clan of the counties, but those who were willing to respond at that time hardly. Now I heard that Yan Rou had defeated Zou Dan, and the army was powerful. As a result, the attitude of the officials and scholars who had waited and watched and did not respond suddenly changed. The same people, different attitudes, why? Wasn't it just because they thought that Xianyu couldn't beat Gongsun Zan before, so it was profitable to follow Gongsun Zan?

For some reason, perhaps because of Liu He's experience, Xian Yufu couldn't help but think of the elements of Yuan Shao in Jizhou and Yuan Shu far away in Nanyang. Don't the two brothers, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, only have interests and no righteousness in their eyes?

——It really is as Xian Yufu thought, that is, among the Han people, from princes to ordinary scholars, how many people can really achieve the word loyalty and righteousness?

Xian Yufu was reluctant to talk about this topic, and said lightly, "It's not surprising that this person is normal. At least Su Puyan is willing to lead Hu Qi to come to help, which is quite good."

Wei Dun said: "Liu Youzhou has been harmed by Gongsun Bogui for several months, but this revenge has not been repaid. Even if we defeat Gongsun Bogui in a battle in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him. Capture and kill; Jizhou now has Yuan Benchu's wolf taking care of me, and I can be described as the autumn of internal and external troubles! Dun have a strategy, can kill Gongsun Bogui, avenge Liu Youzhou, and eliminate foreign troubles, dare to offer it to the king."

Xian Yufu asked, "What policy?"

Wei Dun said: "Under Gongsun Bogui's account, there is a general who is a good friend of Dungu. Dun is willing to sneak into Bogui's army and tell Dun this friend to help Dun assassinate Gongsun Bogui. If the assassination succeeds, it will not only be able to avenge Liu Youzhou, but also This can also eliminate the civil strife in our Youzhou, so that Yuan Benchu ​​can no longer spy on my You."

Xian Yufu thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid this strategy will be difficult."

Otto asked, "Why?"

Xian Yufu said: "There are two difficulties. Will your good friend betray Gongsun Bogui and help you? This is one of them. Even if your good friend is willing to help you, Gongsun Bogui is a brave man, only I'm afraid you won't be able to get close to him either. That's the second."

Wei Dun said: "Liu Youzhou's revenge is not reported for one day, and Dun is restless for a day. Xian Yujun, Dun hates not being able to eat Gongsun Bogui's flesh and sleep on its skin. Even if things fail and die, Dun has no regrets."

Xian Yufu said with a smile: "Qing's loyal words and lofty aspirations, a righteous man of ancient times, but that's what I admire very much. It's just that this policy of the minister is difficult to implement. If I lose the minister because of this, I will lose a righteous man! You don't regret it, I will regret it.

"Master Wei, Liu Youzhou's revenge, we must avenge it sooner or later! You don't have to rush it for a while. Didn't Gongsun Zan come to invite him to fight, and Duke Yan also agreed to fight with him? You might as well wait until after the battle. , to see how the results of the war are, and it will not be too late to discuss."

Xian Yufu disagrees with Wei Dun's suggestion. There was no other way for Otton, so he had to promise.

Transferring back to the account, Odun stayed up all night.


Gongsun Zan and Yan Rou agreed to fight in ten days.

Yan Rou returned the book and accepted Gongsun Zan's invitation to fight.

From that day on, Otsuka sharpened his sword, repaired his armor, and prepared for battle.

Yan Rou ordered the ox to kill the sheep, rewarded the three armies to boost morale, and once again promised Su Puyan and other Hu chiefs that as long as he defeated Gongsun Zan and the armor and weapons were captured, he would be willing to split with the Wuhuan and Xianbei chiefs. , and all captured by the Hu cavalry themselves, according to the custom of the Hu people, belonged to the Hu cavalry.

A few days later, there was a military report that Gongsun Zan set up a camp and set up a village, and headed north from Quanzhou to Lu County.

Two days later, the army reported that Gongsun Zan's troops had entered Lu County.

This afternoon, Gongsun Zan's messenger

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I came to Yan Rou's army for the second time and presented a letter from Gongsun Zan, in which Gongsun Zan and Yan Rou had a decisive battle in the countryside three days later.

Although Gongsun Zan's letter was written to Yan Rou, with the words of Su Puyan and other Wuhuan and Xianbei adults, the news had already spread throughout the entire army. Hu Qi all whispered, and many people were afraid. What's more, he collected the money, silk, and children he had looted in advance, and when someone asked about it, he replied: "When the battle is defeated, it will be convenient for me to take them to escape."

- Gongsun Zan's reputation has reached this level among the Hu people in the borderlands of Youzhou.

Odun didn't know about such situations in the army.

Just in the early morning of the agreed day, Yan Rou's military order was passed down, and the troops and horses left the camp and went to the predetermined battle location.

Gongsun Zan's troops arrived at about the same time as Yan Rou's troops.

The two sides are a few miles apart and start arraying respectively.

Yan Rou's formation is still the same as the formation listed when he defeated Zou Dan last time, with the infantry in the middle and the Hu cavalry main force on the flanks. Fu, Xian Yuyin, Wei Dun, etc. are still the same as last time. They are located in different positions of the infantry formation and carry out the task of supervising the battle.

The place where Odun supervises the battle is the most advanced.

Looking up from his position, he could see the situation of Gongsun Zan's troops on the south side. Although it is difficult to see because of the distance, but when you look at it, it is like the fire clouds rising in the evening, and it is full of red. - The Han family Chong Huode, Gongsun Zan's troops, just like the Han family All other troops have red uniforms.

In the Red Sea, Odun saw a touch of white.

He knew that the white smear must be the most famous and most daring white horse righteous servant under Gongsun Zan's account.

Wei Dun stared fiercely at the smear of white, and thought in his heart: "What white horse righteous obedience! Follow Gongsun Zan, a master murderer, also worthy of the title of 'righteousness'? Let's wait for Yan Gong to defeat Gongsun Zan for a while, and send orders to the whole army. When attacking, I have to kill a few white horses with my own hands!"

Around the hour, the formations of the enemy and ourselves have been arranged.

Because the infantry formation was in the middle, Wei Dun looked left, and it was a Hu Qiu that was covered in black, and when he looked right, it was still a Hu Qi that was covered by Wu Ya. There were about 10,000 Hu riders on both sides, and it was impossible to see their heads at a glance. The neighing of the war horses and the whistles of the Wuhuan and Xianbei knights were constantly being heard in the ears, making Wei Dun feel as if the air was restless.

Without waiting too long, more than 3,000 cavalry Han and Hu soldiers filed out from the left side of the infantry formation.

Wei Dun looked around and saw a big flag at the front of the cavalry team, which was Yan Rou's flag. Wei Dun knew that this was Yan Rou's first charge to lead the formation towards Gongsun Zan's group.

Staring closely at this cavalry, watching this cavalry from slow step to fast step, the speed gradually increased, like a whirlwind rushing towards the enemy line, Wei Dun's blood boiled. He took the knife in his hand, held it up to the sky, and shouted, "We must win, we must win!"

The soldiers and soldiers on the left and right were infected by him, and they all raised their weapons and shouted in unison: "We must win, we must win!"

The sound of victory spread out from the infantry formation, and the shouts of thousands of people were still quite loud. They were mixed with the sound of drum horns in the army, and they scattered and reverberated on the field. Hu Qi on both wings, many looked this way.

This response should have also spread to the enemy formation on the opposite side.

Wei Dun shook his head and saw that Gongsun Zan's formation on the opposite side seemed to be caused by this sudden call—of course, it was more likely that there was a small commotion because of Yan Rou's charge.

He held the knife in his hand and watched intently.

The cavalry led by Yan Rou was getting closer and closer to Gongsun Zan's formation.

In Gongsun Zan's formation, no soldiers and horses came out to meet him.

It was not until the cavalry led by Yan Rou had dashed halfway through, and only one cavalry came out from the right side of Gongsun Zan's formation. Compared with the cavalry led by Yan Rou, the number of cavalry troops from Gongsun Zan's army was less than a thousand cavalry.

However, at the forefront of the more than a thousand riders, there were about a hundred, but they were all riding white horses. Needless to say, these are the righteous followers of white horses.

Wei Dun couldn't see who the general was headed by this cavalry, but thinking about it, it shouldn't be Gongsun Zan.

There are two cavalry troops, one is red in uniform, and the other is mainly dressed in gray due to the fact that there are many Like two waves, carrying dust and finally in the middle of the battlefield, closer to Gongsun Zan's formation place to meet.

Chinese, Hu language, and the sound of shouting and killing immediately came with the wind.

Odun also seemed to hear various sounds of war horses rushing, weapons clashing, and so on.

Baima Yi lived up to its name. Although there were fewer enemies and more enemies, it was only at the end of the battle. Like a sharp knife, he forcibly entered the front line of the cavalry led by Yan Rou. Looking at the posture, he went straight to Yan Rou's flag.

The formation of the cavalry led by Yan Rou was a little chaotic.

Wei Dun was not panicked, thinking in his heart: "Yan Gongqin is in the formation, as long as his military order is issued, although the formation is a little messy, it will not be difficult to restore it as usual."

And at this moment, first the left, then the right, came the sound of the horse running people shouting one after another.

Odun retracted his gaze from watching the battle, looked left and right, but was stunned.

It turned out that among the Hu riders on the left and right flanks, many of them fled their horses.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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