The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 118: Yan Rou Xuan Wei Lu Hebei (11)

The eclipse is not long, the darkness gradually fades, the sun reappears, and the light returns to the earth.

You can see the thousands of people gathered on the vast and boundless grassland. Some of them are Hu people with small braids on their heads and folds of sheepskin, and some are Han people wrapped in cloth and cloth. Most people carry bows and arrows, and most Han people carry swords and spears.

The person who first raised his arms and shouted was in his forties, wearing a high crown and a black official uniform. He was clearly a Han official, and he had a knife in his waist, and he had a strong spirit. This person was Liu Yu. The most credible state capital when alive is engaged in fresh and complementary.


But it was when Gongsun Zan was besieging Juyong County. Because the city was captured too quickly, Xianyufu and others were separated from Liu Yu in the chaotic battle. Liu Yugu was captured, but Xianyufu and others were able to break out. Fortunately, he escaped from Shengtian; Juyong was located in the northeastern part of Shanggu County, and further north was the grassland, that is, the territory of the Wuhuan people. Xian Yufu and others fled north to the Wuhuan tribe.

——In fact, not only the grasslands in the northern part of Juyong County, but also in the counties of Juyong and other counties, there are also many Wuhuan people scattered living, because the three counties of Shanggu, Yuyang, and Youbeiping are a settlement of Wuhuan people.

As mentioned above, the geographical situation of the counties in Youzhou is from west to east, namely Dai County, Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, Liaoxi, Liaodong, Xuandu, Lelang and other counties; Zhuo County and Guangyang County are the counties. It is located in the west of Yuyang and the south of Shanggu.

Shanggu, Yuyang, and Youbeiping are all in the west of Liaoxi County and south of Yanshan. Geographically speaking, they belong to the same area. Later Shanhaiguan is in Liaoxi County. In the words of later generations, this area can be regarded as outside the customs.

After Liu Yubing was defeated in Ji County, the reason why he fled north to Juyong County was precisely because he hoped that in Juyong County, Wuhuan from three counties would be summoned to help him. It's just that Juyong City fell too fast, and before he could send someone to summon the Wuhuan in the three counties, he was captured by Gongsun Zan and poisoned by Gongsun Zan.

Although Liu Yu himself was dead, when he was in charge of Youzhou, he mainly treated the Wuhuan people by appeasing and soliciting them. He also set up a mutual market in Shanggu County, allowing Wuhuan people to trade with Han people and buy from Han people. The means of subsistence they need is often rewarded to the Wuhuan Shanyu, who leads the Wuhuan in these three counties, and the chiefs of the various clans, because his prestige in the Wuhuan clan of the three counties is already very high, and Xianyufu, After Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou and others fled to the Wuhuan Ministry, they borrowed Liu Yu's prestige and were welcomed by the Wuhuan people.

Gongsun Zan knew that Xian Yufu and others had fled into Huzhong, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it. After all, in front of him, the more important thing was to get the important towns of Guangyang and other counties into his hands, instead of fighting the Wuhuan people. . In his words: "The Wuhuan is afraid of me like a tiger, and I will first stabilize Youzhou, and then I will go north, expecting that they will not dare to hide Xianyufu and others, and I will kill them if I ask for them."

This gave Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou and others a chance to breathe and plan a counterattack.

The first step for Xian Yufu and others to plan a counterattack was to elect Yan Rou as Karasuma Sima.

Yan Rou is from Guangyang County. Guangyang County belongs to Guangyang County, adjacent to Ji County, in the southwest of Ji County, the two counties are only 40 miles apart. Since Guangyang County is bordered by Shanggu County in the north and Yuyang County in the east, and is located among the Wuhuan Hu, then it will naturally not be less looted by the Wuhuan tribes. When Yan Rou was a child, he was captured by Wuhuan and Xianbei in a joint southward raid by Wuhuan people in three counties and Xianbei people in Dai County, and became a slave of Wuhuan and Xianbei people. Brave and good at fighting, as he grew older, he actually gained the closeness and trust of the Wuhuan and Xianbei people. Not only was he no longer regarded as a slave, but the Xianbei people also helped him kill Xing Ju, the captain of the Wuhuan school. He came to be the captain of the Wuhuan Protector. Therefore, the name of Yan Rou has to be spread far and near in Youzhou.

Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou, etc. wanted to avenge Liu Yu, and there were only two external forces they could use, one Yuan Shao, and one Wuhuan and Xianbei people. First, Yuan Shao is an outsider, and secondly, Xian Yufu and other families are from Youzhou’s right surname Guan family. They are more familiar with Wuhuan and Xianbei Hu chiefs in this state. Therefore, these two external forces, they are of course First choose Wuhuan and Xianbei people.

But then again, although they are no strangers to the chiefs of the Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes, but Xianyufu and others are not grown-up Hus after all.

Among them, they do not have high prestige among the Wuhuan and Xianbei people, so if they want to get the full help of the Wuhuan and Xianbei people, in addition to the prestige of the call left by Liu Yu, they must find another There are enough prestigious people in the Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes to be their leaders, and this "other person", after thinking about it, Xian Yufu and others all think that Yan Rou is indispensable.

Therefore, Xian Yufu and others met Yan Rou not long ago and expressed their willingness to make him Sima Karasuma as their leader.

- Wuhuan and Wuwan are the same thing. But it was said, didn't Yan Rou already lead Captain Wuhuan by herself? Why didn't Xian Yufu and the others simply choose him to be the captain of the Wuhuan Protector, but only to choose him as Karasuma Sima? The reason is very simple. Although the rank of the guard Wuhuan commander is only 2,000 stone, its weight is not comparable to that of an ordinary commander. His authority is to be responsible for all matters of the Wuhuan ministries within his jurisdiction. , Xianyufu and other people with the highest official positions are only Xianyuyin, and they are only captains of a cavalry. As for the state government of Xianyufu, the power is not small, but the rank is only a hundred stones. Are you qualified to recommend Yan Rou for this position? Nor did they dare to do so. Because only Yan Rou was elected as Karasuma Sima.

For Yan Rou, in terms of prestige, Karasuma Sima is of course inferior to Protecting Wuhuan Commander, but Protecting Wuhuan Commander was recommended by the Xianbei people, and this Karasuma Sima was jointly recommended by Xian Yufu and others. , In terms of gold content, or in other words, in terms of obtaining the approval of the Han officials and gentry of the county and county in Youzhou, the captain of Huan Huan is naturally far from being comparable to Sima Karasuma.

One was to make his power recognized by the officials and people of Youzhou, and the other was also out of ambition. After several days of consideration, Yan Rou finally decided to accept the recommendation of Xian Yufu and others, and was willing to come forward to summon the Xianbei and Wuhuan cavalry. , to avenge Liu Yu.

Today, thousands of Han and Hu people such as Xian Yufu gathered here on the grassland, and they swore an oath for this matter.


Standing near Xian Yufu, there is a person who looks similar to Xian Yufu, younger than Xian Yufu, but Xian Yuyin.

Qi Zhou, Wei Dun, etc. are also nearby.

There were also seven or eight Hu people of different ages, all of whom were chieftains of the Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes who had arrived at Yan Rou's call.

Xianbei and Wuhuan are called two tribes, but in fact their languages ​​and customs are very similar.

If we must find a difference between the Xianbei and Wuhuan today, the biggest difference is that the Wuhuan tribes have earlier contact with the Han people than the Xianbei tribes, and the degree of sinicization is currently deeper than that of the Xianbei tribes,—— Of course, deep is only relative.

Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou and others all bowed to the one surrounded by the crowd.

This man has a burly stature, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although he is wrapped in a bun and wears Han hair accessories, he wears the same clothes as the Hu people. He also wears sheepskin folds and long leather boots. His waist is full of Xianbei characteristics. The Guo Luo belt, with hanging flints, ropes, daggers and other necessities for Hu Mu when he was in the field, a ring-headed straight knife obviously from the hands of a Han craftsman, is also worn on the Guo Luo belt.

With a wide glance, the most impressive impression of this person is that he is dressed up, with a mixture of Chinese and Hu Hu.

This person is Yan Rou.

Xian Yufu bowed and said: "Yan Gong, the oath has been completed, and the sky is also angry! Dare to ask Yan Gong, when do you want to lead us to the south to attack Gongsun Bogui?"

Yan Rou helped Xian Yu Fu up, looked at everyone, and said, "Let's return to the account first, and then make a detailed discussion!"

Xian Yufu and others followed it.

Then Yan Rou asked the chiefs of the Wuhuan and Xianbei to lead the Hu cavalry from their headquarters to a campsite not far away, and then asked Xianyu Yin, Wei Dun and others to resettle the Han soldiers and return to the camp. He also ordered his subordinates to kill sheep and roast meat, as a reward to the army after the oath, and then, together with Xian Yufu and others, mounted their horses and returned to the tent area of ​​him and his tribe.

The tent is not far away.

At that time, in the early summer, the grass was knee-length, and it passed through the undulating grassland for miles.

This is Yan Rou's other parts

account area.


into the account.

There are no Han people's seats, only Hu people's seats.

The people are divided into masters and slaves.

Several Hu maids held buttermilk and other things.

Qi Zhou was the first to speak, stroked his beard and said: "Yan Gong, together with the various Hu cavalry that have arrived in succession recently, our army now has more than 10,000 Han and Hu soldiers. Just when I was just sworn, Zi Zuo took the opportunity of the solar eclipse to go to the participants. The oathed Han Hu soldiers pointed out that God has already hated Gongsun Zan! It made my morale high. On the other hand, Gongsun Bogui heard that he was looting Guangyang and other counties with his troops, and the people were complaining. It's a good time to seek revenge for Liu Youzhou! When our army goes south, the people of Guangyang and other places will surely welcome it enthusiastically."

Yan Rou spread her legs apart, put her hands on her knees, and sat on the seat with a golden knife, with no expression on her face.

He nodded and said, "Jun Qi's words are reasonable." Asking Xian Yufu, he said, "What is your opinion?"

However, Xian Yufu disagreed with Qi Zhou. He said, "Gongsun Zan is indeed causing resentment among the people of Guangyang and other prefectures, but in my opinion, it seems that it is not yet time to go south."

Qi Zhou asked, "Why?"

Xian Yufu said: "Although our army now has more than ten thousand people, but after annexing our state army and other departments, the strength of Gongsun Bogui's army has been greatly expanded. He originally had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Now it can only be more! His soldiers are far more than me, and when it comes to combat power, his soldiers are stronger than me, so I think it is not time for our army to go south to attack him!"

Qi Zhou frowned and said, "Zizuo, when do you think it's time for our army to attack him?"

Xian Yufu said: "At least we have to wait for a few more Hu Qi to come together before we can discuss."

Qi Zhou said: "Wait for a few more Hu Qi to come together?"

Xian Yufu said: "Yan Gongguang sent envoys to Wuhuan and Daibei Xianbei tribes in the three counties, and also sent envoys to Western Liaoning. Now only some of them have come to join our army, and many others have not arrived. , for example, Su Puyan and other departments have not arrived yet. Brother Bozhi, I have been waiting for the north to enter Huzhong, and it has been a month or two! ? And after Su Puyan and other troops arrive, our army's momentum will increase, and it will not be too late to go south to attack Gongsun Bogui!"

Qi Zhou Ran said: "Wait, you can wait, but I pity the people of Guangyang and other counties! I will wait for one day to attack Gongsun Bogui in the south, and the people of Guangyang and other counties will One more day of suffering from looting by his general army!"

Xian Yu Fu agreed and said a few words, asked Yan Rou, and said, "I don't know what Yan Gong means?"

Yan Rou's thoughts were the same as Xian Yufu's, and she said: "What the public said is very true! It is in agreement with me!"

He paused and said, "The letters sent by the Wuhuan kings such as Tadun, Su Puyan, etc. have all been read. They either sent cavalry to help our army, or they personally led cavalry to come with me. The army will be united. At most, in four or five days, the troops and horses of their various clans will be able to join in. The Xianbei clans in the north, Yuyang and the rest of the Wuhuan clans in Youbeiping have not yet arrived, which is at most four or five. Heaven's kung fu can also be reached. Rough calculation, after all the Hu cavalry have arrived, our army soldiers and horses say that they can reach 30,000 to 40,000! With this, tens of thousands of brave soldiers, - as Qi Gong said, and then In addition, the people of Guangyang and other counties greeted him, Gongsun Bogui is fierce and easy to capture!"

The voice was full of confidence.

Yan Rou Xian Yu Fu had the same opinion, and Qi Zhou had to obey.

It was agreed that after the troops of Tadun and Su Puyan arrived, they would go south to attack Gongsun Zan.

Qi Zhou turned his head away and mentioned another matter, he said: "Yan Gong, Guo Xun has been in our army for a long time, Yuan Benchu ​​and our army attack Gongsun Bogui from north to south, but I don't know what Yan Gong is going to do. answer it?"

Yan Rou asked Xian Yufu first, as usual, and said, "Why do you think the answer to Yuan Benchu ​​is the best?"

Xian Yufu said: "My foolish opinion should not be agreed!"

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