The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 91: Due to Jing Kangcheng's shooting

The familiar name is Yu Jin.

Last winter, there were two heavy snowfalls in a row. Xun Zhen was worried that thieves might loot people in places like Yanzhou and Mount Tai. His worries were not out of nowhere. There were indeed several waves of thieves in the Yanzhou counties.

Some of these thieves were remnants of the Yellow Turban Army, some were refugees, and some were originally local thieves.

Fortunately, Le Jin waited for the advance to suppress quickly, these thieves did not cause too much damage to the people of Yanzhou.

It was when he was fighting against the thieves that Yu Jin stood out and made many contributions, so his name was written in the military newspaper that Xun You presented to Xin Er. The part about Yu Jin in the military newspaper wrote: "Du Bo Yu Jin waited, rushing through the snow and cold, fighting in the three counties, all of which were the best."

Du Bo, an officer who leads a hundred people.

Xun Zhen didn't feel puzzled, and thought: "This is Yu Jin, is it the Yu Jin I know? Why is he in the Yanzhou army now?"

This Yu Jin was really the Yu Jin that Xun Zhen knew.

Yu Jin was from Taishan County, and Bao Xin was a fellow. Before Bao Xin raised an army to ask Dong Dong, he recruited Zhuang Yong in his hometown, and Yu Jin then joined Bao Xin's account. Later, Bao Xin died in the battle of Dongping, and his troops, except for those killed in battle, all surrendered to Xuzhou soldiers. Although Yu Jin was brave and had a good reputation among the soldiers, his military post was an uncle, and at most he could be regarded as the bottom of a mid-level officer. Under the tent of Xun Zhen, such an officer would be a one-off. A lot, what if he was a descendant? Therefore, Xun Zhen had never heard of his name. Only at this time did I see Yu Jin's name in Xun You's military newspaper.

In the original time and space, Yu Jin was one of the famous "five sons and good generals". "Zi" is the honorific title for scholar-bureaucrats or adult men, but to be honest, Xun Zhen didn't really know much about his deeds, he only knew that. He surrendered to Guan Yu and was later humiliated to death by Cao Pi. But then again, after all, his name is "five good generals", and he is on the same level as Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Zhang He, Xu Huang and other famous generals. Since he saw his name in the military newspaper, Xun Zhen naturally would not turn a blind eye.

He thought, "Let's take advantage of his meritorious service, I'll call him to Tanxian to see him first, to see if it's Yujin. If so, consider his merits and use it as appropriate."

Surrendering the enemy does give people a bad impression. Cao Cao heard about it at the time and once lamented: "I know that the ban has been banned for 30 years, why would I be in danger, but not as good as Pang Dexie?" But Xun Zhen was not a harsh master. , people who do not survive? If you are defeated and surrender to the enemy, you do not need to be harshly blamed. Just remember that Yu Jinfei is a die-hard minister, and when you use him in the future, it is enough to make some considerations.


Let's say that Xun Zhen's letter of return arrived at the prefecture of Yanzhou, and Xun You sent Le Jin to summon Yu Jin and ordered him to go to Tan County.

Yu Jin was very pleasantly surprised, so he hurriedly received the order, and without stopping, he left Changyi County on the same day, rode alone on a horse, and rushed to Tan County.

A few days later, when he arrived in Tan County, Yu Jin went outside the prefecture, tied his horse aside, and went to the gate of the mansion, saying his name, and begging to see Xun Zhen.

After waiting for a long time, the doorman told him to enter.

Entering the gate of the mansion and passing the screen wall, Yu Jin did not dare to look around, he followed every step of the way, followed the manor who was leading the way, through the courtyard, to the porch, and after a while, he heard clear voices in the hall. Voice: "Call him in."

The government official who led him came out and said, "Uncle Fang invites you to see him."

Yu Jin lowered his head and lowered his hands, entered the hall, bowed down to the ground, and said, "Little man Yu Jin, see Duke Ming!"

"Get up."

Yu Ban got up.

"You look up to me."

Yu Jin boldly raised his head, not daring to meet the person who was seated in the hall, looked sideways, and landed on the side wall.

The person in charge is Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen looked at Yu Jin.

Seeing him in his mid-thirties, with an ordinary appearance and a burly stature, he must have been in the army for a long time. down, just like a shadow.

Although his military rank was not high, he didn't dare to look at Xun Zhen at the moment, but when he saw him standing straight, he had a serious attitude of his own.

Judging only from the appearance, Xun Zhen knew that, nine times out of ten, this was Yu Jin, one of the "five sons and good generals".

"Are you from Tarzan?"

"Yes, the villain is in Juping."

"This is the part of Bowen?"

"Yes, General Bao tried returning to Mount Tai to recruit troops, and the villain was the army at that time."

"The Gongda Military Report really praised you, saying that you made the first contribution in the various battles against thieves in Yanzhou. Tell me about your experience in fighting thieves."

Yu Jin hesitated for a while, and said: "Qi, Duke Ming, this time Yanzhou suppressed the thieves, so it is easy to pacify those who are easily pacified, relying on Xun Shijun and General Le to command well, and relying on the soldiers to shed their blood, this is even the king and the general. The merits of the soldiers and the soldiers are also forbidden to take credit."

Xun Zhen laughed, and Gu Yu said to several people sitting in the hall, "He is a modest person who is not greedy for merit." He felt strange, "Looking at the ban, hearing him speak, he is clearly a rigorous and meticulous person, how could he be so meticulous? After a defeat, you surrender?" After thinking about it, he lost a smile and thought again, "Be rigorous and meticulous, but it has nothing to do with whether or not to surrender, not to mention being rigorous and meticulous, it is the person who seems loyal and fierce at ordinary times, and when it is time to surrender, He will come down too."

Yu Jin felt Xun Zhen's laugh out of the corner of his eyes. He didn't know why Xun Zhen laughed and felt nervous.

Xun Zhen put away her smile, sighed, and said, "In the first year of Chuping, when I was begging for Dong, I also fought alongside General Bao. It was really good luck, and I never thought that after just a few years, I would fight with General Bao. I met him with swords and soldiers. I was very saddened that he died in Dongping in the battle. When I visited Dongping when I visited the state, I specially went to the place where he died in the battle and made a memorial for him."

Yu Jin replied respectfully: "The villain has heard about this matter. Duke Ming attaches great importance to friendship and righteousness, and the villain and others admire it."

"'Wait'? Who else has heard of this except you?"

Yu Jin replied, "All the soldiers in the Yanzhou garrison have heard of it."

Yu Jin was a descendant of Yanzhou, and the circle of his contacts must be all Yanzhou descendants and generals. Xun Zhen knew that the "general and soldier of the Yanzhou garrison" at his time must be a Yanzhou descendant of the Xuzhou army stationed in Yanzhou. , the descending general undoubtedly asked, "What did they say?"

Yu Jin said, "Everyone praises Duke Ming."

One of the purposes of paying homage to Bao Xin is to appease and win over the hearts of the Yanzhou army to surrender soldiers and generals. It seems that the effect is good.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "You have done a lot in the fight against thieves this time, and I can't do it without a reward. You should stay in Tan County, go to Dianwei's department first, and be the Sima of a certain department."

Who is Dian Wei? How could Yu Jin not know! Being the Sima of a certain department in Dianwei's department not only promoted his official position, but also jumped from the local garrison to Xunzhen's guards. This is definitely not an ordinary promotion.

Yu Jin was both surprised and delighted, Jin Su's appearance was almost impossible to keep, he hurriedly bowed down again, and said: "Jian is also a very insignificant talent, but Ming Gong does not give up and surpasses him, and Jin is so grateful, there is no way to repay it if it is not effective!"

When Xun Zhen was about to send him off, he suddenly remembered something and asked Yu Jin, "How about you riding and shooting?"

Yu Jin replied, "It's a little lacking in the way of riding and archery."

"It's fine to know, it doesn't matter if you have any shortcomings. I invited Yulang, Yunchang, Yide and others to shoot and hunt in the suburbs the day after tomorrow, and you will follow when you arrive."

——After the two battles of Yanzhou and Yuzhou, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals were all summoned by Xun Zhen or brought back to Tan County.

Yu Jin replied, "Yes."

"You go."

Yu Jin went out on his knees, still led by Shicai's government official, left the courtyard where the hearing hall was located, and first went to the governor's mansion to honor Cao Ye, officially made the appointment in personnel, and then handed in the Dubo's small seal, and received it. The seal of the other Sima, went to Dian Wei's house again, and paid homage to Dian Wei, who was not on duty today and was resting at home. It took most of the day's work, and it was considered that he was transferred from the Yanzhou local army to Dian Wei's account.

Yu Jin is similar to Xu Chu. When he was in his hometown, he was also a ranger character. Because he was also similar to Xu Chu, when he joined the army, there were many Qingxia from his hometown with him. These Qingxia friends in his hometown are now attached to the Xuzhou Army, and some of them are currently equivalent to his military rank, and they are also Dubo. Although Yu Jin has moved high now, he cannot give up these old relationships, so he wrote letters to these friends one by one in the official residence allocated to him that night, stating that they were "favored by Xun Zhen". ”, has been transferred to the Dianwei Department, moved to the other department Sima and so on. After finishing the writing, I hired someone to send it to Yanzhou the next day.

Winter is over and spring is here.

Yu Jin felt quite proud of the spring breeze.

just a little suspicious

Confused, he thought again and again.

That is, when Xun Zhentang said "invited Yulang, Yunchang, Yide" and other words for hunting, he paused at Guan Yu's word "Yunchang", as if he had something to say. Not to mention, Yu Ban really doesn't understand the reason.

On the third day, Xun Zhen went out of the city to hunt.

Xin Ai, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others led 200 knights to participate, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu followed.

Because of Xun Zhen's order, Yu Jin was placed in the front of the cavalry, next only to Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and was actually side by side with Xu Chu's elder brother Xu Ding.

Chasing sheep, searching for deer, and shooting birds with arrows, all the way to the north, I traveled thirty or twenty miles without realizing it, and when I looked up, a mountain appeared in the distance.

Xun Zhen was surprised and said, "Is it Lingshan?"

Xin Ai replied, "Exactly."

Xun Zhen said with an "Oops", "How did you enter the border of Zingguo County in Langya County? Hurry, hurry, go back."

Xin Ai said, "What's wrong with entering Langya? Duke Ming, there are many animals and animals in the Zhuangshan Mountains, just for hunting, why did you go back?"

"Zing country borders Nancheng, if we shoot in Zingshan, we may disturb Kang Chenggong. I was planning to ask Kang Chenggong to move to Tan again. If he finds out, I actually go hunting out of the county and go to Langya. I'm worried that he won't accept my invitation!"

Kang Cheng, the word of Zheng Xuan. Although Nancheng County belongs to Taishan County, Nancheng is located at the southernmost end of Taishan County, but it is right on the border with Zhangguo County in Langya County, and the two counties are only a hundred miles apart. Once Xun Zhen was hunting in Zingguo County, the chief officials of Zingguo would definitely come to greet him when he heard the news, which would inevitably disturb the whole county, and the people in Nancheng County would definitely hear about it.

Zhang Fei praised: "Duke Ming respects the virtuous and honorable people, so this is what happened! If you want to come to Kang Chenggong to know Minggong's sincerity, then he will definitely not refuse this sincere invitation to Minggong." He said again. , "Xihu Fei, a military general, otherwise, Fei is willing to invite Kang Chenggong to Tan for Duke Ming!"

Xun Zhen smiled and ordered, "Return to Tan!"

When the order arrived, hundreds of horsemen turned back and returned to Tanxian County.

Invite the messenger of Zheng Xuan to Tan so that he can leave for Nancheng County the next day.

Yu Jin, who was proud of the spring breeze, had a little more doubts.

When hunting, Xun Zhen called him to come and introduced him to Xin Ai, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. After the introduction, he especially said to Guan Yu: "Wen Ze is outstanding in martial arts, but only a little less than riding and shooting, you have free time~www. May wish to get close to him and give him some pointers."

To say that there are many officers in the Xuzhou army who are good at cavalry and archery, not to mention, Xin Ai and Zhang Fei are both famous cavalry generals, but why did they ask Guan Yu to get close to him and give some pointers?

After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, and Yu Jin could only sum it up as: "Or Duke Ming had an idea."

Getting banned is not a big deal.

Inviting Zheng Xuan to Tan again in order to achieve "building Tan County into a cultural center in the southeast" is a major event, but it is not imminent.

It is both a major event and an imminent event, and there is only one at the moment.

That is, when he was on the way to patrol the state, inspired by Cao Cao, he thought of "through the gossip, Xunzhen falsely claimed that Xun Zhen recognized the teachings of Taiping Taoism, so as to attract the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans to further enrich the people of Xuzhou".

In the next few days, Xun Zhen discussed the matter with Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others.

Needless to say for now.


A few days ago, Cheng Jia was instructed to go to Zhongshan as an envoy to Zhang Yanfei.

After leaving Tan County, there are two roads lined up in front of Cheng Jia for him to choose.

One is southwest, from Pengcheng County, into Pei County, Yuzhou, then turn westward, pass through Yuzhou, enter Hanoi County, and finally go north along Taihang Mountain to Zhongshan County. One is westbound, leaving Donghai County, entering Yanzhou, crossing the Yellow River, crossing Dongjun, entering Jizhou, turning northwest, and finally reaching Zhongshan County. Two roads, the former is a semi-circle, far; the latter is almost a straight line, short.

Cheng Jia was daring and did not choose the former, which is far but safer, and chose the latter, which was short and required to pass through Cao Cao's and Yuan Shao's large tracts of land successively.

He traveled all the way, and on the day Xunzhen was hunting, he had traveled more than 500 miles and quietly entered the border of Dongjun.

As soon as he entered Dongjun, Cheng Jia shook his head.

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